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Naruto parody: Tier 1

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 Surprise Attack

Shukaku wasn’t the biggest fan of Kyuubi, he was the One Tailed Beast, while Kyuubi was the Nine Tailed Beast. Among the bijuu it was seen a sign of strength the more tails you had. So in the eyes of the beasts Kyuubi was the strongest among them, while Shukaku was the weakest.

Kyuubi never acknowledged such things, but that didn’t stop the One Tailed Beast from hating him. Before they were sealed, the two often clashed, Kyuubi could have killed Shukaku, but chose not to. This only made the tanuki angry, like the fox was looking down on him.

With the full moon shining bright Shukaku was stirring, even Gaara was struggling to hold back the monster inside him. It was a little known fact but the beasts had their own affinity, Shukaku’s was the moon while Kyuubi’s was the sun. Another fact that made Shukaku despise the Kyuubi.

With Kyuubi locked inside of a host it gave Shukaku the perfect opportunity to end him. For a bijuu sealed inside of a host, should the host die the bijuu dies with them. He had no idea of the little merger between Naruto and Kurama.

Gaara couldn’t hold back the bijuu, the full moon always made him crazed but with Kyuubi so close he was on a war path. After killing Dosu he gave chase, hunting the blonde down. Gaara was pushing his mental strength to slow him down...with little results...

Naruto and Zaku had just escaped Kin, but before they could slip away to safety…

A massive sand claw shot out from the shadows and swung at the two. Naruto grabbed Zaku and jumped out of the way. The claw retreated swiftly. Naruto’s ears twitched as he heard something or someone moving through the bushes and disturbing the leaves. “Was Konoha always this wild at night, or is this just a special case?” Zaku asked.

Naruto chuckled. “Hard to say, but I’m guessing this is special!” A sand tail whipped out and Naruto encased them with his tails to block the attack. He was forced back a bit but he was able to recover. “Friend of yours?”

The sand claw came out and with it the possessed red head. His eyes were golden as Shukaku had a hold on Gaara. “Kyuubi!” It roared.

“No friend of yours?” Zaku countered. Naruto caught Gaara with his tails and used his momentum to flip him and throw him into a tree. It didn’t do much as the gourd on his back cushioned the impact. Sand was spreading out from it encasing his arm and giving him the tail.

Shukaku has taken the boy over, be careful he’s a bit of a pain during the full moon.’His other arm was taken over by sand.

“Kyuubi!” Shukaku/Gaara roared.

“You are Gaara of the Sand, come to your senses I am not your enemy!” Naruto called out to him.

Gaara growled and clutched his head. “Kill...Kill...Kill...Raaagghhh!” Gaara flew at Naruto, swiping at him with sand claws. The Uzumaki dodged, grabbing Zaku as Gaara swung at him with his tail. Gaara’s face was twisting becoming more monstrous.

Your voice won’t reach him, not like this anyway.’ Naruto recalled the boy had issues, he seemed to only have interest in the strong, and he even scared his siblings.

“The sand protects him so let’s start with that!” Naruto began to weave hand signs. “Wind Style Gale Barrier Jutsu!” He first put up a barrier around Zaku to keep him safe. The former sound ninja was feeling a bit down because he was needing to be protected.

‘Damn it...I hate this!’ Zaku’s hands balled into fists.

Gaara lashed out at him, but Naruto’s barrier protected Zaku, the swirling winds repelling the sand tail. Gaara charged at Naruto like a feral beast.

The blonde’s hands weaved a new set of signs. “Wind Style: Wind God’s Cleansing Breath Jutsu!” He made a circle with his fingers and blew. Blue wind came from the gate he made with his fingers, swirling blue winds hit Gaara at point blank range. It didn’t hurt him, the wind ripping apart his clothes and blowing away the sand.

In seconds Gaara was stripped of his clothes and his sand armor. The red head was now naked and exposed, Naruto charged forth and caught the sand ninja with his tails. Arms and legs tangled and bound tight by the furry appendages.

Even without his sand Shukaku was still in the driver’s seat, he growled and thrashed but he wasn’t going anywhere. “Damn you Kyuubi damn you!” Shukaku spoke through Gaara.

Naruto checked out his fellow bijuu container and he was quite lovely. His body was smooth and hairless. He had the body of a ninja toned and tight in areas. What really surprised Naruto was the size of Gaara’s balls, they were huge, they made his fatdick look smaller by comparison. Naruto’s libido was effected by having Kyuubi sealed in him at a young age, Gaara was the same, the tanuki inside him caused a slight shift in his biology. The lack of body hair was more of a Sand Village thing.

Uzumaki clapped his hands, conjuring a mix of his nature and demon chakra. Four fox statues appeared from the ground, and chains made of wind chakra connected them. Naruto touched Gaara and in an instant Naruto was inside Gaara’s soul.

“Nnn nnn nnn stop it…” He found Gaara struggling against sand bondage. This sand was being manipulated by Shukaku. His arms and legs were consumed by sand. “You...how did you get in here?”

“A trick I picked up from Kurama, he helped me combine his power with my families power.”

Kurama!” Naruto turned his head and saw Shukaku lounging in a massive jar. “How dare you enter this place!”

“I’m not Kurama, but he is a part of me now.” Shukaku gave him a hard look.

So what, you are a part of that fluffy bastard so you can die with him.” He tried to squash Naruto but was repelled. The blonde’s shadow became the body of Kyuubi and it held Shukaku off. “Look at you Kurama, once so high and mighty now just a shadow of your former self.” Shukaku laughed.

I may be but a shadow, but my kit is stronger than you.”

“Gaara, I can help you if you will let me!”

“No...you are lying you just wanna kill me just like all the others. I can’t trust anyone!” The sand coiled around him tighter.

Shukaku laughed. “You can’t help anyone, this is my domain now!” Some of the sand holding Gaara’s body tried to grab onto Naruto. “I control the sand, I’m his power, his strength, he will submit to me!”

“And yet he resists, all you do is torment him!” Naruto snapped.

Kit you’ll have to do something fast, our strength here is limited.” Shukaku was pushing the shadow Kyuubi back.

And if I crush you here you cease to be out there!” He sent the sand to ensnare Naruto binding him and a sand coffin.

The blonde closed his eyes. There was something else in the sand, he could sense it. The sand was feeling his intentions. Shukaku believed he crushed Naruto with a grip of his claw but the sand didn’t obey. ‘So he has control of the sand, but this power is not his alone.’

Naruto began to gather chakra, forming the hand sign to do so. “I am Naruto Uzumaki!” He declared as chains burst from the sand and slashed through Shukaku’s arms.  The chains whipped around and Naruto was free.

What is this?!” Shukaku growled. “You should be dead!”

“And yet I’m not, were you surprised?” He asked with a chuckle. “Fox Treasure Sealing!” A fox statue plummeted down. Shukaku caught the make shift lid that tried to push him into the pot.

What is this?!” Chains burst from the shadows and bound Shukaku. “Kyuubi stop this!”

You tried to kill me and my kit, you deserve a time out.” Shukaku was stuffed back into his pot, which was the initial seal. The fox statue continued to stuff Shukaku down.

The sand around Gaara’s arms and legs went slack. “Gaara, help me, help you.” The red head couldn’t believe this. “Please you have to trust me.”

“I...I...can’t…” He clutched his head.

“This will help, I want to help you, we can do it together.”

He can’t help you, he’s nothing without me, nothing!”

“Don’t listen, this sand didn’t hurt me because it’s not just his power, it is yours Gaara. With your strength we can do it together.” Naruto offered his hand.

Gaara had waited for someone for so long to reach out to him, to care about him, to love him. Naruto’s eyes shined with honesty.

“I’ll help!” Gaara took his hand, and his chakra began to aid Naruto’s. The pot glowed and began to suck Shukaku back in.

No this cannot be!” A figure of sand appeared behind the pot, and it was in the shape of Gaara’s mother. His eyes widened and he cried as she help push the pot lid down.

No...no...I’ll get you...I’ll make you pay...I’ll…” The pot was closed. Naruto’s chains snaked around the pot creating an extra layer of seal.

“Mom?” Gaara approached the sand figure. It smiled before vanishing.

“Your mom wanted the sand to protect you, Shukaku has a similar power, he takes it over and passed it off for his own.”

“I didn’t know...I always thought it was the beast…”

“Your mother loved you very much.” Gaara clung to Naruto and cried into his chest. The blonde rubbed his back.

“What about Shukaku?”

“He’ll be quiet, you’ll be able to sleep without fear of him taking you over. No more moon lit joy rides either.”

“He’ll stay sealed forever?”

“Maybe not forever, maybe one day the two of you can become friends. I can help you get stronger in the meantime.” Gaara yawned.


“Get some rest, I’ll be with you.” Gaara fell asleep.


Naruto placed a seal similar to his own on Gaara’s belly. The extra layer would keep the red head safe. He clung to Naruto like a koala bear.

Uzumaki undid his barrier around Zaku. “You sure do love picking up strays.”

“What’s that say about you?” Naruto raised a brow at him.

“Fair point.” He glared at the red head who was snuggling against the blonde.

“Don’t be jealous, once we get somewhere safe, you can cuddle to.” They ran off with no more issues.

With the sun peeking out it was the beginning of a new day. “Sun’s out time for bed!” Naruto pulled Zaku into a cuddle and wrapped him up in his tails.

To be continued


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