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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 7 

Chapter 8 Rage

Danny’s Pov

Okay...having two dicks wasn’t so bad. Dash couldn’t take both this time, but the sight of one dick sliding home, while the other ground against his cock and balls was oh so hot! A fuck and a frot all in one thrust. Dash loved it too. When I came, I pumped him full and shot all over him.

Dash’s cum spilling over and adding to the mess. I grabbed out cocks, and pumped them together. “Danny!” He moaned. It was so nice to hear my name from his lips. Not Fenton, or some other insulting variation of it.

“Dash...fuck me!” I collected out semen, and began to finger myself. I needed some dick, and seeing me finger myself really got Dash’s engine revving cause he was back and ready to bang.

Turn about was fair play, and my twin dicks made excellent handle bars. Dash squeezed them so firm and tight as he fucked me. He had such a firm handle, pumping both dicks as he pounded me faster and faster. His fat dick felt so hot inside me, he always feels so good.

After another round and some powerful orgasms between us, it was time for some cuddling. He held me to him, and we made out. He’s become such a good kisser. We took a breather, before I got to kiss him and dominate the lip lock. Kissing Dash breathless was always fun, he always looked so cute. “You win!”

“Hehe!” I kissed his cheek. He pulled me on him and we laid back together, the big lug made an excellent pillow. “How long we got before we get out of here?”

“Maybe 5 minutes…” He put his arm around me. “Maybe 10…” Cum was leaking out of my ass, and I knew it had to be the same for Dash. We needed to clean up, but being together made things feel so cozy.

“Yeah 10 minutes sounds good!” I smiled and cuddled up to him. Funny how ten minutes can turn into half an hour. We cleaned up in silence and used the showers to wash up. After we got dressed Dash spoke.

“So you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah...I’ll be fine, you’ve fucked me a couple of times, I can walk it off!”

“Not that!” Dash blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “A ghost is messing with ya, are you gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, we’ll figure it out... my parents that is!”

“If anything comes up, you’ll tell me right?”

“Of course.”

“Before you figure it out, I’d like to try and take both at once.” Fuck he’s so damn cute…

“That might take some prep, but we can do it.” I gave him one final kiss goodbye before taking off.

He made me feel...so much better. Sex was a great way to take my mind off things, and Dash really was a good guy. He just needed to be himself, and not be the big jock on campus. He has potential, more than he knows.

Dash made this whole situation feel normal. I actually had hope this would all work out.

End Pov

Danny tried to return to his normal. Go to school, do homework, have sex with Dash, and fight ghosts. Dora was working with Sam to work up some kind of ghostly spell to fix this mess. She used her connections to get them all kinds of weird supplies.

Tucker was looking for ways to cash in on Danny’s soon to be jock status. He already updated Danny’s schedule to include work out times, protein shakes to bulk up, and other things Sam thought was pointless and a waste of time.

“Are you seriously thinking about trying out for the Football Team?” Sam asked.

“Of course he is, it’s the fast track to popularity!” Tucker said. Not letting Danny speak for himself.

“You know Dash and his buddies will just use that as an excuse to beat on you.”

“You don’t know that.” Danny said.

“Besides once he’s on the team, he’ll have protection. Which means as his best friend I’ll have protection.” Tucker said. “You wouldn’t get it Sam, as a girl you’ve always had protection.”

“I’m just trying to look out for Danny, not mooch off him.”

“I am not mooching!” Tucker snapped. “If Danny joins the team, I’ve agreed to become the mascot. I’ll get to meet Cheerleaders!”

“Ugh you are disgusting.” She poured some diced herbs into a cauldron Dora supplied and it released a strange aroma into the air.

“No that’s disgusting, what is that gunk?”

“Ingredients for a spell that should break the curse young Daniel is afflicted with.”

“I don’t have to drink it right?” Danny said while holding his nose.

“No, we just need a one more thing.”

“See Tucker I’m actually helping Danny with this problem. You are just sitting there like a bump on a log.” Sam said while stirring the cauldron.

“I help all the time.”

“Guys…” Danny tried to break them up.

“Oh like the time you held an all meat rally and gave the ghost a whole ton of meat to hurt Danny!”

“That happened because you changed the menu!”

“Guys!” Danny was getting annoyed.

It soon turned into a shouting match of who was more helpful, who was more useless. It was just getting Danny angry. They kept going back and forth sniping at each other, and it turned into an all to familiar argument on who was a better friend to Danny. He finally snapped when the two looked to him to decide who’s right. “GUYS!” His eyes flashed red and he banged on the table in frustration, but with surprising strength.

The table flipped/broke and the cauldron was spilled. “Danny?” The two said in shock.

“Oh dear…” Dora said.

Danny’s eyes switched back to blue. “I...I’m okay…sorry about the potion.” He took some deep breaths. “Look you guys are my friends, and I’ve always counted on you. So please work together. You guys can figure this out.”

He went ghost and floated into the air. “I’m gonna go on patrol. I plan on trying out for the team, if I get in great, if not I would have at least tried. It’s not about being popular or protection, I just wanna...try something new.” He said before flying off.

“What’s up with him?” Yeah sure, he had tons of problems, keeping multiple secrets, lying to cover said secrets, and had to juggle being a hero and being a student. Now add on one more crazy thing that makes his already shaky, house of cards that is his life ready to collapse. He was just trying to find balance.

“I’ve never seen him so mad before.”

“I’ve seen him with red eyes before. Is he being controlled?”

“I’m afraid I know what is troubling him. He’s already entered the Dragon Rage stage, if the curse has come that far then we need another plan.” She flipped through an old spell book. “We need to find my brother fast, this locator spell is the best in the book it should find him wherever he’s hiding.”

“What happens if we don’t?”

“Well Dragon Rage is step one, random bursts of intensified rage, and if he gets angry its possible he may go dragon.”

“Like you?”

“Yes, but it should be fine, we can fix this and save young Daniel!” Sam made some calls, hitting up every goth, wannabe witch, nature lover, guru, herb seller, and using her allowance to get some rare ingredients for them.

Tucker made some calls to cover Danny, and helped clean up the mess. The two really should stop putting Danny in the middle of their fights. Tucker just felt like he knew Danny more because they had that special secret bonding thing they did.


Arragon could watch Danny more when he was in ghost form. His new bride was so strong, a worthy prize in his mind. He could feel Danny’s storm of emotions. ‘Don’t worry my dear, soon I’ll take you away from all this. You won’t have to worry about any trivial matters again.’ He rather enjoyed the boys sparks of rage and frustration. He had some wine and watched his beloved go on patrol, it was amusing.

“Hey!” Danny heard someone call. “Hey Ghost Boy!”

‘Dash?’ The blonde jock was waving him down. He flew down and Dash raced up to him. “Is there something I can do for you? Is there trouble?”

“No...well yes...maybe…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m Dash Baxter, you’ve saved me and my schoolmates from ghosts a lot of times. Look, there is this guy I know, Danny Fenton. He’s a good guy and he’s really important to me.”

“He is?” Danny felt his heart flutter.

“Yeah, listen I know you are busy fighting ghosts and protecting the town. He’s in trouble. Some ghost is messing with him. He puts on a brave face, but lately I can tell he’s dealing with a lot. He’s a strong guy, I realize that now, and its partly my fault he’s had to become so strong. He can’t do this alone, I want to help him, but I can’t...I don’t have the powers, or the smarts to do anything to help him.”

‘Oh Dash…’ Danny smiled. “Your friend is lucky to have you.”

“Doesn’t feel so lucky. I’ve been a jerk to him in the past, still am at times. Please, if you can...can you help him?”

“I will do my best. In the meantime, there is something you can do to help your friend.”

“What is it, I’ll do anything!?”

“Be there for him.”


“You may not realize it, but being there for your friend in a time of need can do wonders. Just do what you can to help ease his burdens.”

“I can do that!” He said looking like he was getting pumped. “I think…”

“You can do it.” Danny put a hand on his shoulder. “Your heart is in the right place. If you put your mind to it, you can do so much more than you think.”

Dash laughed. “You sound like him you know that?” Danny froze. “He’s been trying to help me with stuff, keeps saying I’m not a failure, even though it feels like I am.” He blushed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to open up like that. It must be like this, talking to a super hero and all.”

“It’s okay.” He was relieved Dash didn’t realize who he was. “Listen, don’t doubt yourself. This friend of yours, Danny Fenton I bet he cares about you, so do your best to support each other. You’ll make each other’s lives easier.”

“Thanks I will!” Danny flew off, feeling his heart race.


Arragon wasn’t amused anymore. He crushed his wine glass in his hands. “Oh no beloved...oh no!” He growled. His eyes became dragon-like. “You will love me and only me.” His rage surged around him. His fangs grew, his tongue lashed out as he hissed.

He clutched his amulet. “Awaken and serve me!” He conjured up four gargoyal-like ghosts. “Go and kill the blonde one.” His image appeared in their minds. “Don’t just kill him, rip his soul apart so not even a ghost will remain!” The Gargoyles flew off.

“Still...if you love a man as pathetic as him, it means making you love me will be easy.”

To be continued...Dragon Rage

Sam talks smack about Dash, still trying to convince Danny not to try out for football. Danny rages a bit, but when some jocks try to mess with Danny, Dash steps in. When the ghosts attack and go after Dash, Danny’s rage hits a boiling point causing a surprising transformation.


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