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My Hero parody: PAtreon Request

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2: 8 Years

The last 8 years have been hell. Bakugou Katsuki missed Izuku terribly, but he distracted himself with training, studying, and working out. Sometimes he’d just go to the beach and stare at the sea. Some jerks used that spot as a dumping ground for trash, so he made it part of his training to clean up the beach each time he went there. The trash served as great targets to use his quirk on.

He knew he was doing fine, since Inko would often come over and have tea with his mom. She was taking it hard. The first 4 years were the hardest for her. He was actually stopping by to check on her and sit with her. Inko appreciated the company.

Then...two years later, came news that Katsuki wasn’t expecting.

“No way this is him!”

“I’m telling you it’s him!”

“What are you extras blabbering about?” Katsuki snapped as he took his seat.

“Katsuki look, isn’t this Midoriya?” One of the students held up a CD case, and there on the cover was a familiar mop of green hair. Some features were omitted to give the cover an air of mystery.

“Deku!?” He bolted from his desk and rushed over to get a good look.

“It couldn’t be him right?” He was older, his merman form much more...beautiful…

“Where did you get this?”

“An import from my cousin straight from Atlantis!”

“It’s supposed to be a big seller.”

‘Does Auntie Inko know about this?’ She didn’t...

“No way, it’s probably just a coincidence.”

It wasn’t…

He had to be sure.

During a free period, some of the guys got together and played some of the CD. “Last night I had a dream about you, in these dreams, I’m dancing right beside you.” Midoriya’s voice came out of the speakers, it seemed going through puberty as a merman gave him the voice of an angel or a siren.

His song captivated everyone who heard it, free period turned into one big dance party. Katsuki felt his heart flutter, the voice was older, more mature, soul piercing, and in his heart he knew it was Deku. His songs made the world melt away, drawing out people’s happiness.

When he got home, he told his mom what he heard. Inko was called and she wasn’t pleased. “I can’t believe Hisashi did this! Without telling me a thing!”

“I believe it that guppy is an ass. He chose the sea over his family.” Inko was trying not to cry. “Did Izuku tell you anything about this?”

“He mentioned something about taking a music class and doing some singing in a choir, but nothing about a CD. I’m sure his father is behind this!”

“I did some digging, it’s rising to the top charts. Your son is a hit!”

“Oh my baby!” Inko cried happily. As much as Hisashi bugged her, she wanted her son to succeed. Katsuki bought one of the CD’s, using some of his allowance money, it was harder than he thought they were flying off the shelves.

He put some headphones on and pressed play. “Last night I had a dream about you, in this dream, I’m dancing right beside you!” Katsuki closed his eyes. It was Izuku’s voice, his heart fluttered.

“And it looked like everyone was having fun, the kind of feeling I’ve waited so long!” Katsuki felt his world melt away. It was like he was taken to the ocean.

“Don’t stop, come a little closer, as we jam the rhythm gets stronger. There’s nothing wrong with just a little litlle fun, we were dancing all night long!” Katsuki suddenly felt like he wasn’t alone, in his mind he’d swear he felt Izuku with him.

Like Izuku jumped from the graphics on the case and was swimming with him in this fantasy sea. “The time is right to put my arms around you, you’re feeling right, you wrap your arms around too…” Fantasy Izuku did just that, and Katsuki could swear he could almost feel him. The two danced and swam together, before getting in close and Katsuki thought they were gonna kiss. “But suddenly I feel the shining sun, before I knew it, this dream was all gone!” Izuku vanished, turning into bubbles that whisked Katsuki away.

Katsuki felt Izuku’s emotion in this song, and others. This one just called out to him more. When the song ended Katsuki opened his eyes to reveal he was crying. He thought he was being dumb or crazy. He missed Izuku terribly, just hearing his voice made him feel so good. ‘Stupid Deku…’ He let the CD play and was swept off into a sea of emotion. ‘He sounds...happy…’


Izuku did get his mother’s permission before continuing this path. He had no idea his father had been recording him, and sent the music to be made into a CD. The fact still remained he was a hit, he was getting calls from people wanting to sign him and make him a star. “Sweetie is this what you want?”

“I...I don’t know. I like to sing, it’s really fun!”

“Do you still want to be a hero?” There wasn’t a pause.

“Yep, I wanna be a hero who can save people!” Inko breathed a sigh of relief. “Dad says I can help people with my singing.” While true, coming from Hisashi it felt wrong. “Plus if I do really good, I can save up money for school, and support you and dad!” There it is...He always had an ulterior motive, and his actions always benefit him in some way.

She still had faith in Izuku. “If that’s what you wanna do sweetie, I’ll support you. However…” She made sure a contract was drawn up so that all decisions about Izuku’s career were ran by her. She didn’t trust Hisashi as far as she could throw him. Inko became Izuku’s official manager.


For Katsuki having Izuku’s music, was like having a piece of him with him. His career was booming, he started doing concerts, live shows over the radio, and he made more CD’s. His popularity rose higher than some of the Hero Idols. Merchandise began to circulate featuring posters, dolls, pillows. He was in the middle market there, Hero Merchandise was still too popular to topple over.

Katsuki may have bought a poster, a fan, a banner, a headband, and any CD’s he could get his hands on. Something he noticed is one song appeared on every CD, Aqua Love. He made sure to tune in to Izuku’s concerts. Getting tickets was hard as hell. ‘Damn extras!’

Seeing Izuku even on TV helped stir the feelings growing inside Katsuki. ‘He’s really growing up, he’s gotten so beautiful!’ Izuku’s hair had grown out, his body had grown stronger going by his pecs and rock hard abs. He looked so happy and healthy.

Despite being one of Izuku’s fanboys, Bakugou was annoyed by how many “extras” would gush about him. “Midoriya got so hot!”

“I know, if I had known he’d be that cute, I’d have…” Bakugou didn’t even let the extra finish that sentence. It was a weird feeling he was having, one he didn’t want to admit. Girls and guys were drawn to Deku now, the stupid nerd had captivated so many with his music. Though he could hardly blame them.

Music as a whole had the power to invigorate, motivate, inspire, and touch people in different ways. Izuku’s songs were drenched in his emotions, you knew him by his honest melodies. Izuku Midoriya had a pure heart, a love of heroes, and a desire to help people.

As their reunion date drew closer, and Izuku’s popularity continued to rise, Bakugou began to get worried.

“Do you think Midoriya’s even gonna come back?”

“Yeah, he’s so popular now. Why would he leave the idol life for a hero one?”

“He’s got money to burn, roaring fans, and a strong career. He’d be a fool to give it up.”

“Plus he doesn’t go on tour, he’s probably been captivated by the song of the sea. He’s never coming back.”


Bakugou lost control of his quirk, scaring the extras. ‘Deku...it’s not true right. We promised!’ Izuku wanted to be a hero, now that he had a quirk, there was nothing stopping him except himself. His quirk had limitations, its possible he’d be safer remaining as an idol. With his money he could fund other hero agencies or start his own. He could do a lot of good even without becoming a hero.

The idea didn’t sit well with Bakugou, his childhood crush has bloomed into something more. It was love, and while he wanted Izuku to be happy. If Izuku went down that path he’d go somewhere he couldn’t follow. He worked so hard, and was ready to enter UA, but it just wouldn’t be the same without Izuku.

He’s been waiting for Izuku for 8 years! While he had reminders and his own feelings keeping the promise for him. ‘What about Deku…?’ He’s been gone for so long and done so much. ‘Do you even remember me? Do you even remember our promise?’

Izuku’s had a few interviews, and he’s always a babbling mess. On stage is where he shines, but he’s still a nerd. More often then not he starts rambling off about the latest heroes on the scene. It was quite the contrast seeing him on stage and seeing him in interviews was like night and day. He still seemed like the same Izuku to Katsuki’s eyes.


Such things had a way of corrupting people, especially at a young age. Katsuki knew that first hand, his own quirk and talent had given him a swelled head. Izuku’s music helped give him some perspective and open his eyes to something more.


‘Today’s the day…’ He woke up and got a shower, before rummaging through his closet. His focus was so intense he left the house without having breakfast. Though his mom knocked some sense into him and packed him a lunch.

‘Izuku….for Katsuki’s sake, please don’t give in to the sea.’ Her son was obvious. She knew the brat had fallen for Izuku, the two had a bond since they were kids. Midoriya had soothed his soul and cooled his hot head, a good influence even 1,000 leagues away. He’s been on his best behavior in order to keep his promise.

Katsuki wasn’t stupid, far from it. He’s run over so many scenarios it made his head spin. The odds were not in his favor. Still...he waited...in their spot...as promised…

He was listening to Izuku’s music as he gazed at the sea. ‘Is he not coming?’ He ate his lunch. Time didn’t fly by, it felt like it was moving at a snail’s pace.

‘Deku…’ He didn’t know what he was expecting. ‘I’m an idiot!’ He turned off his player and removed his ear buds. ‘I’m still gonna be the greatest hero ever. I’ve been training for this, these past 8 years I’ve grown stronger.’ He wiped his eyes. 'Stupid Deku!' 

“Kacchan!” He froze.

“Kacchan!” His head turned. Things were slow again, Izuku Midoriya was racing towards him, he was in human form.

“Deku?” His eyes widened. “Deku!” He ran towards him.

‘He came back...he came back!’ He almost didn’t recognize him, his hair was short and puffy. He was wearing plain baggy clothes, and some sun glasses.

Before the two could meet a wave splashed the two and Izuku was reverted back to merfolk form. “Damn it!” Katsuki shook his head, his hair popping like an explosion.

“Kacchan...hi…” Izuku blushed. His hair was longer again and his merfolk traits were on full display.

“Hey nerd!” Katsuki smiled at him. “You kept me waiting.”

“I’m sorry!” He began to blabber and mutter, and Katsuki couldn’t help but laugh. He missed this.

“You came back to me!”

“I did!” His eyes sparkled. “I never forgot our promise!”

Katsuki lost it and tackled him. “Kacchan?” He was being held tight. All his worries and doubts were washed away, Izuku was back and their future together was bright.

“Just...let me have this…” He muttered. Izuku hugged him close and closed his eyes.



Headphones were removed. “What is it?”

“Are you listening to that merman idol again?”

“So what if I am?”

“I don’t think it’s good for your development.”

“His music relaxes me, and helps me think.” Kurogiri shook his head.

“We have reports from the Master, All Might has come to town, it is time to crush the Symbol of Peace.”

To be continued...Song of Heroes

Izuku shows Katsuki the results of his training. A merfolk’s voice was not only their treasure but a weapon. Izuku’s voice can be as powerful as Present Mic’s he can also sing a swan song for his enemies.



The pining was lovely. 💘