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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 6

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Locked Up Dragon (Kurama and Hiei)

When Hiei came to, he was in a spirit world prison with wards on his prison bars. He was naked except for the ward over his jagan eye, and wards binding his wrists. His arms were tied behind his back. “What is this?” He blushed at his nakedness, he crossed his legs to try and hide his manly bits from the world.

Memories of what happened hit him, making his blush bloom turning his whole face a tomato red. His penis twitched. ‘I’ll make the detective pay for what he did to me.’ His ass throbbed. The full session repeated in his dreams, the fire demon waking up with a painful erection and a twitching ass hole. Hiei continued to swear revenge.

He had to will his erection away, unable to touch himself. He could have gotten off by playing with his ass, but he was too proud to do that. His balls were starting to ache and itch for release, not happy at the lack of attention. He tried to get some control of his libido, imagining dominating the detective only for his thoughts to twist and him end up on the receiving end. ‘Damn it!’ His body and mind continued to betray him.

Hiei continued to crave cock, even his own dick started to look tasty. After a few days he was struggling to think straight, any thoughts of the detective (Master) caused a stirring in his loins. His penis was becoming difficult to handle, refusing to calm down through meditation or forces of his will.

The fire demon couldn’t take it anymore. After a particularly erotic dream between him and the detective, his cock was hard and leaking. ‘I won’t be beaten, I can get through this without him (Master)…’ His cock twitched at the thought of Yusuke.

He took his cock into his mouth and started sucking his own dick. With feet planted firmly on the floor, his manhood pointing upward and dripping on his abs, he bent and took his length in, licking and sucking it as he swallowed about half. “Mmm~!” The fire demon was quite flexible, but hadn’t thought this through.

Hiei had forgotten Yusuke’s words, so as his mouth savored the cock between his lips, his ass began to grow jealous, twitching in need and jealousy. His penis twitched between his lips, his own musk and arousal flooding his nose, as his pre-cum spilled across his tongue and down his throat. With every suck and lick, his channel spasmed, feeling empty. ‘Detective...detective...detective…’ He couldn’t help but think of Yusuke remembering how the human sucked his cock.

The more he slurped, the hornier he became. He felt it in his ass, the hunger that’s been eating away at his mind. A parting gift from his master. Hiei lost himself to pleasure, the hypnotic suggestions and triggers Yusuke left in Hiei’s head worked their magic. ‘Master...master...master...master...’

He couldn’t stop sucking his own dick, his pleasure surging, and before he knew it he came into his mouth. His pent up release was too much, after swallowing about half, he was forced off his cock and he came all over his face. Hiei didn’t even have time to think about what he had just done, as his insides throbbed, his entrance dilating and winking to the open air.

His insides were hot, Hiei groaned and squirmed. His body temp spiked causing his semen to evaporate. He began to drool. ‘I want cock!’ He had hearts in his eyes, the desire for cock overwhelming every thought and instinct. He didn’t just want cock anymore, the need to be fucked was stirring inside him; one feeling fueling the other. If Yusuke walked through the door right now Hiei would no doubt fuck him then kill him.

He was so horny his bound hands inched towards his needy hole. When his fingers caressed his entrance, Hiei snapped out of his stupor. ‘No...I will not become some human’s slut!’ He pulled his fingers away from his ass, as if they would be burned.

‘It’s time!’ Kurama thought. He left Hiei to stew in his lust, no doubt the throbbing in his ass, would grow with time.


The next day, the door to Hiei’s cell was opened. His dick lurched. ‘Yusuke?’ He thought, his cock rising to full mast, his morning wood becoming painfully erect.

Then Kurama entered the room, clad in a fancy white suit. “Hello Hiei!” He said with a charming smile gracing his beautiful features.

“Oh it’s you…” His penis wilted. Kurama was mildly annoyed, but only mildly. “What do you want?”

“Koenma asked that I speak to you, sorry if you were expecting someone else.” Kurama smirked. “Were you perhaps wanting to see Yusuke again?”

“Ha!” Hiei spat. “As if I’d ever want to see that human again, and he better pray we never meet again or I’ll run him through with my sword!” Kurama’s eyes drifted to Hiei’s twitching penis.

“I think your “sword” disagrees with you.” Just mentioning Yusuke’s name, had caused Hiei’s loins to stir. The fire demon blushed and tried to hide his erection, he failed at it. His efforts made Kurama chuckle.

“Damn it!” Hiei’s blush bloomed.

“Let’s test your resolve.” Kurama pulled out a seed from his hair. “This is the seed from the fruit of desire; the fruit takes the shape of one’s deepest need, should you desire freedom or revenge, the fruit will become a sword and you’ll be able to escape. If you hold other desires, well we’ll just see.” He planted the seed and it fed on Hiei’s energy.

The two demons watched the plant grow. It looked almost like a corn husk at first, but then the fruit came out. It was eggplant colored, but the shape wasn’t phallic-like, it was a dick. A big hard cock with berries for the balls. “That’s not…”

“Well well Hiei, I’ve seen this appear from the fruit before, but not one so big. You are quite the pervert!” Hiei shook his head.

“It’s not true, this is your doing perverted fox!” This made Kurama chuckle.

“Are you sure about that Hiei, does this size and shape not seem familiar?” He asked. The fire demon gazed at the dick shaped fruit, and it was true. The fruit had perfectly captured Yusuke’s size and shape perfectly. He gulped as his hole throbbed in want.

‘Master….’ His heart fluttered and he looked ready to pounce on the phallus. It’s been so long since he’s been stuffed, and his triggers made his ass even hungrier. He wanted to lick it, suck it, and ride it! He could almost see his master before him now…

Hiei shook his head. “No...I will not submit...I’m strong...I won’t fall for anymore tricks!”

Kurama sighed. “So stubborn, but that’s fine I know how to deal with stubborn boys.” He revealed a strange rainbow colored rose. Applying some demon energy the rose transformed it a demon plant.

It’s rose petals were beautiful, a rainbow pattern that spiraled to the center where the demon’s eye remained. “Kurama...you…” the demon plant began to shimmer. He tried to close his eyes, but only one closed.

His right eye began to swirl in a rainbow of colors. Most humans and demons think its the eye in the center that triggers the hypnosis, but it was actually the rainbow petals. So the target will try not to stare directly at the demon eye, and be caught by the petals. “Both eyes please Hiei.”

He whimpered, trying to resist. ‘So pretty…’ His eye fluttered open and it began to swirl with colors. Hiei fell into a trance, and his cock began to ooze.

“I never knew you were such a pervert Hiei, but to get so excited by being hypnotized…” Kurama chuckled. Hiei didn’t respond, fully entranced by the hypnotic flower.

Unlike before his jagan eye’s hypnotic power was very forceful, taking over one’s mind quickly if not instantly. The control grips hard and is hard to break or resist. The demon flower’s hypnotic power was slow and enticing. Hiei was pulled into the trance tenderly, drawn in by the pretty colors and warm glow.

It felt good to sink down, and for those who liked submission or being under the control of others, the process was even more pleasurable. It was also harder to resist, from an outsiders look one might think the process is instant, but the flower pulls a person deep into a hypnotic trance, seconds and minutes becoming longer and feeling like an eternity.

“You don’t need to be ashamed by it, relax Hiei embrace your desires, trust me it’ll feel so good.”

The words sank in as the pretty colors sent Hiei on a trip. A familiar feeling washed over him, as a weight was lifted off of him. His body relaxed and his cock twitched lewdly. Before Kurama, he began to suck his penis, the plant shifting to hold Hiei’s gaze.

It gave the fire demon a nice little fantasy as it worked his mind over. It made the process of hypnotizing even easier.

In his mind he was sucking Yusuke’s cock, every little lick and suck had his insides throbbing. The fake Yusuke was dominating Hiei, even going as far as to fuck his mouth, spiking his libido. While under the flower’s trance, he embraced his desires, his bound hands moving and he began to finger his hole. “Mmm!” He moaned around his own penis.

“See that, feels good doesn’t it Hiei? You trusted me and it felt good. You should put your trust in me and find more pleasure.” Kurama said, palming his arousal. Hiei seemed focused on his task, but the red head knew the words sank in.

Two fingers churned up his insides, thrusting in and out. He drank his own pre-cum as he sank deeper into pleasure. Kurama watched him fall, playing with his ass while sucking his penis, starring blissfully into the hypnotic flower. “It felt good to be fucked by Yusuke didn’t it Hiei, you miss his cock don’t you?”

The fire demon moaned in response. “You got a taste of submission, it tasted good. You want more!”

‘Want more!’ Echoed in his mind. He sucked harder, hollowing his cheeks and added third finger into his ass. His release began to build up.

“You can’t be satisfied with just your fingers, they are but an appetizer.” Hiei whined. “Fingers are good for training, there is no shame in training your ass.” His technique shifted, instead of chasing his climax he began working on stretching his tight hole.

It was rare to see a man suck his own cock, so Kurama enjoyed the show. Hiei was in a blissful state, his eyes swirling, cock between his lips, and fingers working his hole open. “Your hole is hungry, you know once you are filled you’ll be able to cum. Trust me to feed your hole!” Hiei’s toes curled and he squirmed.

Slowly Hiei removed his fingers, his hole not wanting to relinquish the digits at first but they left and Hiei whined at the loss. Shaky hands gripped his toned cheeks and spread them. Lips released his hard cock. “Please!”

‘So cute!’ It amazed him how tough boys got so cute when they were hypnotized and just let go of their pride. He collected the fruit. “This is the embodiment of your desire Hiei, take it, feel it, accept it!” The fruit worked like a sex toy, with a tough skin that made this easy. The fat head, breached his hole and Hiei moaned.

Everything blurred and the fire demon imagined it was Yusuke fucking him. Mating press him in a way he could suck his own dick. Kurama worked the fruit inside his ass. ‘So hot!’ He watched the hole swallow the fruit squeezing it and not wanting to let it go. ‘Such a greedy hole!’

The fruit filled him wide and deep, his warmth and friction making it grow warm, almost feeling like a real cock. Hiei began to drool before sucking his cock again, gazing into the swirling colors of the flower. ‘Pretty...feel good...pretty…’

Kurama was enjoying himself, he loved making men squirm, driving them mad until their begging for cock. He wasn’t selfish, he only took the reigns as master when he wanted it. “Feel it Hiei, let every thrust make your hole more tender, your body more sensitive!”

Thrust Thrust Thrust “Nnnnhhh!” Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrust  “Mmmm!” Thrust Thrust…

He came, his heavy demons balls exploding in his mouth and Hiei didn’t waste a drop. He chugged his man milk as his libido surged. “Only ten thrusts? You really are a slut, it took Yusuke fifteen to blow.” Kurama chuckled. “This isn’t enough to satisfy you is it, your hunger for cocks is too great. This pleasure you felt, real cocks will give you three times as much pleasure.”

Hiei moaned, his body trembling. Even as he basked in the after glow, the demon rose pushed him further, his mind sinking deeper. Kurama’s words formed extra layers to his mind.

‘Yusuke did such a good job with you, I need only seal the deal, but first…’ Kurama took off his clothes, revealing his beautiful body. The smell of manly musk was laced by rose petals. Hiei caught a whiff and groaned, his cock rising back to attention.

Kurama grabbed him by the hair, and proceeded to whisper sweetly into his ear. The hypnotized demon felt his world shift, Yusuke’s commands and triggers were absorbed and mixed in with new ones bestowed by Kurama.

“It’s time to awaken servant, awaken and serve your master!”

Hiei blinked, the rainbow of colors vanishing from his eyes. He stared at Kurama and smiled. “Master!” He moaned.

“Hello my servant, show your master your devotion.” Hiei crawled forward and kissed Kurama’s feet. He licked the tops, and kissed each toe. To see Hiei worship his feet aroused the fox demon to no end. ‘We won’t be needing this.’ With a flick of the wrist he broke Hiei’s bonds.

“Come and service your master.”

“Yes sir!”  He rose up and came face to face with Kurama’s delicious cock. The look of excitement and hunger on his face was priceless. Hiei began to service his master, licking along his length, before sucking on one of his balls.

He slurped on each nut before scaling the shaft with his tongue. Once at the peek/tip, he swallowed the head and began to suck. ‘Master’s cock!’ Hiei shivered. He sucked and lapped at the head, being rewarded by pre-cum.

Sucking on Kurama’s penis filled Hiei with such joy. His eyes fluttered and he began to play with his horny body. He started playing with his nipples as he sucked him down his throat. “Such a good slut!” Kurama praised.

The praise had Hiei moaning, sending pleasing bibrations through the fox demon’s rod. His mouth and throat was so hot and wet, truly wonderful and fitting for a fire demon. His tongue worked the underside as he slurped on him.

Sucking such a tasty dick had Hiei’s hole pulsing. Hiei dropped his hands to play with his weeping penis and finger his hole again. “Enjoying my dick servant, such a naughty boy, you aren’t allowed to touch your penis.”

“Yes sir!” He gasped. “Sorry sir!” He fingered himself and played with a nipple and went back to servicing his master.

“Remember Hiei, your dick is for others to play with. Only your mouth may touch it.” He nodded his head, he remembered now, the words ringing true in his head.

Manipulating his demon energy Kurama brought the fruit of desire back over and had it planted upright. Hiei shifted, removing his fingers, and sat on the fruit taking it back inside. He moaned around Kurama’s shaft. It felt good to be stuffed again.

He bounced between the fox cock and the fruit, his own cock bouncing between his legs. It slapped his abs and made his balls jostle. His hands focused on playing with his nipples. Hiei gobbled down Kurama’s penis. “Mmm mmm mmm mmmwaaahhh!”

“Good servant, I’m cumming!” He came down Hiei’s throat and fireworks went off in Hiei’s brain. The fire demon came like a slut, blowing his load across the ground. Sucking dick got him close to the edge, and drinking cum set him off. His inner walls squeezing the fruit of desire.

“Ahh ahh, please master...please fuck me…” He turned around and wiggled his ass. “I need to be fucked, please master!”

Kurama squeezed the fruit of desire, and it burst, flooding Hiei’s insides with fresh lube. It was warm and washed his insides making it look like he was dripping wet. “I intend to fuck you my little slut, since you begged so sweetly.” He licked some of the juice off his hand.

His eyes sparkled with a predatory gleam, he’d be called a liar if he claimed he didn’t want to fuck Hiei. The fire demon was a sexy beast and beauty at that, Kurama oh so loved pretty things. He tenderly held Hiei’s hips, lining up his cock.

He sank in and both demons moaned. Hiei’s eyes sparkled with joy as he was stuffed by a real cock. Kurama shuddered as his penis was enveloped by the three eyed demon’s incredibly tight heat, his dick felt like it was melting in the best way possible.

Once he was fully seated inside Hiei, the fire demon experienced a dry orgasm. His dick twitching, as his body rocked in orgasmic tremors. “I can feel you squeezing my dick Hiei, do you love it?”

“Yes master so good!” he drooled. “I love it, please fuck me with your big cock!”

Kurama wasn’t gonna turn down such a request, and began to pound Hiei roughly. The fox demon didn’t hold back, long and powerful thrusts. His pelvis clapping against Hiei’s toned ass, making his cheeks bounce and jiggle. The impact sent tremors of pleasure racing through his channel, making his inner walls spasm and clench around the thrusting cock.

The increased friction was wonderful.

Every ten thrusts had Hiei howling in pleasure and lust. With his new trigger he came first, his orgasm blasting across the ground. Kurama kept fucking him, driving the smaller male wild with lust. He stopped counting after a hundred, but he made Hiei cum even while soft. “Here it comes, take your master’s seed!” Kurama arched his back, his climax hitting hard.

Hiei moaned as Kurama’s cock got even thicker, before his insides were pelted with fresh hot cum. “Ahh ahh thank you master!” Hiei drooled. Every spurt making the smaller male shiver in delight.

He slumped forward. “Not yet servant I’m not satisfied.” Kurama pulled out and sat down. He snapped his fingers. “Ride me till I’m satisfied!”

“Yes master…” His body moved, and he began to ride Kurama, using his strong legs he bounced up and down on the fox demon’s long shaft. “Is this good master?”

“Hmm, slow it down a bit, savor the feel of cock inside you, and I wish to enjoy the show.” He rested his chin in his hand.

“Yes sir!” Hiei obeyed, riding slowly, letting Kurama watch his dick appear and disappear into the fire demon. The hole opening up to swallow his cock.

‘Beautiful!’ He smirked. ‘Yusuke left to train with Genkai, I thought I was gonna be bored while he was gone. Now I have someone to play with.’

Hiei was in for a wild ride. Yusuke would be gone for months…

To be continued...Servant


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