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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Charms of Bezel: Luck, Nature, Telekinesis, Resurrection, Power

Ben’s Bag of Tricks: Magic Bag, Lucky Boy Outfit, Rock Creatures, Spell Book

Chapter 2 Kevin Levin

Lucky Boy was back as was Gwen 10. Ben whistled for his bag and it hopped over to him, latching onto the belt of his costume. “Did you upgrade your costume?”

“Sure did, I’m not a kid anymore ya know.” Ben crossed his arms. His skin tight body suit hugged his features well. Her cousin had a soccer player’s body, despite his eating habits he kept in very good shape. His costume was now mana charged making it bullet proof, laser resistant, temperature fluctuation resistant, even radiation resistant. The fabric was durable but breathed! He learned his lesson when wearing a space suit, it was protective but also trapped his magic inside.

His mask was enchanted with a few tricks his favorite being a protection spell that masked his identity. He could even apply mana to it to see in the dark, see heat, even a scan feature.

“What more tricks do you got up your sleeve?” She asked.

“I got a few tricks up my sleeve, or should I say in the bag.” He pets the bag which purred contently. “I’ve been experimenting with the spellbook these past years. What about you, you still know how to work that thing?”

Gwen fiddled with the omnitrix and it suddenly re-calibrated. “Umm I think so!” She wasn’t worried. Not only was she an Alpha Female, but she had gotten her black belt so no matter what alien she was in, she felt she could bring out its true power.

When she brought up the options, she didn’t recognize any of the line up. Ben looked for clues and came across a strange device. It was a message from Max, in it he claimed he had the omnitrix and that THEY would never get it. “Just who are they?” He left them a message, giving them the choice to take up their powers and fight.

Being normal didn’t compare to saving their grandpa. Though Ben felt being normal was overrated, one made their own normal. He was worried about Gwen, she had big normal dreams and all that. “Let’s go save Grandpa.” Family came first.

From the message, Grandpa was back on the job, dealing with an influx of new alien activity.

“The omnitrix isn’t yours!” A shadowy figure approached them. “Hand it over!”

“It belongs to me!” Gwen countered, she tried to work it but it just wasn’t going. ‘Maybe it needs a recharge.’

“Hand it over or else!” The creepy man snapped.

“Or else what?” Ben snapped, mana flowing around his hands.

“This!” He removed his ID Mask, his human form falling away to reveal he was an alien. Labrid is a fish-like humanoid with mauve colored skin and yellow eyes with black, slit-like pupils. He had gills on either side of his neck. His plumber suit had a helmet with a water-like fluid.

“Okay that was creepy.” Ben said winging a little. Even Gwen was shocked.

Gwen tried to move but the alien pulled his gun, he fired a warning shot. “Don’t move, next time it won’t be a warning shot.”

“That was your first mistake.” Gwen crossed her arms.

“Oh what’s that?” He asked, not lowering his weapon. Green mana shot out and grabbed the aliens legs and wrists. “Hey!” He fired his gun, but Ben blocked it with mana. With a flick of the wrist, Ben disarmed the alien.

With a snap, the mana coiled around the alien. His charm of telekinesis glowed and Ben lifted him into the air. “You shouldn’t have shot at us in the first place!”

“You are getting pretty good at that.” Gwen praised, Ben smiled.

“Thanks!” His hold on the alien was great.

“Who are you? Why did you attack us?” Gwen questioned him.

“You better talk, I have ways of getting answers.” Ben patted his bag.

“You do?” Gwen asked surprised, and the brunette smirked. He did.

“You two are in some trouble. I’m a deputized plumber, I am Magister Labrid of the plumbers. I’m an alpha male!” The cousins shared a look. “Do you even know what that is?”

“We do, our grandpa is a retired one.” Ben said, he let Labrid down but didn’t remove the mana bonds.

“We were actually looking for him, Max Tennyson. Do you know where he is?” Gwen added.

“Wait, you are Max Tennyson’s grandchildren?” Labrid blinked in surprise. “He was helping me with a case, but he went offline a few days ago. I came to investigate when I saw you two. I thought maybe you stole the omnitrix.” He looked to Gwen. “So you are the legendary Gwen 10?”

“I guess so?” She shrugged, she didn’t know she was legendary. “Gwen Tennyson, Alpha and wielder of the omnitrix, again!”

“Then that makes you the legendary Lucky Boy?” Ben was a lot more excited.

“Ben Tennyson, I’m a delta, and the hero Lucky Boy!” Ben introduced himself.

“A delta, really?” He hadn’t met a delta before. “You shouldn’t share that so easily, galactic criminals would see you as quite the prize. You need to be on your guard.” He coughed and cleared his throat.

They came to an understanding and Ben let him go. This made Gwen even more sure she made the right call. It was hero time!


Following a tip Max had given Labrid, they arrive at an abandoned train station. “There’s to be an illegal tech delivery, The Forever Knights are dealing in alien tech.”

“We remember!” Ben and Gwen grimaced. The knights had gone after the two for different reasons. One order wanted Gwen’s watch, seeing it as a powerful weapon. While another order wanted to murder Ben for being a witch.

They weren’t waiting long as two trucks pulled up, one being driven by knights, the others were driven by some shady looking fellows. Last but not least, a green car rolled up. “No way!” Gwen narrowed her eyes. “That’s…”

“Kevin!” Ben gasped.

“You know him?” Labrid asked.

“Kevin Levin, he’s got super powers, we fought all the time.” Gwen hissed. He had absorbed the energy of her omnitrix and had become an amalgamation of her aliens. They butted heads often.

“He needed our help Gwen.” She glared at him.

“Kevin Levin had his chances Ben!” The two never saw eye to eye on this one.

“You don’t know that, you didn’t fight with him in the arena!”  the two growled at each other.

“Last we saw him he was trapped in the null void.” Ben looked away.

“He helped us!”

“He was just using us to escape Ben.” He didn’t believe that.

“It looks like he’s brokering the deal.” Labrid pointed out. Gwen thought this proved her point.

The knights were buying high level alien tech. Kevin demonstrated the Laser Lances. Levin tested the weapon on an abandoned train car blowing a huge hole in it. Seeing the level 5 technology caused Labrid to snap. “Earth is only a Level 2 Planet!” He drew his weapon.

Labrid tried to hold up the group as they were moving the lances into the back of the Forever Knight’s truck. In response three of the “humans” or “air breathers” as Labrid called them; pulled off similar ID Masks revealing similar aliens that had been seen at the Rust Bucket.

“Okay that IS creepy!” Gwen said, getting the willies.

“Isn’t it?” The strange aliens approached them, letting out an unsettling noise. Ben used his charm of nature to create a wall of fire between them. “What now?”

“A stand off!” Labrid said, looking ready to fight.

“Not exactly, the knights are behind us.” Gwen pointed out. They were surrounded, murderous creepy aliens on one side, murderous psycho knights on the other.

“This is bad!” Labrid said, shifting between pointing his gun at the knights or the aliens. “We are outnumbered.”

“Not for long!” Ben reached into his bag and pulled out some stone eggs. “Let’s do this!” He conjured four stone creatures, they were quite large, fueled by Ben’s green mana. “That even things up?” His Rock Creatures faced off with the aliens.

Ben and Labrid blasted the knights away with a combination of mana and his blaster. When the knights returned fire, Ben erected a barrier between them. The lances were quite powerful, cracking his barrier after three shots, and shattering it on the fourth.

Gwen tried to get her watch to work. “Any time Gwen!”

“Tell that to the omnitrix, I swear this thing has a mind of it’s own.” Gwen shook her wrist.

While Ben’s rock creatures were holding off the aliens, there was a large number of them, and they tried to overwhelm the group with numbers. Ben levitated and drew the knight’s fire. “Chain Lightning!” With his charm glowing, he unleashed a bolt of lightning from his finger tip, creating a chain that disarmed and destroyed a few of the lances.

“Accursed Witch!” One of them shouted before running away.

Labrid had to focus on the swarming aliens, but things went bad for him when the creatures spat some weird goo at him. It was sticky and goopy and powerful enough to jam his blaster. Gwen was forced away from him and was chased by the creatures.

Gwen finally got the omnitrix to work. She got a plant-like alien with fire powers, the alien was female, the red petals commonly found on the arm were full red blossoms. The tall humanoid figure was definitely feminine. “Swampfire!” She called out. The name came to her when she took the form.

Ben was busy fending off the swarm and trying to get to Labrid who was cocooned with goo. “Get away from my friends!” Gwen didn’t know what this alien did, and she didn’t care. She used her martial arts skills and began to beat some alien butt.

The aliens tried to escape, but Gwen ripped up a lamppost and smashed it into the side of the truck, causing it to tip over. “I forgot how much fun this is.” Bang Bang Bang!

Lasers were shot and they passed right through her. “Hey that tickles.” She laughed.

Swampfire was being shot, but her plant body simply regenerated. Even when a knight shot off her arm, a vine reconnected them and it reattached. “This is so cool!”

Gwen took on the knights, showing off her karate moves. Ben freed Labrid, these creatures didn’t like fire so he used some and it got rid of the goo. Kevin got in Gwen’s way. “Tennyson!”

“What do you want Levin?” She snapped.

“How about payback for turning me into a freak, or locking me in the null void?” He had his fight face on.

“You did that to yourself! It was your dumb idea to absorb the omnitrix energy, you then abused it and became a monster. You then later teamed up with Vilgax to hurt me and Ben.” She pointed an accusing finger at Levin.

“Not Ben just you. The energy made me crazy, I get that now, but the last time we met you could have saved me, helped me, when I helped you.”

“That was an accident, and you were still a criminal!” She refused to feel guilty over this or any incident.

“Admit it you couldn’t stand me, you wanted me gone. Why else would you be here ruining my deal.” He growled. “I need this deal, I need this payday, and I won’t let you ruin my life again!” He bent down and touched the metal rail.

To Gwen’s surprise Kevin was able to absorb the metal and cover his body like malleable shell. “That’s new…” Gwen was taken aback by the power and transformation.

“I can absorb anything I touch and use it.” He smirked at her. “Benji told me I could find a better way to use my powers, and I did.”

“Ugh don’t call him that!” Gwen went to punch Kevin but he punched right through her. It didn’t hurt, in fact she was able to constrict the plant body and lock his fist. She smacked his head, making his ears ring, then followed up with a barrage of punches, before kicking Kevin off her and into a train car.

Some of the knights got away with the some weapons, while the mystery aliens slipped away with the cash.

Kevin and Gwen went at it like crazy, but Kevin’s efforts did nothing against the plant alien. He tried to smash her, but she simply sank into the ground and bloomed elsewhere. She surprised Kevin and punched him.

Levin was getting smacked around, his metal shell taking the brunt of the impacts. In a last ditch effort he picked up a train car, he was struggling a bit which gave Gwen time to counter. Swampfire could spew fire from her hands and boom!

The raven haired teen was blasted and flown back. He landed hard. “Ugh uhhh…” His metal shell faded away as he lost consciousness.


When Kevin came too, he was cuffed; energy cuffs. Gwen had returned to human form. Labrid gave him the plumber speech. Going over how dangerous these weapons were. “The Forever Knights got away with a bunch of them. You are gonna help us find them.”

“And why should I do that?” He glared. Lucky Boy knelt beside him.

“Please Kevin, a lot of people are gonna be hurt?” Levin looked at him in confusion.

“He doesn’t care Ben, he never did!” Gwen snapped, feeling her inner alpha snarl. Kevin would have growled back but he paused.

“Ben?” He looked at Lucky Boy. “No way! Ben’s way hotter than this weirdo!”

Ben blushed. He had forgotten about his glamour spell on his mask. So Kevin couldn’t see the truth of who he was. “Uhh Kev…” He tapped his mask, removing the glamour. Kevin’s eyes widened.

“Benji!” Gwen gagged at the pet name.

“So you think I’m hot?” He winked at Levin. It was his turn to blush.

Gwen groaned. “We don’t have time for this, Ben you said you had a way of getting answers from people, use it and get answers out of him.”

“Wait what?!” Kevin gasped.

To be continued...Secret Admirer

Ben uses the Truth Lasso, a special capture/interrogation tool he created. He learns some truths, Gwen doesn’t trust him, Ben does.


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