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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Izuku’s Life With Monster Boys

Izuku was a comic book artist, but then things changed when he signed up for the Interspecies Exchange Program. His handler Aizawa is a weird guy and deals with hard cases. Which is why Izuku is landed with a problem case. Bakugou Katsuki.

Chapter 1

Izuku’s alarm was going off. He tried to move and turn it off but he couldn’t move. “Katsuki?” Something was holding him tight, really tight. Orange coils, a snake tail had him all coiled up. “Kacchan, hey you’re supposed to be in your room.”

“Shut up...Deku!” The tail shifted but kept Izuku immobile as a fit young man pressed his body against the young man. “It was cold in my room!”

Bakugou Katsuki, species Lamia/Naga, his lower half is that of a snake. He has pointy-scaled ears. His upper half is human-like, ripped with muscle, he’s got spiky blonde hair like an explosion. His eyes are a blazing red.

“Be a good heater and be still.” He was holding onto Izuku so tight. “Mmm!” He sniffed at the young man’s neck.

Izuku blushed and shivered. “Kacchan the alarm...come on...it’s time to get up!” Katsuki hit the snooze button with his tail.

“Not warm enough yet…” He muttered. “You smell good!” His grip loosened ever so slightly.

“Yee…” He managed to bolt up out of Katsuki’s grasp. “Then I’ll go turn the heat up and run you a warm bath.”

“No!” Katsuki’s tail hauled Izuku back into bed. He wrapped Izuku up tight so he couldn’t move an inch. His legs were bound together, his right arm trapped against his side. His left arm had managed to fit through the gap in his coils. “I want you to warm me up.” He sighed happily. “I love the heat your body gives off!”

Katsuki already was drifting off leaving Izuku in dire straights. ‘He’s sleeping again!’ Lamia/Nagas have low body temperatures, and if it doesn’t stay above a certain degree they become sluggish, growing slothful and tired, and things could become dire if they get even colder.

“Mmm...Deku!” He nibbled on Izuku’s ear. His whole face went redder than a tomato. It’d be sweet if Katsuki wasn’t getting tighter.

“Ka...cchan…” He was squeezing the air out of him, if things kept up something was gonna break. “Give...give…” He patted his tail.

“Deku~” He purred, the tip of his tail wagging.

‘Kacchan...no don’t go to sleep…’ Even in his sleep, Katsuki’s hold didn’t loosen he’s crushed two body pillows. If he moved or struggled Katsuki’s grip would only get tighter.

“Deku...yes...so good!” His coils shifted, and the tip of his tail drifted towards Izuku’s grasp.

‘Let me go…’ His tail was grabbed.

“Aaahhhh~” That got him up. His eyes were rolled up and he drooled a little. “Deku~!”

‘Is this his weak spot?’ Izuku thought and used one finger to rub Katsuki’s tail tip.

“Ohh, ohh that...that…” Katsuki shivered, and his grip loosened.

‘Oh good his grip is relaxing!’ He took a firm grip on his tip and squeezed it.

“Fuck yes!” He bucked. His dick rose from his sheath. “Deku...Deku…” His nipples were hard and perky.

‘Maybe this will heat him up and he’ll let me go!’ Izuku thought and began stroking the section of tail.

“Ohh yes fuck Deku...harder….fucking hell!” Katsuki’s pointy ears twitched, his body shuddering in raw pleasure. Katsuki’s breeder opened and he became wet.

Izuku squeezed his tail and pinched the tip. “Ohh yes, ohh yes, ohh hell Deku!!!!”

‘Kacchan please let go...I need to breathe!’ Izuku was getting a bit blue in the face and he began to lose focus. He gave one final squeeze and twist and Katsuki Bakugou came.

“Aaahhh!” His eyes rolled up and his coils relaxed. He made quite the mess in Izuku’s bed. A mix of semen and slick.

“Gaaah!” Izuku could finally breathe, and he squirmed out of Bakugou’s coils. “Oh man, that was close, I thought I was gonna die there.”

“Deku…” He was pulled back into Katsuki’s arms. His smoldering red eyes looked absolutely desperate. “Please…”

“I know, I got you!” He kissed Bakugou’s cheek and the naga beamed. Izuku’s fingers collected his slick and briefly teased his pussy to make sure his digits were nice and wet. At the same time, Izuku took one of his pink nipples into his mouth and began to suck on it.

“Ahh yes!” He tossed his head back. His body produced more slick. Once his hand was lubed up he reached around to Bakugou’s ass. His scales covered up and most of his but cheeks, but they could be spread and expose the tight and twitching entrance behind.

From what Izuku had read about lamia/nagas, more dominant lamia/nagas are born with two dicks, the cobra cannons are used to penetrate both the breeder and ass simultaneously. Ones like Katsuki have said breeder and penis combo. The lining of his ass is blessed with special sensitive nerve endings making anal pleasure intense.

His hole was quite pliable, Izuku able to slip two fingers into his tight ass. “Fucking hell Deku!” Katsuki moaned, his dick twitching in a dry orgasm. The blonde closed his eyes in bliss as his body was wracked with orgasmic tremors. Yeah...that intense…

Izuku continued, he sucked and flicked Katsuki’s nipple with his tongue while his free hand moved to the naga’s cock. “Deku...damn it...you don’t have to touch me there!” Izuku ignored his words, a few squeezes and pumps had Katsuki melting like butter.

The blonde was a bit of a tsundere. He worked Katsuki’s shaft making the blonde twitch and tremble, his inner walls tightening around Izuku’s fingers. Izuku sucked harder on his nip earning more moans from the blonde.

Katsuki laced his fingers in Deku’s wild green hair, drawing him even closer to him. Katsuki’s special musk hit Izuku like walking into a bakery. His special sweat glands made him smell like cinnamon.

Midoriya knew this meant he was close to cumming again. So, he began to finger Katsuki’s tight ass. “Ahh damn it, nnnnhhhhh~” His pace matched the pumping of his cock. Back and forth, pumpa-pumpa, Midoriya changing it up squeezing Katsuki’s penis while wiggling his fingers.

“DEKU!” Katsuki cried as he came again, his dick erupting between them and showering them both in cum. His breeder gushed sending a river of essence down his coils and into Midoriya’s bed.

After about 10 minutes of basking in the afterglow…

“Tch fine I’ll get up.” Katsuki got out of Izuku’s bed. “You sure as hell were frisky this morning Deku.”

Meanwhile, Izuku was exhausted and sore from the snake hug of death. “I think I’m gonna need a minute.”


Izuku Midoriya had signed up for the Interspecies Exchange Program, though there was a bit of a mix-up. He had wanted to actually do the exchange thing, he wanted to study monster civilization and learn more about their different cultures. He believed the experience would help his creations and he could still send in his projects. Thanks to a mistake on the paperwork Izuku was registered as a Host Family.

So Izuku was quite surprised when a team of government workers showed up at his door ready to renovate his home for the new arrival. Izuku tried to get answers, with little results.

He eventually realized the mistake, but what’s done was done. Izuku was quite the optimist, looking at the situation as he was getting to look after help show their culture to someone and he in kind could learn about their culture in exchange. “I’m ready, I can do this!”

Then Shota Aizawa showed up on his doorstep, with a devilishly handsome lamia in tow. Izuku didn’t know at the time but Aizawa was one of the toughest handlers in the program. He handled the hardest cases, the runaways, the illegal trafficking, the violent offenders, and the trouble makers.

“Izuku Midoriya, this is Bakugou Katsuki, he will be staying with you.” Katsuki didn’t look happy about it, barely looking at Izuku. “Be on your best behavior, this is your last chance!”

“Fine...whatever…” He finally looked at Izuku, expecting to find some fear or disgust.

“Whoa!” Izuku’s eyes were sparkling, like emeralds. “You are a real lamia, or are you a naga?”

“Both terms are fine for me, some tribes prefer lamia to naga, and vice versa.” He said.

“Ohh!” Izuku got out a notebook and took notes.

‘What’s with this nerd?’ Izuku continues to bombard him with questions, hanging off his every word. ‘Why isn’t he scared of me?’ He just kept talking and scribbling stuff down in his notebook. “Are you looking down on me huh?”

“Bakugou!” Aizawa spoke his tone firm and made Katsuki freeze.

“I’m not!” Izuku spoke up. “I’m not looking down on you at all. I think you are amazing. I’m excited, this is my first time meeting a lamia. I’m happy!” He said, big heavy happy tears rolling down his cheeks. The blonde blushed.

Bakugou had no idea how to handle this, sure in his village, he was praised all the time, but never by a human. To have a human openly like him and praise him, made the blonde’s heart skip a beat. Meanwhile, Aizawa was impressed and grinning. It looks like these two were gonna be an excellent match.

To be continued


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