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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Phone Update

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Ship of their Own

Their current travel options were very intimate, which could be nice now and then, but not so great long term. Even though Zoro was enjoying their heated make out sessions and frotting, they would still need a proper ship. “We’ll get one, don’t worry!” Luffy said, while groping Zoro’s plump rear.

“Oi!” He blushed and his captain chuckled.

As the Navigator Luffy tracked a solid course for them to the next island. Zoro found Luffy had a habit of finding trouble. The island they located was being used by a pirate known as Buggy the Clown, as a base. They pillaged the land, used it for target practice, and drove the citizens from their homes.

The only remaining souls were the Old Mayor, and a dog named Chouchou, who was guarding his old master’s pet shop. Anyone who came to the island were captured by the Clown pirates and made sport for Buggy. So when a scout spotted Luffy and Zoro, they sent an officer into the town for the hunt.

Beast Tamer Mohji and his Lion Richie, the two were sent to capture them. Though they got distracted as they encounter the Pet Shop, not only did the lion wreck the place, but Mohji tried to burn it down. Luffy was pissed and he conjured a rain to douse the flames. “Rain Tempo!”

There wasn’t much that was saved, but what Luffy found he gave back to the dog. The noble beast was outmatched, but he still tried to defend what his master loved. The Mayor had told Luffy the whole story, his Master had gotten sick and passed away, but Chouchou stayed waiting for him.

Luffy crushed Mohji and Richie without using his devil fruit power. He sent them packing in tears, and Chouchou thanked them. It wasn’t over, they’d report to Buggy.

If it was battle they wanted, Luffy and Zoro were ready to bring the pain. Buggy gathered his crew, planning to unleash their new weapon the Buggy Ball on the town, intending to kill Luffy and Zoro flashily!

The clouds gathered heavily in the sky. “A storm?” Buggy laughed intending to fire the cannon before the storm could put an end to his fun.

“Oi you Big Nosed Creep knock it off!” Luffy shouted. Zoro gulped, he had heard rumors about Buggy. He had a hard on for killing swordsmen, or anyone that insulted his nose, those that lived spread rumors claiming he was immortal.

Much like with Alvida, Luffy pushed the button that set Buggy off. “Die you bastard!” He lit the fuse on the cannon.

“Luffy get back!” Zoro gasped.

“I got this!” he smirked. “Heat Air!” Luffy fired a surge of heat directly into the cannon, causing the Buggy Ball to explode, taking the cannon and most of Buggy’s crew out with him.

Buggy and his first mate Cabaji had used members of the crew to survive the blast. “How did he do that? Men kill him flashily!” those that could move took up weapons.

“I got these clowns.” He used Heat Air, blasting them with such intense heat, their clothing evaporated into nothing, their weapons melted, and their bodies began to sweat heavily from the surge of heat. “Now Frozen Wind!”

He sent a chilling blue wind that froze them in place. The sweat on their bodies quickly turning to ice, some were completely frozen solid. “He’s got devil fruit powers!” His men were shocked at the strange phenomenon, but Buggy wasn’t he had been to the Grand Line.

There was a summer island, it produced such heated air on the breeze clothing, weapons, and most objects melted or even evaporated. The people of the island had adapted to the island’s unusual weather by becoming nudists, and there were jungles that also evolved to handle the intense heat.

In turn there was a winter island with such freezing winds, normal winter clothing wasn’t enough. Their homes were built of ice and like the other island the people of the island had adapted to such weathers. ‘Where did this runt get such knowledge?’

Shanks and his crew told Luffy’s stories about islands in the Grand Line, and others he learned from books. You’d be surprised how many books were thrown out into Gray Terminal. Mostly to do with studying as the spoiled brats probably either read it and tossed it out feeling it wasn’t needed anymore, or tossed it out calling it boring. One book that Ace got/found for Luffy was “Weather of the Grand Line Volume 1” it was a joy for Luffy to read and experiment with but he still wanted to go to these islands one day.

“I ate the Weather Weather fruit and became a Weather Man!” Luffy chuckled. “You guys are in so much trouble!”

Luffy conjured black storm clouds, thunder rumbled in the sky. “Lightning Tempo!” Lightning struck striking Buggy’s crew, those with swords got it the worst. Buggy used his men to shield him from the lightning, while one of his crewmates, Cabaji used Richie to shield himself. They were the only two fighters remaining.

“To think my crew would flashily lose to such a runt.”

“Not to worry captain, I’ll end this guy!” Cabaji charged at Luffy, riding a unicycle, and wielding a sword.

Before he could get near the captain Zoro stopped him. “You want my captain, you’ll have to get through me.”

“Roronoa Zoro, the Pirate Hunter!” Cabaji smirked. “Killing you will raise my name to new heights.” The two began to clash, but of course Buggy played dirty. Using his own devil fruit, he sent his hand with a knife and stabbed Zoro in the gut while Cabaji had him distracted.

“Zoro?!” Luffy gasped. “You dirty cheater! They were having a one on one duel!”

“Hahaha, you fool this is a battlefield, blame your stupid swordsman for letting his guard down.” Luffy’s hand crackled in rage.

“You bastard!” Luffy swung at him. “Thunder Fist!”

“Chop Chop Escape!” Buggy’s body separated and his upper half flew up into the air, avoiding Luffy’s punch. “Hahaha, you might be a Weather Man but I’m a Chop Chop Man!”

“Lightning Tempo!” Taking to the air was a mistake as Luffy struck him with a bolt of lightning. While his upper half was fried Luffy kicked Buggy right in the balls.


Cabaji seemingly had the edge, attacking Zoro’s wound. His circus tricks were more annoying than effective. “You think a poke in the ribs will bring me down? How much of a handicap do you need to make you feel strong?” Zoro stabbed himself to prove a point. He put on his bandanna. “I’m gonna beat you circus freak!”

“I don’t need Captain Buggy to defeat you, Circus Guillotine!”

“Three Sword Style...Onigiri!” The attacks clashed but Cabaji lost, getting cut down. Zoro got woozy from the blood loss. Luffy caught him.

“Nice fight!” Zoro smiled.

“I’m gonna need a nap...captain…” Luffy nodded and set him down.

Buggy recovered and was pissed off at Luffy’s attitude. “You remind me of that bastard Shanks, all this talk of pirate code, man to man duels, honor what a crock!”

“You know Shanks?”

“We used to be on the same crew when we were young rookies. He ruined my life!” He told Luffy his “sad” story, but to Luffy it sounded like Shanks saved his life. Buggy had tried to be sneaky with his devil fruit, and karma bit him in the butt. If he hadn’t tried to be sneaky in the first place it wouldn’t have happened. He fell into the sea after eating the devil fruit, and Shanks saved his life. Anything beyond that just seemed to be petty.

Buggy got pissed. He tried to attack Zoro, but Luffy stomped on his fist. “You jerk stop trying to attack Zoro!” He was a jerk. Though using his men as a shield showed how much he cared about nakama.

“You wanna protect him so bad, then do it!” He launched his legs like a buzz saw, he had knives in his shoes.

“You don’t learn do you!” He didn’t even move as the blades drew closer there was a spark, then zap! Lightning struck Buggy’s legs, so now his whole body was charred. His parts came back together. Luffy was angry. The sky growing darker, and lightning surging and crackling. Rain began to fall.

Luffy charged at Buggy. “You fool!” He split his parts up. “Chop Chop Festival!”

He whipped around. “Tsunami Strike!” Wind and Water combined, using the rain water, he whipped up a powerful attack and Buggy’s parts were swept up and smacked around.

His parts were scattered, Luffy moved fast, collecting Buggy’s parts and used Frozen Wind to freeze the lot in solid ice. Buggy tried to reassemble but he was missing the majority of his parts, he was left with his head, neck, hands, and feet. “What the hell?!” He shrieked.

Luffy chuckled throwing up the victory sign. “It’s time to fly Buggy, take some time and develop better character.” Luffy rotated his arm, working it round and round. He gathered wind and soon had a tornado circling his arm. “Tornado Fist!”

“WAIT!” Buggy screamed and Wham! Luffy hit him hard, sending him flying. Buggy went soaring into the distance.

“Get lost!” His men scrambled and fled, picking up their charred, frozen, and wounded allies, even having to drag off the Buggy parts iceberg. Luffy gave them a dingy to leave on. He confiscated Buggy’s ship and all the treasure he had on it. He gave half to the Mayor so they can repair their village. The old man helped treat Zoro, patching up his wounds.

“It’s not home but it’ll do.” Luffy carried Zoro onto the ship. “Let’s use this money to buy a ship of our own.”

“Sounds like a plan captain.” The crew of two left, sailing off with Buggy’s ship. The villagers had no idea what happened, that they had been saved by pirates and that was just fine. The old man and one tiny dog knew what happened. Two pirates came to their island, and like a storm tore through their town, and left just as quickly. As the skies cleared up their future was shining bright.

To be continued


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