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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Naked Quests

A ship was sailing out of Hargeon Port. “That’s it huh?” Gray was looking through a lacrima scope.

“Yep, our tip has given us this lead. This guy, “Salamander” has been popping up in different towns, he’s been claiming to be a model scout to some and being a member of Fairy Tail to others, to get women and wizards onto his ship.” Natsu was trying not to look at the ship.

“He’s got some balls using our guild’s name for his schemes.”  Gray was getting pissed.

“His real name is Bora, kicked out of a guild for illegal use of Charm magic. He’s wanted for ties in a human trafficking ring.” The man had a bounty on him.

“Let’s do this!” Gray was ready for a fight.

“Yes, let’s!” Natsu pulled Fullbuster to him and the ice wizard blushed.

“Natsu?” He shivered.

“For luck!” Dragneel kissed the raven haired nudist. The naked duo already were eye catching passersby eyeing their naked forms, blushing and stirring of loins. Seeing them make out was too much, some passed out from nosebleeds. “Let’s move!”

Gray smirked and ran after Natsu.


Bora and his men thought they had gotten away scot-free. Their latest haul was out, hit by Bora’s sleep magic. “Smooth sailing boys we are off to Bosco!”

“Ice Make Floor!” Suddenly Bora’s ship was ground to a halt.

“What the hell, we couldn’t have hit a reef?!” Bora snapped.

“It’s ice sir!” One of his men said.

“Ice? What do you mean ice, it’s summer and we are nowhere near arctic waters?”

“It’s not a little ice, the whole port had been frozen!”

“What?!” From the shore to the ship the water had been frozen. With the transportation locked down, Natsu attacked. Fullbuster was pulling up the rear. “Who’s this pervert!?”

“I’m Natsu of Fairy Tail, you claim to be part of our guild but don’t know who I am!” He growled.

“Shit!” Bora began to sweat and back up. “Get him!” His muscle picked up weapons, both magical and not.

Big mistake…

With burning fists, Natsu began to wreck their ship. “Fire Dragon: Scorching Heat!” With a wave of his hand, their clothes burned and was reduced to nothing, their weapons melted.

“Gah!?” The men gasped, some trying to cover themselves.

“How pathetic!” Natsu hit them with a barrage of punches sending some flying and knocking some out. With their guards down his attacks were super effective.

“Damn you, Prominence Burn!” He fired a strange purple flame at Natsu. “Hahaha burn pervert burn!”

“That won’t work…” Bora turned around and gasped at the sight of Gray.

“Another pervert!”

“Heh, fire has no effect on that one.” Gray ignored Bora’s words, he didn’t know him. He was a proud nudist!

Slurp Gurgle Gurgle Slurp! Natsu gulped down the flames. “You sure are a lousy fire wizard, these flames are bland.” He finished every ember, before wiping his chin. “No matter, I got a fire in my belly now!” His engine was running, even his cock was standing at attention.

“You are fucked now.” Gray said.

“Shut up, I won’t lose to a pair of perverts!” He took off into the air with his flame carpet. “I’ll sink you both along with the ship!” He launched a barrage of flames at the ship.

“Ice Make Cannon!” Gray whipped up a cannon and blasted the shots out of the sky.

“Nice trick, here is mine, Fire Dragon Flame Body!” Fire erupted over every inch of Natsu’s naked form. In this state Natsu was able to fly into the air, a streak of flames following in his wake.

“Oh shit!” Bora tried to run, but Dragneel was faster. Gray guessed it’d take Natsu less than 5 minutes to deal with this fool so he got to work arresting the riffraff, his Ice Make Magic made the perfect means to freezing the naked men and locking them down.

Gray was wrong it took Natsu only 3 minutes to wipe the sky with Bora. He brought Bora’s charred and naked body back to the ship. Gray froze him solid. “Gotta get these goons to the magic knights, and bring the people back to shore.”

“Good work babe!” Natsu kissed Fullbuster. “I’ll meet you back at shore!” He used Flame Body and flew back to shore, melting the ice on his way. Gray turned the ship around and sailed it back to shore.

The magic knights arrived and arrested Bora and his men. They’d be interrogated and the trafficking ring would be targeted and brought down sooner or later. The naked duo had completed the quest but…

“Hold it you two!” The magic knights surrounded them.

“You two are suspicious we have questions for you!” Natsu and Gray simply sighed. The two raised their fingers and a magic license appeared in the air. “Oh apology sirs!”

“It really is them, the Naked Duo of Fairy Tail!” They waved as people and knights gushed.

“They really are nudists!”

“They are so hot!”

“We got saved by the Naked Duo!”

“Oh wow they are so big!”

“So sexy!”

The attention had an effect on Gray, his cock stiffening up. “Natsu…” Dragneel noticed, he could smell the ice wizard’s arousal. Fullbuster had developed a bit of an attention kink, having so many people looking at him, praising him, he could feel all those eyes on him. Especially looking at one part of him!

Natsu didn’t judge, he got turned on by eating fire, they had their own unique bits to them.

“We gotta go, wire the reward to Fairy Tail.” He scooped Gray up bridal style. The dragon slayer ran off with the ice wizard in his arms. Natsu checked them into the local hotel and they raced to their room.

Gray managed to get the door open before Natsu kicked it down. They crossed the threshold, and Gray was set down, before being kissed deeply. “I got excited!”

“Hehe, same here!” Natsu rubbed his hard on against Gray’s. The pinkette kissed him deeply, the kiss becoming more passionate by the second.

They danced around the room a bit, making out and feeling each other up. Natsu’s engine was really going, he made the room hotter and Gray began to sweat. His skin growing flushed, as he bucked against his lover.

As their tongues met and shared a tango, their dicks were crossing swords down below. The man meat clapped and slapped against each other, Natsu would buck and his balls would clap against Gray’s, and vice versa. The ball to ball clap sent a burst of pleasure between them.

The make out session was only getting hotter, lust and love pumping through their veins like a cocktail. Nipples hardened from the pleasure shared between the two. Their hard bodies pressing and meshing together, oh so nicely!

You could see the familiarity, the chemistry between them. When Gray dragged his nails along Natsu’s back, doing it in a way that excited the dragon slayer. While at the same time Natsu felt up his abs and his pecs. Never breaking the kiss.

Sparks were flying, figuratively speaking.

Once Gray started leaking, Dragneel ramped up their little dance. He cupped Gray’s bountiful booty and lifted him up. “Na-aaahhh!” He was cut off with a moan.

Fullbuster wrapped his legs around the dragon slayer’s waist. “Yes!” He growled. His mouth latched onto Gray’s neck as he rocked his hips. He nipped and sucked Gray’s tender spot, right where the neck and shoulder met. His warm breath caressed the skin, sending shivers down the raven haired wizard’s back.

Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu, the dragon slayer supporting his weight with his hands on his rear. The cheeks were groped and squeezed, as Dragneel bumped and grind. Hot friction grew between their cocks, the heat making pre-cum evaporate. “Ohh ahh ahh ahh Natsu~!”

He was shaking, his legs felt like jelly. “I love you Gray!” The words made the ice wizard blush.

“Idiot don’t say that stuff when I...ahh ahh I can’t...I’m cumming!” He came, his face twisting to one of pleasure, his orgasm face made Natsu so happy.

He kept humping against his partner, his own orgasm rolling off the cliff, and he added to the mess between their hard bodies. It lasted only a moment, before Natsu’s heat made the semen go poof. As much as they wanted to go further, when they had sex things tended to get a little wild. It was hard explaining to Makarov how they destroyed a hotel bed, evaporated a hot spring, and set fire to a room.

So they tried to keep things mostly in check. Finding ways to do stuff without needing to go all the way.

“Hmm?” Natsu batted his eyes at Gray.

“What?” The pinkette pouted. “Fine...I love you too…” he muttered the last part.

He was carried to the bed and set down. His legs still felt like his bones had melted. They ordered room service, stuffed their faces, Natsu gave Gray a heated rub down, and they had a relaxing night of cuddling before returning back to Fairy Tail.

Gray noticed that Natsu was still hard, he needed time to recover even from the heavy make out session, the powerful frottage, and the world shaking orgasm. ‘Stupid dragon slayers, and their stupid big dicks, and their stupid stamina!’

Natsu didn’t complain or anything, and he never pushed Gray beyond the limits, even when mating magic was involved. It raised the bar certainly. If Gray wasn’t able to “keep up” Natsu either jerked off or simply ignored it. The question of having an open relationship was brought up, dragons were very sexual beings, but every partner they had they saw as a treasure.

While Dragneel was open to expanding their family, he was happy with Gray, and wanted to enjoy their time together. He felt the time would come, when the flames of love sparked.


They returned to the guild, and it was as rowdy as ever. “Daddy!” Natsu smiled.

“Sammy!” Dragneel opened his arms and caught the flying cat that surged into his arms. “That was a wonderful tip you gave us!”

Sammy was a powder blue tiny feline creature. He wore a black top hat with the Fairy Tail crest on it, a red scarf with a blue ornament, he wears white shorts, and has magical glasses on his face. Natsu found him as an egg, thinking it was a dragon egg. It hatched years ago and Fairy Tail has raised Sammy since. He was highly intelligent, good at calculations,  and had an eidetic memory.

He was loyal to Fairy Tail, seeing them as a form of family, but the one he called Daddy was Natsu. He was named Samuel, because of the angel like wings he could manifest, but everyone called him Sammy.

“Hey Mommy!” He teased Gray.

“Don’t call me that!” Fullbuster hissed.

Sammy buried his face in Natsu’s chest. ‘Why you little!’ He knew about their relationship.

The feline was good at information gathering and calculations. He was a fine asset to the guild. “How has your training been going?”

“Auntie Mira and Uncle Elfman has been helping me.” There was a reason he called them that specifically, but it was a tender subject.

He had his Aera magic, which granted him wings and flight. Natsu didn’t take him on missions, for his own protection. He knew wizard work got messy, so if Sammy wanted to go on missions he had to be able to protect himself.

“Show me!” He hopped out of Natsu’s arms.

“Shift!” He cast, this was battle mode shift. His tiny form glowed and he grew. Sammy got taller and put on some muscle tone, his scarf turned into a cape. His glasses shifted up onto his top hat. He had firm pecs, a six pack, toned arms and legs, and his tail was thicker. “What do you think?”

Sammy posed and flexed. Mira helped him learn this transformation magic and Elfman has been training him in hand to hand combat. “You look tough but can you fight?” Gray asked cracking his knuckles.

“Let’s see!” The two began to rumble while Natsu checked in with Mira.

“Nice job on the quest, you got the reward for Bora, and a standard fee for the goons.” She looked to see Sammy and Gray fighting, which spiraled out of control causing fights to break out all over. “Oh my!”

Natsu just laughed, finding this rowdiness feel like home. He really loved this guild. The fight eventually quieted down with Makarov ending the madness. Sammy reverted back to his chibi form. He red off a few of the council reports and complaints before lighting them on fire.

He wanted everyone to continue growing stronger, diving into their magic finding the ins and outs and drawing it out. Even if it meant causing a bit of trouble now and then. Testing their limits was what Fairy Tail was all about.

To be continued...


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