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Digimon parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Joe + Impmon

Tai + Agumon

Yamato + Gabumon

Takeru + Patamon

Izzy + Tentomon

Willis + Terriermon

Derek – Crabmon

Dien – Gomamon

Sam – Lopmon

Michael – Betamon

Chapter 7 Shellmon Attacks

The two groups of humans were about to meet, Sam and the others went back to get the girls while Joe and Izzy headed back to get the others up to speed. “Should we be doing this, I mean we don’t know these guys?” Joe pondered.

“Well, it should be fine, we are all in the same boat. The more the merrier right?” Joe crossed his arms and looked deep in thought.

“I dunno, meshing two groups can bring conflict. Plus…” He got the weirdest vibe from Sam.

“True, but I don’t think it should be a problem, plus if we run into danger we’ll have more digimon to protect us.” Izzy points out.

“We should be fine on our own.” Impmon said, arms held behind his head walking nonchalantly. Joe was torn, he couldn’t shake the weird feeling he got when Sam talked and acted, it seemed fake.

“Oh wow!” The two got a nosebleed.

The splishy splashy fun time had ended and now the guys were sun bathing. The warm glow of the sun was giving their bodies a dazzling glow.

Sun beams kissed every intimate inch of them, drying them off and making them feel all warm. “Hey guys!” Tai waved.

Impmon snapped his fingers to snap the two out of the daze. “Hey, we found some other humans.” Izzy said, wiping some drool from his chin.

“Their group will be joining us soon, and they have girls.” Joe said, wiping his nose.

“Aww man, suit up guys.” Yamato said sitting up.

“Why?” Takeru asked.

“It’s a social convention Takeru, guys and girls don’t hang around naked with each other, outside of certain social exceptions like mixed baths.” They got their clothes on.

“Ohh.” The digimon didn’t get it but let the humans be humans. Everyone was suited up by the time the other group of humans arrived.

Four guys and two girls, but two Tai, Yamato, and Izzy recognized. “Sora?” Tai and Yamato gasped.

“Mimi?!” Izzy gasped.

“Tai, Yamato?!” Sora ran over to them. She was a girl from the neighborhood and for Tai the two had played together on a soccer team. “It’s good to see you guys.” Hugs were shared.

Mimi was also from the neighborhood, but her family moved to America a few years ago. “Hi guys!” Mimi recognized some of them. “So you guys got brought to this strange place to huh?” She can be a bit of an air head, but she was a nice girl overall.

Sora introduced her partner digimon Biyomon, a anthro pink bird monster, about the size of the other rookies. “Nice to meet you any friend of Sora’s is a friend of mine!” Biyomon said with a bow.

“And this is Palmon, isn’t she cute?” Mimi introduced her partner, Palmon struck a pose, batting her eyes.

The digimon was a plant monster, also about the size of the other rookies. Agumon and Gabumon introduced themselves, shaking claws with the new friends.

Michael stepped up and introduced Derek, along with their partners Betamon and Crabmon. Willis introduced himself and chatted with the two. Terriermon greeted their monsters, being a social bunny.

Yamato introduced himself to the guys, introducing Takeru as his brother. Patamon introduced himself, him and Betamon hit it off weirdly enough, but no one questioned it. Impmon hung back observing. Joe may have doubted his intuition Impmon took it to heart.

Things seemed to be going well, introductions and hand shakes shared all around. Despite the language barriers everyone seemed friendly enough. Tai however froze when Sam stepped up and introduced Dien to everyone and introduced them to him in kind. Sam walked around introducing himself and shaking hands.

Taichi seemed to withdraw upon seeing him, visibly shaken. Joe and Impmon noticed especially with how Sam approached him. “Taichi...it’s nice to...meet you…” the pause before meet was odd. Briefly Sam had a strange look on his face before putting on a fake smile.

The brunette was hesitant but took his hand and shook it. Sam’s grip on his hand tightened. “Let go…” Taichi seemed about ready to panic.

“Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to squeeze so hard. I just can’t control myself sometimes hahaha.” He played it off innocently but Impmon narrowed his eyes. Sam backed off as Agumon came over to check on him. Lopmon introduced himself politely, but seemed more reserved than Terriermon.

Willis recognized Sam Ichijoji’s name, he was a prodigy. “Don’t you have a brother named Ken.”

“I do indeed. My parents sent him to a soccer camp for the summer, hopefully he didn’t end up here like the rest of us.” The Ichijoji brothers were known prodigy, both highly athletic and intelligent. Sam bounced around the fields, but he became a star in each field he tackled.

“If master Ken did get brought here, he’ll have a digimon partner at his side to look after him.” Lopmon pointed out.

“Well said, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

Yamato didn’t like that, if Takeru was missing or in danger he’d fight tooth and nail to find him and make sure he’s safe. Sam took a back seat to the group, mostly serving as a translator for Dien. For Taichi, his very presence was like a shadow, looming over the group. He couldn’t get comfortable and felt on edge. Sam stole glances at Tai, and each time he did the brunette felt chills.

“Taichi are you okay?” Joe asked. “Do you know Sam?”

“We’ve met...it’s…” He chewed on his bottom lip. “It’s fine, I’m fine!” Joe wasn’t buying it.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll let it go. Just know that I’m here for you okay?” Joe took his hand, and Tai smiled.

“Thanks Joe.” Their fingers laced in a warm and touching moment. Sam noticed, his eyes narrowed on the two.

Comparing notes, both groups had been brought to this world mysteriously, and everyone had digivices. “I wonder, why were we brought here, who brought us?” Joe pondered. “If its for a specific reason will we be sent home once we complete it?”

“And it seems those of us at camp weren’t the only ones brought here.” Izzy pointed out. “And we all received these devices and digimon, could this be some form of otherworldly game?”

“If it is a game, I don’t wanna play anymore.” Mimi groaned.

“Should we be playing this game or just trying to find a way home?” Yamato asked.

“Excellent questions, but its possible we shouldn’t be trying to go home at all.” Everyone looked to Sam in surprise.

“What are you saying?” Sora asked.

Sam put on a charming smile. “Let me explain, this could be a Noah’s ark situation, we could have been chosen to be brought to this world and make a new home here.” A twisted idea, but a theory none the less.

The digimon didn’t have an answer, they just knew they were waiting for them to arrive. They knew who they were and that they were coming, so some form of plan was in place. The group had more questions than answers. Another question was Gomamon seemed to be able to understand Dien, but spoke in a language everyone could understand.

Izzy pondered if there was a way to create a translator so they could communicate better. The group had supplies to spare, and it was about lunch time, maybe, so they decided to have lunch. Tai focused on trying to cook and ignore the glances Sam kept throwing his way.

Impmon went over to Joe, who was busy making a campfire. “I don’t know about this Sam guy, he’s seems like a creep.”

“Don’t be rude,” Even if it was true.

“I don’t like it,” Joe didn’t either. They were two groups, seemingly to become one.

“It’d be safer for all of us if we stayed together.” He knew it, but he couldn’t shake how Tai looked. Sam seemed to keep with his group and didn’t approach Tai, but just kept shooting looks his way. Impmon grabbed a snack and kept an eye on the new group, they had a good thing going, he didn’t want any complications.

The digimon were playing together, but before they could eat something from the sea charged forth. The digimon went flying as a massive shell rose up from the water. “It’s Shellmon!” Gomamon cried out. A pink monster came from the shell.

“Rawr!” He fired a stream of water blasting the group and soaking them in water. The digimon tried to fight, but hadn’t eaten yet so had no energy. They got smacked around with the monster’s massive claws, then hosed.

Shellmon seemed hungry, but not for digimon as he approached Takeru. Yamato rushed over and covered him. “Yamato!” Taichi shouted and charged forth, using some scrap he gave Shellmon a good hard poke.

Agumon tried to help launching a weakened Pepper Breath. Shellmon stepped on Agumon and kept him pinned. As for the human Shellmon’s tentacles on his head grabbed Taichi. “Aaahhh!”

“Tai!” Agumon and Joe cried out.

“Summon: Night of Blizzards!” Impmon conjured magic shards of ice, he unleashed the barrage and they pierced through the tentacle causing Tai to drop. Joe rushed in and caught Taichi, in an epic catch. “Come eat me you big palooka, bada boom!” He pelted Shellmon with fire balls.

He got off Agumon who slipped away, using his claws to help free Tai from Shellmon’s tentacle. The trio got up and made a run for it. One should never run from a monster as it attracts their attention, Shellmon went after the three. “Don’t turn your back on me!” He summoned his ice and pelted the monster but he swatted Impmon away.

“Impmon!” Joe cried out his digivice reacting.

He began to shine brightly. “Impmon digivolve to…” His data code reconstructed growing larger and stronger. “Wizardmon!” He became a new monster Wizardmon.  Now dressed in a blue witch hat with a skull on it, his face was covered with a high collar of a blue cape, he wore yellow and red patched up clothes, with zippers here and there, one making it look like a mouth with two red spots above that for eyes on his pant leg. He wears brown shoes with crescent moon buckles and he wields a staff with a gold sun design.

“Thunder Bomb!” He fired a yellow bomb at Shellmon’s head, it fried his mind making him forget about his targets. “You are fighting me!”

Shellmon charged at Wizardmon. “Magical Game!” He strikes the ground with his staff creating illusions of himself. Shellmon attacked them only for them to go poof. The Wizardmon blasted Shellmon with blue energy from his staff.

The monster growled and retreated into his shell, he spun around and slammed into the clones but Wizardmon avoided the attack. “Electro Squall!” He conjured a black cloud, it crackled with lightning.

Wizardmon sent the cloud into the hole of the shell. “Ba-boom!” His shell lit up like a Christmas tree, lightning shooting out from the spikes. Shellmon came out, his body scorched. He coughed up smoke.

“Blink Breeze!” The wizardly digimon spun his staff conjuring up a mighty wind. With a swipe of his staff he sent Shellmon spiraling into the air and off into the distance. He wouldn’t be bothering them for awhile. Wizardmon went back to the others.

The group was banged up from Shellmon’s attacks. “Magical Heal!” He heals everyone’s wounds, from cuts and scrapes, to bruises.

Joe was impressed. “Great job Wizardmon!” He chuckled, his body glowed and reverted back to Impmon. “Uhh Impmon?”

“Hahaha I rock...ugh…” he jumped around for a bit in victory, before falling back on his ass. “Check please…” Joe scooped him up.

“That was pretty reckless huh?”

“Hehe, you look after them I’ll look after you, we’ll keep everyone safe.” Impmon gave a thumbs up.

To be continued...A Big Mistake


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