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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Bleach: Science and Creation

When Kisuke came to dwell in Karakura Town he didn’t expect to meet someone like him. Someone with the imagination to invent and had the power to make it happen. Ichigo visits Kisuke often getting the materials to make spirit tools to help deal with his ghost problem. He didn’t expect to fall in love... Ichigo/Kisuke/Harem

Chapter 1

When Kisuke was banished from the Soul Society, he just thought about survival. He saved the Vizards, but he had fallen into a trap. Now he was the bane of Soul Society, seen as unhinged and crazy. Had he not escaped execution he would have been dead. There were days he thought about leaving the past behind him, living a normal life as a regular human. The urge to invent and create was too much and he found himself working on a new invention or two.

This didn’t go unnoticed, but while Soul Society was good, trying to capture Kisuke Urahara was a task not worth the cost. Even if the Head Captain himself led a raid on the shop, Kisuke would have slipped away and not without casualties on their side. In the end it was better to have Kisuke work with Soul Society then without. So when a Soul Reaper was tasked with guarding Karakura Town arrived, Kisuke was to assist them. If he did it for the next 1000 years his sentence would be revoked.

It wasn’t much but it was his life. He did manage to help quite a few souls doing this. Still it felt like he was missing something. Then one day a small orangette came to his shop. “Hello?”

“Hey there little one, what are you doing here?” Kisuke wasn’t stupid, he knew who this boy was. Why was he here that was the bigger question.

“I was running an errand for my mom, and I felt this place.” The orangette looked at him with chocolate colored eyes. “Are you a ghost?”

“Why would you think that?” Kisuke began to sweat. ‘That lad is already seeing ghosts, this young?’

“I...sometimes see ghosts and spirits. It’s sometimes hard to tell them apart.”

“Why would you think I’m a ghost?”

“I dunno, I sometimes get these vibes when I’m talking to someone, and my friends ask me who I’m talking to and the person I was talking to is still there but no one else can see them. I get those vibes from you kinda.”

“Have you told your parents that you see ghosts?” Ichigo shook his head.

“No, I tried to tell Tatsuki but she thought I was making stuff up.” Ichigo had no idea his parents would very much understand.

“I see.” This was bad, to think the boy was growing this power. ‘At this rate, he’ll end up dead.’

“What kind of shop is this Mister?”

“Kisuke Urahara, this is my shop. We sell all sorts of things, stuff I order and even stuff I make.”

“Ohh you make stuff to!” His eyes sparkled.

“Indeed I do,” he gave Ichigo a pamphlet. “Show this to your mom, and I’m sure she’ll bring you back and you can get something special.”

“Okay...thanks Mister!” Ichigo ran off.


“I’m on it.” A black cat appeared and chased off after him. She would look after him and make sure he gets home okay. Masaki was so proud, but was surprised when Ichigo brought up Kisuke. She went with Ichigo the next day. Masaki knew Kisuke Urahara, he was a family friend, though was shocked to hear his name come up from her son.


“You are looking good Masaki, how’s Isshin?”

“We are both doing well.” She looked outside where Ichigo was waiting patiently. “How did my son find you?”

“It seems he’s gained the power to sense spirits. His senses are surprisingly sharp, especially for one so young.”

“I was afraid of this.”

“It was bound to happen, given your unique family lineage.” Kisuke said, while waving his fan. “The trouble now comes, if he can see, sense, and speak to spirits, that means the boy’s latent powers are stirring.”

“That means he’ll be a target for them…” A chill rushes through her.

“He won’t be able to tell the difference right away, especially without training.”

“I can protect him...I…”

“You can’t be with him 24/7, but that’s why I asked Ichigo to bring you here.” He chuckled. “I’ve made him something, someone.” He brought out a small turtle doll and a strange candy.

“A Mod Soul?!” She gasped.

“A special one, one I created myself, granting it the unique power of teleportation. He can detect the different kinds of reiatsu, he’ll keep Ichigo safe.”

There wasn’t much choice. “Ichigo-sweetie, come here.”

“Okay!” He was playing with a black cat he found. He entered the small shop.

“As promised.” Kisuke put the mod soul into the plush. “A special gift for you.”

Ichigo eyed it curiously. The turtle plush began to move. The orangette’s eyes sparkled. “It moves!”

“His name is Noba, Noba this is Ichigo.”

“A pleasure to meet you Ichigo-sama!” He spoke.

“He talks!” Ichigo grew more excited. Noba blushed and his head sank in. “Oh!”

“He can be quite shy.” Kisuke chuckled.

“Ichigo, Noba is very special, that orb is his heart and soul. You’ll need to look after him and he’ll look after you.”

“I can do it. Hey Noba, let’s be friends okay?” He popped his head out.

“Yes Ichigo-sama.” Ichigo hugged him. He knew the task he had to complete, he’d protect Ichigo, using his powers only in the times of emergency. With his shy nature he’d keep quiet and not draw attention to himself.

“Do you like him Ichigo?” His mother asked.

“I do! Thanks Mom, thanks Kisuke-san!” Ichigo smiled brightly.

The adults shared a look, Masaki mouthing thanks. Kisuke smiled and gave a polite head bow. Noba had powers, he’d watch over Ichigo. Little did they know they’d be needing him.


Ichigo loved Noba, the two became friends. He didn’t need to sleep or eat in his plush form, so he was able to keep watch over Ichigo and make sure no wicked souls sought him harm while he rested. Noba helped support the boy, Ichigo didn’t have many friends he could talk to, most kids made fun of him because of his hair. So Noba was his confidant, his friend, loyal to an absolute t.

He had Noba with him on that day, that rainy day. Ichigo thought he had seen someone down by the river. Though he couldn’t tell if it was a person or spirit. What Ichigo didn’t know was this person he saw was a lure, created by a hollow Grand Fisher. He had tricked many souls with this trick living and departed.

Fisher saw Ichigo go for the lure and went to kill him. Masaki saw this and tried to shoot a reishi arrow at the hollow. Masaki Kurosaki was a quincy, a powerful human able to manipulate spirit particles and more. She could have handled Grand Fisher alone, but then…

Before she could fire a shot all of her powers were suddenly taken from her in an instant. This happened to several quincy all over the world, there were some capable of resisting this pull. Others were not so lucky, older quincy and those of poor health died instantly without their reishi manipulation abilities to sustain them. For Masaki she was young and strong, but the power taken from her shortened her life span significantly.

Her soul and body had already been weakened once before, this put such a strain on her she’d have a year left to live tops. Though maybe not even that as Grand Fisher had two tasty souls before him. He saw the woman try to protect her son, so he thought to season her spirit by drowning it in despair. With wicked glee he sprung for Ichigo ready to tear him apart.

“Ichigo-sama...Hollow!” Noba was ready, he warped Ichigo away from Grand Fisher’s reach, bringing him back to his mother.

“What’s going on?” Ichigo gasped. His mother was suddenly on the ground, the mysterious girl he saw was gone and there was a giant monster in her place. “Mom!” Ichigo gasped.

“Do you have some form of power? No it wasn’t you.”

“Ichigo...run away...danger…” Masaki panted out. She felt like she was drowning, while trapped in a heat wave. Her whole body felt heavy and stiff, she could barely breath.

“Ichigo-sama, we must run!” Ichigo was a smart kid, he figured it out quickly that it was Noba that warped them.

“I can’t leave my mom!” He took hold of her hand.

“You aren’t going anywhere!” Grand Fisher launched spears made of his hair planning to skewer the lot of them. Noba countered it by opening up wormholes. The hair spears entered the portals and Noba was able to skewer Grand Fisher with his own hair. It wasn’t enough…and this trick only worked well on long ranged attacks.

“Noba can you warp all of us?”

“I can...but at shorter distances…”

“Do it please!” Ichigo begged as Grand Fisher lunged at them.

Noba began to do short ranged warps, taking the mother and son away from Grand Fisher with the hollow hot on their tail. “Go ahead and run, you’ll run out of strength soon enough.” Though he was assuming he assumed correctly.

All powers had limits, in Noba’s little plush body there was only so much he could do. The only plus is Fisher couldn’t launch his long range attacks against them so he had to physically chase them down. Noba warned Ichigo about this, so the lad came up with a plan. They couldn’t make it home, but there was somewhere else he felt they could go and be safe.

Noba used one last warp and got them to where Ichigo told him to go. “I’m sorry Ichigo-sama!”

The hollow chuckled darkly. “Now I’ve got you little mice. It’s time to die!”

“Scream Benihime!” Kisuke suddenly attacked Grand Fisher. Severing an arm with red energy.


“Well well well, a hollow at my doorstep, what a surprise.” Kisuke released his pressure and it made Fisher’s fur stand on end. Kisuke’s shop was well cloaked, Fisher had no idea what he had walked into, too focused on chasing the trio. “Good job making it here.”

“Damn it!” He tried to flee, but got blocked by a red barrier. “I can’t die here!”

“You bared your fangs at the innocent for the last time.” He slashed at Fisher, but in a split second, Fisher severed his lure and transferred his consciousness into it. The lure escaped but Fisher had lost 90% of his power, he wouldn’t be troubling anyone again, anytime soon. “He got away, slippery thing.”

“Kisuke-san!” Ichigo gasped. “My Mom...she’s not moving...help her please!” He choked and sobbed.

Kisuke called for Tessai, the man was able to scoop her up and begin treatment. His magic however couldn’t fix what was truly wrong with her. “You did well bringing them here Noba.” Kisuke complimented.

“It was Ichigo-sama’s idea.”

“Ichigo?” He looked to the boy. “How did you know to come here?”

“Noba, you made him for me, he knew what that monster was, and had powers to protect us. If you were able to make something like him, you aren’t an ordinary shop keeper. I had a hunch.”

‘He figured that out in such a short time.’ The boy was clever, just like he was when he was Ichigo’s age...no...Ichigo may be even more.

To be Continued...Science


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