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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Dragon Rage

“For the last time Sam I’m not backing out of this.” Danny was putting his books away. It was the day for the tryouts and Sam was once again Sam was trying to convince Danny not to go through with joining any of the teams.

“I’m just trying to warn you Danny, maybe its best you avoid competitive things...given your...condition…”

“I’m not gonna use my powers. I’ll try out, if I get in yay if I don’t no big deal. What are you worried about?”

“Oh I don’t know, that Dash or one of the other jocks is gonna piss you off and you are gonna rage out and squash them.”

“I’m not gonna squash anyone, and Dash isn’t gonna bother me.”

“Oh yeah? The guy is a total jerk, all he does is push others around because he knows he’s just gonna be a failure after high school.” Danny’s fist tightened.

“He’s not a total jerk, and he could do a lot of cool things after high school, he could go to collage on any athletic scholarship.”

“And it’ll be totally wasted on a guy like him. A freed ride and all he has to do is be good at sports, while he’s mean to anyone and everyone who earned there place.” Danny knew better. He knew a different side of Dash very few people saw. He was a romantic, he liked cute things, but such things weren’t seen as manly by his dad, so he kept them toned down.

“He could become an actor or a DJ, he’s good at motivating people.” He’d be a good lead in a cheesy romantic movie.

“Yeah to be jerks just like him. Please, an actor, like his primitive brain could remember lines.” She laughed and Danny’s eyes flashed red for a moment, he fought back a growl.

“He does well in shop class, he could build things or even become a mechanic.”

“Why are you defending him? He’s made your life nothing but hell. If he ends up being a failure the rest of his life, he deserves it!”

“He’s not a failure!” Danny snapped and growled.

“Danny!? What is wrong with you?” She fell back in shock. “This is Dash Baxter! He’s a total jerk to you, to me, to everyone.” Danny felt his rage boil.

“I’m fine!” He wasn’t fine. He slammed his locker door so hard he broke it off the hinges. “Dang it!”

“Danny this just proves my point, don’t do this!”

“I’m fine!” He growled. “Just…” He took some calming breaths. “Stop insulting Dash okay!”

“Why do you care, he…” Danny growled, his eyes flashing red again, his teeth growing sharp.

“Drop it!”

“Fine!” She backed up allowing Danny to calm down. Sam didn’t plan on letting this go, but she’d talk to Tucker about it later.

Lancer wasn’t pleased that Danny’s locker was broken. “Mr Fenton, I trust you didn’t break your locker?”

“No sir, how could I have done it?” He showed his lack of muscle.

“I suppose, it would take a great feat of strength to rip this locker door off.” It wasn’t like the lockers were new, it probably rusted or broke off. “I’ll put an order in for repairs, you’ll have to use a temporary locker until then.”

“Yes sir…” His new locker was in jock territory. ‘Oh man.’

“Look on the bright side, if you join the team you’ll be surrounded by your jock buddies.” Danny glared at her.

Danny enters jock territory, by then everyone had heard what happened with his locker. “Nice job Fenton, heard you broke your locker?” Dale said.

“What, get tired of Dash throwing you into yours?” A brown haired jock named Alex said. They have messed with Danny in the past like other jocks did.

“Heard you were trying out for the team today, don’t think you are one of us yet Fenton!”

“Yeah, we should stuff you in, and christen this locker of yours.” Dale and Alex grabbed him.

‘I’m not in the mood for this!’ Danny could feel his rage churning.

“Enough!” The jocks were pulled off of Danny.

“Dash?” the two gasped.

“Fenton’s off limits, that is until he bombs at the tryouts.” Dash was playing his role. The guys wanted to protest. “Do you wanna explain to coach how Fenton got injured before tryouts?” The jocks gulped and shook their heads. “Then keep your hands off him, coach saw promise in him if Fenton rises to the occasion he’s one of us.”

“And if he bombs?”

Dash faked a smirk. “Then he’s all yours.”

“Nice!” The two fist bump.

“Later Fenton!” Dale calls and the two rush off.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, thanks for saving me back there.” Dash blushed.

“I didn’t save you, just...looked out for you…”

“Same thing, if you ask me.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to take care of yourself.” Dash ruffled Danny’s hair. “Do your best out there, try not to get creamed.”

“Thanks, you can count on me.”


The coach had tryouts every so often, always looking for prime potential to add to a team. Danny decided to apply for Football, his dad would approve as he was a big football fan. He asked his dad for some pointers, he got some but his dad tended to blabber.

Danny would be the smallest guy on the team by far, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Sure you needed bulk to be on the front lines to hold off the other team, but there were other positions on the team. His dad believed Danny would make a good Halfback or a Wide Receiver. So that’s what Danny was shooting for.

Dash was the Quarterback.

The coach split the team up with applicants on both sides filling respective roles. Danny was on Dash’s side. “Hike!” The ball was snapped and Danny ran past Dash. The guys didn’t think Dash would give the ball to Fenton but he did, and Danny ran like hell.

He was fast and agile. Even when the defensive line realized Danny was making a move it was hard to get him.

On the next play, the guys went after Fenton, but it was a fake out and Dash was able to pass the ball to someone else. So they figured Dash threw Fenton a bone, so they focused on keeping Dash from making a play.

When the next play happened the receivers were guarded. One guy did go after Danny but he didn’t have the ball, so he was pulled to rush Dash. This allowed Danny to be free for a pass! Dash got it to Danny and while Danny was caught they got a lot of area.

The coach watched and took notes, not a lot of stand outs, but Fenton was something else. Even when he was tackled he took hits and came back. It was time for the last play and during the huddle Danny whispered something to Dash. There was a change up, Danny got checked the ball and Dash was running.

Dale, Alex, and Kwan tried to rush Danny. “Dog pile on Fenton!” Danny launched the ball, getting it to Dash in an amazing pass. He had practice throwing ecto balls when fighting bad guys. His hero stuff made tryouts a refreshing breeze.

“Alright hit the showers boys, I’ll review my notes and let you know if anyone joins the team this year.”

“Fenton and I will pack up coach.”

“You okay with that Fenton?”

“Sure coach!”

“Alright, good job boys, move it, move it!” He blew his whistle.

The guys ran off leaving Dash and Danny alone on the field. Kwan was curious what was going on between the two, but another whistle blow from coach had him moving. “You were something else out there.”

“Thanks, I hope I can make the team.”

“Are you kidding, the coach would have to be crazy not to put you on the team.” The throw the ball around a bit, just doing some catch. “I didn’t know you had it in you, but you really got into the game.”

Danny had to admit it was fun, more fun than he thought it’d be. He was actually getting excited towards the end, sure getting tackled sucked, but he’s had worse. Danny wasn’t doing this to become popular, or just to get the jocks off his back. This was a secret dream of his for a long time, he just never expected to be in a position of doing it.

The fact Danny could play in three different positions, made him a wild card for the team. Danny was just happy, he wanted this for him, it may be a small thing to some but to him it meant a lot. He could be with Dash more, his dad would be even happier, and the jocks would get off his back, all wrapped up in achieving a dream of his.

Dash looked around, and stole a kiss from Danny. “I mean it, you were really hot out there.” Danny blushed and laughed.

“Come on, let’s finish up and hit the showers.” As Dash walked past Danny to pick up more equipment, Danny’s ghost sense went off.

‘A ghost, what now?’

The gargoyle ghosts swooped down and went after Dash, catching him and hauling him into the air. “Waaaaahhhhh!” Dash cried out.

“Dash!” Danny cried out, before feeling a surge of rage. “I’m going ghost!” He transformed and flew after the gargoyles.

They lifted Dash up high before letting him drop. Danny swooped in and caught him. “What are those things?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before.” He put Dash safely on the ground. “Get out of here, I’ll deal with these guys.”

“What about Fenton?”

“I’m sure he’s safe. I only sensed these two ghosts, and I can put them down.” He flew off.

“Go Phantom!”

Danny flew at the gargoyles but they completely ignored them and went after Dash. “What’s with these guys?” Dash ran, and had to dodge weird ghost fire balls from their mouths.

“Help!” Danny came in ecto energy firing. The gargoyles were tough, able to take his blasts without flinching. Danny was getting annoyed and frustrated his rage building. 

“Okay then!” His eyes turned blue, and he unleashed cold energy freezing the two bogeys. Their eyes flashed and broke free of his ice. “What the heck?” He growled, growing angrier. 

He flew faster and swept Dash and carried him into the air. The two stopped attacking Dash with fire balls. “Any idea why those things are after you?”

“No idea! Hey your eyes are red...”

"It's fine, don't worry about that, we need to get you safe. This could be bad. I’m taking you to the Fenton’s they have a ghost shield.”

“Good idea...look out…” A Gargoyle tackled Danny, causing him to drop Dash. The other Gargoyle grabbed him and pinned him against the ground. It roared and brought his claw down at Dash’s head. The one who grabbed Danny was wrestling him, making his rage grow. 

Dash avoided it, but barely. “Phantom help!” The gargoyle’s claws grew larger ready to claw Dash to death.

‘Dash!’ Danny’s eyes pupils became slits. “LET HIM GO!” A massive dragon tail appeared and whipped the gargoyle off him and Dash. With a growl one of the gargoyles fired projectiles from his claws.

Dash rolled and dodged, but got a scratch on his cheek.

The gargoyles fired fire balls at Dash who cried out in fear. “Raaaaa!” Danny breathed fire, neutralizing the attack. Dash fainted from the shock.

“You...hurt Dash...you want to hurt my Dash!” His hero suit ripped apart as Danny transformed into a dragon. His scales were a beautiful green, his under belly was black as was the underside of his wings. Danny didn’t have horns but he had white spikes running down his back.

He smashed one with his tail, before grabbing the other one with his claw and crushing him. He rushed over and checked on Dash. When his back was turned the broken pieces of the gargoyles melted and slithered away. He was okay, a few scratches and his clothes were scuffed up but otherwise fine.

Danny carried him back to school. He thought it was over, the ghosts were crushed and Dash was safe but...there was just one problem...Danny didn’t know how to change back.

To be continued


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