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Hey guys so with things coming in close, wanted to give you guys some updates. 

I am dealing with some burn out symptoms and i've taken steps to try and not only not make these worse, but reverse them. 

Patreon Requests are being tackled, I've started every remaining reward i'm just working on them to try and get them to the way I want them. I'm trying to avoid endless cycles of rewrites as they make some issues i'm having worse.  

Patreon Update Requests will be opened on the 18th so a little delayed but not breaking this month.  

The daily goals are helping, the bad day fic idea still needs to be tweaked as if my day is bad enough there is the possibility i can't write anything at all. 

To help bring up some hopes for the future I do have some goals for some good projects in the future.

A choose your own adventure story. A PDF story with bookmarked avenues to take and jump to. Will work on a couple of parodies building up to an original. 

Bringing back PDF volumes. Once I have time to restructure I can set time on working on making PDF volumes for things. 

Original Productions: Been holding off on many of these i'd like to start bringing to life. I was told doing some original stuff might help with some of the issues i've been experiencing. 

Fresh Fridays: Doing something for a series i either haven't done before or done in a long time, this will work for keeping my mind fresh and trying new things, hopefully breaking any ruts



ZooFan 123

I’m glad to hear your planning on focusing more on your interest to help burn out


Love these ideas! Keep going we believe in you and I wish you the very best!!!