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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 The Horny Wolf

Kouga was in a pickle, he was naked and horny, alone in the bathroom. His clothes were swiped by a certain hanyo. The wolf demon had just begun stage 2, and Inuyasha was observing him closely. Their master’s orders were absolute.

As Kouga tried to think of a solution to this problem he slowly fell into a trance. His body began to move on it’s own, being driven by lust. He jerks off, playing with his ass and cock. All thoughts about his situation were pushed deep down, sinking with him as he pleasured himself.

The wolf demon drooled as he chased his orgasm, his body growing hotter. This was what he was supposed to do, he was obeying, and it felt good. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ohhh!” His orgasm came and he aimed his cock at the empty toilet. His cum gushed and started filling the bowl.

His new little pills, increased his already crazy wolf potency. His orgasm lasted a few minutes, but he didn’t stop, he kept working his ass and cock, bringing forth another orgasm. From an outsiders look it appeared like he was pissing cum. The thick man milk filled the bowl to near overflow.

With a click flush, his seed was washed away and Kouga was pulled from his trance. “What was I doing?” He absentmindedly scratched his head getting some wayward pre-cum and semen in his hair. “Gah!” He left the stall and washed himself in the sink again. Despite the orgasms he was half chubbed, and his heavy nuts were still itching to cum.

He needed a plan, the idea of being stuck naked in school the rest of the day wasn’t ideal.

“I need some clothes fast...the gym...I can snag my gym clothes and wear those, better than nothing.” He grabbed his bag, but was hesitant about leaving the bathroom. Sure in his own home and in the locker room he had no issue swinging his dick around, but getting caught in school halls butt naked and hard wouldn’t end well. Even if his parents could make problems go away with their money, the rumor mill was harderto stop. “No everyone should be in class...I can make it...just gotta get to the gym…”

Kouga left the bathroom, he was greeted to an empty hallway. ‘It’s fine...this is fine...I’m a wolf demon I can rush down there no problem.’ He thought but a strange feeling tickled at his mind. ‘What if I’m caught?!’ He gulped as that strange feeling began to grow. Kouga wasn’t sure what it was, but it stirred his loins a bit.

He shook his head. “I can make it!” Naked and hard, Kouga took a track stars running position before whoosh. He moved like a bat out of hell, he put his whole focus into running to the gym. As he ran he didn’t realize the freedom he felt, something his inner demon recognized. Wind whipped through his hair and fur, rushing between his knees. It was an incredible experience that lasted only a few seconds. Had anyone even been in the hallway they’d be lucky to have seen a tan blur rush by.

“Whoo made it!” He wiped some sweat from his brow. He touched the door to the gym. ‘I just ran through the school naked!’ the thought crossed his mind, and his lips curved up briefly in a giddy smile. ‘That’s kinda hot!’

He shook his head. “I need to get clothes on before someone sees me!” He got his gym clothes, and noticed something slightly off. His shirt was tight, he always preferred a firm fit in his clothes, but his shirt was tighter than usual. ‘Damn I don’t have a jock strap…’ He put on his gym shorts and found them hugging his rear rather lewdly.

Kouga had to stuff his hard on into his short leg, but his hefty balls and length made his shorts bulge. ‘Fuck!’ He went to class, surprising everyone at his attire.

“What is the meaning of this, you are late, and the state of you…” Kouga blushed.

“Sorry sir, I had a mishap. I uhh...lost my clothes.” This got a chuckle from the class, one could imagine how someone could lose their clothes in the middle of the day. With Kouga’s reputation, one could imagine a lot. Did a girl get him naked then run off with his clothes?

The teacher sighed. “Fine I won’t press the issue, just take your seat.”

“Thank you sir.” He gave a polite bow.

“Don’t thank me, you’ll have extra assignments for being late.” the wolf demon took his seat.

Kouga had trouble focusing in class, his balls were itching like crazy. ‘Damn it...I wanna...fuck!’ His tail bristled. The urge to jerk off was insane. He could hear the teacher, but his words just filled his head with more fluff. ‘Oh man, if only I could strip down and jerk off right now.’ The image was intense, forming in his head.

Taking off his clothes would be a snap, with his strength he could rip his shirt off in an erotic display of power. Yanking down his shorts would be an easy matter, he’d sit down, legs spread and beat his meat, playing with a nipple with his free hand. ‘What am I thinking?!’

Don’t think...just feel…’ His eyes fluttered. The scene would play out in his mind. The idea of jerking off in class, the feeling of exposure in a public place. The thought stroked his ego as he imagined girls...and guys watching him. He got the same thrill as when he strutted around his home in the buff. The feelings twisted and became a layer in Kouga’s mind.

The mental fantasy rolled through his mind, making his penis twitch. It bulged and throbbed lewdly, safely hidden under his desk. The humans in class had no idea, but the demons and hanyo with a good sense of smell could tellthe spike in arousal. Normally demons kept there pheromones in check, but when they got wild and in the throws of passion they tended to lose control.

Kouga was giving off an aroma that screamed, “I wanna have sex!” a bit surprising and distracting.

Inuyasha smirked. ‘Looks like I’ll have more customers today.’ He couldn’t wait to suck some dick.


After Class Ginta and Hakkaku came up to Kouga, who was still in a horny daze. “Kouga are you okay?” The wolf demon blinked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” the two wolves shared a look, they weren’t buying it. They had a feeling Kouga got jilted by a girl and that’s why he was so wound up.

“Maybe he’s off his game since he’s been chasing Kagome for so long.” Ginta whispered.

“Rusty, to have his clothes snatched by a conquest.” Hakkaku whispered back nodding.

“I can hear you, that’s not what happened!” Kouga growled.

“Then what did happen?” Hakkaku asked.

“Tell us!” Ginta added. Kouga blushed. As memories of what happened flooded into his mind.

‘How can I tell them I jerked off in the bathroom, made a mess of myself, and got my clothes jacked?’

Don’t think...just obey…’ Kouga’s thoughts turned to cotton.

“Ginta, just do me a favor and buy me a new uniform from the school store.” He couldn’t spend all day in his gym clothes especially after gym class. “Hakkaku get me some snacks from the vending machine, I’m hungry.”

“Sure thing!” They said in unison and saluted. The two would run late for class, but that wasn’t new for them. They got Kouga his change of clothes and snacks, the former he’d change into after gym, the latter he’d finish off between classes. Kouga’s desire to jerk off increased, building to the point even his ass hole was demanding attention.

The prolonged state of arousal, clawed at Kouga’s mental defenses. As he listened to the teachers, he drifted off. ‘Don’t think...just feel…’

Everything changed once gym class came. ‘Don’t think just obey.’

He hit the gym like a man possessed. No one questioned his strange behavior just assuming he was working off some sexual frustration. They didn’t know the half of it, hours of pent up lust, and instead of jerking off to lighten the load, Kouga was pumping iron, hitting the weights like a pro lifter.

Even his loyal bros, while thinking something was odd, let him be for now. He looked happy, even as his penis pulsed and wept for attention. Kouga worked up a nice sweat, and when the bell rang that class was over, he whined at the loss. ‘I wanna keep going...I wanna get bigger…’ He flexed his muscles.

As Kouga went to the locker room, he peeled off his gym clothes and sighed. ‘It feels so good to be naked again!’ He scratched at his manly hair as he approached the showers.

Inuyasha was there, yet again, having fun with the guys in class. He was squatting, he had two demons in his mouth. He had a tanuki demon named Hachi and a tiger demon named Jura, both fat cocked demons. Inuyasha had their dicks pressed together as he gobbled them down, slurping and sucking lewdly.

His hands weren’t idle as he jerked off Bankotsu and Jakotsu. A few other guys were beating their meat slowly, simply edging for their turn. So much manly meat, the air was thick with musk. Kouga drooled a little, but his focus was on Inuyasha. ‘This fucker…’

Don’t think...just feel…’ Kouga’s thoughts melted. He stayed and watched Inuyasha work, sucking cock like a pro. As he watched, he saw men cum, showering Inuyasha with fresh man milk. He didn’t feel jealous of them, he felt jealousy towards the hanyo.

‘What am I thinking?’ He wanted to walk away but…

Don’t think...just feel…’ Kouga stayed and watched, the images before him, burning into his mind. His eyes roamed over Inuyasha’s prominent form, but then he noticed something.

His position and Inuyasha’s stance allowed Kouga a peek at the dog boy’s well fucked hole. It winked at him as Inuyasha enjoyed the cocks offered to him. ‘Who’s been fucking him?’ That thought was allowed to remain, his eyes trained on the hole, he felt it as the ring parted lewdly. His own insides becoming jealous and hungry.

Kouga wasn’t able to get off the rest of the day. He used his gym shorts as make shift boxers and he put on his new school uniform. His cock remained in an erect state the rest of the day, oozing pre-cum, and further crumbling the wolf’s mind.

‘I just gotta get laid, that’ll fix me right up!’ He needed someone easy, he spotted Ayame in the hallway. ‘Perfect!’

Don’t think...just obey…’ Kouga fell into a trance, and never spoke to her. Instead he went to the gym to work out his sexual frustrations. He could have jerked off, but no, he was obeying like a good boy.

Spending hours at the gym, he went home listening to his mp3 player. He went into auto pilot mode, he bought a weight set so he could work out at home, like a good boy, he greeted his parents, like a good boy,ate dinner, like a good boy, he did his homework, like a good boy.

With each task completed he could feel his libido surge. He saw the dildo in his bag and felt his hole spasm a little. ‘This would scratch that itch.’ He thought briefly before shaking his head.

Once in his room he stripped down, his hard cock slapping his abs. Instead of grabbing his meat, he picked up his weights and worked on his muscles. ‘I’m a good boy!’ He worked out until he was properly tired and after a shower he got into bed.

He was so horny he thought he’d dream about girls, but his thoughts were not with him. Instead his horny ass was walking through the dreamscape that morphed into a familiar shower room. He sauntered in with his usual pride and arrogance, but that soon crumbled as he saw Bankotsu get hard. “See something you like human?” He wagged his hefty wolf cock.

“Do you?” Bankotsu wagged his cock back and Kouga gulped. He did...he wasn’t as big...but he looked tasty.

“I uh um….” He stuttered and fumbled over his words.

“Looks tasty yeah?” Kouga found himself on his knees, face to face with the human cock. “Why don’t you give it a taste like a good boy?” He draped his cock over his face like a treat.

Kouga took it and began sucking the human’s cock. “Mmm!” His tail wagged, he gobbled on the human penis, taking it deep into his mouth. His hole throbbed in want, so he began to finger himself.

“Kouga?!” Ginta and Hakkaku walked in and the wolf demon froze. Cock in mouth, fingers up ass, tail wagging like an excited puppy.

“Show them how much of a good boy you are.” Kouga’s eyes fluttered and he began to suck Bankotsu’s dick with gusto. The eyes on him turning him on more.

He tried to get that tasty looking man milk, that Inuyasha got to enjoy. ‘I’m better than that mutt, I’m a good boy!’

Hakkaku and Ginta watched him work, and Kouga could smell their arousal. ‘Yes watch me, I’m a good boy. Watch me earn my treat!’ His efforts were in vain as it was the wolf who came first. With a moan he came, blowing his load across the ground.

The wet dream woke Kouga up, his hefty load making a huge mess in his bed. ‘Why did I dream that?’

Don’t think...just obey…’ Kouga his thoughts turned to cotton and he fell into a trance; covered in cum, the naked wolf got up and proceeded to do his special training. With his mind palace crumbling, he listened to the mp3 and more words stood out to him now.

You will crave cock, the more you see it the more you will hunger for it. No matter how many cocks you taste you will crave your master’s cock the best. As your desire for cock grows your ass will get hungry, you must save your cherry for master, but you will train your ass for master like a good boy.’ Kouga worked out in front of his mirror, seeing his reflected penis dance, thanks to his ego seeing his own manhood triggered the commands.

‘Cock is good...must suck cock...dick is tasty...I wanna suck dick...master’s penis is the best…’ Became his mantra as he worked out.

To be continued...Secret


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