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Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts and updates, its spring and family has decided to do some spring cleaning now that my health has improved. So I've been kinda strung out. Sorry... 

Things aren't as bad as before where i'm 5-7 stories behind, and I can't focus or anything. I'm bouncing back better which is a plus. I've even had some days where i get 3 stories done in a day. My goal is to do atleast 2 a day with my minimum being one. The new projects aren't cancelled they chugging along well. 

I've started some my hero fics on my phone so stay tuned for that. 

The results of the Poll for patreon update is Puppet Maker Uzumaki, Wicked Anodite, with Aladdin's Keyhole Adventure coming in at 3rd place. So if I have free time to work on something special these bad boys will be my targets this month. When done the update will be for you patrons, cause your support means the world to me. 


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