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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 7 

Ash: Love Ball, Heavy Ball, a Lure Ball, a Sun Ball, a Hex Ball, Moon Balls x 2, Friend Balls x 2, Slumber Balls x 2, Level Balls x 2, Fortune Ball X 1, Fast Ball X 1, Monster Balls X 6

Badges: 2

Brock: Heavy Ball, Sun Ball, Friend Ball x 1, Level Balls x 2

Misty: Hex Ball, Lure Balls x 2,

Chapter 8 Forest Wild

Ash, Misty, and Brock, along with their pokemon were relaxing at a nearby lake. Ash had put out some Pokemon food before he had changed into a pair of swim trunks and was happily playing with his Pokemon. Brock was cooking lunch, and Misty was sunbathing. The pokemon ate, drank, relaxed, and played. Their nice time was interrupted when Team Rocket decided to launch a surprise attack.

A glint in the distance was all the warning they had before a net came down and snatched up their Pokemon. “Hahahaha!” Their net had captured and scooped up all of their Pokemon at ounce. They were hauled together and lifted up into the air by Team Rocket’s enhanced balloon.

The villainous trio recited their motto as they took to their sky. Their balloon was modified to handle the weight even of Brock’s Onix.

“Team Rocket!” They gasped.

“So long twerps, we have your Pokemon now!” Jessie laughed. Since they let out all their Pokemon at once they didn’t have any others to fight off Team Rocket.

“Give them back!” Ash snapped.

“No way!” The Rocket Trio said in unison. They mocked our heroes, pulling down their eyelids and sticking out their tongues. They were about to escape before a stray Hyper Beam came flying out and blew up their balloon. Down they came, the net opened, and the Pokemon were free.

“What was that?” James gasped.

“How dare someone shoot us out of the sky!” Jessie snapped.

“But who could have shot us down?” Meowth asked.

Houndour growled as he heard footsteps. An army of Ursaring came out. “Those are Ursaring!” Brock called out. Ash didn’t have his Pokedex on him, but he wouldn’t have time to check it anyway.

The army was growling, radiating an intense aura. Houndour wasn’t intimidated, and he was ready to fight despite the swarm. That is...until they unleashed Hyper Beams! Several powerful beams were launched at the squad.


Their lunch and campsite were wrecked. The group was thrown back from the force.

Brock and Misty were able to return their Pokemon but Ash didn’t have his stuff. Houndour zipped over and got Ash’s clothes and backpack. (His occupied balls, dex, and badges were in his vest.) An Ursaring came out and attacked him.

“Scar!” Ash caught him. “That was very brave!” Scar yipped happily. The Ursaring roared and swiped at them, they dodged and proceeded to run.

“Ursa!” They roared and continued to attack them. They were even spamming Hyper Beam.

‘Where are they getting all this energy?!’ Ash thought. Everyone had to run for it. Scar had Ash’s stuff and was keeping near his trainer to protect him. The two groups ran in one direction, being chased by the angry swarm of Ursaring!

Before the groups knew it they were lost and not with who they thought.

-x-Group A-x-

Ash’s Pokemon, minus Scar, were with Brock and Misty. “Man...what is with those Ursaring?”

“I know, and there’s so many of them!” Misty panted.

“Are you alright Ash?” Brock looked over, but Ash wasn’t there, it was Jessie!

“You?!” The humans gasped.

“Pika/Cynda/Chika/Psy/Toto!” Ash’s pokemon weren’t happy that they got separated from their trainer. Plus in this dangerous forest who knows what could happen. They blamed Team Rocket for this, as things were quiet until they caused trouble.

“You may have me outnumbered, but I won’t be outbattled!” Jessie called out Arbok and Diva.

“Charbok!” “Azu!”

Pikachu was leading the pack, ready to fight, until…

“Ursa!” Ursaring sprang up from the bushes, looking rather angry and frustrated. They unleashed a barrage of Hyper Beam causing them to put any battle on hold.

“Run!” Brock shouted. ‘Ash please be okay!’

-x-Team B-x-

“Looks like we got away...isn’t that right Jessie?” James asked, he was panting a bit wanting to catch his breath. Meowth and James looked over.

“You’re not Jessie!”

“Oh no, not you guys!” Scar growled, making Meowth hide behind James.

“Nice Houndour…” Scar barked at him. “Okay Scar got it.” Meowth chuckled nervously. Scar was very proud of the name his trainer gave him. “Let’s get him James if you bring out your Pokemon we’ll beat him easy!”

“You won’t beat me!” Ash declared. He took his backpack from Scar. He couldn’t fully get dressed right now, but he was able to put on his vest. So with his vest on and swim trunks, he was about to face off with James...and Meowth.

James managed to call out Weezing, but before they could battle. “URSA!” The Ursarings were back looking angry and frustrated.

‘What’s up with these guys?’ Ash thought, before the barrage of Hyper Beams came. “Run!”


Scar didn’t want to be on the run, but he knew they were outnumbered and there was something off with these monsters. He could smell it!

They managed to get away from the Ursaring but were out of breath. “This is...no time to be fighting...we need to call a truce so we can make it out of here!” Ash panted.

“Fine, a truce!” James said, and they shook hands. “Just don’t tell Jessie.” This wasn’t the first time a truce was called, you’d think the Rockets would learn it was better to work with the “twerps” than go against them.

Scar didn’t trust them, but he’d protect Ash until they found the others.

“Now let’s see what Dexter has to say.” Ash pulled out his Pokedex and looked up Ursaring.

Dexter: Ursaring the Hibernator Pokemon, and the evolved form of Teddiursa. Ursaring has such a keen sense of smell that it can even find food that has been buried. Ursaring often eat large quantities of food before Hibernation Season and Mating Season. Beware Ursaring are strong enough to bring down trees, snapping them like toothpicks.

Ash had to admit it sounded like an amazing Pokemon to have. Too bad the forest was full of crazy ones. If they were disturbing their hibernation no wonder they were cranky. Ash wasn’t worried, his Pokemon were with Brock and he trusted him very much.

-x-Team A-x-

Jessie had also formed a truce with the rest of her team. Wobbuffet popped out happy for the truce. “I said a truce, not surrender!”

“Wobbu…” Jessie sighed.

“Get back to the barracks.” She returned her Pokemon. Soon they were off to find their friends lost in this crazy forest.

“Ash!” Brock called. “Hey, Ash!”

His pokemon were also calling for him. Misty and Jessie were hanging back. “Brock, should we really be shouting? What if we attract more Ursaring?”

“We have to find Ash!” Brock said, and the Pokemon agreed. Psyduck was getting a serious headache from worry.

“Wow, he really cares about that twerp,” Jessie muttered.

“Who Brock, I guess, I don’t know why?” Misty said, crossing her arms. “He and Ash have been so weird lately.”

“Hmm…” Jessie had a feeling there was more than weirdness going on.

-x-Team B-x-

“You seem pretty calm and collected.” James pointed out.

“My Pokemon will keep an eye on them, and Brock will keep them safe.”

“You really care about that taller twerp don’t you.”

Ash smiled. “Yeah, I do!” This was a surprise for James. Meowth may have wanted to comment, but he was too on edge with Scar on guard duty.

They walked around for a bit. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why do you work for Team Rocket?”

“Oh...well…” James came from an opulent background. His family was rich, Ash knew that and he also knew about Jessebelle. “After I left the estate, things were rough at first. The one thing I knew I truly loved in this world was Pokemon, but I wasn’t the best at training them.” He jumped from one thing to the next, but with each failure, he was pushed into something worse. “Team Rocket promised to make me strong. I thought they had, but I haven’t really changed.”

“I remember seeing you and your Growlithe. You two really have a special bond.”

“Growly, I miss him.”

“James what if you tried entering the Johto League?”

“Heh, as if he’s strong enough to do that.” Meowth chimed in and got a growl from Scar. James hung his head low.

“I lost in the Kanto League, but I don’t regret participating. I needed to learn and grow from it.” Ash told him. “Maybe you can find your own path, it’s not too late to change.”

When it came to tests and stuff both Ash and James struggled, but they did have a bond with their Pokemon. James recalled times when he did apply himself, he almost caught a Shellder, he caught Weepinbell, he managed to fend off Jessebelle. He actually preferred a real fight win or lose, than getting talked into dirty tricks by Jessie and Meowth.

Ash could see James lacked confidence. He was actually knowledgeable about certain pokemon, having read a lot of books on pokemon at his home. He had superior computer skills compared to Jessie and Meowth. “James I think if you applied yourself you can do a lot more with your life.”

‘James better not be going soft, this truce thing is only temporary!’ Meowth thought, he was gonna speak up but Scar leered at him.

“I’m sorry!” James bowed his head.

“For what exactly?”

“For what we did to you during the Kanto League, you would have gone farther had we not tired your Pokemon out.”

“I...I still would have lost. I wasn’t ready and neglected my Pokemon training.” Ash smiled at him. “But I’m doing a lot better and I’m aiming for the top this time!” He took James’s hand. “Thanks for the apology though it does mean a lot.”

James blushed.

“We need to get a move on!” Meowth snapped, his shouting drew some Ursaring, which meant they had to run again. They soon were lost again, coming to a fork in the road.

“Scar can you smell the others?” He sniffed around, but there were too many pheromones in the air. He rubbed his nose and shook his head.

“Guess your sniffer isn’t so special after all?” Meowth said cockily. Which earned a flamethrower to his ass. “YEOWCH!”

“That’s it truce is over!” Meowth demanded.

“You earned that one Meowth.” James pointed out.

“Would you stop picking on Scar?” Ash asked. Scar was trying his hardest to get them out of this situation.

“I’ll get us out of this, we’ll go this way!” Meowth’s path had them going in circles.

-x-Lunch Break-x-

Group A was exhausted, searching for Ash, James, Scar, and Meowth wasn’t turning any results. Now they were hungry. “The Ursaring may have trashed some of my stuff, but not all of it!” Brock was able to make them some food that had Jessie swooning. Arbok, Diva, and Wobbuffet got to enjoy Brock’s Pokemon food, it was way better than the store-bought stuff.

Jessie was having her own crisis. Like James, she was questioning her lot in all this. When she was younger she wanted to be so many things, but the one thing she wanted was to be an accomplished Pokemon Trainer. She pulled out her old Coordinator License. ‘Maybe it’s not too late.’

Ash’s Pokemon didn’t feel like eating. Even Totodile wasn’t his bubbly self. “Hey, you guys need to keep your strength up, right? We’ll find him!” Brock told them, and it made them feel better.


Team B had settled down to eat. James and Meowth split a cracker. Ash pulled out some Pokemon food that Brock made for him and fed Scar. He also pulled out a big sandwich Brock packed for him.

Just the sight of it had James and Meowth drooling. “You want some?” Ash broke off a chunk which they split.

“So good!”

“You eat like this every day?” James asked.

“Yeah, Brock is an amazing cook. He cooks me something extra, so I can snack and keep my energy up.”

“He must really care about you,” James said.

“He does, he’s great!” Ash said, a faint blush on his cheeks. He took a bite of his sandwich, wishing he was with Brock right now. Scar nuzzled him. ‘Least I’m not alone.’ He kissed the top of his head and hugged his dark type.

Both teams ended up going to sleep, once it started getting dark. Psyduck kept watch over Team A, with a rotation plan. Houndour kept watch over Team B. Scar felt unease, as there were so many conflicting scents, with Ursaring being so territorial they marked their territory which made his sniffer confused.

-Surprise Encounter-

Ash woke up early, hoping to get changed and give Scar a break. “I’ll be back, I’m gonna get changed.” Scar wanted to go with him. “I’ll be fine.” He kissed him. “Get some rest buddy.”

Scar yawned and laid down. Ash found a secluded spot and lowered his trunks. “Ahh!” He massaged his massive balls. Ash bent over as he moved to remove the trunks.

The scent of his nuts drew the attention of a horny Ursaring. What Ash and co didn’t know, it wasn’t hibernation season, it was mating season. This Ursaring caught a whiff of Ash’s musk, the smell alone had him salivating and his massive dick coming out of his sheath.

He approached Ash quietly, he spotted Ash’s juicy peach as he bent over. The monster had hearts in his eyes. “Ring ring!” He came out and Ash gasped, tripping over his shorts, ending up in the perfect mating position.

Ash looked behind him and his eyes widened seeing the monster’s mighty cock. He was 14 inches long and THICK. Ketchum felt his hole spasm at the sight of it. ‘This is why they were so crazy...it’s a mating season!’ It was no wonder they were so frustrated.

Ursaring approached him, using his big claws to spread Ash’s cheeks. The monster took a big whiff of him and drooled. He licked his lips before diving in.

“Yeeee!” Ash saw stars as Ursaring lapped at his ass, his strong tongue flicking his entrance again and again, before diving in. Ash covered his mouth, blushing from ear to ear. It was amazing something so big and strong could be so gentle and thorough.

As Ursaring ate him out, Ash was having a conundrum. On the one hand, he was turned on and given the option he’d enjoy taking such a big dick. He just usually caught the pokemon before bonding with them. On the other hand, if he did call for Scar for help, the Ursaring would simply go on a rampage and things could end badly. ‘He’s not being a bad boy, he seems to REALLY want me!’ Ash shivered as the monster tongue fucked him. ‘He needs to get off and wants to get off with me. I want it too…’

Ursaring pulled his tongue out with a pop, earning a whine at the loss. He moved down to lap at Ash’s massive balls. The monster was impressed, he’s never met a human that smelled so good. These balls were fantastic. He took a huge whiff and his dick pulsed in need.

He had gotten the male nice and wet, finding his hole very pliable and tasty. He could probably take him now but wanted his partner swimming in lust so the penetration was as nice as possible.

Ursaring pulled Ketchum’s cock between his legs and began sucking it. His nectar was so sweet, he sucked him harder and harder, slurping him down till his nose was buried in his balls.  ‘He smells so good, tastes so good!’ He used his claws to toy with the boy’s hole. Ash made a sexy noise. ‘This one makes such delicious noises!’

“Ah ahhh ahhh!” Ash howled as he came, his balls spasming and his dick expanding as he spilled his cum in the monster’s mouth.

‘Ohh fuck!’ His inner beast was awakened. He felt his power surging. The boy’s cum was so good, and there was so much! He chugged and chugged as the heavy nuts spilled his semen. ‘So thick, so favorable, so YES!’

Ursaring’s dick erupted, showering Ash with cum. Ketchum shivered, some of the cum catching into Ash’s stretched hole, providing some extra lube. Despite the powerful orgasm, Ursaring’s IV’s were stimulated, and he was ready for some mating.

Ash’s head was spinning as the smell of the semen knocked him for a lip. He was oozing pheromones, making Ash not only extra horny but dizzy too. He gained clarity when the tip kissed his hole.

Ursaring growled as he pushed in, moaning as Ash’s tight heat squeezed him. It was so warm and inviting, the perfect cave for him to settle in. He stuffed Ash with 7 inches at first, and to Ash’s surprise the Ursaring fucked him with those 7 inches for a while, making Ash gasp and buck as the fat dick churned up his insides, and there was still more dick to come.

Ash’s Pokedex reacted.

Dexter: Recognized, Ursaring mating habits. An Ursaring will drive half their dicks inside their partner, spilling pre-cum inside them, while doing this form of mating preparation. As they push their partners for release, trying to prove themselves to a potential mate. Upon cumming, the topping Ursaring will bury the rest.

‘Oh, man!’ Ash was trembling, the friction making him hot. He was panting and felt his orgasm building. Ursaring had amazing control, only fucking him with 7 inches the whole time. ‘I can’t...hold back...cumming!’ Ash’s hole tightened and he came onto the ground.

Ursaring roared in victory and with one solid thrust he buried the rest of his 14-inch monster into Ash’s ass. “Gah!” Ketchum gasped, feeling his belly bulge and his ass stretch. He was so happy to be a fully evolved human, taking such a monster may have hurt a normal one.

Ash drooled and Ursaring covered his body with his own. He stilled letting Ash feel every inch of him, waiting for a response. In the meantime his warmth washed over him, even the cool morning air was beat to hell not being able to penetrate the heat. His fur tickled Ash’s skin making the boy shiver in delight. When Ash was ready, he pushed back, grinding his ass against the monster’s pelvis. That was the right move.

Ursaring growled happily and began to fuck Ash, long hard thrusts, grinding his sweet spot with every pass. Ketchum moaned and groaned taking the powerful fucking like a champ. He let out little moans for more and faster, and Ursaring happily obeyed.

‘These guys aren’t grumpy, they just horny!’ Was his last coherent thought as Ursaring fucked him into the ground.

They came and came, but the mating season had Ursaring going and going. Ash’s stomach ballooned from the large influx of cum, his dick slapping his bloated belly. Ursaring was so happy, he was in LOVE! He found his mate/master.

With one final roar, he achieved the ultimate orgasm, his dick growing even thicker and locking inside’s Ash tight body. ‘Oh Arceus!’


Scar woke up, and his master wasn’t back yet. ‘Oh no!’ He grabbed Ash’s bag and went to find him. ‘The other two were still sleeping so they didn’t hurt him, but if those Ursaring…’ He learned Odor Sleuth, his nose piercing through the pheromones and he located Ash’s scent.

When he came upon his master, he was mildly surprised. The Ursaring apparently lost the battle of stamina, as he had drifted off to sleep. He was hugging Ash tightly, the boy couldn’t escape. “Scar...thanks for finding me.”

All the pieces were coming together. That’s why this forest smelled so strange.  Scar inspected him. “Yeah, I’m okay, but this guy isn’t letting go.” Scar licked his cheek. “Wait he’s asleep!”

He got an arm free and he searched his bad. “Slumber Ball go!” he whispered and bopped the sleeping monster. He was turned to energy and sucked into the ball. Ash gasped and moaned as gallons of semen gushed out of his gaping ass. His belly deflated a bit as the cum made a huge puddle behind him. Ursaring came so much inside him, his body couldn’t absorb it fast enough. Scar got hard at the sight.

The ball pinged and Ursaring was caught.

“Hey Scar…” Ash looked so sweet. “I’m still horny!”

‘I love this man!’ Ash crawled forward and began to suck Scar’s hot cock. Houndour panted as his trainer sucked him, rewarding him for all his hard work. Houndour’s new skill helped a lot.

He found a river for Ash to clean up, the boy got dressed, his belly was still bulging from the now cocktail of cum inside him, but it wasn’t noticeable. They made it back rejoining Team B. His Ursaring was sent back to Professor Oak.

“Where were you!?” Meowth snapped.

“Just cleaning up.” James was able to clean up too.

“You smell funny,” Meowth said and sniffed at Ash.

“Grrr!” Scar growled at him and ended the matter.

With Odor Sleuth, Scar was able to track down the others and Ash reuniting with his loved ones. Too bad the moment was ruined as the Ursaring attacked again. The group was forced to a bridge and it was their only way out.

The Ursaring weren’t giving up and kept chasing them. Psyduck had enough, he had a splitting headache and he unleashed his psychic powers. He sent the Ursaring flying back into the forest and the group was out of danger. They escaped this crazy forest and even celebrated together.

Hugs all around, James hugged Ash, Jessie hugged Misty, and Brock hugged Meowth.

“The truce is over now let’s take their Pokemon!” Meowth said. Jessie and James bopped him on the head.

“That’s enough for today,” Jessie said.

“Yeah, thanks,” James said. They left with a confused Meowth. Ash had quite the story to tell Brock and his pokemon later. Though Misty found a sign that explained the danger.

“Warning, this forest is used for the Ursaring Mating Season, do not disturb them or it will be the last thing you do.” Roars were heard from the distance. Ash blushed as it brought back memories.

To be continued...Psychic Training!

The gang arrives in a forest haunted by ghost pokemon, nearby there is a village that raises and trains Psychic Pokemon. Ash thinks this is a great time to train Psyduck’s control. Team Rocket is conflicted about recent events. Though they are given a job from the boss to collect psychic pokemon.



That was quite a number done on Ash this time around. 🤤 Also, kudos for giving Team Rocket character development, it's nice to see them come out of the grunt mould. 😉


yeah, its gonna take time for them to fully wake up. But the seed is there. I always felt the anime gave them so many opportunities to just leave team rocket and be happy. Ash can take it, and the circumstances were special.