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Digimon parody: Patreon Reward

Hope and Despair

Ken has played with powers far beyond his control, unknowingly reviving some dangerous monsters. They looking for a new master, they go after Takeru. They defeated the digimon emperor but can they stop the Lord of Despair. Leading some powerful digimon and corrupting others Takeru has become an even greater threat than Ken ever was.

Chapter 1

Ken Ichijoji aka the Digimon Emperor was losing the fight against the Digidestined. Davis, Yolei, Cody, Takeru, and Kari, with their partner digimon and armor evolution they were besting him left and right. His control spires were being taken down and his enslaved digimon were getting free.

He thought creating his own digimon would be better, one powerful, wicked, as evil as him, but truly obedient to his master. He gained parts by collecting the data of other digimon and splicing it together, but he was missing something special, a core piece to bring out the digimon’s evil.

The Digimon Emperor located an area of negative energy. Known as the Dark Abyss, it was almost like a black hole of data. Tentomon and others called it the Dark Whirlpool. It sucked digimon in and they vanished, seemingly into nothingness. Not much was known about this place, as anyone who tried to study it got well...sucked in.

For most sensitive digimon, this place felt evil. While the digital world consisted of many strange areas, some of them looking like a lovely home for gothic and halloween fans, none of them gave off the aura of pure evil like this place did. No one knew where this abyss led, as no one had ever entered, gone through, and come back alive or come back at all really.

Ken thought his base could handle the trip, and even the base built by the Digimon Emperor struggled in this foreign and twisted area of the digital world. It felt like the abyss was trying to rip the fortress apart to get at the digimon inside. Wormmon couldn’t stop shaking, it felt like something was clawing at the ship, coming to get them.

The power fluctuated and something began whispering in the dark. “Do you seek the power of darkness?”

“Power of darkness?” He looked around, seeing no one. He suddenly felt alone...

His little throne room, a testament to his genius, his power and might, was now filled to the brim of darkness. So alone! The darkness almost felt alive, creeping up on him, getting closer, and closer...and...

“Master?” Ken jumped.

“Who is it? Who’s there?”

“It’s me, Wormmon…” Ken wasn’t looking good. Back up power kicked on. “Master...are you alright?”

“I’m fine!” A deep chuckle was heard. “Who’s there?!”

“Be careful, you seek out the powers of darkness it may just find you!” The voice was twisted, and seemed to be all around him. “Show fear and it will swallow you up!”

“I’m the Digimon Emperor, I fear nothing!” That was met with a laugh from the dark again. Ken sent some Mekanorimon to investigate the abyss. They were sucked in and erased.

“Ken...don’t go out there, I sense something evil!” Wormmon pleaded.

“What did you say?!” He lashed out with his whip, it didn’t hit the digimon but struck the ground close enough to make him flinch. “I’m not scared of anything!”

He got inside a Mekanorimon and went out into the abyss. His digivice granted him protection. As it did for the other digidestined who snuck onto his ship to rescue the captured digimon. Using their digivices they were able to resist the pull of darkness and get the digimon hostages out.

Takeru was still inside the base when he gazed upon a face he never wanted to see again. Devimon! He was forming from the wall of the abyss. “No...not him…” Takeru was shaking. Cody noticed something was off with him.

He had no idea the level of pain Devimon inflicted on Takeru, Patamon, and the other original digidestined. “You want the power of darkness, many have tried to control it and was consumed by it.”

“Shut up, you may have been some big shot dark digimon, but soon you’ll just be parts to my ultimate creation!” He absorbed Devimon’s data and gave his arms to his creation….Kimeramon. “Happy Birthday!” He activated the code to create the terror.

“You take the darkness with you, try your best not to get devoured!” Was Devimon’s final words to him, followed by a sinister laugh.

Ken returns to his ship and learns of the break out. “Insects...I’m surrounded by insects and pests! Too bad for you, I have a new digimon!” He unleashes Kimeramon upon the digidestined, as Takeru confronts him man to man.

Ichijoji lashed out striking Takeru with the whip, and the blonde didn’t even flinch. “You really are sad.”

“What?” Takeru wiped some blood from his cheek. “You dare insult me, I’m the digimon emperor!”

“You are no emperor, you are just a scared little boy, lashing out when the world doesn’t go your way. Maybe it’s time you grow up!” Ken flinched. “You’ve crossed a line today, and you are going down a path you won’t be able to turn back from.”

“Shut up, Kimeramon is the digimon I deserve, you are the scared ones, scared of the power I wield!”

“Are you done?” Ken blinked. “Then it’s my turn!”

Takeru charged at Ichijoji and punching him right in the face. “I normally don’t like violence, but this is an ass kicking you’ve been asking for!” He began to wail on him.

“Master!” Wormmon tried to help, but Patamon got in the way. The insect digital monster didn’t like to fight, but if it was for Ken he would do his best to protect him.

Outside Kimeramon was going on a rampage, one of his blasts struck the base causing it to shake. It disrupted Takeru’s attack for Ken to shake him off. He went for his whip and lashed out once more.

Takeru caught it with a smirk. “What?!” The blonde tackled him and wailed on him again.

Another blast ripped through the ship. “Hahaha, the digimon I created is so powerful, you lot will never be able to defeat him!” Takeru gives Ken one last punch for good measure, before having Patamon Armor Digivolve into Pegasusmon. They escape and Pegasusmon serves as a great distraction against Kimeramon.

The digidestined escape the monstrous hybrid, but the war against the digimon Emperor was about to get wild. Ken stopped building control spires and just had Kimeramon running wild, destroying everything in his path. The chaos this beast brought with him was slowly distorting the digital world.

Ken thought he had Kimeramon under control, but the beast was just doing what he wanted. It’s chaos and destruction was allowing darkness to leak into the world. Finding data remnants and drawing them in.

The digidestined new and old, gathered to bring down the Emperor and Kimeramon. Ken was losing fast, the Armored Digimon were working together and coordinating but Kimeramon was just going nuts. “Kimeramon obey me!”

His creation turned it’s head towards Ken, his demonic eyes glowing and in that moment Ichijoji felt fear. He didn’t control this monster, it was just following it’s instincts to destroy. ‘What have I done? What is this thing? Did I...really create this monster…’ It roared and knocked Ken back.

Kimeramon charged an attack, and the emperor would have died had the others not came in for the save. “No...Kimeramon...you were supposed to be mine...you were supposed to obey me!” Ken’s confidence was shattered.

Little did he know, he was infected by a dark spore, it twisted his desires, warped his mind, and infected his imagination. The dark spore is where Kimeramon’s design came from, it was never truly his creation, but a spawn of darkness. He had been a mere puppet all this time.

Kimeramon didn’t need Ken any longer and was ready to simply destroy. Had it not been for the Golden Digi-Egg Kimeramon’s rampage wouldn’t have ended. Veemon used it’s power to transform into Magnamon. Wormmon rooted for the golden armor digimon which got him a strike of the whip from his partner. “You’ve changed Ken, what happened to the sweet boy who wanted friends?”

“That was...not me…” He couldn’t remember anymore. His head was hurting.

“I tried to stay by your side, even as you used your rings to make slaves instead of friends.”

“Shut up!” He lashed out.

“You really care about that thing...it doesn’t care about you Ken...I care about you!”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!”

The two clashed but Kimeramon seemed to be too strong. He swatted Magnamon away and attacked Ken and the base, sending it crashing down. Before he could kill Ichijoji Wormmon knocked him out of the way. “Leave him alone!” Wormmon attacked Kimeramon, only to get smacked away.

“Wormmon no!” Magnamon and Davis cried out.

“Magna...mon...this is the last...of my energy...use it…” His energy shot out and fueled Magnamon’s power.

“Magna Blaster!” He destroyed Kimeramon and returned him to data. Wormmon was also destroyed, digitizing in Ken’s arms. He had a full on break down, him emperor clothing turning to data.

Takeru felt bad for Ken. “Something you should know, digimon don’t just die, their data gets reconfigured and reborn.” Wormmon wasn’t gone, if Ken changed his ways, he may just see him again. In Ken's moment of darkness, before he was consumed by despair, the blonde gave him a spec of hope, a shining light in the darkness. 


The victory was mixed but the digimon emperor was gone, his base was destroyed. They could work on clearing out the control spires for good. So they thought…

Kimeramon’s data came from the dark abyss and it returned there. The data was corrupted, the remnants of dark digimon mixed in the whirlpool giving birth to something terrifying. Some remnants of both Piedmon and Myotismon were blended together using the data to form something new.

From the depths of the abyss came a new terror. “Boltboutamon has returned!” An ancient evil of legend, it was said to have been defeated by one of the Sovereigns. When he was defeated he was split into two powerful and wicked digimon, who made all kinds of trouble in the digital world and human world.

He almost looked like a villain from an opera with a large hat a golden mask for a face, he had golden skull shoulder pads, and a fancy pirate attire. He appeared to have four arms, the one’s coming out of his back held up a bat wing like cape, and had swords at his hips with gold skull hilts. “Mmm!” He took a deep breath. “I smell darkness in the air!”

Boltboutamon rose up into the air. He could feel the control spires and their evil energy. “Ahh I see, so these have been weakening the hold of light.” He applauded. “Bravo, bravo, bravo!”

It wasn’t a bad attempt. “No doubt those sovereigns have selected those...children...weakening their hold is good, but I got one better!” With a snap of his fingers he was gone.

In a holy digimon temple a strange book was all sealed up. “There you are!”

“You are not allowed to be here!” A Tiger-like digimon appeared. “Digimon of darkness cannot set foot in here by order of Azulongmon!”

“Ah Mihiramon, loyal to the sovereign to the bitter end, but even one who holds the title of deva cannot hope to best me.”

“I’m tasked with guarding Wisemon, if you seek to free him you shall be destroyed!” He launched at Boltboutamon. “Samurai Tiger Tail!”

“Pernicious Waltz!” His swords floated up and multiplied, they attacked Mihiramon who did his best to fend them off. “Sorry but you have failed your mission, Malevolent Fist!” He blasted the divine seal and it crumbled.

The giant book opened up and a digimon known as Wisemon appeared from it. “After all these years I am free!”

“No!” Mihirimon was still pinned down by the swinging blades.

“For my would be jailer, let us see how you like being imprisoned. Eternal Nirvana!” He trapped the deva in a space time stone, caught in an eternal hell, he was stuck reliving fighting off the blades. He fought them off until two conclusions, one being he broke the blades, the other he was skewered and killed. No matter the outcome time was reset and he’d be back to fighting the blades again, over and over, remembering both the victories and the deaths.

“Now what can I do for my liberator?”

“I want to get the band back together, can you help me?”

“Of course!” A cloud of despair began to grow, the fate of the digital world became unclear. 

To be continued...Dark Master’s Back

Wisemon’s power helps restore the dark masters, they set their sights upon one of the digidestined. The one who ended Piedmon is the best choice. They snatch him up and begin to corrupt him with darkness. Takeru’s crest remnant tries to fight back, but it is soon corrupted, the sun changing to a crescent moon and a tear drop cape dangles from it. The crest of despair is born!


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