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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 19 

Chapter 20 Fear and Evolution

“I HATE THIS!” Renji screamed as he slashed through another two headed dog monster. At first killing these monsters was therapeutic but there was a lot of them, and their respawn time was low. They came back so fast they couldn’t search for treasure well. Ichigo noted this would be another floor to explore with the full party. “Why are there so many of these bastards here?” Renji panted.

“Big Brother Renji doesn’t like dog monsters.” Toshiro stated the obvious, and Rose nodded; the flower bobbing it’s flower head.

“Renji, I have a theory, but you won’t like it.” They stood at the entrance to the next floor. If they waited too long the monsters would respawn again. “We could leave but we’ll have failed to get the evolution item.”

These floors had monsters skilled at swarming, so the numbers weren’t a surprise. “In this area was nearby where the wave happened, similar to the two headed dog that made the cave his home, it’s possible the boss monster is a…”

“No…” Renji began to sweat, memories of that day springing up. It wouldn’t be the same boss monster as that had been slain to end the waves, but such a beast could exist in this dungeon. Monster evolution was possible, and the monster boss would become trapped at a floor.

Renji couldn’t stay behind or go back alone, his stamina would drain before he could leave the dungeon. “My evolution…” Rose sulked. They were so close to the rare treasure.

“It’s fine, I can handle it!” Renji said, but couldn’t stop shaking. He knew how important this was, but facing such a beast, an exact copy or replica of the thing that ate his parents.

“You were able to quell your fear before, by slaying the two headed dog. If the boss really is a Three Headed Dog monster, let’s kill it together and put the past to rest for good. Take your revenge upon it!” He hugged Renji. “I’ll be right by your side.” The Nue blushed.

“You have us big brother!” Toshiro teased.

“Let’s go!” Rose cheered.

Renji nodded, that didn’t mean he didn’t hope Ichigo’s theory was incorrect. Even a Giant Hound would be better than facing that three headed nightmare.

The group ventured forth, but as they moved between floors they heard a loud howl. The path shook from the power of this boss monster. Renji tensed. ‘I know that sound!’ Zabimaru coiled around him defensively.

‘So I was right...damn it!’ This boss monster stood between them and the evolution seeds and possibly other treasures. “Renji?” He looked to the red head.

“I’m fine, let’s do this!” He draws his sword. Ichigo stops him.

“Don’t forget you aren’t doing this alone.” He was serious about this.

“Right!” They entered the boss floor, and there it was!

The beast was huge, bigger than the two headed dogs they were fighting before. It knew they were coming by smell and it flared his aura. Ichigo scanned it, while it was indeed strong. “Renji, how does it stack up?”

“It’s strong, but it doesn’t have the aura like the one that killed my parents.” He sweats and takes a fighting stance. Zabimaru hissed.

‘It doesn’t have the intimidating aura the Wave Boss had? No doubt wave bosses are blessed with special stats and skills compared to a monster that evolved in this world normally.’ He readied his shield, he changed it to Gator Shield 2! He was gonna fight!

“Still...that form…” Renji’s aura flared. “Makes me wanna kill it!” He was scared, but he was ready to fight. “Three heads...I’ll cut them all!” Renji had snapped.

“Oi!” Ichigo gasped. Renji charged in, ready to fuck up this monster.

Boss Monster: Three Headed Dog! A powerful monster, upon gaining a third head it gains access to magic and advanced skills. A dangerous beast once bread and trained to guard treasure rooms and jails.

With a bark, the boss monster used one of his skills. His shadow expanded and out came an assortment of beasts. Ichigo scanned them.

Shadow Hounds: A sub species of Shadow Beast; Monsters born from shadow magic, demons and powerful monsters are able to conjure them at will. While lacking in power, they are quite fast. They have a weakness towards Light Magic. They are resistant to non magical weapons!

“Renji get back!” It was too late, Renji was already rushing into a trap. Even if Renji attacked the Shadow Hounds and defeated them, the Boss Monster was already moving to strike.

“Acid Spit!” Rose spat poison. His acid melted some of the Shadow Hounds.

“Hail Wing!” Toshiro flapped his wings launching a barrage of ice that pelted the hounds, ripping them apart and reducing them to shadow particles.

“Snake Strike!” Zabimaru lashed out, tearing through the Shadow Hounds, but the Boss Charged in.

“Air Strike Shield!” Ichigo cast creating a shield between the boss and Renji. The delay allowed Renji to jump back, but more Shadow Hounds attacked him. “Gator Wheel!” A green energy disk whipped through the air and sliced the hounds.

“Thank you!” Renji panted.

“Have you calmed down now? We can’t rush in or it’ll mean death.” This Boss monster was stronger than the last one they fought.

“Sorry, I just…” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He could feel all his pent up frustrations from that day rising, he was seeing red. Ichigo grabbed his shoulder.

“I get it, but we do this smarter not harder got it?” Renji nodded and they stood to face the boss.

Ichigo’s scan identified some things, this thing had parallel processing which means each head was capable of acting for the body, which gave it resistances to low tier confusion, charm attacks, and low tier illusion magic. The right head had the ability to summon the shadow hounds, the left head had a skill called Fur Faction, and the middle head had some recovery magic.

They didn’t have to wait long before they saw what Fur Faction did. The Boss sacrificed some of it’s fur to conjure Two Headed Dog Monsters. The other head replenished their Shadow Hound formation. “I see, so you have to deal with the soldiers first, and even then if you take out the heads, if you aren’t fast or strong enough the middle head will make them recover, but if you focus on the middle head the other heads will keep conjuring more soldiers!” Ichigo smirked.

The Shadow Hounds had Speed, while the Two Headed Dogs had Power. With the Boss monster able to rend and tear you apart if it spotted an opening.

Boss monsters weren’t a joke, they needed strategy to defeat, its no surprise that Wave Boss monsters are seen as such terrors, being buffed with extra skills and abilities. This kind of boss monster would give solo runners trouble unless you had a vast level gap, you needed to have a balanced party to crush this guy.

“Alright, we are going after the big guy!” Ichigo declared. “Toshiro I want you to deal with the dogs; Rose you’ll keep the hounds down, can you do it?”

“Got it!” The two said in unison.

“Icicle Lance!” Toshiro cast, firing huge ice shards at the dogs.

“Blossom Blizzard!” Rose twirled creating a storm of petals that ripped through the shadow beasts. Both Toshiro and Rose had area attacking skills and spells, this was perfect for them.

“Let’s do this Renji!”

“R-Right!” With the soldiers occupied the two were able to charge at the boss. “Red Flame Cannon!” He fired a ball of red energy at the middle head.

“Gator Wheel!” Ichigo fired a green disk at it, it was strong enough to cut him, but the boss pulled back avoiding any serious damage. “Air Strike Shield!” Ichigo created a platform for Renji. “Get him Renji!”

“Red Blade!” He enchanted his sword with fire magic, jumping from Ichigo’s shield he zoomed through the air ready to pierce the middle head. It was a good plan...almost…

Renji got flashes of the wave boss, and his fear caused him to freeze up. He couldn’t help it! The hesitation allowed the boss to jump back and launch a counter attack. Roar Shock! A dark element magic attack that blasted Renji back. “Aaaaggghhh!”

Ichigo caught him. “Fast Heal!” He was healed up but still shaken. Renji coughed and tried to catch his breath. “This is too much for you isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry, I’m scared, I want to kill that thing so badly, but…” he was caught between paralyzing fear and blind rage. Both would be deadly in this kind of fight. “I’m not that scared little kid anymore….” He told himself.

“Renji, it’s okay to be scared, but you can’t be consumed by fear.” Just as he couldn’t be consumed by rage.

“I am your sword, I cannot falter.” Ichigo hugged Renji.

“Then let’s kill this beast!” He rubbed his back. “I believe in you!” The monster healed himself, before conjuring more monsters.

“We need to change the tactics!” Toshiro fell back. “Renji can you roast those guys?”

“I can do it!” He built up his mana. “As source of my power I beseech thee, gather the flames and spread like wildfire consuming my enemies; All First Blaze!” He gathered flames and shot them into the air, fire rained down upon the dogs, the hounds, and the boss monster.

The fire wiped out the soldiers and scorched his fur. It howled in rage. “Acid Spit!” Rose distracts the beast, but his attack wasn’t super effective.

It used Roar Shock. “Shield Prison!” Ichigo shielded Rose.

He tossed Renji a mana potion. “Let’s go!”

The Boss summoned Shadow Hounds. “Oh no you don’t, Ice Dragon Roar!” Toshiro blasted the shadow beasts, and even freezing the Boss monster’s legs.

It growled, the other two heads preparing to attack, while the middle head worked to heal. “Oh no you don’t, Snake Ivy!” Rose bound their mouths shut. “Got ‘em master!”

“Let’s bring ‘em down!”

“Right!” Toshiro and Renji said in unison.

The ice dragon kicked the middle head up. “Gator Wheel!” He sent the green disk at the Boss’s neck. It coughed and gagged, it had just regenerated their fur. The other heads called for more soldiers, they charged at Rose.

“I got this! Parasite Seed!” Rose fended off the soldiers.

Renji jumped and attacked the middle head, even as the boss growled. His intimidation, shook Renji but he growled and Zabimaru hissed. “Shut up, I’m not scared of you!” He stabbed the monster in the head, before activating his Blaze Blade, roasting him from the inside out.

The battle wasn’t over, as two heads remained, but the healer head was taken out. They broke free from the ice and the ivy. It wasn’t playing around anymore, it was gonna fight and attack, eating them to heal and grow stronger.

‘In a head on attack...we win!’ Ichigo used Air Strike Shield to block one head’s attack, and Toshiro and Renji double teamed the Shadow Hound Head.

“Red Palm Strike!” Pow Pow! He hit him with a one-two blow of burning palms.

“Frost Claw!” the combo of strikes finished off the head, but with one head left, the boss going crazy.

Ichigo was able to pin it down with barriers and they unleashed everything they had on the boss. Rose finished off the soldiers and gained a new trick. “Acid Rain!” He cast, showering the boss with acid.

“Icicle Lance!” Toshiro cast, stabbing the boss with ice.

“Gator Wheel!” Ichigo slashed the boss.

“Fast Explosion!” Boom!

His body was scorched. Renji stood over it. ‘The Wave Boss is gone, but with this...father...mother...I avenge you!’ He stabbed the boss and finished it off. With one fierce slash he severed the head and blood gushed and covered Renji.

The fight was over, and two doors opened up. One led to the next floor while the other led to the treasure room. Ichigo took stock of their strength.

He had risen to level 40, defeating the Boss Monster gave them a unique skill. Cerberus Slayer: (Because of the large number of demon hound monsters they fought and killed it made Cerberus Hunter evolve) Damage done to Demon Dog Monsters boosted to 50%.

Ichigo unlocked Three-Headed Dog Shield: ATK + 9, Triplet Bark Skill: Scares away weak monsters + 2, makes enemies flinch. Dog Rend: Evolved form of Dog Bite, double the power.

Guard Dog Shield: Will summon Shadow Hound manifestations to attack when struck even by long ranged attacks. (He’d have to master this skill to use it with his others)

Rose had leveled up to 40* he got a star next to his level now too. He really needed to evolve now. Along with Acid Rain he learned some other skills; Poison Creation, Poison Mist, and Toxic Thorn.

Renji leveled up to 53: Nue Skill: Roar; a powerful shout that intimidates weaker opponents. Crush; crushes an opponent by charging mana to enhance strength in hands or tail. Battle Drum: A skill that raises the strength of the user, makes one immune to intimidation. (Warning drains stamina quickly.) Revenge Strike: Generates an aura, taking hits builds up power and will be unleashed on the next strike. (Warning if healed before attack unleashed aura will dissipate.)

The red head covered in blood approached Ichigo and knelt before him. “I’ll never fail you again Ichigo-sama!” The look in his eyes was serious. “I won’t hesitate again, your sword has grown even stronger!”

“Renji…” He stands up.

“I mean it Ichigo-sama! I’m gonna have your back!” Ichigo didn’t know what to say. Renji had changed a lot from the little guy who was scared of blood, now covered in it like it was nothing.

They head into the treasure room, which served as a rest stop for adventurers. Not only was there treasure but there were beds and a shower. It wasn’t super fancy but it was nice enough. “I wonder what the rest areas at the lower floors look like?”

Toshiro reverted to human form and bounced on the beds. “I’m gonna go….get a shower…” Renji shed his blood stained clothing and went for a nice warm shower. Washing the filth of this day off of him.

Ichigo went through the treasure boxes until he found the Evolution Seeds. “Here they are!” He pulled them out. “Are you ready Rose?”

“I was born ready!” He said excitedly. Ichigo fed him the seeds and a notice appeared on his icon. He accepted the evolution.

Rose began to grow, his plant monster body, evolving and changing. Gold light burst from his core as his flower grew massive, his roots grew larger and thicker. The gold light began to take shape, forming a humanoid form. His pot broke as a bulb expanded forming a base and his roots served as legs/feet. His flower opened up as his body materialized.

He had long flowing wavy blonde hair, he had a handsome face with purple eyes. His ears were slightly curved and pointed making him almost look elf-like. He was tall and lean, with long legs, that vanished into his flower just below his knees. Golden vines snaked up his legs and on his lower back was two golden seed marks, and golden vines snaked up his back and coiled over his arms. His body was smooth and hairless, and he was very naked!

Ichigo blushed and covered his eyes. “Master!” Rose cheered and grabbed Ichigo and pulling him into his flowery embrace. “I’ve evolved!”

Evolution into Alraune Successful

“Uh huh!” Ichigo’s whole face went red. Rose was excited alright, his 6 inch dick standing at attention. “Please cover yourself!”

“That’s no fun master!” Rose nuzzled him.

“Listen up rookie you better do as master says!” Toshiro snapped at him. A bored expression crossed his features.

“Fine!” He created a loincloth of leaves. He sank down into his flower for more coverage. When he did his bulb rose, and his roots allowed him to walk and move around. “I can walk!” He laughed.

Ichigo was a bit too exhausted to scan him, but Rose had gotten stronger. “I can’t wait to evolve too!” Toshiro huffed.

“Remember there are other ways to get stronger. You can take more magic lessons.” Ichigo told him.

“I wonder if I can use magic now!” Rose gushed. “I’m so excited, now I won’t be stuck guarding the cart!”

“Don’t knock the cart!” Toshiro snapped. Ichigo laughed.

He cast a look towards Renji’s direction, he had went through a lot today. Maybe it was time to show Renji how much he meant to him.

To be continued...Time and Place

Ichigo has a word with Renji, and tells him how he feels. Renji and Ichigo share a passionate night together. Before the wave comes, Ichigo takes his first mate!


Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Blue Shield: +2 Defense

Green Shield: +2 Defense

Purple Shield: + 4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield: ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two-headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.

Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5

Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Small

Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small)

Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2

Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small)

Dragon Scale Shield: +15 Defense, Elemental Resistance (Small)

Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium)

Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze and opponent.

Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small)

White Usapil Shield: DEF + 2

Dark Porcupine Shield: Agility + 12

Amethyst Frog Shield: Jump + 5

Usapil Bone Shield: Stamina Up (Small)

Porcupine Bone Shield: SP Up (Small)

Frog Bone Shield: Compounding Boost (Small)

Toad Oil Shield: Medicine Effect Boost (Medium)

Voice Gengar Shield (Bat): Sound Wave Endurance, Special Equip Skill: Megaphone

Voice Gengar Shield (Rat) Blinding Endurance, Special Equip Skill Megaphone

Nue Shield: Level Locked

Nue Viper Shield: Synthesis Boost

Crystal Ore Shield: Fine Crafting 1

Torrent Shield: Plant Classification 2

Blue Torrent Shield: Intermediate Compounding 2

Black Torrent Shield: Rookie Compounding

Pink Torrent Shield: Sleep Resistance Medium Unique Skill Sweet Scent – Produces a sweet aroma that can attract and calm some monsters, it can bring ease to party members, highly effective on Demi-Humans, Beast Men, and Monsters in your party.

Yellow Torrent Shield: Charm Resistance Medium Unique Skill Honey Production – Can spend stamina to create delicious honey.

Green Torrent Shield: Petrification Resistance Medium Unique Skill Regeneration Small

Gurihosato Shield: Attacks from plant enemies reduced by 5%

Plant Fire Shield: Fire Resistance (Small)

Killer Insect Shield Alpha: Attack from insect enemies reduced by 3 %

Copper Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 1

Iron Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 2

Silver Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Lead Ore Shield: Defense + 3

Gold Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Milking Shield: Charisma + 5 Equip Effect: Milking Touch: Helps partners cum faster and harder.

Milking Shield 2: Charisma + 10 Equip Effect: Milking Touch 2 Equip Skill: Milk Collector At the cost of SP can milk someone for hours, their climax will be collected and stored in the shield.

Bioplant Shield: Plant Reform Equip Effect: Vine Snare

Plantriwe Shield: Intermediate Compounding Recipe 2

Mandragora Shield: Plant Analysis

Antidote Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicine Shield 2: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Medium

Poison Frog Shield: Poison Nullification Medium, Shield Skill: Poison Jab: Shoots tongue out to strike and poison opponent, grants poison element to physical blows when equipped.

Poison Bee Shield: Poison Nullification Small

Poison Fly Shield: Poison Guard (Grants Poison Resistance to the party)

Bee Needle Shield 2: attack boost + 3; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Venom (Poison)

Poison Tree Shield: Poison Absorb, Poison Neutralization

Miasma Shield: Equip Effect: Poison Burst: When activated releases a toxic miasma that poisons and blinds whoever is caught up in it.

Shield of Rage: Equip Effect: Self Burning Curse. Charge Skill: Doom Blast Shield Ability: Iron Maiden Shield Skill: Change Shield (Attack)

Blessed Aqua Shield: Holy Water Creation (Small)

Holy Water Shield: Holy Water Potency Boost

Blessed Aqua Shield 2: Holy Water Creation Medium

Holy Water Shield 2: Holy Water Effect Range Boost

Divine Aura Shield: Curse Resistance Small

Divine Aura Shield 2: Curse Resistance Medium

Purification Shield: Damage from undead monsters reduced by 5%, Damage towards undead monsters increased by 5%. Charge Skill: Purification Blast: Can purify undead monsters and repel evil influences. (10% Damage thanks to Unique Skill Undead Hunter)

Goblin Shield: Nightvision Skill, Shield Skill: Shadow Mask – At night it allowed the user to become hidden by shadows.

Goblin Shield 2: Shadow Cover: At night can mask individuals in darkness hiding their presence. Damage from goblin monsters reduced by 5%

Green Imp Shield: Lightning Resistance (Small) Shield Skill: Lightning Rod: When worn will draw lightning and electric attacks to user.

Pink Imp Shield: Fire Resistance (Medium) Shield Skill: Heat Candle: When worn will draw fire and heat attacks towards user.

Gator Shield 1: ATK + 10, SPD + 5 Unique Skill: Razor Wheel: It allowed the shield to spin like a saw allowing for a slash attack.

Gator Shield 2: ATK + 10 SPD + 7 DEF + 5, Can use Razor Wheel Skill, at twice the power. Gator Wheel: Can launch a flying disk attack that can slice through enemies.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield 2: Twin Bark Skill: Scares away weak monsters, can make enemies flinch. Dog Fang Skill: Increases the Power of the Dog Bite Skill.

Three-Headed Dog Shield: ATK + 9, Triplet Bark Skill: Scares away weak monsters + 2, makes enemies flinch. Dog Rend: Evolved form of Dog Bite, double the power.

Guard Dog Shield: Will summon Shadow Hound manifestations to attack when struck even by long ranged attacks. (He’d have to master this skill to use it with his others)

Ichigo: 12 inches, Level 40 Healing/Support Magic

Spells: First Heal (Fast Heal) First Cure (Fast Cure) First Defense Boost (Fast Defense Boost) First Barrier (Fast Barrier), Light Screen, Safeguard

Unique Skill: Undead Hunter: Damage against Undead Monsters is increased by 5%; Cerberus Slayer: Damage to Demon Dog Monsters increased by 50%.

Renji: 8 inches uncut, Level 53 Fire Magic

Spells: Second Blaze, Red Blaze, Red Flame Cannon, First Explosion (Fast Explosion), Blast Fist, Red Slash, All First Blaze

Skills: Red Palm Set, Snake Strike, Poison Fangs, Poison Resistance, Fire Resistance, Crush, Roar, Battle Drum, Revenge Strike

Grimmjow: 7 inches uncut, Level 40* Wind Magic

Spells: Second Tornado (Fast Tornado), Gust Quick (Support), Gust Wall, Tornado Fist, Air Slicer, Tornado Shot,

Komamura: 13 inches cut, Level 85 Light/Dark Magic

Spells: First Light (Fast Light), First Darkness (Fast Darkness), Ropes of Light, Chains of Darkness, Shadow Mirage, First Hiding (Fast Hiding), Shadow Double.

Toshiro: Two dicks 5 Inches, Level 40* Ice Magic
Monster Skills: Frost Breath, Ice Dragon Roar, Frost Claw, Hail Wing, Poison Resistance, Ice Eater

Spells: First Frost (Fast Frost) Icicle Lance, Ice Shell

Rose: Alraune Level 42 (More Skills Unlocked Unknown Until Scan)

Monster Skills: Poison Resistance, Poison Eater, Aloe Creation, Healing Dew, Aromatherapy, Acid Spit, Parasite Seed, Blossom Blizzard, Snake Ivy, Acid Rain, Poison Creation, Poison Mist, Toxic Thorn.


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