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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Son of Champion

Ash is the son of Lance, his father left to become a great trainer, he succeeded. He is known as one of the greatest dragon type trainers around, he even became the Champion of Kanto. This does put pressure on Ash especially given their origins.

Chapter 1

Lance was born in the Johto region, and comes from a long line of Dragon Masters. Lance didn’t want to simply become a dragon trainer, he wanted to reach higher goals and become something more. His grandfather felt he was being foolish. Lance was taught about the Superiority of Dragon Types, his Grandfather believed they were virtually indestructible.

He did like Dragon type pokemon, but he wanted to raise and train other types as well. He was given a Dratini to raise by his Grandfather, but Lance was pushed further onto his own path when the old man came to him with news. “You want me to get married!”

“Yes, there is a noble clan of dragon tamers in a far region. They’ve contacted us and wish to form a union between our clans.”

“You can’t use me to unify the clans, what about my dreams?”

“I see no issue, you and your wife will train here in Johto to become Dragon Masters. With any luck you will produce children capable of connecting with the hearts of dragons.” Lance growled.

He had heard about this power, in legends over and over again. The ability to connect to the hearts or hear the voice of dragons. It sounded cool, but Lance discovered there were similar legends for other types of pokemon too. His Grandfather believed this power was the key to becoming a TRUE Dragon Master. Lance was sick of it, this was the last straw. “You can’t force me to get married!”

“You will do well to honor the clan’s laws!”

“I’ll become a trainer with my own strength.”

Clair sighed, her cousin and grandfather were going at it again. It seemed every day they were fighting about something. Lance wanted to learn about other types...fight. Lance wanted to catch a type other than dragons...fight. Lance wanted to travel and learn more about Pokemon...fight. This...was so much worse

She caught Lance packing in the middle of the night. “Where are you going?”

“To Kanto, to start my journey!”

“Don’t do this, I’ll talk to grandfather, he’ll see reason.”

“No...he won’t
” So Lance left, traveling to a new region, for him. Kanto and Johto were pretty close and they shared many Pokemon. It was believed they were once both one region in ancient times. Still, Lance felt free for the first time in ages.

He traveled to Pallet Town to get a Kanto starter Pokemon, and he chose Charmander. Oak even agreed to look after the monsters he caught on his journey. With Charmander and Dratini by his side he began his journey. He caught and trained different Pokemon, while building up his own strength.

Lance caught a Growlithe, trained it up and evolved it into an Arcanine. Some notable captures he used in battles were a Snorlax, an Electabuzz, an Onix he even caught another Dratini and a Kangaskhan in the Safari Zone. His Charmander grew and grew becoming a mighty Charizard. His original Dratini evolved into a Dragonair, and served as his ace for a long time.

He won all all 8 Kanto Gym badges, and got the chance to enter the Pokemon League Tournament. He continued training catching a Lapras and even discovering an ancient fossil Pokemon Aerodactyl. His Dragonair evolved into Dragonite. It was a tough battle but a solid capture.

Along his journey he met a coordinator named Delia. She was a strange girl, a great cook but a strange girl. She seemed kinda ditzy and tended to get lost often. It didn’t bother her as she said. “It makes the adventure more fun!”

Lance met her while training in the mountains, he was so focused on training he didn’t realize his rations were getting low. Delia found him and treated him to a meal. It was so good. Lance didn’t get the appeal of contests, he trained and battled to prove himself, while Delia did it for fun.

He was so focused on getting stronger and breezing through the gyms, he had seen so little of Kanto. There was time before the League Tournament began so Lance traveled with Delia a bit. The two fell for each other over time.

Delia didn’t win the Kanto Grand Festival but she got pretty far. When it came to the performance stage she was amazing, but when it came to battles she was lacking. Her Pokemon did great, and even Lance learned a thing or two about style and tactics.

Lance entered the Pokemon League and won. He defeated Bruno and Agatha, Lorelai gave him trouble, but he beat her too. However, he lost to the last member of the Elite Four, none other than Samuel Oak.

Oak’s team was too much, too balanced, and Lance was defeated.

The two traveled through Johto together. Lance evolved his Onix into a Steelix, and caught a Totodile which he fully evolved into a Feraligator. His remaining Dratini evolved into Dragonair, and he ventured to Mt. Silver where he caught a Tyranitar.

With his strength, he became a Gym Leader in his home town. He established the Blackthorn City Gym. His Grandfather wasn’t pleased, he claimed that Lance was weak because he strayed from his path. As a Gym Leader Lance couldn’t challenge the Johto League, but that was fine. He’d get another chance to challenge the Elite Four one day and he was gonna take it.

Lance worked on helping Delia achieve her dream while running his gym. The Grand Father didn’t approve of Delia, the pokemon she trained were in his opinion strange, how she trained them was strange, even her recipes were strange. Lance loved all that about her.

He even helped her catch her own Dratini, since she found them so cute.

His grandfather hoped his fiancee would knock some sense into him. She was a proud woman from the Unova Region, and she was blessed with the power to hear the voices of dragons. She even demonstrated it. Delia thought the power was pretty cool, but the dragon woman didn’t care for her.

She found Delia annoying an outsider. She even tried to battle her to force Delia out. This was a big mistake, thanks to Lance Delia had become a much better battler. She defeated Lance’s fiancee and she returned home in defeat. His Grandfather was furious, but Lance didn’t care.

Delia entered the Johto Grand Festival and she won this time. However she had even bigger news to share, she was pregnant!


Lance left Johto, leaving his gym to his cousin to run. They returned to Pallet Town to start their family. Oak had a surprise for them, he was stepping down as a member of the Elite Four and had chosen Lance to succeed him. It was a high honor, but Lance refused to accept without a battle. Oak agreed and the two had a final match which ended in a draw.

He accepted his position and became one of the Elite Four of Kanto! The position of Kanto Champion was still vacant. Lance wanted it so badly, to prove his strength! Delia tried to tell him, he didn’t have to prove anything to anyone, but Lance could be stubborn.

After their son was born Lance went on a training journey, challenging the strongest trainers, and after a Champion Tournament was held Lance became the official champion. This was a double edged sword, as the champion of a region did hold responsibilities. He worked to support his family and protect the region from threats.

Lance hadn’t seen his son in a long time. He had gotten some time off and was flying home when he ran into someone at his home. “Grandfather?”

“Hello Lance!”

“What are you doing here?”

“Checking up on my Great Grandson. I wish to see if he is worthy of succeeding me and taking over our clan.”

“Ash will do no such thing!” Lance growled.

“Just because you failed to honor your family’s legacy doesn’t mean I’ll let it continue!” He snapped.

“I’ve honored our family!”

“You abandoned your family!”

“You chased me away!”

“Lance?” Delia opened the door.

“Daddy?” Ash was behind her, peeking around.

All the anger melted from Lance’s face as he saw his son. “You’ve grown up so much!”

“Daddy!” Ash ran over and hugged the man.

The Grandfather pulled out an orb and held it up. It glowed and it caused Ash’s body to glow. “What did you do to him?” Lance snapped, trying to shield his son.

“Nothing, I was checking to see if he had the power, had he glowed gold it would have been proof he had it. He glowed blue, an interesting reaction.”

“Stay away from him, I don’t want you poisoning him.”

“He is my Great Grandson.”

“You have no business here.”

“We shall see.” The old man left. Lance didn’t like it, the old man still had influence in the clan. Still he was curious about the power his son seemed to possess.

His son had a love for Pokemon, he didn’t know it but he had been playing with a lot of Lance’s monsters that he had at Oak’s lab. Lance tried to apologize for not being there for Ash, but the boy just smiled. “It’s okay daddy, mommy told me you are doing a lot of good work.” He understood. “I’m gonna be strong like you one day, I wanna become a Pokemon Master!”

Lance chuckled. “That’s a big dream, you gonna work hard?”


Lance wanted Ash to choose his own path, but he took after him more than he thought. He was strong, kind, and sweet. Kids in town found out he was the Champion’s son, and instead of praising him for it, they gave into jealousy and teased him for it. Ash was a bit of a ditz like his mom, but he had so much passion.

Unlike Gary, Ash didn’t ride his family’s coattails. He worked hard not to live up to his father’s name and title, he wanted to surpass it! He was the son of a champion after all!

Lance hated leaving Ash, but on his 10th birthday he had been blessed with the perfect gift for him. His Tyranitar had laid an egg, so Ash was given it to raise. “Happy Birthday Son, I want you to follow your dreams, raise this little one strong. I’ll be waiting for you! Love Dad!” Ash hugged the egg. There was a Pokeball with it to catch it when it hatched. It would be a few more years before he could start his journey but Ash couldn’t wait.

He watched his dad’s battles on TV when they aired, he checked out the league tournaments, and even watched contests on tv. Ash wanted to be ready for his journey. He even sent in a bunch of cards in to win an official Indigo League Hat!

Ash took care of the egg, taking it with him everywhere. It hatched into a Larvitar. Ash caught him, but he didn’t like staying in his ball, but that was fine. Ash let him hang outside with him. The two bonded and got really close over the years.  Ash now had a buddy to watch stuff with.

To be continued


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