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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Worked on this on my phone inbetween heating pad cycles, please enjoy

Rubber Spider
Luffy is a member of the Spider Clan, a rare species to find in the East Blue, but he was there. If that wasn’t enough he eats the Gumo Gumo no mi much to Shanks’s crew’s surprise. Becoming a Rubber Spider, an arachne that can’t be crushed. With his tribe’s skills and his gum gum powers he becomes a pirate.

Chapter 1

Shanks found quite a few strange things in the East Blue. He found and obtained the Gomu Gomu no mi, stole it right from an enemy ship. Then he found a member of the Spider Tribe. In his youth sailing on Gol D. Roger’s ship, he had met some of the Spider Tribe in the past.

Buggy and Him were scared of them at first, and got smacked by Roger and Rayleigh for their insensitivity. The Spider Clan had mistrust of people, as they were usually met with fear and aggression. Roger apologized for their actions. Despite their intimidating appearances the Spider Tribe didn’t like unnecessary combat. Many of the tribes scattered to the winds found homes serving more warrior clans for protection.

They weren’t powerless, like Minks and Fishman they could fight and hunt and had their own unique skills. They were also highly intelligent having two brains, a human and spider parallel minds. Strategically speaking they preferred to deal with their enemies with traps and long rang tactics, but they’d be fools to not know how to fight close range.

Shanks had seen only one island that held a majority of Spider Clan people, and sadly a year after Roger’s death. The World Government unleashed a Buster Call on the island. He was sure the Arachne put up a fight, but the overwhelming bombardment wiped out the very island itself.

Many of the Spider Clan members were hunted down or captured. The only ones Shanks believed survived were the ones that sank into the darkness, hiding away to survive and the ones who made their homes in Elbaf. So he didn’t believe he’d meet one in the East Blue.

A young boy named Monkey D. Luffy. He was a rambunctious lad full of energy. He didn’t know much about the Spider Clan, and didn’t even know who his parents were. All he knew was he hatched from an egg and was hungry. His Grandpa dropped him off here. Not a lot to go on.

His crew loved him, the boy was just as nutty as they were. Luffy even stabbed his cheek with a knife as a way to show his bravery. He wanted to badly join their crew, but Shanks wasn’t having it.

He felt it was safe for Luffy to remain in the East Blue, it didn’t help his crew was getting him star struck with tails of their adventures. Though Shanks was partly to blame, get enough drinks in him and Shanks would become quite the performer. Spinning yarns even his crew weren’t sure if they were true or not.

While the villagers were used to Luffy’s appearance, they had some bells to alert when there were visitors. When the bells rang out, Luffy scurried up the wall and hung out on the ceiling. Thankfully most people don’t look up.

So when some bandits came into Makino’s Tavern, Luffy was safely lurking in the rafters. He webbed up some food and pulled it up, accidentally pulling up a devil fruit the crew had recently obtained. Luffy watched the whole scene between the bandits and pirates play out, he ate his food angrily. The bandits were being jerks! He was expecting the crew to kick their asses, but they didn’t Shanks and his men laughed the whole scene off. It didn’t click with Luffy, that some fights just weren’t fighting. You only win by not fighting.

Shanks was very upset that Luffy had eaten the Gomu Gumo no mi, calling him a dumb ass. Eating a devil fruit takes away a person’s ability to swim in exchange for a mysterious power. Luffy could no longer swim but now he was made of rubber, he was a rubber spider!

He really was dumb, when the bandits came back, while Shanks was away. They were bad mouthing them, and Luffy stood up to them, wanting to defend his friends. The bandits were shocked/scared of the arachne. They tied him up and tried to crush him, but since he was made of rubber it was more difficult than that.

The villagers and the Mayor wanted to help, even willing to pay them to let Luffy go. Higuma this band’s leader was a sick bastard, and a petty one. The fact Luffy insulted him alone, meant he deserved death. Before he could kill Luffy, Shanks and his men arrived.

In a manner of minutes Higuma’s men were wiped out, half dead, the others so beaten they wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. “Wow!” Luffy couldn’t believe his eyes. Higuma had a lot of excuses but Shanks didn’t care what he had to say.

"Listen up bandit! You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me, you can even spit on me...I'll just laugh that stuff off. But! Good reason or not...Nobody hurts a friend of mine!" His words were powerful, and to a man as weak as Higuma made him run. He escaped using a smoke bomb, but he took Luffy with him. “No way, where’s Luffy? Luffy! That bastard took him!”

“Calm down Captain we’ll find him!” As “mean” as Shanks could be to Luffy, teasing him, picking on him, treating him like a kid, he really did care about him.

Higuma was planning on selling Luffy, but Luffy awakened to one of his clan’s unique abilities. The overwhelming stress and struggle to escape awakened his latent power. “Jinx Eye!” One of the Evil Eye skills. His lower spider head gazed at him with all 8 eyes.

Bad Luck!

Higuma’s fortune was drained away in an instant, and the Lord of the Coast woke up and noticed his little boat. It was his ultimate misfortune. He got eaten in one bite as Luffy was flung off the boat. The sea sucked away his strength, and he sank down, all eyes closing. ‘This is bad...I can’t move...I can’t breath

The Lord of the Coast charged at Luffy, but before he could chomp him down, Shanks got in the way. Shanks was a powerful man, skilled in the power of haki. Despite his level of haki at this time, biting attacks found a way of piercing and penetrating the hardening. With one bite the Lord of the Coast took Shanks’s arm, but Luffy was saved. “Get lost!” Releasing another form of Haki, he sent the sea monster packing.

Luffy cried, upset that Shanks lost an arm for him. “It’s just an arm, you are more important than that.” They made it back to shore, Luffy having stopped the bleeding with his thread. Shanks got medical treatment and things quieted down.

Shanks decided it was time to leave this island, they had used this place as their base for too long. Though the crew was worried about Luffy, despite his age he was a fighter, a member of the Spider Tribe, and he was stronger than he knew. It would likely benefit him from journeying with the crew. “He’s too bright to exist in our shadow.” Was all Shanks said on the matter.

Luffy arrived to see him off. “I’m not gonna ask to join your crew anymore. I’m gonna become a pirate on my own, and build my own crew and we’ll become even greater pirates than you guys!” Luffy boldly declared. He sought to become stronger, to reach a level of freedom obtained by one man. “I’ll become King of the Pirates!”

His words touched Shanks more than he could understand, reminding Shanks of his former captain. With a smile, he took his treasured straw hat and placed it on Luffy’s head. Luffy was touched, as Shanks didn’t allow anyone to touch his hat, for him to give it to Luffy was...special! “You hang onto this for me, you can give it back to me after you’ve become a great pirate.” With this promise Luffy’s future was set.

-x-12 Years Later-x-

“Can you believe this guy’s bounty?”

“No way and he’s from the East Blue?”

“He’s from the weakest of the four seas and he’s got a bounty that high?”

“It has to be fake!”

“Is he a monster?”

“Look at his body he has to be!”

Monkey D. Luffy’s wanted poster spread across the world. He attacked a marine base, toppled bounty hunters, clashed with the heavy hitters of the East Blue, and stood defiantly against the marines. Though Luffy’s bounty spoke of his achievements it held weight of what he’s done and gotten away with. Luffy’s actions had done a lot of good, but because he declared himself a pirate, and because he was Spider Tribe, the World Government took notice of him. He was seen as a threat.

Those that knew of the Spider Tribe and their abilities knew that this young man would be a force of nature, an ally you’d want on your side and one you wouldn’t want to have as an enemy. Before Shanks left Luffy that day he told the boy of the power that dwell inside him, the power of the Spider Tribe known as the Evil Eyes!

To be continued...Zoro


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