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Voltron parody: Tier 1

Lion Rangers

The witch Hagar has awakened after 10,000 years of slumber and decides to conquer Earth. A wise warrior summons 5 to take up the power and become Lion Rangers. Friends and allies alike join together to battle evil and help protect the earth. Lance/Keith/Shiro/Matt/Hunk/Lotor

Chapter 1

~10,000 Years Ago~

Alfor led a team of six warriors to protect the universe from evil. They each piloted magical lion mechs, that could combine in different formations to battle all kinds of threats. Local threats from planet to planet, even intergalactic threats. Such as the Machine Empire; a group of robots and androids that seek to erase/delete organic life, the Cult of Klarion; a group of demon worshipers that sought to spread chaos across the universe, Infernals; a species of living magma warriors that seek to devour worlds to make new warriors and if those worlds were inhabited...oh well!

Their most dangerous enemy came from Lords of Darkness, a group of five terrors that rivaled the warriors power. They each had their own armies, their own plans, schemes and strategies. Out of all the evils these five pushed the warriors of light time and time again. A never ending struggle of good vs evil.

He stood as the Red Ranger and leader, he was kind and noble a prince from his home world who became king. He believed in diplomacy but knew when to fight, he understood when there was a time for action and a time for words.

Trigel stood as the Green Ranger, she was bold and brave seeking adventure and new discoveries for her high intellect to explore.

Blaytz stood as the Blue Ranger, he was outgoing and fun loving, while also being quite the charmer.

Grygan stood as the Yellow Ranger, he was strong and had a great sense of humor, he had a love of life that matched his appetite.

Zarkon stood as the Black Ranger, an honorable but brash young man. He believed power could solve any problem, and he strove to be the greatest warrior among the six.

Honerva was once a kind and practical warrior, using her gifts of magic to support the team. She stood as the White Ranger, and with her help the Lord of Darkness began to fall. She figured out there was some kind of force behind them, even when they defeated a Lord of Darkness in the past the remaining simply chose a successor to retain their evil might.

With her knowledge she developed runes that would seal the lords away. One by one, her theory was correct. With a Lord sealed and not killed, a new Lord couldn’t be chosen.

It soon looked liked their greatest enemy could one day be defeated. Honerva and Zarkon drew closer, with the ultimate evil all but sealed away they let their guard down and let their attraction for each other bloom. This didn’t go unnoticed.

The last of the Lords attacked them, marking Zarkon with a rune of his own making. “He will suffer and die, and your pathetic magic cannot save him. Only one with the power of darkness can lift it.” He said before taking off. He wasn’t gonna hang around and be sealed, he completed his villainous mission.

Alfor did everything he could to help his friend, if Magic couldn’t help they’d use science. Honerva could see they were all trying to do their best, but her beloved was hurting because of her. The Lord had tried to mark her with the rune, and Zarkon protected her. “There is a way...there might be a way, if we use the power coins…”

“Honerva, even if that worked, the coins would be completely drained. The Lord could be expecting us to do that and attack when we can’t fight back.” Alfor told her. “Believe in your friends, we’ll save him!”

A part of her knew he was right, but it wasn’t enough. Her beloved was in agony, slowly dying a painful death because of her. She couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. She spent hours combing through every spell book she could find, but nothing in her books could remove the rune. Then she found...something…

“The runes of conquest, when placed on a weapon they grant the user to take the power from their slain enemy.” Her eyes widened. “Only a Lord of Darkness can remove the rune...so if I become one...I’ll be able to do it…” She knew where the lords were sealed, four of them anyway. Her weapon was a dagger, she transcribed the runes on the knife and it warped in a wavy way. “For Zarkon…”

She checked on her friends, and they were failing to save her beloved. ‘I’ll save you!’ She used a spell to warp to one of the sealing locations. ‘The dark ones power doesn’t die, only the vessel, the Lords of Darkness just find a new vessel for the power. I’ll take the power from the vessel and use it to save him.’

As she walked towards the Lord of Darkness, her mind was racing, she thought of her friends and the battles they fought together. She thought of Zarkon, he always used to seem cold and distant, but he was about the mission. He gave her small tokens, to show he was interested in his own special way.

She got to see a side of Zarkon the others had no idea about. ‘I will save you!’ She thought as she raised the knife and stabbed the sealed Lord. He cried out in agony, but his dark power poured into the knife and into her.

Her holy magic was twisted and corrupted by the Darkness. The effects changing her form bit by bit. It was overwhelming but she managed to cling to her sanity. Her power coin glowed, resisting the evil influence, but it was a losing battle. She warped back to the Castle, and found her beloved still alive but in terrible pain. “Do not fear love, I shall save you!”

Using her now dark magic she was able to remove the rune with ease. “I did it...I did it!” She laughed.

Zarkon groaned. His mind was rattled from the hours and hours of pain. He tried to focus. “Zarkon...it’s okay...it’s all okay now.”

“Honerva?” His vision was blurry.

“Yes Zarkon, I’m here, I saved you.”

When his sight cleared, he gasped. This...wasn’t the woman he knew. She looked mad, and her physical form was twisted and different. “What has happened to you?”

“I killed one of the Lords of Darkness and took his power.”


She laughed. “I know, I know, but it was the only way to save you. It worked, I became strong enough to save you!” She danced around in celebration.

“Honerva...that power let it go!” She paused.

“Why?” The look in her eyes made Zarkon freeze, chills running up his spine. “I’m so much stronger now. I’m powerful enough to stop all of our enemies.” She showed him what she meant, giving him horrific visions.

Flooding the Machine Empire’s colonies, leaving them to rust and die. Freezing the Infernal’s home world, making the colony die a slow and painful death. The Cult of Klarion were brutalized some turned to ash, others having their eyes burned out. “Do you see...do you see how powerful I am now!” She thought he would be so proud, he was always about strength and power.

Instead...he looked horrified. She was smiling at all this death and destruction. With her powers and skills she could end things...but that was short term victories what about the long term. What happens when she’s the threat they need to defeat.   Her actions were just so cold blooded and cruel.

“Why do you look like that?” She asked. Her hands moved towards his throat. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“Hon…” He choked. Zarkon was weak from the evil rune, but even at full strength, her power was being supercharged. A dark aura radiated off her, the lights flickered. He struggled but he couldn’t break free of her grip.

“I’m strong, I saved you, I can save everyone!”

Her grip tightened and his thrashing got more wild as the survival instinct kicked in. It wasn’t enough...he cried as the love of his life choked the life out of him. “Zarkon? Zarkon!” She shook him, but he wasn’t responding.

The machines beeped long and cold as his heart had stopped.

Alfor burst into the room. “What the hell?!” He gasped. She whipped around on him, the dark aura becoming a storm blowing away the machines and knocking Alfor back. Zarkon’s power coin was knocked away as well.

“This is your fault!” She snapped. The lights blew out.

“Honerva?” He gasped. Alfor moved to transform.

The woman let out a cackle. “Not anymore!” She took his body and vanished. “I can save him...I can fix this!” Using her magic she sealed his body, keeping him sealed in time. With the knowledge she gained from the Darkness she hoped to find a way to bring her beloved back to life.

Despite her skills she wasn’t able to find a way to bring back her beloved. She kept bouncing back and forth between clarity and madness. “It’s this things fault!” She glared at her power coin.

“I wouldn’t say that.” The Lord of Darkness appeared behind her.

“You!” She tried to blast him, but he was older and stronger than her.

“I’m only here to help. You want an answer to bring back your beloved.” She stopped attacking him. “Get the power coins, the five power coins when combined can unleash enough holy power to bring back one life.” The sixth coin was too tainted by darkness right now to be of any use in the ritual.

“Yes...yes...I’ll bring my beloved back!”


So it began Honerva returned but as something else. She declared herself the witch Haggar. She had sealed her own power coin in a staff and used it as a medium for enhancing her dark powers. The Lion Rangers were down one ranger, but they had the coin she needed.

Haggar’s influence began to spread, she used the runes of conquest, to enslave worlds and build an army of corrupted souls. Undead and mindless slaves that served her every command. With her staff she made monsters from people or objects.

She knew her team, she knew their strengths, their weaknesses, and their vices. One by one, she killed the others, but wasn’t able to take their coins. The Lions called the coins away, by order of combat she had not defeated them while morphed and thus had no claim on the coins. This made her angrier that the lions would defy her. She took her rage out on her former teammates corrupting them with darkness to make them loyal servants for her. Their souls trapped in darkness.

Alfor didn’t know what he could do. He took the coins and the lions and fled across the universe. Haggar chasing after him. The two clashed across the universe. Alfor tried to bring her back to her senses, but his words couldn’t reach her, not anymore.

He took a final stand against her in the Milky Way Galaxy. There wasn’t life in this galaxy yet so he felt it would be the safest place to end this. “Let me show you, why I was the leader of this team!” He morphed and they clashed.

Alfor was drawing power from the other coins and he was able to match Haggar’s strength. This tactic was overwhelming him, his body couldn’t handle all the power. “You fool, you will die a pitiful death, you cannot defeat me!”

“I know, but Voltron can!” Using the last of his life he united the five lions.

“No, no, no!” She tried to stop them but Voltron was greater than her. Voltron’s light made the undead forces she brought with her turn to dust. Her generals were paralyzed unable to escape.

“Look what you have done, how can you justify yourself?” Voltron spoke.

“I am strong, I don’t have to justify myself to you or anyone else.”

“You fool!” He bellowed. “How can one so wise have become so lost?” He looked down at Alfor’s body. “Even in the end that one wished to save you. So I will not end your miserable life, instead seal you away so you can do no more harm!” He created a container with five gems on it.

“No...you can’t!” the container opened sucked her and her generals inside. Across the galaxy her undead soldiers became inactive, without Haggar they could not act on their own. “NO!”

She was sucked into the container and placed on one of the planet’s moons.

“Is it over?” Alfor asked.

“For now. Brave Warrior of Red, I fear the war is not over, and time will come when evil shall rise.”

“What can I do?” Voltron summoned their castle and placed it on planet.

“Your spirit will live on in the matrix. You can guide the next generation of rangers and lead them down the right path. Will you do this?”

“Yes...for my friends and for the universe...I will!” His body vanished and his soul was placed inside the castle. Voltron worked his magic protecting the castle so no evil could set foot in it. The lions split and became hidden in the earth.

“We shall wait, until the Darkness raises its head to challenge the Light.” His words echoed across the universe.


“Well that witch was useful to me in the end. I have all the time in the world to build up my power. So no Ranger can stop me!” The last Lord laughed.

To be continued


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