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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Spider Rimuru

Resistances: Thermal Fluctuation, Lightning, Paralysis, Pain Nullification, Fear Nullification,

Passive Skills: Agility, Evasive Action, Close Combat, Appraisal, Antidote Synthesis, Water Manipulation, Water Creation, Magic Sense,

Combat Skills: Eye of Projection, Water Shot, Water Blade, Devour

Martial Arts Skills: None

Unique Skills: Guardian, Predator, Great Sage, Love Titan, Evil Eyes

Monster Skills: Night Vision, Far Sight, Web Walker, Spider Climb, Spider Sense, Stealth, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Poison Bite, Web Attack, Water Stridder, Web Control, Web Trap, Sticky Net

Magic: Poison Magic; Poison Bullet

Chapter 3 Names and Feast

Veldora was shocked at Satoru’s plan. Inside his stomach Great Sage could more effectively analyze the Infinite Prison, while Veldora could also analyze the barrier and give information to Great Sage on the inside. Together they could find a way to free him.

It was a good plan, but Veldora wanted Satoru to be safe. “I’d like to give you a name, and in exchange you can grant me a family name.” Satoru didn’t get it, but this was a new world, a new life he should have a new name. Even if he didn’t know the importance of receiving a name, it was something that would bless him and grant him a form of divine protection.

Veldora was expecting a cool name from Satoru. After some thinking…

“What do you think of Tempest?” He asked, feeling hopeful.

“Tempest you say?!” Veldora shouted, making the spider flinch.

“You don’t like it?” The dragon started laughing, he loved it. He was just very loud and excitable.

“I love it!” He became Veldora Tempest. His body flashed a strange color before returning to normal. It happened so fast Satoru thought he was seeing things. “I am Veldora Tempest!” He roared proudly.

Satoru was still a nameless monster, going forth as a monster with a name was gonna bring big changes for him. “I name you Rimuru...Rimuru Tempest!” The name became etched onto his soul, his body glowing. From his soul paths unknown became opened up to him. With Veldora’s divine protection!

“Rimuru…” Veldora acknowledged him as a true friend.

“Veldora!” Rimuru said excitedly. “My friend, see you again!” He used devour and consumed the infinite prison dragon and all. It happened so fast and Rimuru found himself alone again.

As Rimuru ventured forth he was unaware of the new power he was blessed with; Crest of the Storm. This power would assist in his development.

He was able to collect the magic ore and magisteel clusters using Devour now, but it didn’t fill his main stomach and he was getting hungry. He had a salad of herbs but he was craving some meat.

Veldora’s disappearance had caused the monsters to come out of hiding. These beasts had been laying low out of fear of the Great Storm Dragon, but slowly increasing their numbers and getting stronger from the magicule enriched environment.

Now with Veldora gone they sought to claim this territory for their own. The cave system was about to become more wild and dangerous. Rimuru found himself in the Bottom Stratum where Veldora had been sealed and stored. He didn’t know it but he had been born or reborn in the Lower Stratum.

If he wanted to leave this cave he’d have to venture through the Middle and Upper Stratum to find the exit. Normally the monsters would get weaker as he got higher, but because of the territory fight the cave was imbalanced.

What stood in his way was an assortment of beasts that sought to claim the cave for their own. A normal monster or adventurer may have found this too dangerous to go in alone, but for Rimuru this was a buffet!

He retraced his steps but found some enemies right away. The Black Serpent was one of a few monsters that made their home around the lake Rimuru had created. This thing didn’t want to be friends it instead it instead attacked Rimuru with Poisonous Breath.

Rimuru sensed danger and dodged the attack. It melted some nearby rocks, the corrosive element to this attack was a big danger. “Eat this Water Blade!” With one swift attack he sliced through the snake’s head and killed it instantly. He ate his kill but it wasn’t very tasty. “Maybe it’d taste better if I grilled it.”

Some other snakes tried to get the jump on him, but thanks to Danger Sense Rimuru avoided them and killed them just as quickly. “I don’t have a way to cook you bastards so you’ll become nourishment for my power!” He used Devour and absorbed them.

Acquired: Poison Breath, Sense Heat Source, Poison Resistance (Small)

Rimuru was quite pleased.

It seemed around the lake insect and reptile monsters gathered. Rimuru was attacked by an Evil Centipede that tried to paralyze him with its breath. The spider sensed no danger from the attack thanks to his Paralysis Resistance. He was able to make quick work of this guy with Water Blade.

He ate the monster, and he tasted better than the snake. ‘I wonder if bug monsters taste better to me because I’m a spider?’ He pondered.

His meal was interrupted by a swarm of these bugs, they weren’t so pleased that he killed their scout. Rimuru thought they couldn’t hurt him, but when the swarm unleashed their Paralysis Breath his Danger Sense went off. The spider escaped the spray of green mist. ‘Okay...best not to get too cocky!’

Rimuru swung from the air using his thread. “Poison Breath!” He unleashed his new attack, and melted the swarm of centipede monsters into goo. “Eww that’s gross!” He didn’t want to eat them like that, so he used Devour.

“Yuck!” He couldn’t taste things when using Devour but the mental image couldn’t be shaken.

Acquired: Paralysis Breath, Paralysis Resistance has evolved into Paralysis Nullification.

“So that was it, I need to be careful with how I treat those.”

Notice: Requirements have been met would you like to unlock the Paralyzing Evil Eye?

“Ohh that one sounds useful!” To be able to stun prey by looking at them could prove helpful. He accepted it and added the eye to his arsenal. Taking out a whole swarm of centipede monsters wasn’t easy.

His next opponent was a frog monster who tried to get the drop on him by launching a tongue attack at him. Nothing Danger Sense couldn’t detect, Rimuru dodged and faced off with his new enemy. “You might be a frog, but this spider won’t be eaten so easily.”

The frog spat acid, which forced Rimuru to dodge, but when he tried to get in close the frog hopped around. With their jumping power and long tongues it made them troublesome opponents but add their Acid Spit these guys were a pain. Truly an enemy of insect monsters. Their acid could eat through the shell of the Evil Centipede.

Rimuru got creative and spun a web to try and limit the frog’s jumping. Once it got caught in his web, the frog was easy prey. Rimuru used his fangs and finished the beast off. “Hmm, you taste better than the snake, but I still think you’d taste better cooked.”

He found some other frogs and used them to test his skills. Using Eye of Projection, he created an illusion of himself. The frogs saw it and tried to attack it with their tongues, the two ended up getting tongue tied allowing Rimuru to come in with a killing blow. “Devour!”

Acquired: Acid Spit, Poison Resistance (Medium), Acid Resistance (Small) New Spell Unlocked: Acid Bullet.

Rimuru decided to put up a few Web Traps, but as he was setting them he was attacked from above. “Huh?!” A small hive of Battle Bees was set up, they were fast, could fly, and could fire their stingers like arrows.

This was just a small scouting nest, to try and spread their influence. Even though it was a small nest there was over thirty of them. They had some shooting stingers from a distance while others swooped in to attack Rimuru. They were quite persistent pests. “You lot are making me hungry!”

He decided to use them to test his poison magic. “Poison Bullet!” He fired a purple bullet of poison and it took out one of the soldiers. “Now Acid Bullet!” This time it was a yellow bullet of acid, the bee it hit was dissolved and died quickly. “Hehe!”

Rimuru unleashed a barrage of Poison and Acid Bullets, with the help of Great Sage this was easy. He took out the soldiers and even destroyed the nest. Though it appeared one of the bees fled.

The spider ate the bees that he killed with Poison Bullet and used Devour on those killed by Acid Bullet.

Acquired: Flight Skill: Bee Wing Imitation Unlocked.

Rimuru could manifest Bee-like wings using his magicules. It sounded cool, but he wasn’t used to flying and it was faster for him to scale walls or swing with his webs.

The bees were tastier than the centipede monster, weirdly sweet. “I was hoping there’d be some honey or something.”

Notice: Battle Bee monsters are unable to create honey, they have low intelligence and seek only to multiply and fight. Honey Bee monsters are gentler and have a higher intelligence, they are capable of creating honey.

That was good to know, these guys did attack him. There appeared to be a difference between some creatures; while called monsters some acted as beasts while others gained not only higher intelligence but sentience and could be talked to and reasoned with.

He reached the lake and was greeted by another monster Toxic Lizards. At first Rimuru just observed them at a distance. They stood on their hind legs and moved in a heard formation. They were on the other side of the lake so Rimuru thought he was safe. Once they detected him though they started running, Rimuru gasped as they moved across the water towards him. They reminded him of a certain species of lizard from his world but this was something else. “You wanna play, let’s do this!” Thanks to his Water Stridder power he was able to run across the water as well.

They chased him around a bit, but Rimuru was just having some fun. When he attacked with his long range skills like Water Blade the lizards coordinated and dodged the attacks. ‘Not bad!’ The Toxic Lizards swiped at him with Poison Claws, but he dodged them easily. Just when they thought he was cornered he unleashed Paralyzing Eye, they didn’t stand a chance and soon sank into the water and drowned.

Rimuru pulled them out with his webs and dragged them over to be eaten. Their fight had caused a commotion disturbing some other monsters sleeping below. Before he could eat, the lake bubbled and some new monsters joined the fray. Walking Fish, they had made their home in the lake Rimuru created. Among the monsters on this floor they were the second deadliest.

Not only did they fight in swarms, they were also capable fighters. Some threw rocks at Rimuru trying to smash him, while others fired water shots. The spider dodged their attacks, but while he was busy dodging, some of the fish tried to sneak away with his kills. “Oh no you don’t!”

Using Web Control he tied down his skills and got the thieves webbed down to. “Sticky Net!” Rimuru spat webbing, it opened up into a net, casting wide he caught some of the Walking Fish in his trap.

A little Poison Fang and they were down for the count. A few more brave fish tried to attack Rimuru using a strange bubble attack. Rimuru countered with Steel Thread and sliced through the bubbles and cut up the fish monsters too.

“You made the mistake of challenging me here.” The fish tried to escape but Rimuru used Water Manipulation turning the lake into a whirlpool. He was able to take his time catching the fish one by one with his webbing.

It was time for a hearty meal. The lizards were quite tasty, better than the frogs, but the fish were the best thing he’s eaten so far. It was like having sushi. He almost didn’t want to save any of them for Predator, almost…

He used Devour on the last few.

Acquired: Poison Resistance (High), Poison Claw, Poison Fang has evolved into Toxic Fang. Poison Synthesis Skill.

Acquired: Dive Skill: Allows the user to breathe under water and survive low tier water pressure. Bubble Catcher. Water Magic unlocked; Torrent, Whirlpool.

Now Rimuru could conjure either a raging torrent or a massive whirlpool of water. With Poison Synthesis he could create different kinds of poisons. He was having a blast.

He was feeling pretty good about himself, this floor was once new territory for monsters that specialized in swarming, but Rimuru claimed it for his own. On this floor weaker monsters could band together to become bigger threats, but that wasn’t all there was.

On the other side of the lake were two stronger monsters. The Armorsaurus was a monster with strong jaws that could eat rock and minerals, this creature was lured down here by all the rich ore and minerals. It’s strong scales made it troubles for the local poison creatures.

It would have been a challenge for Rimuru had it not been for his water powers. The monster wasn’t tasty, his meat extra tough so he just devoured it with Predator.

Acquired: Strong Fang Skill: Boosts the power of one’s jaws and teeth. Stone Eater: Allows the user to devour and digest rocks/stones. Body Armor Skill Unlocked.

Notice: Armored Spider Skill Tree Unlocked Iron Eater Skill: Allows the user to devour and digest metal. Harden – Grants a temporary boost to your defenses. Tank Skill: Can survive taking a large amount of damage from an attack.

Rimuru tested the Eater skills on some ore, and found the magic ore to taste a lot like candy. Not only did it give him a nostalgia feeling like when he ate hard candy in his old life, but eating the magic ore helped boost his own magicule level.

He was pulled out of his nostalgia trip when his Danger Sense activated. Rimuru looked around but didn’t see anything until...three of his legs suddenly got petrified. His body reacted Evasive Action triggered and he avoided being petrified completely.

The spider went Stealth Mode, hiding his presence. He wasn’t alone, the last and most powerful monster on the floor appeared a Basilisk. This lizard was also capable of eating rocks and loved to petrify his victims.

Rimuru destroyed his petrified legs and used healing potion to recover. ‘Not a bad trick!’ The Basilisk was looking for him, if he tried to use a skill the creature reacted and dodged.

Notice: It has Magic Power Perception.

The spider began to wrack his brain. ‘I need to attack it at a distance but it needs to be an attack not easily dodged.’ His skill didn’t make him invisible if the Basilisk spotted him it’d be over.

That’s when it hit him, if he combined his Far Sight Skill with his evil eyes he could snipe his enemy. He tested it out withdrawing a bit, he kept the Basilisk in eye sight with Far Sight. “Paralyzing Evil Eye!” He cast and the Basilisk became paralyzed.

He launched Webs and pulled him in to finish him off. The Basilisk had some tasty meat, but still came under the fish.

Acquired: Petrification Resistance (Small), Petrifying Evil Eye Unlocked. Notice Unique Skill Sniper has been created. Expands the range of all skills.

Rimuru became the strongest monster on this floor, the area became his base of operations. He feasted upon the monsters and helped bring balance to the floor. He found the way to go to the Middle Stratum.

He could only imagine what kind of tasty treats awaited him on the next floor.

To be continued Monster Rumble

Rimuru had a mighty feast on the lower floor, but now the monsters he finds are battle hardened and hungry. He’s not about to back down. Because of the growing strength of monsters in Veldora’s cave a team of adventurers is dispatched.


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