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Toriko parody: Kinktober Special/Patreon Reward

Kinktober Switcher

Zebra and Toriko were out on a hunting job together. After trying some weird fruits The two get excited and decide to have a taste of each other.


Two of the Four Heavenly Kings have teamed up for a mission. Toriko and Zebra; though some thought it was a bad idea, especially with the target of their quest.

Golden Gasm Fruits: Fruit that shine like pure gold!

Not a lot was known about these fruits since they were so rare. Those that had tasted them before said it was an experience. Toriko and Zebra decided to go and try it for themselves.

It wasn’t an easy hunt….for most…

Most gourmet hunters end up not getting past the fruit’s defenses. The forest these fruits are found in are known as the Seducing Woods, everything found in these mysterious words were quite perverted, phallic, and considered an aphrodisiac.

Toriko and Zebra have never come here before as the foods found here were mostly requested on the Red Market. (Red Light District of the Gourmet World) They didn’t know what the fuss was about.

Sure, some Tentacle Trees grabbed their muscular bodies, vines trying to slither under their clothes and do naughty things to them, but these two weren’t normal Gourmet Hunters. They were two of the Four Heavenly Kings!

Toriko flexed, his muscled body breaking free of the perverted vines. Zebra muscled his way out of them, ripping them and breaking them easily. “Voice Cannon!” He blasted away the perverted obstacles. “Heh too easy!”

“You sure know how to spoil the fun.” Zebra’s attack scared away all the other potential prey, so it was a straight walk to the fruit.

“Tch, I just wanna get this job done, working with you isn’t my idea of fun.” Zebra bumped Toriko, earning a growl from the bluenette. They made their way to the tree that bore the Golden Gasm Fruits. They were eggplant shaped but shined a brilliant gold. “This it? Can they even be eaten?”

The two muscled hunks plucked a fruit. The fruit were warm and smelled rich. “We should give them a try.” Toriko gave thanks for the food and all the ingredients of the world.

“You still do that crap?” Zebra laughed.

“I happen to respect food!” Toriko snarled back.

“Food is food, I don’t see what the big deal is…” He opened his mouth to take a bite into the fruit. Toriko moved to do the same.

Zebra bit into his fruit and some weird milk with the texture of honey squirted from the tip into his mouth. Zebra’s eyes widened. The weird fluid tickled his taste buds, sending fire works off in his brain. He chewed on the fruit in his mouth and more juices came. It filled his mouth and Zebra felt a strange surge of power race through him. ‘It’s good!’

As he chewed his mouth filled with juices, punching out his cheeks. It was so good he almost forgot to swallow. He actually savored the tender skin and thick rich juices before swallowing. “Ohh fuck!” Pleasure washed through Zebra, his muscled body pulsed and throbbed.

His gourmet cells lit up like the starry night sky. This energy surged south, his heavy balls doubled in size and his cock rose to full mast. This surge of arousal rippled through him. “So good!” He moaned as his clothes ripped off his bara body. His massive dick ripped through his black speedo underwear and stood proudly.

Zebra panted and drooled, his body glistened with a lustful and erotic glow, like he just had sex. His cock was oozing like crazy, his once egg shaped/sized balls were now the size of full ripened apples. His nipples were hard and perky from arousal. The man’s ass hole was throbbing, the tight ring of muscle growing swollen. A new layer of nerve endings spread through his channel making his inside tingly and craving something.

Toriko bit into the fruit, and shared a similar squirt from the fruit. “Mmm, mmm, MMM~” He savored the fruit before swallowing it. “Ohhh!” His gourmet cells rippled in delight, pleasure shooting right down to his cock, before resonating out and spreading through his bara form.

His clothes ripped off of him as his hefty cock sprang up. Toriko and Zebra were both bara studs, from thick jacked arms, toned muscled legs, beefy pecs, both rocking 8 pack abs. Zebra had a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch while Toriko was clean shaven. Zebra had scars sprinkled across his sexy body, which added an air of danger to his sex appeal. Toriko had bigger balls than Zebra, which only got bigger.

Toriko’s cheeks clenched as his insides were changed. This was just the first bite. They each had half the fruit left to eat. Toriko’s cock was oozing and weeping. Just eating the fruit gave them the feeling of a good orgasm, but not the release. Both of them were close to climax.

They finished their fruits, and their bodies erupted. “SO GOOD!” They moaned as they came, their massive nuts unleashed shooting a solid stream of cum. Their orgasms lasted for several minutes their cum splashing and soaking the ground fertilizing it for future Golden Gasm Fruits.

The two experienced a phenomenon known as the Foodgasm! The Golden Gasm Fruits were so tasty and rich they could bring someone to climax with one bite, full orgasm guaranteed by eating the whole fruit.

Despite the powerful climaxes that shook them and made their legs feel like jelly. Zebra looked at Toriko, his skin flushed and looking rather tasty. Both men were still hard even after the powerful orgasms. The red head’s balls were itching, ready to cum again. Zebra licked his lips, eyeing Toriko like a piece of meat...no like prey!

Without warning Zebra pounced on Toriko and pinned him down. “Zebra what the fuck!?” The bluenette gasped.

“Fuck...that’s exactly what I had in mind. You wanna fuck to don’t you?” Toriko blushed, his penis was hard and throbbing. Their heavy cocks rubbed together, both were slicked up from pre-cum.

“Shit!” Toriko spread his legs and Zebra chuckled.

“Good bitch!” He lined himself up, the fat head of his penis kissing Toriko’s swollen hole. The entrance throbbed, the ring parting slightly as if kissing the tip back.

“You ever done this before?” Toriko asked.

“Nope but saw it in the wild.” Zebra pushed forward, slamming his full length inside him. A rookie mistake, thankfully Toriko’s new nerve endings and enhanced hole welcomed the intrusion. Toriko only felt pleasure from being breached and stuffed.

“Ohhh Fuck...damn ahhh fuck idiot!” Toriko gasped, surprised at the sudden full dicking and the massive pleasure he felt. He’d fucked with Coco and Sunny before, but it never felt like this.

Zebra wasn’t expecting Toriko to be so tight and warm, he stilled inside him as the inner walls hugged his length. “Fuck!” Zebra came fast, shooting a large amount of cum into Toriko’s body.

His orgasm lasted a few minutes, before it passed. A gust of wind passed between them. Toriko smirked. “Quick shot!”

“Shut Up!” Zebra growled.

He was still hard. “I’m gonna make you scream!” He grabbed Toriko’s hips and began to fuck him hard and fast. His heavy balls clapping against the bluenette’s rear. The heavy nuts smacked like wrecking balls making Toriko’s booty jiggle and ripple.

“Ahh~” Toriko moaned.

“Yeah fuck take my dick, fuck fuck fuck yeah~” Zebra growled, thrusting like a beast in heat. Toriko’s new nerve endings helped take Zebra’s wild fucking and make it a pleasurable experience. The friction created a wonderful heat, Zebra’s fat cock stretching him wide stimulating those new nerves making him feel so good.

He was gonna have some fun with the virgin, his big hands groping Zebra’s beefy pecs and giving them a squeeze. The red head blushed and moaned as his nipples were brushed.

Toriko grabbed them and squeezed them, giving them a tug as Zebra thrust into him. “Damn you cheater, fuck fuck you dick!” the loud male grabbed Toriko’s dick and pumped it in time with his thrusts.

‘So noisy!’ The bluenette flicked his nips, loving the noises he made.

Despite the former virgin’s efforts, the two came together. Zebra’s cum swelling Toriko’s belly like a balloon. Toriko’s climax hit his cum erupting between them, thick fresh man milk splattering their pecs and abs.

Zebra was dazed, which gave Toriko the chance to turn the tables. He forced Zebra off him and onto his hands and knees. “The fuck you think you are doing?” Toriko spread his cheeks.

“It’s my turn, let me show you how to fuck a man Zebra, take notes.” He kissed Zebra’s hole, his big strong tongue thrusting inside. The larger male tensed and made a cute noise. He blushed and fisted the grass as the bluenette ate him out.

His tongue darted back and forth, wiggling and opening him up from the inside. Zebra’s new nerve endings was loving the attention. Toriko added fingers, playing with his ass and opening him up.

“Damn it...just fuck me already!” His cock was ready to blow.

“Well if you insist.” Toriko wiped his chin. His cock was lubed and he pressed his dick to his hole. Zebra was expecting him to bury his length in right away, but Toriko took his time. He pushed in and breached him going in slow.

“Damn it...just...fuck…” He tried to buck back but Toriko held his hips.

“Relax take my dick, good bitch!” He shot back. Zebra tensed his hole clenching around the massive nail of Toriko. Inch after glorious inch stuffed his hungry no longer virgin hole. “How’s it feel to have your cherry popped?” Toriko asked as he stuffed Zebra to the max.


He came. His massive nuts lurched and he came pelting the ground beneath him. Toriko didn’t cum, even as the male’s tight ass tighten and squeeze him. “You got such a nice tight ass Zebra!”

“Shut up and fuck me, I thought you were gonna make me scream!” Toriko smirked.

“Big talker for a quick shot former virgin!” Toriko pulled back, till only the tip remained only to snap his hips forward.

“OHHHH~” Zebra moaned, his eyes rolling up.

Toriko’s pelvis was the hammer, his cock was the nail, a fat long nail. He was hammered hard and fast, Toriko’s hips adjusting to try and find something. ‘What is he…’

“OH MY FUCK!” Zebra screamed, Toriko’s cock found his sweet spot, which was extra sensitive from the new nerves surrounding it.

“That’s your sweet spot, enjoy it!” Toriko pounded his ass, hammering his sweet spot again and again. Zebra came hard, adding more fresh baby batter to the ground.

The red head fisted the grass, panting and drooling like he was in heat. Toriko’s thrusts shook him with every full clap of skin striking skin. Toriko clearly had more experience. ‘Do the others fuck like this?’

Zebra’s moans echoed through the forest, putting the sluttiest noises from the Seducing Woods to shame. The two went at it for hours, Zebra cumming all over the ground. He was a good five orgasms in before Toriko came. He pumped Zebra full of his hot spunk making his belly swell. “That’s how you fuck a man…” Toriko panted.

“Cocky shit!” He pulled off Toriko’s still hard cock and rolled onto his back. “I’m a slow learner teach me more!”

The fruits kept them hard and horny for 24 hours, Toriko fucked Zebra, and power bottomed his massive cock. Zebra got to show what he learned and fucked Toriko good and deep. The two heavenly kings brought back a whole bag full of the fruits to share in this glorious experience.

Anyone who ate the fruits became further evolved their asses not only existing for sex but hungry for it. Fucking didn’t change much between the two, at a glance. Zebra would still bump Toriko but when he passed he groped Toriko’s buns. Zebra was an insatiable glutton, so was his sex drive.



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