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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Request

Tanuki Game

It started with Miroku constantly using him, he decided to punish the monk with his secret demon power. Sneaking his semen into his food and drink. Miroku started gaining weight and became addicted to Tanuki cum. Soon he was perfectly plump and couldn’t have a meal without tanuki semen. He kept his new bride safely tucked away, transforming into Miroku to play his game, building a whole harem of plump chubby bitches.

Chapter 1

Hachiemon is a tanuki, he was living a pretty average life for a tanuki, before he fell into Miroku’s care. The monk had formed a summoning contract with him, he thought it’d be better working for the Monk than being exorcised or swallowed up by the Wind Tunnel. That was a mistake…

Miroku was not only a perv but an opportunist. When he wanted a place to sleep or a meal to eat, he usually battled demons and broke curses to make a living. However when no demons were around, he’d summon Hachi to cause trouble. Hachi would transform scare a few people and Miroku would show up and “defeat” him.

It was a rough and Hachi didn’t like it at first. Miroku told him they were partners and would share in the bounty every time. Hachi believed him. So at first they were partners in crime.

Then Miroku said they needed to make it look more real. “We have to sell it right?” Which often left Hachi in more, real pain. He often got all the praise and rewards while Hachi got the scraps. ‘He treats me like a servant!’

He soon found himself at Miroku’s beck and call, be it for travel, cons, information gathering, and anything else Miroku wanted. He thought things would get better once Miroku teamed up with Kagome and Inuyasha, but no now it was worse.

Now not only did he have to answer to Miroku, but he had to answer to Inuyasha as well. Hachi couldn’t take it anymore, and even when he got breaks Miroku was able to summon him on a whim. When Inuyasha and Kagome were busy with jewel shard hunting Miroku was back to his old tricks. It sucked it absolutely sucked.

He was at his wits end. Now he was being put in more danger without the protection. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.

Then there was one night, after Miroku had been drinking…


Kagome was gone, and Inuyasha was doing some training. So Miroku had taken a job to exorcise an inn. Hachi had been called in for “backup” but Miroku had dispelled the evil spirits. “Well since your here, might as well help me relax!”

“Ehh?!” So he spent all day taking care of Miroku’s laundry, shining his staff, and bringing him food and drinks.

“Hey Hachi…” Miroku was slurring his words. “More sake!”

Hachi came in with more battles. “Ahh master!” Hachi blushed. Miroku was half naked, his inn robes undone and his fundoshi on full display. “What are you doing?” Hachi sighed, Miroku could usually hold his booze but no doubt he had been showing off for other guests now he was full on plastered.

“I’m feeling good!” He hiccuped and finished the bottle of sake. “I’m feeling really good!” He looked down and saw his dick was tenting his fundoshi. “Come on Hachi turn into a pretty girl and give me a hand with this!” He palmed himself.

“What?! No way!” Tanuki could turn into women if they wanted to seduce travelers or get help when injured, but that’s because they wanted to do it. Hachi didn’t want to turn into a girl for one of Miroku’s whims.

“Come on, be a pal!” He put an arm around Hachi. “I’d do it myself, but my hand is cursed!” He waved his wind tunnel hand. Hachi didn’t know if it was a threat or not.

“I’ll do it, but I won’t transform!” The drunken Miroku seemed fine with that, falling back and putting his hands behind his head.

Hachi undid his fundoshi and Miroku’s cock twitched in the cool night air. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ The smell of the man’s arousal had caused a stirring in his own loins. He started to toy with the man’s dick, giving it a few pumps.

The monk sure seemed confident with women, and this must have been why. Miroku was endowed as far as human standards he guessed. He didn’t take note of checking out a lot of human dicks, but Hachi got a chuckle at the size of Miroku’s balls. ‘Even a young Tanuki has bigger balls than these.’ Tanuki judged such things by the balls.

Miroku was too out of it to notice Hachi’s chuckling. He was getting his dick pawed at so he was blissing out. It didn’t take long for Miroku to blow his load. Five little spurts splattered his stomach. Hachi chuckled again, such a load was just sad. ‘But I guess that’s all these micro nuts could produce.’

“Ahh, thanks Hachi!” Miroku sat up.

“Your welcome, would you mind giving me a hand?” Hachi showed his impressive bulge.

Miroku started laughing. “Not a chance man, but thanks for getting me off. My buzz is wearing off can you get me some more?” He checked the bottles and found them empty.

Hachi growled. “I thought we were friends.”

“We are, now be a pal and get me some more of the good stuff.” He wagged the empty bottle in the air like a bell. It was a heavy blow, Miroku’s words were like his flirting, empty. “You can take care of that on your own.” He started laughing again.

Hachi snapped. He had enough of this, he may not have been as powerful as Sesshoumaru or Kouga, but he wasn’t powerless. He collected the empty bottles and left the room. The tanuki undid his pants and freed his massive dick. He was average for a tanuki but compared to a human he was HUGE!

His balls were even bigger, Hachi was proud of his heavy nuts. Letting the balls breath and he sighed. “Alright boys lets teach “master” Miroku a little lesson.” he played with his balls a bit, before using both hands to pump his massive dick.  His idea making his libido swoon, his pleasure building up and up, until he climaxed!

“Oooohhhhh!” His cock erupted shooting out a long stream of cum. He filled up bottle after bottle of his thick tanuki semen. He filled up six empties up to the brim and made a huge mess in the hall. He was gonna clean it up, when… “Hachi...booze…”

“Coming master!” Hachi said, and chuckled. He brought some of the cum filled sake bottles to Miroku. The monk was so plastered he downed the first one without even thinking.

“Oh man what is this stuff?”

“They ran out of the stuff you were drinking, and they switched it over to this stuff, do you not like it?” He got nervous, as Miroku sniffed it.

“Well...it’s making me all warm and tingly. I guess it’ll do.” Miroku shrugged. He took the next bottle and downed the contents. Hachi smirked, he got such a thrill watching Miroku drink his cum. “More!”

“Yes sir!” Hachi brought more bottles and the monk continued to drink the Tanuki cum. There were special propertied in tanuki semen, and Miroku was about to learn them first hand.


Miroku woke up the next day with a hang over and a serious craving. “Hachi make me breakfast!”

“Yes sir!” Hachi said. He made Miroku some tea and added some of his pre-cum to the mix. ‘The jerk deserves this much!’

“This is good, nice work Hachi!” Miroku praised.

For the next week all of Miroku’s meals had Hachi’s essence mixed in. Miroku had no idea, but the food never tasted better, and he requested Hachi’s tea even more now. It was just too good.

By week’s end Miroku had developed a nice beginner belly. Hachi played with his love handles while he was sleeping. He rubbed and made a wish hoping Miroku would learn his lesson and stop treating him so poorly.

He didn’t…


Even after returning to Kagome and Inuyasha, he was hiding his new belly behind his robes. He figured he put on some pounds from his little vacation. ‘I must visit that inn again, that food was so good!’

‘It’s okay, fighting some demons will help burn some calories I’ll be losing weight in no time.’ He was checking himself out in a nearby spring. He flexed. ‘Yeah, I’m still in shape, I just got a bit of a belly is all.’ He thought.

Too bad for Miroku his new belly was a blessing from being on tanuki cum. Some tanuki demons actually have a big orgy before going into hibernation, drinking and absorbing their demon seed to help them last the winter. Miroku could jog and swim across the whole planet that belly wasn’t going away any time soon.

It would...eventually so long as he didn’t have anymore tanuki cum.

Miroku sighed. “What’s the matter Miroku?”

“Nothing the food is nice, I’m just craving something special.” Miroku said, not realizing the stiffy he got.

To be continued...Milk



Now this is a fun idea. Love the cum addiction~