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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Kirishima vs Katsuki

The combat exam was being observed by All Might and the students. While the others could see, they couldn’t hear what was happening. Only All Might was able, he had an ear piece in his ear.

Kirishima entered the “Villain Base” moving with caution. ‘I just gotta follow Izuku’s plan, this will be easy. I can do it!’ He wanted to be praised by Izuku, in order for this plan to work he had to…

“Found you!” Bang! Katsuki sprung at him. Eijirou jumped away, barely dodging the blast. “You bastard, where is Deku?”

“Would you believe he’s in another base?” He joked. Katsuki wasn’t laughing.

“You are so dead!” The blonde attacked the red-head.

‘Ready!’ Izuku gave him the specs on Bakugou Katsuki.


“Wow, you sure know a lot about Bakugou!” Izuku blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“We grew up together, so I was able to observe him. Kacchan is awesome and tough, so be on your guard!” Midoriya gave him his best strategy for victory.

“You really like him don’t you?”

“I do, Kacchan is gonna be an amazing hero, he can be scary but he’s really strong.” Izuku praised the blonde. “Even if we take him on together I don’t know we can win.”

“Really, but you are so strong. I saw you…” He blushed. “You and Bakugou were involved in the sludge villain incident.”

“Oh that!” He blushed. “It was a harsh lesson for both of us, the villain’s quirk was a bad match up for Kacchan. In the end I couldn’t beat the villain either, but I was able to save him!” He smiled brightly.

“You are so cool and manly!” Kirishima cried tears of respect.

“I am?” Izuku chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve been called that before I met you.” Kirishima blinked in surprise. That tidbit left him with more questions, but they didn’t have much time.

“Izuku...are you sure we can’t beat him together?” He really wanted to work with Izuku.

“It’s possible we could take on Kacchan, but we’d fail the exam.” He pointed out.


“If we were to fight, we’d end up going all out and end up destroying the base.” Izuku explained.

“Oh…” If they didn’t get the weapon safely they would fail. Izuku patted his shoulder.

“I’m counting on you, if we are gonna win, this is the best way!”

‘He’s counting on me!’ Kirishima blushed. He saluted! “Yes sir, I’m your man!”

-x-End Flashback-x-

Bakugou attacked Kirishima, but the pointy teethed male was able to turn the tides, catching his “signature left swing” and flipping Bakugou over his shoulder and slamming him down. “Gah!”

“Gotcha!” He said with a smirk.

“You...you little shit...did Deku give you a plan?!” He got back up, radiating an aura of rage. “YOU ARE SO DEAD!”

‘Oh crap!’ Kirishima hardened up and Bakugou unleashed his explosions. “He wasn’t kidding, you are powerful!” He did his best to block.

“Quit talking about him, you know nothing about Deku!” He growled.

“Did I strike a nerve? You are right, I don’t, but I want to know him. If he is willing I hope to ask him out on a date!” He boldly declared. Katsuki twitched in anger.

“Dead...you are SO DEAD!” He turned up the heat on his explosions.


Izuku was outside the base, rising up to the top using some manipulated Earth. He could hear the explosions. ‘Hang in there Kirishima!’


“What is your problem, you like Izuku too don’t you, but you two don’t seem that close?” Katsuki grit his teeth.

“Shut up!” He was shaking. “You damn extra, I’m gonna roast you!”

Kirishima turned off his hardening to dodge, and reactivated it to block. This helped his hardening recover from cracks, and stopped him from just being a punching bag. Izuku was able to come up with this trick, after a brief explanation of how his quirk worked. ‘Midoriya is so smart, I need to get the hang of it, but I can be an even better hero!’ His hardening lowered his mobility and slowed him down.

He charged at Bakugou, and in the middle of his momentum activated his hardening. “Try this Hard Tackle!” He slammed into Bakugou and knocked him back. “Truth is, I don’t know anything about you and Izuku, I do know he saved you during the Sludge Villain incident, he cares about you, and you care about him. If you aren’t man enough to tell him how you feel, doesn’t mean I have to do the same.”

“SHUT UP!” Bakugou’s hand balled into a fist. He used his explosions to increase his speed and shoot through the air. Kirishima was being pelted with explosions, his hero suit was taking a beating. His hardening cracked.

Kirishima swung at Bakugou who dodged. ‘He’s really fast, he’s already got my movements down!’ He was still getting the hang of this switch movement, so Bakugou’s speed had him get overwhelmed. “Gah gah gah!” He was knocked around, his hardening getting worn down.

“You think you are the first extra I’ve roasted!” Bakugou growled. “Deku used to follow me everywhere, for a long time he was seen as quirkless, but he was a late bloomer. Turns out monster quirks take longer to manifest.”

Kirishima was taking the blows, trying to hold out or find an opening. “Deku went from being bullied for being quirkless to being bullied for being a monster. Everyone made fun of him. Those damn extras...had no idea how amazing or special Deku really was...fucking idiots!”

That filled in some dots for Kirishima. Katsuki was dealing with his own memories. “Deku was being bullied, but didn’t act for himself, not wanting to be seen as a monster. So I roasted the bastards myself!” He grinned wickedly. “I taught the fools a lesson and they didn’t dare mess with him again!”

“I don’t get it, if you care about him so much why don’t you be a man and tell him how you feel!”

“You idiot!” He snapped. “You have any idea how it feels to get left behind!”

‘Left behind?’

The sludge villain incident was supposed to be the day. They were supposed to meet up, but Izuku had clean up duties and was running late cause some fuckers stole his notebook. They had some balls messing with Izuku after Katsuki had left for the day.

Katsuki was waiting for Izuku when the sludge villain attacked, looking for a meat shield. Bakugou tried to fight back, but his quirk had no effect and was only making trouble. He was held hostage so the heroes that arrived couldn’t do anything. It was hell, people were just standing around and watching like this was some kind of show.

Izuku had charged in, saving him, and despite it all...Izuku was chastised! While he got praise, Izuku got chewed out, it made him so angry! While so many people stood by and watched Izuku saved him, he was amazing. Since he had a monster quirk, he was told he had to be held to a higher standard.

All Might had defeated the villain in the end, but the one who saved him was Izuku. Katsuki realized just how far Izuku was ahead of him then. It hurt, the one who used to chase him had surpassed him. He felt both weak and like a failure, which put a damper on his confidence. “I’m not gonna lose again, you want to get in my way, you die!”

“Oh I get it, you are scared Izuku is gonna reject you!” Twitch, twitch, twitch!

“I’m gonna end you!” He readied his gauntlet, it was specially made to store lots of his sweat which he could unleash an even greater blast.

All Might tried to tell him to stop. “He’ll be fine so long as he dodges!” He pulled the pin.

The blast tore through the hallway. Kirishima dodged and hardened half his body. The blast blew a hole in the base. Kirishima’s hero outfit was fully destroyed, the blast and heat scorched it down to nothing. He was knocked for a loop.

Naked and out of it he wasn’t prepared for Bakugou to attack again and pin him down. “You are tough, but you are no match for me. Tell me where Deku is?”

“No way!” Katsuki bound his hands above his head and put his palm on his face.

“Admit defeat it’s over!” He snapped. “You failed, you aren’t good enough!”

“I’d rather die then sell out my friend!” Eijirou hissed.

Suddenly the base shook. “What the hell?!”

“Hero Team wins!” All Might declared.



Izuku got into the building, softening the wall into sand and slipping in easily. Iida thought he was prepared for Izuku, with his speed he could move the weapon all around the room. “Even if you can manipulate the ground, you just aren’t fast enough to catch me hero!” He was playing the role of a villain well.

Midoriya attacked him, shattering some pillars and launching rocks at Iida. “Ugh why you!”

“If there was two of you, this wouldn’t work, but Kirishima is dealing with your partner.” He built up energy.

“Too slow, I’m out of here with the weapon!” Iida went to take the weapon but Bakugou’s blast shook the building and caught him off guard.

Signature Move: “World Shaking!” He channeled his energy into his fist, the tremors didn’t effect Izuku. The titan punched the ground, the energy shot through the floor of the whole room cracking it. His attack made the floor crumble and collapse beneath their feet.

“My word!” Iida fell through the floor as did the weapon. Izuku danced through the air, jumping from the rubble and used others as a spring board. ‘So big, but so graceful!’ Izuku caught the weapon in the air and landed.

“Hero Team Wins!” All Might declared.


Izuku and Iida met up with Bakugou and Kirishima. “You’re naked!” Iida gasped.

“Hehe, things got intense!” Kirishima was still tied up, so he was using both hands to cover his crotch. Though he was sure everyone got a good look at his goods today.

“That large explosion was your doing wasn’t it Kacchan. You went really wild!” Izuku said with a smile.

“Shut up, damn nerd!” Katsuki huffed.

“Oh sorry!” Izuku backed off. Kirishima got more pieces to the puzzle.

He approached Katsuki. “You should be honest with your feelings, but don’t think I’m gonna lose!” He gave Katsuki a thumbs up.

“Shut up pervert, put on some pants!”

“Hey you destroyed my costume and tied me up, maybe you’re the pervert!”

“I’m gonna blast you!” Kirishima was excused to go put on some pants. All Might would give them their evaluation later once they were all together.

Katsuki stared at Izuku, who watched the other matches with wild interest. ‘I’m not even in your sights anymore am I?’ Katsuki balled his hand into a fist. ‘Just you wait Deku, I’m not gonna lose to anyone again, especially you. I’ll surpass you, and then I’m gonna tell you how I feel!’

To be continued...Evaluations

Izuku enjoys the matches and it’s time for evaluations. All Might might be a little too honest. Kirishima summons his manly spirit to ask Izuku out.



Very interesting dive into Katsuki's psyche, and something I could easily see happening. Lovely job, Paper ! 👏