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Welcome to Demon School Iruma parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Summon Familiar

Iruma had an awful dream, well it was more like a memory. When Iruma was 5 his parents started having him do things for them. There house was a mess. “Iruma can you help me throw that away!” His mother pointed to a stack of old newspapers and boxes.

“Yes Mom!” He did it.

“Iruma can you help me complete the cleaning?” His mother asked. Help? She hadn’t even started it, there were bottles, cans, and other bits of trash all over the place.

“Yes Mom!” He did it, with a broom in his hand he did as she asked.

“Hey Iruma can you help your dear old dad clean the toilet?” His dad asked.

“Sure thing!” Iruma cleaned the toilet while his dad watched tv.

“Hey Iruma can you help clean the dishes?” His dad asked.

“Sure!” He got a step stool and did the all the dishes himself, washing, drying, and even put them away. While his parents ordered take out.

“Iruma sweetie can you do the laundry?” His mom asked.

“Sure!” Little Iruma didn’t even notice the change in the requests asking for “help” to asking for the task to be done.

“Can we sell you to a demon?”

“Yes!” Iruma blinked as Sullivan appeared. “Ehh?”

The young witch woke up from his horrible dream and found he was in his room, in the demon world of course. “This place is...so it wasn’t a dream they really did sell me!” He cried.

“Good morning Iruma!” Sullivan came in surprising the young man. “Let’s have breakfast together, okay?”

“Good morning grandpa…” He chuckled nervously. After a shower and a change of clothes Iruma sat down to a grand spread. Everything was made by Opera, who was an amazing chef. Since being bought by Sullivan and becoming his Grandson, he’s also become a witch thanks to some demon soda.

He was trained in forbidden spells and ancient runes, he was a bona fide witch. Not that Iruma had any idea he had learned such dangerous things, he just thought he was learning the basics of magic! Now he was worried about using anything his grandpa had taught him, not because of the danger, but because using it would make him stand out.

Breakfast was glorious and Iruma was treated to more gifts, some of them even hand made by his demon Grandpa Sullivan, his first attempt at it really so he had some battle scars but his new cape looked amazing. Opera and Sullivan had purchased a few other things; books for school, lucky charms, ad a few other gifts for his first day of classes.

“Opera even picked out a collar for your new vassal.”

“My what?!” Then Iruma remembered the events with Asmodeus Alice yesterday. ‘Oh no…’ He gasped at the sight of the blue choker, it had a red eye charm to it that matched Iruma’s clasp on his robe.

Sullivan was so proud his grandson already had a loyal vassal to serve and obey him. “If you like Iruma-sama, you can use one these other custom collars.” Opera brought out a selection one was black and spiked, another was gold with silver balls, it had two chains with ring clips, another was red collar with horns with a matching cock ring, and the one that really got him was a metal collar with a cock cage. Iruma’s eyes bulged and he took the simple blue choker.

“This one is fine!” He stashed it in his infinite pocket. A special magic trick he learned by combining an ancient rune with his pocket. It wasn’t anything special at first glance, simply making the pocket bigger on the inside. ‘It isn’t like I have to give it to him.’

He really didn’t want to go to school today, but he couldn’t say no, not just because he was a total push over, but because they did so much for him.

He looked at the band-aids on Sullivan’s fingers, he did it all by hand no magic. Iruma was truly touched, so it was off to school, or so he thought. “Oh I have one more gift to give.” Sullivan whistled and in flew a broom. “This is a Magic Broom.” It had a blue ribbon tied around it, there was an owl topper, the handle was jet black, with a blue band over the bristles.

The broom was quite lively, even nuzzling him, the owl topper was alive, it blinked and cooed at him. “Demons have wings to fly, I thought you might enjoy flying to school with your friends.”

“Won’t it seem weird that I’m the only one flying on a broom?” He didn’t want to stand out.

“Not at all, magic brooms are akin to those...what are they called again, oh yes bicycles!” Sullivan clapped. Yes demons used wings to fly, but they weren’t good for longer journeys so these magic brooms were developed for longer travels, but usage of them varied as wealthier demons used carriages or tames magical beasts to travel. “Of course I’d be happy if you used your carriage!”

‘That’d make me stand out more!’ He took the broom.

“Be sure to give the broom a name!” Sullivan told him.

‘Well he is going to serve as my wings.’ Iruma stared at the owl totem. “I’ll call you Wings!” The totem seemed happy, the broom part sank into the owl and it rested on his shoulder. ‘Cute!’ Iruma felt he made the right choice.

Opera was a bit confused at the Chair Demon’s actions. He always wanted a grandson, especially since his friends all had grandchildren they gushed over. He wasn’t know for dating or mating and had no children of his own, so getting a grandchild didn’t appear to be in the cards. ‘To think he’d adopt a human kid. I don’t understand his actions.’ Opera thought, but the decision was made so he’d do his job.

Iruma left for school wearing his new outfit, his gifts either stored away in his room or his Infinite Pocket. Sullivan wanted to follow and record the whole day, but Opera stopped him. “You have responsibilities at home to complete first.” Sullivan tensed and was dragged away by the red haired butler.

With Wings Iruma flew to school landing at the gate. He was a beginner but Wings took it easy on him for his first flight. Once they landed the broom part was absorbed and he hopped into Iruma’s bag. “Good morning Master Iruma!” Asmodeus greeted warmly and cheerfully.

It surprised Iruma to say the least. “Oh, hi Asmodeus…” He waved.

“Just Azu is fine!” He bowed.

“Okay Azu-kun!” Asmodeus knelt on the ground and tried to take Iruma’s bag.

“Please allow me to carry your bag sir!” His actions surprised the demons around them, and they all began to stare at Iruma. The witch could hear them murmuring, and though it wasn’t bad stuff it still made him uneasy.

“To think he tamed Asmodeus!”

“Yeah, I saw the fight he was amazing.”

“He was so cool!”

“He is the Chair Demon’s grandson he’s a born winner!”


Iruma began to sweat bullets. ‘This is bad so very bad!’ He didn’t let Asmodeus carry his bag. “Everyone is staring please stand up!”

“Of course sir!” He obeyed. The two walked together, Asmodeus even showing Iruma around.

“Today we will be summoning a familiar!” Alice explained.

“What’s that?” Sullivan didn’t tell him anything.

“This is a traditional event at this school, the teachers will gauge a student’s strength by measuring the strength of their familiars. Depending on the strength of the summoning it will go towards the student’s over all rank at the school, from there it’ll be adjusted by the student’s performance.” Iruma was worried, thinking the familiar might try to eat him as soon as it is summoned.

Asmodeus led Iruma to the assembly hall and Iruma was taken aback by the grand structure. ‘So awesome!’ His heart was pounding away at his chest. He didn’t even notice Alice clearing a path for him. “I feel so nervous…” He whispered.

“Our homeroom class will be determined by this event as well. The curator of this event is also a famous teacher.” Alice explained.

The doors burst open and an intimidating demon walked into the Hall. “Keep silent!” He commanded, his scary aura bringing a silence to the crowd. “I am, Naberius Kalego, I’m in charge here!” He had a serious look about him. “I’ll be judging whether or not you’re trash, and whether or not I can recycle the trash!”

‘Harsh!’ Was the shared thought among the students. He got up in Iruma’s face.

“For example...the ones who rely on their grandfather’s position and chanted some stupid spells in the sanctuary without permission, and especially some punks who picked a fight on the opening day!” His eyes screamed anger and death. “Such people need to be expelled from school immediately!”


Iruma’s face went white. Kalego turned away from Iruma. “In short, incompetent students will be forced to withdraw from school immediately.”

“What?!” Students began to protest, shouting out and…

“I said shut up!” Kalego snapped, once again silencing the crowd. Sullivan had prepared an adorable guide to first time summon familiars, much to Kalego’s annoyance.

Step 1: Draw a circle on a parchment with your blood.

Step 2: Walk into the magical circle.

Step 3 Throw the parchment into the flames.

Step 4 A familiar will emerge from the smoke!

Kalego smashed the adorable guide. “Stupid guide…” He grumbled. “I have already drawn my demonic symbol on this parchment. If there are some tricksters here they’ll be recognized right away!” He glared at Iruma.

“Teacher, are familiars dangerous?” A student asked.

“What a silly question, familiars are “the servants that always serve the summoners”. If familiars lay a hand on their summoners…” He blew up the guide. “Punishment will fall on them.”

Iruma couldn’t think this man was anything but scary. “What’s up with him, it’s like he’s trying to pick a fight with us.”

“Line up and shut up!” Kalego ordered.

“Maybe it’s because I made a bad impression at the entrance ceremony.” Iruma muttered.

“Shall I kick his ass for you Master?” Alice asked.

“What? No! Don’t do that!” He was a teacher and he didn’t want to cause trouble.

“You there, I said line up, are you deaf?” Kalego snapped.

Alice created a fire ball in his hand. “Just say the word!”

“No!” Iruma had to drag Alice off and line up with the other students. Students stepped up and began summoning their familiars one after the other. Some were big, some were small, some were creepy, some were cute. Familiars came in all shapes and sizes, but they truly seemed to reflect the ones who summoned them. “Amazing!” Iruma gasped.

“Next!” Kalego called and it was Asmodeus’s turn. Many demons oohed and awed at his familiar.

It was a beast known as the Gorgon Snake, the beast was snake-like, huge, a brilliant white, it had bull like horns, some demon wings, and the tip of his tail was coated in flames. A powerful beast to say the least. “Master Iruma!” Alice came over with his familiar.

“You’re so amazing Azu-kun!” Iruma gushed. “Your familiar is so big and looks so strong!” The familiar blushed.

“Thanks for the compliment.” He bowed politely.

Kelago couldn’t believed it, for Asmodeus to summon a Gorgon Snake he had to have a lot of power and spirit. ‘I can’t believed he suffered defeat at the hands of this honor student, could this brat really be that strong?’ He glared at Iruma. ‘This test will expose him!’

He misread Iruma’s nervousness, he thought the boy was just some cheat. In fact he was just nervous because all eyes were on him. So many students wanted to see what kind of beast he’d summon. Iruma tried to calm down, and saw a bright side to this.

‘Even if I fail to summon anything, I’ll just be expelled and I don’t have to worry about being eaten!’ He brightened up and smiled.

“Tch!” Kalgeo grit his teeth. ‘The way he smiles, is exactly as that old man!’ Truth be told Iruma’s actions at the assembly were only a part of Kalgeo’s issues with him. He didn’t like Sullivan though he respected the man’s power, Iruma being his grandson put a target on his back from the second he stepped into the school.

Sullivan was noisy, undisciplined, and did whatever he wanted. The big three personality types he hated most, and Sullivan had all three. Kalego believed Iruma was just like his grandfather. Sullivan tended to mess with Kalego in different ways, but in this exam he was in charge and Sullivan had no say here. ‘If you even make one small mistake I’m kicking you out of this school!’

There was just one small problem. Iruma was a human/witch, which meant the summoning spell worked a little differently for him. For a demon they summoned a magical beast known as familiars, but for humans and witches the summoning spell allowed them to conjure demons.

Since Kalego’s seal was on the parchment…


Kalego was transported from where he stood to the magic circle. Everyone was shocked. No one had ever summoned another demon before. Iruma looked to where Kalego stood his lower half still there back to the magic circle where his upper half now resided.

“What the heck?!” The two said in unison.

“Stop it...stop the summoning ritual!” There was no way to do that, the magic seal glowed and Kalego was pulled through.


He was transformed into an adorable and fluffy owl looking creature. He had tiny wing and horns, and some of Kalego’s hair. It was him in all his fluffy glory. Kalego couldn’t believe this, he looked himself over and fell to the ground in shock.

“Teacher!” Iruma had so many questions. Kalego twitched in both horror and anger. Asmodeus wept misreading this situation completely.

“I am moved by your power and courage!” Alice wept tears of joy.


“You have turned Kalego into your familiar for disrespecting you!” That’s not what happened at all. Though the demons in the hall took Alice at his word and as no other possibility came to mind they believed it to be true. “What a fitting punishment!!” Alice blushed with excitement, truly admiring his master’s greatness.

“No that wasn’t my intent!” Iruma face palmed. It was too late the demons began talking about it among themselves, no one was listening to him.

‘Damn it…’ Kalego was pissed. ‘No way...I have become this brat’s familiar…’ He rose up into the air.

Still even as a witch and Kalego’s seal for Iruma to be able to summon Kalego is no small feat. The man was a powerful demon in his own right, for a beginner witch like Iruma to summon him was truly impressive.

“Don’t joke with me, you insolent brat!! Cancel the contract now!!” Kalego’s rage was unleashed giving him a terrifying aura. He was so blinded by rage he forgot an important thing about familiars...they can’t raise a hand against their summoners or…


Red lighting struck Kalego stunning him and canceling his magic in an instant.

Familiars who try to hurt their masters receive punishment. He dropped down completely cooked. He was still alive but still he was smoking. Iruma brought Kalego to Sullivan for help.

“Ahahahahahahaha!” The Chair Demon couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “Oh my~” He chuckled. “What a unique summoning ritual!”

Kalego was annoyed but his annoyance only grew after his time limit ran out and Poof! He returned to humanoid form but bare ass naked. “Gah!” Kalego gasped and covered himself. Iruma sure got an eyeful. “This is…” So humiliating.

After redressing Sullivan continued. “Cancel the contract? Impossible, these contracts last a full year. If you try to cancel the contract, you Kalego will die!” He had to obey Iruma both in and out of fluffy form. Though Iruma had to say “This is an order” or “I command you” for the contract to be invoked. In his fluffy familiar form he’d face punishment for going against his summoner, if he went against Iruma’s orders in his  demon form he’d be punished by the Beast of Contracts, a tentacle monster that punishes demons for trying to go against their human summoner.

A necessary evil as many demons used to try and twist words around to mess with human’s wishes and orders. If done the Beast of Contracts appears and tentacle fucks them and reverses their magic if the case my be. Humans rarely summoned demons anymore but Kalego knew all too well from his studies. If he tried to get Iruma expelled or do anything intentionally wrong he’d get tentacle fucked by that monster until Iruma forgave him.

‘Familiar...I am...but a mere familiar…’ Kalego was so shocked he fell ill and couldn’t get out of bed.

Meanwhile Iruma wasn’t very happy with this either as the rumor mill began spreading and the newspaper covered the whole thing, like swift wings the news spread and Iruma got more and more famous. Asmodeus was happy about it, Iruma was so shocked he couldn’t even carry his bag which Alice happily carried for him.

To be continued...Clara and Collars

Iruma meets Clara a wild force of chaos, after some games Iruma loses the vassal collar he was given. Alice finds it and things get a little wild.


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