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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Fortune Hunters

Ash was so proud of his Psyduck, he finally gained control of his Psychic Powers. Ash was positively brimming and wanted to reward his Psyduck for all his hard work. They set up camp and once Misty was asleep Ash, Brock, and Psyduck snuck away for some alone time.

Drowzee was following the group and watched the fun unfold.

Psyduck moaned as Ash sucked his cock and played with his balls. “Psyyyy Psyyy!”

“Mmmm!” Ash’s butt wiggled as he savored Psyduck’s length, bobbing back and forth. Brock was watching the show, fisting his own meat as the two performed. His eyes kept drifting from his perfect booty and twitching hole, the sight of his massive nuts bouncing and swaying was mesmerizing.

‘So sexy!’ Brock couldn’t take it, and he crawled forward. He buried his face in Ash’s cheeks and cupped his plentiful orbs. He massaged Ash’s balls, while kissing his hole. Ketchum moaned, sending intense vibrations through Psyduck’s length.

He blushed and drooled enjoying his trainer’s affection. Brock pushed forward, giving Ash’s ass a deep kiss. He was so tight, but so pliable...he wiggled his tongue and got Ash’s hole nice and wet.  Brock marveled at how evolved Ash’s body was, his hole was purely for mating. He could almost taste lingering flavors of the pokemon that used this hole.

Drowzee watched eyes sparkling in delight. He knew this trainer was special. The more Brock played with Ash’s balls the more the deep rich musk was released. It carried on the winds and Drowzee got a nice whiff. “Drow!” He moaned.

Psyduck let out a moan and came, flooding Ash’s mouth with cum. “Mmm!” Ash got that look on his face as he drank down every drop. He kept sucking, his tongue working around the head to coax a couple more spurts.

Ash pulled off, licking his lips. “Ahh, so good!”

“Psy Psy!” His eyes glowed and Ash gasped. Brock couldn’t believe it. His hole was opened up with psychic power, Ash getting stretched wide and deep.

“Oh wow!” He drooled.

Psyduck was able to stimulate all of Ash’s erogenous zones at once. His master felt tingly all over, Psyduck’s powers reached even inside. It was working his dick and stimulating his pipe. His prostate was stimulated on both ends. “Ohh fuck...ohhhh fuck...I’m cumming...cumming!” Ash drooled, his eyes rolling up.

Brock pulled his cock back from between his legs and sucked on the tip. Ash exploded into his mouth. ‘His load is even bigger!’ He came so much, Brock’s mouth got splattered and the thick cum ran down his chin.

“That was...wow!” Psyduck blushed at the praise.

“Just leave it to me Ash, I’ll take care of you.” Brock rolled him over and lined up his thick dick. He pushed in and the two moaned.


James had wondered off from their campsite. Team Rocket was still following the twerps, but they were basically heading towards Goldenrod City too. He had just come to take a leak, but was drawn in by noises in the dark. ‘What is that?’

He draws closer to the noise. “Oh my!” James blushed.

Brock and Ash were having sex! Ketchum was bouncing up and down on his dick, his cock bobbing up and down. ‘I had no idea these two had that kind of relationship.’ James felt a stirring in his loins. He continued to watch and became more intrigued at the goings on. ‘His balls are huge!’ His eyes transfixed on the giant orbs bouncing and jiggling.

Ash had a raw and lustful expression on his face, his body moving a steady pace. Brock seemed immobile, his body trembling and sweating, a lot. In this pose Ash’s balls dropped on Brock’s sack sending a surge of pleasure racing through him.

Little did James know The two had been going at it for awhile, this new change of position happened after Ash had recovered from the mind blowing orgasm Psyduck put him through. Right now Brock was treated to an amazing show as Ash’s ass consumed his cock again and again and again!

He would have cum when he was happily pounding away at Ash’s tight ass earlier, but Psyduck had used Disable on him. He couldn’t move or cum. The hold on Brock’s penis was like having 3 invisible cock rings on his dick at once. All Brock could do was lay there and take it as Ash used him as his own personal dildo. It was kinda hot...very hot…

Ash’s ass was squeezing his penis so tight, the hours of friction making it feel like his dick was melting. Plus the aforementioned ball clapping was making his penis twitch inside him. All wrapped up in an erotic point of view.

James wouldn’t be able to understand the pleasurable hell Brock was trapped in, but he wasn’t about to let a free show go to waste. James pulled out his lovely 8 inch rod and began to pump his dick to the show. ‘The larger twerp sure has some stamina!’ He watched and worked his cock.

This was a wild side to the twerps. James enjoyed the show, he was a skilled soloist. Jerking his cock nice and slow, smearing pre-cum all over his shaft before picking up speed. It had been awhile since he jerked off, so when he felt his release coming, he slowed down and edged himself wanting to last and see the money shot.

He’d be edging for thirty minutes as Ash rode Brock like a man possessed. James could admit even porn stars didn’t look they enjoyed sex that much. ‘That guy’s really going to town, how’s the big guy lasting so long?’

It wouldn’t be much longer as Ash let out a howl as he came, his cock erupting and shooting long ropes of cum. Psyduck scurried over and opened his mouth to catch each spurt as it shot out. Disable was deactivated and Brock came...hard! This was some supernatural edging, stacking at least three orgasms onto one release.

Brock let out a primal moan, as his sack tightened and his balls lurched. His cock swelled as the torrent of seed was unleashed. Ash gasped and shivered as the cum surged inside of him, filling him up and physically pushing him up Brock’s cock. “OhhhhHHHHohhhh!” Brock’s toes curled as the triple orgasm unleashed rattled his brain.

James lost it cumming hard and making a mess of the bush in front of him. He thought it was over. Brock was reduced to a giggling mess, his limp dick slipping from Ash’s gaping hole. ‘What an ass!’ James felt his dick twitch, he had fooled around with a few guys at the Rocket Academy, and it’s been too long since he’d fucked a tight ass. Even while gaping James got the weirdest sense if he stuffed it Ash’s ass would fit like a glove.

Turns out it wasn’t over as Ash called out Scar and was ready to reward him for helping during Psyduck’s training. ‘There’s more...oh my Arceus!’ Ash started sucking Scar’s dick, the dark-type moving into a 69 position, sucking Ash’s penis in kind, while Psyduck pounded his ass. ‘He’s mating...with his Pokemon…’ James gulped and licked his lips.

James watched with wild fascination. ‘Does he do this with all his monsters?’ The ideas began to spawn and the bluenette got hornier. So he did what he did when he got super horny, he fingered himself. After sucking two digits, James began to play with his tight pucker. ‘Tight!’

He masturbated to Ash mating with his pokemon. He could see such love and passion between human and monster and a thought channeled through him. ‘Can I bond with my pokemon like that?’ The love scene lasted for another hour, James came twice, three fingers stuffed up his ass. ‘That was hot!’ His skin was flushed. He managed to slip away with the twerps none the wiser. ‘No wonder he always beats us, the bonds between them are stronger than us!’ He wanted to find out.

Drowzee was napping off his own release.


The boys were able to return, Psyduck and Scar returned, Brock carrying Ash on his back. “Thanks Brock!” He kissed the man’s cheek, before getting set down.

“Good night!” They went to their respective tents.

Pikachu had kept watch over their stuff, and was happy to see Ash return. “Hey buddy!” He gave him a kiss. “Things have been a lot better since Brock found out about us huh?”

“Pika chu chu!” Pikachu nuzzled him. Ash was happier, and they had found more time to be together. Their training had improved too.

“We’ve gotten more friends lately. If we become a coordinator we can keep more of our friends with us!”

“Pika!” Ash hugged Pikachu to him.

“I wonder who our next friend is gonna be.” Ash drifted off to sleep, Pikachu joining him.


Butch and Cassidy were tasked with finding Girafarig. A pretty rare pokemon in most parts and now they knew why? “The report the boss gave us said Girafarig are able to see the future.” They gathered intelligence about habitats for them, and in an area near Goldenrod City had sightings of this pokemon.

“A Pokemon like that would be hard to capture.” Rumors stated that the Girafarig appeared at random, at their whims.

“Psychic pokemon have always been mysterious, and their powers are unique.” As a Psychic and Normal type they had an advantage against ghost types. The Rocket Scientists claim that they had three potential abilities, Inner Focus, Early Bird, and Sap Sipper.

“As a Normal type it can learn all kinds of unique moves which can be used to throw off an opponent.”

“All the possibility and the skill to see the future, I can see why the boss wants them. It’s no wonder he picked us to do this.” Their scientists could in theory harness the power of Future Sight, and the monster’s other powers, a true benefit.

“We won’t fail him like those three bunglers.” The duo struck a pose and sought to find some Girafarig.

“The way it is, if we get our hands on one we can use that to to find a whole lot more.”

Cassidy believed she had an ace in the hole calling out her own Houndour, she used him to sniff out the monsters they wanted. “A Dark Type should disrupt their psychic powers!”

“Good plan!”

A pack of Girafarig had sensed a threat and sought to avoid it. However one Girafarig didn’t want to run or hide, he went out to take on the threat. He believed today was the day he’d have a fateful encounter, if he ran and hid he’d miss out on it. Houndour found him and made the mistake of making a noise when pouncing. Girafarig’s tail lashed out and knocked Houndour back.

“Well that is a Girafarig of a different color!” Cassidy checked a photo and normally one had a pink nose and pink spikes, but this one had blue and was a darker shade of yellow.

“It’s said ones with unique coloring have special skills and greater powers.”

“Let’s get him Batch!”

“The name is Butch!” They called out all of their monsters. A Raticate from Cassidy, and a Primeape and Hitmontop from Butch.

“Surround him!” The monsters surrounded the shiny one.

Girafarig used Future Sight. ‘These two are not the ones I want!’

“Get him Primeape use Karate Chop, Hitmontop use Triple Kick!”

“Raticate use Hyper Fang, Houndour use Fire Fang!”

Girafarig saw the moves coming, he used Agility to dodge them. He used Psybeam to blast the Fighting types, his tail used Crunch on Raticate and his front used Stomp on Houndour.

After a cry of victory he ran off. “After him!” The duo gave chase but Girafarig knew they would. He was leading Team Rocket from the pack’s nesting grounds. The pack would have moved on to a new nesting ground until the future was brighter.

“Don’t let him get away! Houndour use Pursuit!”

Houndour chased after Girafarig and hit him hard. “Gir!” Since he was running away, it was double the damage. The other monsters jumped on him, wailing on him with Dynamic Punch, Rolling Kick, and Super Fang.

“Houndour use Flamethrower!” Girafarig countered the flames with Psybeam, the two attacks clashed causing a small explosion. He was injured, and his legs were shaky, but he wasn’t backing down.

“He’s pretty strong.” Butch readied a monster ball.

“Yep, he suits me perfectly!” Cassidy readied her own ball.

“Wait I wanna catch him!”

“Oh please. That one suits my style way more than yours.” Butch huffed.

“You sound like Jessie!”

“What’d you say!?” She grabbed Butch and began to shake him.

The winds of fate were changing. Girafarig felt it, his Future Sight attack came barreling in and wham, the duo and their pokemon went flying. “This...isn’t...over…” Twinkle!

Girafarig limped away seeking a place to heal and recover. Lucky for him or by fate itself Ash heard the explosion and came looking for the source. “Ohh a Girafarig, who he’s got blue spikes instead of pink, and he’s hurt!” He found him collapsed. He rushed over to help, and the tail bit him. “Ouch!”


“It’s okay!” He pats the tail head. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I have a friend who can help treat you.” The tail relaxed, and Ash carried him to their camp.

Brock helped treat him, Ash stayed by his side, with his Pokemon helping out. They found food and Ash fed the tail to help increase the healing.

When Girafarig came to, he noticed he had been treated, but when he saw Scar he freaked out. He accidentally knocked Ash away. Scar growled at him angrily.

“Wait Girafarig, it’s okay Scar isn’t gonna hurt you!” He looked to Scar. “I’m okay, return!” Scar went back to his ball.

“Why’d he freak out like that?”

“He was probably attacked by a Houndour.”

“With all those wounds, there was more than a Houndour.” Girafarig calmed down. His eyes glowed and he shared what happened to him with them. What they were doing was highly frowned upon. Even in Raid battles, monsters found in such events were creatures so strong, legendary, or unique that they couldn’t be bested alone. What Butch and Cassidy did was pure bullying. Ash and Girafarig began to bond as he recovered. He nudged Ash’s arm where he had bitten him.

“It’s okay, I know you were just defending yourself.” Ash smiled and Girafarig felt something between them.

‘He might be the one!’

Butch and Cassidy came back. “That Girafarig belongs to us!”

“It’s Cassidy and Biff!”

“It’s not Biff it’s Butch!”

“This Girafarig doesn’t want to go with you, so blast off somewhere else.” Ash stood and shielded Girafarig.

“Too bad, we’ve decided first come first serve, and once he’s ours we’ll catch all the Girafarig we can find with his powers!” They called out their Pokemon again, but this time Cassidy called out a Tentacruel and Butch called out a Cloyster.

“I won’t let you hurt Girafarig again!”

“We aren’t like those losers you are used to fighting, we’ll crush you with numbers and might!”

“You are still crooks, I’ll take you on!” Ash’s Pokemon came out. Scar battled Cassidy’s Houndour, Cyndaquil battled Raticate, Totodile battled Hitmontop, Pikachu battled Tentacruel, Chikorita battled Cloyster, and Psyduck battled Primeape.

Ash had such a bond with his monsters, and they were stronger than Butch and Cassidy were expecting. Butch and Cassidy used gang up tactics, but Ash’s mons were holding their own.

Scar and Houndour’s battle was intense, clashing heatedly. Cyndaquil overwhelmed Raticate with his speed and firepower. Totodile danced about, dodging Hitmontop’s attacks before blasting him with water. Pikachu knocked out Tentacruel with a powerful Thunderbolt. Chikorita pelted Cloyster with Vine Whip and Razor Leaf. Psyduck dominated Primeape with his new Psychic attack. Their power seemed to surpass their evolution level.

Misty and Brock were cheering them on. Ash was giving them orders at critical moments. Cyndaquil and Totodile were good at dodging, so they could hold their own and tire the enemies out. Pikachu and Psyduck won with type advantage, and Cloyster had a lot of defense but Chikorita wore him down. Scar bested the Houndour and howled in victory.

“No way, when did the runt get so strong?” She recalled the mons that lost.

“We are elite agents of Team Rocket, we won’t lose to a brat like you!” He recalled his mons who were unable to battle.

“We don’t need to win the battle so long as we win the war!” Cassidy brought out a bazooka. Bang! She launched a net at Girafarig.

Ash called out to him, Girafarig flinched, but the net didn’t drop. Drowzee gave a helping hand, he used his power to send the net back and trap Butch and Cassidy in it. “Pikachu give them a goodbye!”

“PIKACHU!” Boom!

“No now we are just like those losers!” Cassidy wailed and cried.

“Although, they may have the right idea, that brat’s Pokemon are prime power houses. If we can get our hands on them we’d be unstoppable.”

They landed and found a pack of Girafarig. “That fool saved us the trouble!” Cassidy and Butch brought out some Monster Balls.

“Girafarig you are ours!” A Crunch and Stomp combo destroyed the balls.

Their eyes glowed. They got hit with Confusion, Psybeam, Psychic, Zen Heabutt, Double Hit, Swift, Astonish, and a barrage of Future Sight. Butch and Cassidy were sent flying. “Team Rocket’s blasting off!” they wailed.

They gave their report to Giovanni. “Girafarig are more trouble than they are worth sir.”

“A problematic Pokemon to say the least.” The duo were covered in wounds, and their Pokemon were wiped out. This was a surprise for Giovanni as their mons were considered top tier, almost elite tier.

“So it seems, very well. You may do as you please until I have a mission for you. Take some time off and recover.” The call ended.

“Time off…” Cassidy grumbled. “That brat is gonna pay!”

“What better way to get revenge then take his Pokemon?”

“Sure, we aren’t losers like the trio, I bet we can steal that brats monsters, faster and easier than Jessie and James ever could.”

“Yeah!” The two high five, only to crumble in pain.


“Psyduck did you help protect Girafarig?” Psyduck just looked confused. Girafarig thanked everyone for defending them. “Well you should be okay now, Team Rocket shouldn’t bother you anymore.” Girafarig got a vision of the future.

He nudged him. ‘You are the one, the one that will open up my future.’

“Do you wanna come with me?”

Girafarig nodded. Ash used a Sun Ball since it was Day out. With one tap Girafarig was sucked in and with one ding he was caught. “I caught a Girafarig!” He posed and the Pokemon cheered.

He was warped back to Oak. Girafarig was okay with that, he knew he’d be back with Ash soon, and he’d get to become one of his trainer’s mates. For Oak this was a rare treat to study such a strange and unusual Pokemon.

Drowzee would have revealed himself, but he wanted to stay with Ash not get warped away. So he decided to bide his time, and keep watch over the trainer that interested him.

To be continued...Coming Soon Goldenrod Arc!!!


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