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Hey guys i'm finally another year older, but things are sadly still the same. I had a very terrible day and ended up crying and bawling for 4 hours + not happy tears, just a lot of things happened (old stuff and new stuff) and i simply couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what tomorrow brings but today sucked. I had plans simple plans today, nothing big, writing, hang out stream, watching stuff on my birthday with friends, maybe even pick up my switch for the first time in close to a year. Nothing....not a single thing, even small things didn't happen today. I tried to do what i do every year is reflect on myself past present and looking for things to improve in the future and things just weren't working. 

I get my second shot tomorrow so hoping that will be fine. I'll be back to writing tomorrow, so bear with me. I'm sorry for the trouble.


ZooFan 123

Dang that really stinks, I do hope tomorrow works out better for you, and happy birthday again