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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Phone fic

Had some time when my power went out to work on a little something something on my phone please enjoy more fics to come 

Ninja Trained

Ash has bumped into Aya and brought to the Pokemon Jujitsu Academy. Here Ash learns he can train his Pokemon more and help teach them some new moves. He bumps into an old friend who’s come along way on his own journey so far. Ash/Shingo/Harem

Chapter 1

Ash had recently had a match with Duplica, a Ditto Master. She brought up the fact that Ash’s Pokemon lacked a varied move set. He thought about his Pokemon and realized he tended to rely on similar moves, without a lot of strategy. Shingo had also pointed this out. He knew that...it’s why he left Primeape and Charizard to train. His Squirtle was also back with the Squirtle Squad, also in training.

He Checked his Pokedex.

Bulbasaur; Chlorophyll: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, and Solar Beam

Kingler; Shell Armor: Stomp, Water Gun, Bubble, Crabhammer.

Muk; Stench: Body Slam, Sludge Bomb, Minimize, Mud Slap

“King” (Ash’s Main Tauros); Intimidate: Fissure, Take Down, Horn Attack, Double Team.

Snorlax; Thick Fat: Body Slam, Rest, Headbutt, and Mega Punch

Heracross; Guts: Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Endure, Tackle

Chikorita; Leaf Guard: Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, Tackle, Sweet Scent

Cyndaquil; Flash Fire: Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Swift, Smokescreen

Totodile; Torrent: Water Gun, Scratch, Scary Face, Bite

Noctowl (Shiny); Tinted Lenses: Peck, Hypnosis, Whirlwind, Foresight

Not only was his catch rate not the best, his additional 29 Tauros not counting. Their moves were not stellar, he knew his Pokemon were strong, but they could be a lot stronger. ‘It’s my job to help them, but how…’

It was lucky for Ash he bumped into Aya, she was in the middle of her final exam. “You are taking over for Koga?”

“Yes, he’s been recruited by the Elite Four, and will take up the position upon having someone to replace him as Gym Leader.” She’s been training at the Pokemon Jujitsu Academy to complete her training.

The Academy was something special where experienced tutors helped teach Pokemon different kinds of moves. Many of these moves held true to the ninja tradition; Speed, Deception, Skill, and Technique.

Ash, Misty, and Brock followed Aya to the school and the placed looked amazing. There were students in three different outfits. Red was for the Battle Course which focused on Skill, Yellow was for the Technique course, and Blue were learning from the Deception course. Speed was shared among all three courses.

The group got another surprise. “Hey Ash!” A young man with purple hair raced over to him.

“Shingo!” Ash ran over to him, and the two shook hands. “It’s good to see you!”

“It’s good to see you too!” He was dressed in a Red Uniform.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came here for training, I’m doing what I promised. I’ve been reworking my battle style and getting stronger.”

“That’s good, I’ve been battling a lot I got three badges!”

“Nice, so you are still entering the Johto League?”

“Of course!”

“That’s great, because so am I.” He showed off his Zephyr Badge and Hive Badge. “I was hoping to meet you in the Johto League and we can have a rematch.”

“Why wait, let’s have a rematch while I’m here.”

Tokichi welcomed them. “So you are friends of Aya and a rival of one of my students. It seems the winds of fate have guided you here.”

Ash chuckled. “More like we just get lost a lot.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Getting lost is a part of life, it helps make a journey more interesting.”

“Good point!”

Tokichi allowed them to stay for a week of free lessons. Ash was placed in Red along with Shingo, Brock was placed in Yellow, and Misty was placed in Blue. Students and their pokemon work on their speed and agility, through training. The red students focused on battles, having regular sparing matches and working towards learning more powerful moves.

Yellow students were taught more technique learning moves like Stun Spore, Spider Web, Spikes, and Double Team. All moves while not inflicting damage directly could help turn the tide of battles. Blue students were taking classes in the art of deception, this was using moves in unique and different ways, playing off one’s abilities.

Aya had taken all three courses already, her battle course being her final exam, and one she was struggling with. Shingo simply enrolled in the battle course to further strengthen his Pokemon. “Here at the Academy we have special permission to allow trainers to train up to 10 Pokemon here at once.”

“That’s awesome!” Ash exclaimed and he made a call to Professor Oak. It was time for some special training. He had Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Noctowl with him. He got Kingler, Muk, Heracross, and King. He’d have called for Snorlax, but he was in the middle of a hibernation.

“I recognize a few of these guys, it seems you’ve caught some new Pokemon too.” Shingo looked them over. “Hey Heracross!”

“Hera cross!” He bowed.

The humans got changed into ninja-like uniforms with their signature color. “I feel like a better trainer in this!”

“You look really good Ash!” Shingo said with a smile, he was looking Ash up and down admiring his chiseled physique.

“Thanks Shingo!” The purple haired guy blushed.


The compound was quit large, with the dorms in the upright compound. There was a store house/warehouse next to the dojo. They had battle fields, training fields with targets, a large pond to work with Water Pokemon, a forest section within the compound. They had their own berry garden and there was an area sectioned off to run laps.

The Pokemon and trainers did laps, building up their speed. After doing some running, the students went to their individual classes. Red Students had battles, where losers had to go and do more laps. The Pokemon were able to be healed between matches, the teacher had a Slowbro that knew Heal Pulse.

Tokichi watched Ash’s matches, he battles a couple of the Red Students, defeating them. ‘He has passion and drive, but lacks some formal training.’ Ash was even able to defeat Aya again. Many of his Pokemon knew the same moves, which didn’t support larger battles.

Ash and his Pokemon got to observe other matches and see all kinds of impressive moves.

“Shingo, will you have a match with Ash Two vs Two?”

“Yes sir!” Shingo got on the battle field. “You ready Ash?”

“I’m ready, Pikachu, Heracross, let’s go!”

“Alright Blade, I choose you!” He called out his Scizor.

It was the battle of the bug types as there was a rematch of Heracross and Blade. Shingo was focused on the battle making this a more even match. To tilt the battle in Shingo’s favor Blade had some new moves.

“Blade use Bullet Punch!” Scizor’s claw glowed a silver light and whoosh, he zipped forward and punched Heracross hard.

“Heracross use Fury Attack!” He flew back and launched a barrage of swings and strikes at Blade. He was able to dodge some of the hits, but did get clipped a few times.

“Blade X-Scissor!”

“Heracross Horn Attack!” The two attacks clashed and it seemed to be even in power. “Hang in there Heracross!”

“Keep it up Blade!” The put more and more power into the attacks before they both got pushed back. “We need to flip the script, Blade use U-Turn!”

Blade glowed a green light before charging in at Heracross, he hit him, and in a flash he returned to his ball. Ash was shocked. He hadn’t heard of U-Turn before. From Shingo’s other ball came a Ledian. “So you got yourself a Ledian, cool!”

“Sure did, I got a couple of new Pokemon and have been training hard.” Shingo smiled. “This is Boxer!”

Blade: Light Metal – Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, U-Turn, X-Scissor

“Boxer use Mach Punch!” Boxer shot forward and punched Heracross hard.

“Whoa that’s some hit.”

“Boxer’s special ability is Iron Fist, it makes his punching attacks even stronger.”

“Heracross Horn Attack!” Heracross flew at Boxer and hit him hard.

“Boxer fight back with Drain Punch.”

“Heracross Endure!” He braced himself for the attack and Ledian hit hard draining Heracross’s energy and healing himself.

“Now use Ice Punch!” He charged up a chilling punch and hit Heracross, and froze him solid. He was no longer able to battle.

“Thanks Heracross you did great!” The Ice Punch was a surprise and thanks to the ability it hit twice as hard. ‘Shingo has gotten a lot stronger...but have I?’

Boxer: Iron Fist – Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Silver Wind

It was Pikachu’s turn. Boxer was able to hit Pikachu with a Silver Wind attack, but soon got knocked out by a powerful Thunder. It was down to the final two, Blade vs Pikachu.

Blade was tougher, but Pikachu was Ash’s heavy hitter. Blade was able to block Pikachu’s Thunderbolt with Metal Claw, a surprising tactic. In the clash of Bullet Punch and Quick Attack, Pikachu out speed Blade and hit him.

“That’s fast!” Shingo didn’t back down. “Blade follow up with X-Scissor!”

“Pikachu use Agility and dodge it!” Pikachu’s speed increased and he moved swiftly, dodging the attack. “Nice work Pikachu, use Thunder!”


Blade tried to block it but Thunder was a bit too much for this tactic. The battle continued, Ash calling for another Quick Attack. Blade was asked to use Bullet Punch. Pikachu hit hard but not hard enough and Blade was able to one two punch him.

“Pikachu use Thunderbolt!”

“Blade use X-Scissor!” The two gave a final clash, the battle ending in a draw.

“Both Pokemon are unable to battle, this match is a draw!”

Tokichi had observed Ash, seen his abilities as a trainer so far, he had much room to grow. “Young man, you are a fine trainer. I think we can help you with your training and assist with getting your Pokemon new moves.”

“You’ve gotten a lot stronger Ash, that was a great battle!” Shingo and Ash shook hands. It was a learning experience for both of them.

Ash was about to learn a whole lot more…

To be continued...Skills!


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