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My Hero parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

Orbit Hero
Izuku Midoriya had an evolved quirk, his mother’s quirk was a strange form of gravitational pull, allowing her to pull small objects towards herself. Izuku’s quirk fully manifested, granting him his own orbit and gravity powers. With these powers he’s gonna work to become a hero.

Chapter 1

Izuku remembered the day his quirk manifested. For so many years he’s tried to practice breathing fire or moving objects like his mother, but nothing seemed to work. Then when he was paling around with Bakugou and some of the neighbor kids, they were off “villain” hunting (bug hunting). They had crossed a makeshift bridge where Katsuki had slipped and fallen.

For Izuku everything seemed to slow down, Katsuki was falling, if he hit his head from this height, it’d have been bad. Izuku reached out to him. “Kacchan!” Katsuki stopped falling, floating mere inches from the ground. For Bakugou it all happened so fast, only for his descent to be slowed and stopped.

‘Deku?’ A green aura emanated from Izuku’s hands as Katsuki was lifted back up and into the air. He was pulled towards Izuku. It reminded him of Inko’s quirk, attracting small objects towards herself. Izuku’s power had to be tied to her side of the family and evolved into something new.

Izuku hugged him. “You are okay!” The other boys were in shock, not believing what they just saw. Quirkless Midoriya wasn’t so quirkless… It took a minute for even Izuku to process what had just happened. “A quirk...I have a quirk...I used my quirk to save you!” Izuku shed tears of happiness. He always wanted a quirk, and now he had one.

“Huh?!” Katsuki snapped. “Stupid Deku, even if you hadn’t used your quirk I’d have been fine!”

Izuku wiped away his tears and laughed. “Yeah, maybe you are right. You are awesome Kacchan!” Izuku decided to leave.

“Hey...where are you going?”

“I gotta go tell my mom. I have a quirk like hers!” He smiled so brightly, before running off. Katsuki watched him go, a part of him kicking himself for not thanking him.

It was the best day for Izuku, he had a quirk, an evolved version of his mom’s quirk. Inko was so happy for her son, he wanted to be a hero so badly, but being quirkless meant a lot more struggle and strife. They had Izuku’s favorite food that day to celebrate him getting his quirk. Later that night Izuku got a call from Katsuki.

“Hey nerd…”

“Hey Kacchan, what’s wrong? You almost never call me!” He was so happy.

There was a pause. “Thanks…” He muttered.


“Grr...I’m telling you thanks for saving me today!” He snapped. “I hope you heard it cause I’m not telling you again!” He hung up the phone. Izuku couldn’t help but blush and cry.

He was brought to a quirk training facility, where he could practice his power safely. Izuku’s quirk nature was gravity manipulation. Inko hadn’t really explored her quirk much, not having any interest in being a hero in the first place. Quirks were very intricate, without testing or training one may not understand the deeper nature of a quirk.

Izuku had his own Orbit, which allowed him to draw objects to him and circle him like he was a mini planet. That wasn’t all, over the years Izuku learned to manifest a gravity distortion field, where he could increase the gravitational pull making someone heavy or immobile or decrease it making someone weightless.

His green energy made someone weightless, while his blue energy made someone heavy. Izuku eventually learned he could levitate/float by manipulating his own gravitational field opposed to the earth. He had to be careful, he went through several quirk safety courses as some quirks had potentially dangerous repercussions.

Besides quirk training Izuku developed time into body training. His powers were connected to his vessel, to fully optimize them he knew he had to physically get stronger. When Izuku tried to use his quirk on objects larger than himself, it put too much of a strain on him and he often passed out. He was treated for signs of starvation afterwards, using his quirk too much made him hungry, as such when he eats all food is converted into energy for his quirk to function, giving energy to his core so to speak.

He put his big nerd brain into overdrive and experimented with his quirk for years, all while strengthening his body. It was nice having quite the bag of tricks when he got into High School. He put on some muscle and strengthened his vessel, allowing him to effect larger objects within reason. He still had growing to do.

Izuku was seen training at the beach, cleaning up trash with his quirk to get used to different weights and masses. He got a permit to use his quirk in public areas, for training purposes, it took some time but it was worth it. On some days you could see him lifting weights, while lifting up large pieces of junk to get used to it. The more muscle mass he gained, the more mass he could effect with his quirk.

When he started getting hungry it was an initial yellow warning sign, getting hunger pains was a red warning sign, if he kept pushing beyond that he’d pass out. He tended to be reckless in his training much to the annoyance of Bakugou Katsuki.

The blonde was Izuku’s best friend and rival. The two pushed each other to be better heroes. In Katsuki’s opinion, unlike the other extras around him, Izuku actually worked hard to strengthen himself to become a hero. Some of the extras in class believed themselves to be A class hero material when really they’d be lucky to end up as sidekicks to a D class. While true it wasn’t nice to say.

Their relationship had grown over the years, Izuku was a more quality friend, then the yes men he was hanging out with. Izuku challenged him, and didn’t put up with his more...explosive/temperamental outbursts.

His mother approved. Katsuki wouldn’t admit it, but he liked the challenge, he liked having someone standing in the same ring as him. It was hard to explain, Izuku had this aura that attracted people to him. Which could also be annoying as he attracted a lot of annoying extras. The worst part was Deku didn’t know how cute he was.


Izuku had finished cleaning up the beach for the day. His stomach growled. “I know tummy, I know…” He had eaten all his lunch at school to prepare for training. “Guess I overdid it…”

“Oi nerd!” Izuku turned around.

“Kacchan!” The greenette raced over to him.

“Figured you’d be here, no food huh?” Izuku’s stomach growled loudly. He blushed and chuckled. “That draw back is a pain...here!” Katsuki handed Izuku a boxed lunch. His eyes sparkled and he drooled a little.

“Oohh!” He took it and opened it up. The food looked so good. “Did you make this Kacchan?”

“I did, just eat it!”

“Thank you for the food!” He began to dig in, making little moans of delight. “So good!” Katsuki was pleased, not that he spent two hours making the lunch box for the nerd, nope not at all. Izuku blushed as he finished the box. “Mmm!” He licked his lips.

‘Shit!’ He shook his head. “Come on, let’s get you home before you pass out.”

“That won’t happen since you fed me. Thanks again for that!” Bakugou blushed. The last couple years he was often riding Izuku making sure he was taking care of himself. His mother teased him about it, as if they were a couple. Bakugou denied it, being the tsundere he was.

Izuku didn’t have a thought in his head about dating, his mind was full of heroes, heroes, and more heroes! Katsuki was content with being by Izuku’s side, not that he’d tell ANYONE that, especially Izuku. “Do you wanna spar?”

“No you idiot, we spar and I’ll be carrying your ass back home...again!” He growled. Izuku chuckled.

“Hehe, yeah good point.” He scratched the back of his head.

“I’ll walk you home, let’s go!”

“Okay!” The two walked home, with Izuku muttering about the hero events of the day. Kamui Woods showed up to stop a villain, only to get hero blocked by Mt. Lady. Bakugou let him nerd out for a bit. They both loved heroes, Bakugou preferred power houses and villain busters, Izuku did prefer rescue heroes more. (though he gushed over lots of heroes, from A Rank to D) They both idolized All Might for different reasons, one wishing to surpass him one day, while the other wanting to be just like him.

As they walked home together, they were about to have a wild encounter. A manhole cover shot into the air and a strange creature rose from the sewers.

“Who’s that?”

“I didn’t know that man was in this city, gotta escape!”

“A villain?!” Katsuki growled, his hands sparking.

The sludge monster chuckled darkly. “I needed a meat suit to escape and fate has offered me two, lucky!” He grinned a sinister and disgusting grin. He lunged at Katsuki, the blonde unleashed his quirk, but it had no effect on the sludge monster.

“Shit!” Katsuki rolled out of the way.

“Nice reflexes, nice quirk, you’ll make an excellent meat shield.”

“You sick fuck leave us alone!”

“Don’t struggle it degrades us both.” His focus was on Bakugou. Izuku threw a soda can at his head.

“Leave him alone!” Izuku shouted.

“So you wanna die? That’s fine I’m flexible!” He lunged at Izuku, but the greenette wasn’t quick enough to get away. The villain took hold of him, and tried to force his way into his body.

“Let him go you bastard!” Katsuki charged at him and tried to use his quirk, but it had no effect. The villain was smothering Izuku, Katsuki’seyes filledwith panic. “Fucker stop it, take me, let him go, take me!”

“Aww how cute, don’t worry. I’ll choke the life out of you using this brat’s body. It should take me less than five minutes.”

“FUCK YOU!” Katsuki blasted him in the face, the heat from his explosion damaging the villain’s eye a bit, it was enough for him to pull off Izuku’s mouth, giving him air.

“Kacchan…” he coughed out.


“Get back…” Izuku’s eyes began to glow, and Katsuki in an instant felt a strange calm wash over him. Izuku had a plan. In a flash he launched himself back with his quirk, getting out of Izuku’s range. “You won’t hurt us, you villain!”

His aura flared and the villain laughed, unaware of what was about to happen. “Do your worst kid, my body makes me immune to most quirks, what can you do...huh?” His liquidy body was indeed a problem for most quirks, but to Izuku it made this easy.

He forced the villain off him, pulling his liquid body apart and forcing it to his outer reaches of his orbit. “What...is...this…?”

“Gravity Rings: Orbit Lock!” The sludge villain was divided and pulled apart, being drawn into Izuku’s orbit in two rings. Izuku held him there creating a circular force causing the villain to be spun round and round.

It was a good plan, the technique was amazing,but the villain was resisting, Izuku had to keep his hold on the villain or he’d bust out. “Deku...you can’t hold him forever. I’ll get help!”

“I can...last...I got this…” He was already sweating, this technique was highly intricate it was taking a heavy toll on Izuku’s body and he was burning through his food like an engine.

“The hell you do!” Katsuki didn’t know what to do, they were away from any hero agency and police station. ‘Shit, shit, shit!’

“Not to worry, because I am here!” All Might burst from the manhole, he got the jist of the scene with a single glance. “Hold on young man, I’ll help you!”

“All Might!” was a shared gasp.

With one punch All Might was able to blast the villain away, allowing Izuku to relax his quirk and slump to the ground. Katsuki raced over and helped him up. All Might worked fast and trapped the villain in two bottles of used soda. “Quite the slippery fellow, sorry about that.”

Izuku was worn out, but he nudged Katsuki. The blonde got his notebook and got All Might’s autograph. He flipped through the book, impressed at all of Izuku’s notes on heroes, and this was just the latest notebook he had filled up. Even Katsuki fanboyed a bit, meeting All Might in the flesh was intense. He also got an autograph.

“Thanks for saving us!” Izuku bowed his head to him.

“You busted that villain with one punch, so strong! That’s All Might for you!” He gave Katsuki a thumbs up.

“You two certainly handled yourselves, with some proper training you both will make fine heroes some day.” He took off to take the villain to the police, but his words touched their hearts. He wasn’t gonna chastise them for using their quirks, this was an emergency situation after all. He would have stayed longer but he was reaching his limit.


“Umm Kacchan...I can’t move…”

“Gah you over did it again...stupid Deku...die!” he scolded the greenette who apologized. Katsuki huffed as he carried Izuku on his back the rest of the way home.


“What are you giggling about, damn nerd?”

“We met All Might, in person!”

“Yeah...that was pretty cool.” Even Katsuki had to smile at that. Izuku’s stomach grumbled. “Tell that gut of yours to pipe down!”

“Sorry...but you know who else was cool?” Izuku didn’t give him time to answer. “You!” Katsuki blushed. “You reacted so quickly, even against a bad match up you did so well. You are really amazing!”

“You were more amazing…” Katsuki muttered.


“Nothing just keep quiet we’ll almost be home.”

“Hee, thanks Kacchan, sorry to be a bother.” He rested against Katsuki, his tank on empty.

The incident would have been a quiet affair, except there was a passerby with a cell phone. Instead of helping the dude recording the whole event on his phone and uploaded it to the net. The footage contained All Might so the news picked up and a lot of questions were asked. Thankfully All Might pulled some strings to keep the names quiet, he knew about being in the public eye and was able to keep the incident from spiraling out of control. The two were nowunder the public eye at an early start.

To be continued



Cute Tsundere Katsuki is the best. 😋