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So the tiredness and soreness i've been feeling has been coming down. It caused some delays, powering through wasn't working. I was making A LOT of mistakes and having to try and rewrite a lot of scenes its been a mess. Also been checking in with some of my people and doing my best to deal with some of the issues I'm having, so I don't have a repeat of what happened on my birthday. I'l be doing the last call post tomorrow for patrons. Tonight just gonna try and tackle a lot of the projects still needing completion. I'll be posting a schedule later tonight 

Health on June 4th

Hey guys, got my second vaccination shot yesterday, feeling a bit worn out, I'm trying to power through, i'm drinking fluids and trying to stay awake but feeling hot and dizzy. Still not  worried, outside of a couple delays was able to get a lot done before june, so just a handful of patreon rewards left and I can work to clear the board. Having hope! 


ZooFan 123

Be careful tomorrow you might wake up sore, so be sure to take a break if that’s the case