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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Sorry for the delay on this one, would have been out yesterday but had an issue. 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Territory

Ichigo’s pack was doing well, they were getting into the flow of each other. Ulquiorra’s power had become stable and healthy, feeding off of both Ichigo and Starrk. Once he was healthy he started to produce milk from his nipples like Starrk The two seemed to have an endless milk supply, a sign of their overflowing reiatsu. The same could be said from Ichigo’s semen supply.

Ulquiorra had rather sensitive nipples, possibly from breaking out of his shell. He would make all kinds of erotic noises when Ichigo and Starrk sucked on his nips. He got so turned on he’d cum making a mess all over his soft belly. It was a good life!

Ichigo took this to heart and made sure to play with Ulquiorra’s nipples when he fucked him for an extra powerful orgasm. “You really are cute Ulquiorra!” Ichigo kissed him. They spent a lot of time together. Starrk could be a tad lazy and napped a lot. “He’s just really content now that he has us!”

When he did get involved or when it was his turn it was always intense. Starrk was far stronger than Ulquiorra, and when Ichigo fucked him or when Starrk fucked Ulquiorra he tended to cut loose causing his reiatsu to wash over them.

Ulquiorra was a bit of a worrier, fearing they might smother Ichigo with their softness. “It’ll be fine!” Was all he said before they’d cuddle down.


With the three of them they were able to claim territory. Ichigo quite enjoyed sleeping together, the two soft hollows made perfect pillows or cushions for him to cuddle with.

Hollows with great power, Vasto Lorde, often established territories. Lesser hollows that lived in the area paid a tax for living in the area and for protection. The tax being food, hollows hunting for souls. Harribel took in female hollows and protected them so they could evolve. Baraggan formed his own kingdom, gathering strong hollows to serve him. Ichigo had been searching for a home to put down roots.

Now that he had a pack he decided to do the same. It wasn’t hard, as both Ulquiorra and Starrk were powerful enough to form their own territories on their own. Now with three power houses in one place they could have the pick of the land. Even Baraggan was nervous about approaching them. He had heard legends of a monster killing weak hollows just getting near him.

When Starrk and Ulquiorra evolved it shook up all of Hueco Mundo, there wasn’t a hollow alive that didn’t feel it. For the first time in a long time Baraggan felt fear, not that he’d admit it.

Fear was natural for hollows, one of their basic and primal instincts, it drove them, it made them who they are. In a short time two Vasto Lorde had evolved, their powers rising to new heights. While things were changing in Hueco Mundo

Ichigo, Starrk, and Ulquiorra were blissfully unaware, filling their days with sex, sucking, drinking, and cuddling, with Ichigo leaving only to do some hunting. “Ichigo-sama...why do you hunt?” Ulquiorra asked.

Since becoming arrancar the two didn’t need to eat out of fear, and they could survive on Ichigo’s semen and their milk.

“I’m looking for a particular hollow.”

“Is he someone special?” Ichigo laughed.

“You could say that...he’s the one who killed me!” Ulquiorra’s eyes widened and Starrk opened his eyes. “I’ve been searching for him, but he’s a slippery bastard.” Ulquiorra eyed him in surprise. Through his travels all he got was his name. “Grand Fisher!”

“I can help you hunt him down!”

Starrk grunted in agreement. “You guys are sweet, but it’s okay
” Ichigo’s soft features and warm smile shifted to wicked desire and blood thirsty grin. “I want to kill him myself for what he did.” A shiver raced through the arrancars.

Finding Grand Fisher wouldn’t be easy, he had amassed a nasty little band of hollows, forming a caravan to avoid detection. Ichigo didn’t seem to be in a hurry. “So where should we make our territory?”

“Hmm, I dunno, this place has never felt like home to me before. You two are my home, so wherever you like.” Starrk chuckled while Ulquiorra blushed.

“Is there a place you’d like to call home?”

“As a matter of fact, there is.” He stands up. “We gonna have a place in the living world!”

“What?!” The two gasped and Ichigo chuckled.

“Watch out I got an idea!” They would have territory on two fronts, one zone in Hueco Mundo and another in the mortal world.

Ichigo left opening up a garganta. “Won’t this draw attention from the Soul Reapers?” Ulquiorra asked, and Starrk yawned.

“Ichigo says he’s got a plan, we gotta trust him.”

” The two draw their zanpakuto. “Let’s begin!” They draw some blood and let it drip on the sands of Hueco Mundo. Their reiatsu washed across the land, marking their territory.


A naked arrancar appeared in the World of the Living, it’s power was so great it had every alarm in Soul Society going off. “What the hell?”

“Where did this thing come from?” They tried to locate it, but Ichigo was already on the move. He was zipping across Karakura Town so fast it was hard to detect where he was or if he was even there at all. They didn’t have any eyes in Karakura Town currently so they were missing quite the sight of a naked and super hung arrancar streaking through the town.

Then Starrk and Ulquiorra’s ritual caused another disturbance making their scanners go nuts. The ripples from two arrancar, made the readings go wonky.

“Is something wrong with the scanners?”

“What’s going on?” The rippled made it look like there were ten Ichigo’s running around.

“It has to be working, but we’ve never recorded a power like this one?” It was hard to get reliable data, it was like the whole thing was on the fritz. “Oh damn Captain Mayuri is gonna be pissed.”

Ichigo was racing around the city for the perfect spot to call his territory. He found an old abandoned hospital, it weirdly felt like home. ‘This is the place.’ He went to the roof and took hold of his zanpakuto. “Barrera Negación!” He cast a spell that created a field around the whole hospital.

In a flash Ichigo’s reiatsu vanished from Karakura Town. The scanners went dead, like he hadn’t even been there at all. Mayuri wasn’t pleased, demanding a full overhaul of the scanners. Despite the incident being passed off as a massive glitch in the system Mayuri wasn’t so sure.

Within the space Ichigo’s reiatsu filled the barrier, altering the  place and making it his territory. Ichigo was able to open a garganta and return to his mates. They had finished up, their ritual had turned the nearby sand into a vast dome, at the center of their zone. The place looked simple but it served as an anchor between their territories. They could travel to and from this base to the living world undetected.

While the base was mostly for show, there was a basement for storage purposes. They had some rooms, but nothing truly flashy. “Let’s go!” Their second home was Ichigo’s territory in the human world. The haunted hospital made the perfect sanctuary for them, plus the land was rich in reiatsu for some reason.

The three arrancar were able to work their magic, they had light, running water, and were even able to repair the building. Though given the luxury, the true treasure was just laying on the roof together, watching the stars, or feeling the sun on their bare skin. With Ichigo’s barrier they could chill in the human world without being detected.

Ichigo didn’t want to rule either world, but having a place he can call home and having some stomping grounds was quite nice.

Kisuke Urahara did sense Ichigo and was able to track him down, but he was a calculating man. He wouldn’t enter a strange territory without a plan, plus he didn’t want to anger a hollow who could create such a barrier. ‘Seems like things might be getting interesting.’

Urahara wasn’t like other soul reapers, he studied hollows not just to destroy them but to find a potential other way. Hollows followed instinct, and fed out of fear of regression, however once a hollow has crossed the border between hollow and shinigami that fear no longer existed. An alliance with arrancar was a foolish dream back then...but maybe now

-x-A Few Days Later-x-

Sora Inoue had died due to a traffic accident on his way home from work. His only attachment in this world was his sister, who he left all alone. This attachment tethered his soul to the world.

Soul Society hadn’t stationed a new Soul Reaper yet to deal with the crossing of souls. So tethered ghosts were appearing all over town, some being drawn to this place for some reason. This was bad as it meant new hollows could be born from the souls getting consumed by their desires, or the souls becoming food for other hollows.

Sora was about to learn this the hard way as he was grabbed by a gang of hollows. Sora tried to get away, but the hollows were too fast. “We should bring this one to Grand Fisher!”

“Hold on, he’s a strong one, let’s have a taste of him first.” The hollows chuckled darkly, Sora began to sweat before suddenly a giant blade came swinging in and cut one in half.

“Who’s there?!” They turned and Sora got a good look at his savior. A naked young man with wild orange hair.

‘Who’s this pervert!?’

“What are you, I don’t sense any reiatsu from you?”

Ichigo chuckled. “This thing from Hat and Clogs is pretty handy.” He had a black bracelet on his wrist. “Listen up, I can’t let you eat that soul. You are hunting on my turf, but I’ll let you off with a warning. How about I feed you boys some high quality milk and you let him go?” He said and lazily stroked his fat cock. He was feeling generous.

“No way, if you can see us then you must have high reiatsu. We’ll drag you both to our boss.” The hollows didn't believe this was his turf, no hollow could claim territory in the human world, they'd be hunted by soul reapers for sure. The world of the living was considered a free hunting zone. 

“He’ll kill you for hurting one of us. Grand Fisher isn’t a hollow you should mess with.”

“Grand Fisher?” Ichigo smirked wickedly. “I changed my mind, tell me where Fisher is and you’ll walk away with your lives!”

To be continued


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