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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Healing

Luffy truly was a beauty, he greeted them with such warmth.

The minks docked and rushed to greet the Sea Bishop. “We-gara are Minks and members of the Nox Pirates!” Pedro said. “We mean you-gara no harm.” BB and Roddy were rushing to give Luffy a garchu. Minks were very friendly creatures enjoying minkship/skinship very much. Pedro was trying to resist, but Luffy being a merman was stirring in desires in Pedro he was struggling to resist.

“Garchu Luffy!”

“Garchu Garchu Moo~!” BB and Roddy were all over him, cuddling him and nuzzling him.

“Wow you guys sure are friendly.” Luffy giggled. Pedro grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and pulled them off him.

“Forgive us-gara, this is how we minks great each other. It is a sign of affection.” Pedro was blushing, he was having a hard time looking at Luffy, half human half fish, it was a beauty he could hardly withstand. They explained that Garchu was a greeting and a way of saying thanks.

“I see well then...” Luffy gave BB a hug. “Garchu!” he nuzzled him. BB got hearts in his eyes. He did the same to Roddy with similar results. “Garchu!” He nuzzled Pedro, and it was like getting shot through the heart in a romantic way. Pedro’s body shuddered, his heart skipped a beat and he nearly fainted. “Did I do it wrong?”

“No...I just...you are so lovely I thought my heart was gonna explode.” Pedro nuzzled him back, making Luffy giggle.

Luffy didn’t really get it, but was happy to meet such interesting people. He returned the nuzzle making Pedro purr. The jaguar mink got a bit excited and he nipped at Luffy’s ears. “Ahhh!” Luffy moaned, the noise sending pleasure through the three mink’s veins.

“Sorry!” Pedro pulled back. His heart pounded in his chest.

“No it’s okay, my ears are just a bit sensitive.” Luffy panted, it made their hearts skip a beat. The three minks blushed hard.

It was time for some introductions. They were from a land called Zou far away into the New World. Luffy was amazed, they were from the Grand Line, a deeper and more dangerous part that he hadn’t even heard of. They had traveled quite the long way to come here and Luffy was curious as to why. “Why have you come all this way?”

“Well you-gara see...” The trio shared a look.

“We actually came to find you-gara.” Pedro said with a bow, BB and Roddy bowing as well.

“Me? Why...you aren’t human traffickers are you?” Shanks and his brothers warned him about them.

“No no, allow me-gara to explain.” Pedro explained how he had become a pirate in the first place. He was simply an explorer who got too close to information the World Government considered taboo. Despite being seen as a pirate Pedro continued on searching, though he released his crew to live a safer life. This led him into Big Mom’s territory, one of the four emperors. This cost him a lot more than he expected. He lost his friend, he lost his eye, and he lost... “Big Mom took 50 years of my life span, I may look young but my life has been cut short. I had managed to return to Zou where I was waiting to die.” BB and Roddy cried. “I tried to train the next generation, to make them strong and ready for the new dawn.”

“Let’s take this to the bar.” Luffy floated off the ground. “Follow me.” The sea bishop could dance through the air, water could be found even in the air. With his mana Luffy could move through the air as if it was the sea. They went to Makino’s bar and sat down. There was a bit of a shock but Luffy had this covered. “Please continue.”

“Recently I met an old friend, who told me about you-gara. Shanks believes you-gara can help me. I’ve heard stories of the power of the Sea Bishop, they say you-gara can break curses, purify devil fruit holders, even heal people.”

“This is true, though I don’t have much experiences in it.” Luffy smiled. He hadn’t come across many devil fruit holders, or curses, he had more experience healing injuries and wounds than anything else. “So you know Shanks?” Makino brought them food and drinks.

BB and Roddy dug in finding the food to be quite tasty. Minks didn’t eat certain kinds of meat, sticking with reptile, fish, birds, and other such creatures.

“Yes, we-gara met when we were both very young, we even sparred a couple of times.” Pedro smiled. “I wanted to get stronger and go on my own adventure one day, but well...” He had lost more than he gained. Not only did he lose more than half his life span, but he was labeled a pirate and received a large bounty. Luffy found the bounty thing to be pretty cool actually.

“Predro is a great man, he didn’t deserve this to happen to him-moo. Please if you-gara can help him. We beseech you-moo!” Roddy said, and BB bowed his head to him. Luffy could see the minks had deep bonds, they cared about Pedro very much.

He cast his gaze upon Pedro, and indeed there was a strange aura to him. It was as if the shadow of death had been chained to this man. “May I?”

“Oh...please...” Luffy moved over to him and cupped his cheeks. Pedro blushed as Luffy gazed into his eye, he couldn’t help the purr that escaped him. His eyes were clear, pure, but focused. It was like the very ocean itself was gazing into his soul.

“Your life span was taken, by the power of the soul soul fruit. Your life was indeed cursed by this devil fruit.” He could see it clear as day. He lifted up Pedro’s hair to see his scared eye. “You are really brave and cool!” He fought to survive, not knowing how much longer he had left.

“Can you-gara...can you-gara heal me?” he gulped.

“I think I can,” Luffy said. “Devil fruit powers, I’ve read, leave a finger print on others. I may be inexperienced but I’ve been training for this!” He wrapped his arms around Pedro’s neck. The male froze as Luffy drew closer. “Ocean Healing!” He kissed Pedro.

“Whoa!” BB and Roddy gasped.

“Mmm!” Pedro’s eye widened. He tensed up and began to sweat. This was happening, this was really happening. There were sparks flying as Pedro relaxed into the kiss, his arms coming to rest around Luffy’s waist.


He felt a drop of Luffy’s power drip onto his soul, ripples of energy began to wash through and spread throughout Pedro’s body. Luffy’s body glowed with a radiant aura which slowly spread to the mink.

A purple aura was pushed out of him, leaking out in wispy streams into a cloudy mass. As the process continued, the wicked aura began forming into a manifestation of death. A curse left behind by Big Mom’s power, the shadow of death that hung around to sever Pedro’s life. It lashed out before hitting a veil of water and being purified.

Their auras came together and the room became filled with a dazzling light. Pedro felt like he was under water but had no fear of drowning. A feeling of safety and warmth surrounding him. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Pedro’s damaged soul was cracked and left half empty, Luffy’s blessing replenished that which had been lost. The years taken from him, were replaced and the vessel of his soul was mended. To Luffy; it was like taking energy from the universe and using it to refill a broken cup. Then he carefully used his hands to carefully caress his soul, molding it like clay, smoothing over the cracks and replacing the broken pieces.

It was an intense experience for both of them, spanning what felt like an eternity while happening in a five minute kiss. Pedro felt alive again, and as the light of Ocean Healing faded away, he began to kiss back. He got into it, purring and licking at Luffy’s lips.

His lips parted and the kiss became a lot more intimate. Luffy’s hand came up to caress Pedro’s face, pushing some of his hair back. ‘Aqua Healing!’ His hand gained a water aura which glowed for a moment before vanishing.

The kiss finally broke for air and Pedro blinked, seeing out of two eyes. “You...you healed my eye?” He couldn’t believe it. Given that Luffy had just healed his soul, an eye was a smaller feat.

Luffy giggled. “I can’t do scars,” Luffy traced the scar on Pedro’s face. “But I was able to restore your eye at least.” He kissed the furry man’s cheek, making his whiskers tingle and his cheeks burn with happiness. He hadn’t been able to heal Shanks’s arm back then as he lacked the mana to do so, but he had been training his vessel all these years.

Bang Bang!

The two turned and saw that Roddy and BB had banged their heads, hard enough to cause large bumps on their heads, they also cracked the floor and the wall with their antics. “Luffy-sama will you-gara heal us to!” they said in unison.

Wham Wham!

Pedro hit them both doubling up their lumps. “You-gara idiots, you-gara made a mess of the place!” Pedro was feeling livelier than ever.

Luffy chuckled and gathered some water in the air. “Aqua Healing!” He healed their lumps and gave them a peck on the cheek each. The minks had hearts in their eyes. Pedro face palmed. He did put the two to work in fixing what they damaged. “You guys are so funny!”

The oldest mink bowed to Luffy. “I’m sorry for the trouble and thank you for healing me!”

Monkey returned the bow slightly. “It was a pleasure.” He was a friend of Shanks and they came so far. “What are you gonna do now?”

“I….I don’t know…” He had gotten his life back, but what was he gonna do with it. BB and Roddy shared a concerned look.

“Well you guys can stay at my place tonight, rest, we can do some hunting, and I’d love to hear more stories from the Grand Line!” Luffy paid for their food, and Makino waved them off. They ventured into the mountains, and the minks met the mountain bandits. They tried to jump the strangers and got their asses kicked.

Luffy got to see their Electro for the first time. “You guys never learn. These are my friends Pedro, BB, and Roddy!” Each Mink gave a nod or a wave when introduced. “These guys look after me, so try not to kill them, but you can beat them up if they cause you trouble.”

“He’s so cruel!” The bandits cried tears of joy.

“My place is a little further ahead.” They kept walking and found a base. Along the way Luffy learned about the Minks, they were a warrior race, capable of fighting at birth. Their special ability Electro was shared among all minks. They even shared about how they could transform during the full moon, though only the strongest of warriors could control that form. All three of them could control their Sulong form.

“Pedro is even stronger than us though, he’s mastered the power of haki!” BB said and patted Pedro’s back proudly.

“Haki? What’s that?” He stopped and floated down to sit on a tree stump. “Can you show me?”

“It’s a bit hard to explain.” Pedro lit a cigarette with his electro. “All living beings in the world are capable of learning haki; however, there are some people born with it already awakened inside them, and there are others who fail to awaken it at all.” He continued explaining the three types of Haki.

Observation Haki, it granted the user a form of sixth sense that allowed the user to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others. Pedro had Roddy attack him to show the potential precognitive abilities. “Swing from the left.” He dodged the bull mink’s attack, with his eyes closed no less. “Right, left, left down, thrust!” he correctly predicted all of Roddy’s attacks, dodging each of them.

Luffy was amazed and even applauded.

Armament Haki, it allowed the user to harness their own spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves or an object. “Depending on one’s mastery of this it provides incredible offensive and defensive capabilities.” He had BB attack him and Pedro took the hit with an open palm and it was BB that was thrown back. To show it offensively he turned a pebble into a bullet, shooting it like a marble it shot through a tree and continued to fly straight. “One can increase the strength of their attacks or an object’s durability and power.”

As for the third Haki, Pedro had only seen it and heard of it and wasn’t able to do it himself. “Conqueror’s Haki is rare, it grants the user to exert their will power over others. It can’t be obtained through any form of training.”

“That’s so cool!” Luffy gushed. “So far I’ve only been training in the mystic arts and Merman Combat, can you teach me how to use Haki?”

“I can yes.” Pedro agreed and made Luffy so happy.

“I want to keep getting stronger, once I get my crew I want to be able to protect them.” Luffy explained.

“Very honorable, it is a lousy captain who can’t protect his crew mates.” Pedro said, his hand balling into a fist. BB and Roddy knew he blamed himself heavily for Zepo’s death.

Luffy took his hand. “I think you are too hard on yourself. You cared a lot for your crew, you didn’t choose to become a pirate group, and you saved your crew. Zepo-san wished to stay by your side and continue on; you both chased your dreams together despite the world. Don’t let it chain you down, learn from it so it never happens again!” Luffy understood the pain of loss, Pedro could hear it in his voice.

He couldn’t heal Shanks’s arm, and he blamed himself for that so he worked hard to practice and get stronger with his mystical arts. He had also lost someone dear to him, so he’s been trying to grow stronger ever since. Pedro took a knee like a knight bowing before his king. “I will help you get stronger!” Luffy blushed at Pedro’s declaration, he was intense.

“We’ll help too!” BB and Roddy tackled Luffy. “Garchu!”

“Hey!” Pedro joined the mink pile, making Luffy laugh.

They made it to Luffy’s base. “My brother and I built this place, making it bigger as we got older. Now it’s just me.” They had built their base near the river, so Luffy could escape if need be. Plus having access to a water source helped him practice his Merman Combat. “Make yourself at home.” Luffy flashed them his biggest smile and made the minks’ hearts skip a beat.

Pedro may not know what he was gonna be doing for the rest of his life now that his curse was lifted, but he was damn sure he was gonna enjoy it. Helping train Luffy for the next two years sounded very good to him.

To be continued...Training and Full Moons


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