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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Control

Whampire and Scout were having a pow wow with Ghost Freak’s crew. They didn’t want to help Ben or Scout. Whampire was walking on walls and even meditating upside down. “What do you guys get out of helping Ghost Freak, did he even tell you guys what he was planning?” The trio shared a look.

“No...he did not!” Viktor said.

“Viktor, the Vladatians see all of us as lower life forms, for labor and food. You might be criminals but don’t you have some sense of self preservation?” Scout said.

“Shut it runt!” Crujo growled.

“Don’t growl at him!” Whampire snapped, and Crujo stopped. “So I really do have full control over you three.”

“Yes, the old tales speak of the Vladatian powers, these corruptura can take over the minds and bodies of any one they attach to.” Scout explained. “They could also be hypnotic, hypnotizing people with their eyes, like we saw with Hobble.”

“Cool, well not cool for the others. We’ll get them back!” Ben asked about Scout’s family.

“They’ll be fine, I put up some protective runes and have the pumpkin soldiers doing their best to coral the mobs.”

“That’s good at least.” Ben sighed, and resumed his pacing. He didn’t like Rook being in the hands of Transyl and Ghost Freak. There was a feeling that Blonko and the others would be fine, since they served as both meat shields and hostages. “If they lay a hand on my Blonko, I will end them!” He growled.

He was serious, his blood lust coming off him in waves, even the bad guys felt chills. Ben realized what he was doing and calmed down.

“This new alien feels really weird. I have this hunger surging inside me!” He looked at the others, and it was like he could see deeper, see their flow of energy, where to bite and absorb. He also weirdly did his best thinking upside down. Certain aliens tended to have a lingering effect on Ben, judging by how Rath acted it’s probably due to his alpha nature, some aliens drew it out and synced with it while others didn’t mesh with it at all.

“Ben…” Scout blushed. “If you need energy you can feed on me.” His tail wagged.

Whampire came down. “Oh my sweet Scout, you find me attractive even in this form.”

“Yes!” He shuddered. He wanted to be helpful to Ben and serve his alpha. “No matter what form you take, you are you!”

“Are you scared of me, my pet!” He stroked Scout’s cheek.

“No sir,” he gulped. “I know, you’d never hurt me.” Whampire chuckled, it was true.

“I will not drink from you, but I will take a kiss.” He kissed the furry male. Scout shivered in delight. This alien was charged by Ben’s alpha status, he could feel it. He had to focus, or risk losing time doing all kinds of naughty things to Scout.

“Alright you three, if this hunger is normal for Vladatians. You can’t possibly agree with Ghost Freak unleashing fang face.” The trio shared a look.

“We did not know his plan.” Viktor said.

“Viktor!?” The other two gasped.

“Our boss, is planning to use more energy to revive the other Vladatians.”

“You traitor!”

“SHUT UP!” He snapped. “Maybe you are too young to remember the horrors those monsters inflected on us and our people, but the Vladatians cannot be allowed to return.” He brought up the fact that Transyl tried to eat them as soon as he awoke. “Now imagine an army of them!”

The two shared a look. “But master helped us!”

“No, he used you!” Scout pointed out.

“It’s true I heard it when we escaped, he didn’t even care that I had you in my control.” He caught wind that they had bigger plans.

“Liar!” The mummy-like alien hissed.

“Listen, I don’t know what Ghost Freak has done for you guys, but Vilgax thought he could trust him and things didn’t end well for him and his people.” Viktor hung his head, he had served the Ectonurite for awhile, and as soon as his usefulness ended he cared little for him.

“He’s planning to revive the other Vladatians!” Viktor confessed. Transyl’s DNA was the perfect fresh template to be used to revive the others. In a few hours there would be an army.

“Is he insane!” Scout gasped.

“Traitor!” The other two hissed.

“You lot are too young to understand!” Viktor snapped.

“You guys might be bad guys, but you don’t have to be.” That earned a laugh.

“You think you can sway us Ben Tennyson?”

“No, but I’m currently a Vladatian, and I am hungry!” He said, drooling slightly. He sent shivers down the trio’s spines. “Transyl and Ghost Freak already have taken over a majority of the populus already. If they wake up a whole army of vladats, they’ll be breakfast!”

“Once they finish off the mob, do you think Ghost Freak will defend you three from them forever?”

Viktor was easier to convince than the others. One Vladatian was bad enough, but a whole army...things would go back to the hell of the old days. “Master thinks he has a truce with Transyl, but once his people are revived Transyl will have no more use for him or us.”

The three began to argue with themselves, it was hilarious they couldn’t move but kept sniping at each other. “We don’t have much time.” Scout said.

Ben whistled, silencing the trio. “Who’s gonna help us find the castle?” Arms raised.


“Soon very soon, an army of Vladatians will be revived.” Ghost Freak declared.

“And all of Anur Transyl will be mine once again.” Ghost Freak tutted.

“Such limited thinking.” He was platting galactic domination. His plan was to move from planet to planet using the vladatian power to make new subjects.

“And new food?” Transyl asked with a smirk.

“Yes...if you must!”

Ghost Freak was planning to put Rook, Rad, and Hobble to work to finish the preparations needed for the cloning process. “We object!” Rook grunted out.

“Object all you like but you cannot resist!” He said with a sick chuckle.

“Ben will stop you!”

“Perhaps he will try, but even if he finds us it’ll be too late.” Ghost Freak ran a finger along Rook’s chin. “But don’t worry, when he arrives I’ll have you kill him yourself!”

“No…” Rook teared up.


Scout drove the Lovely Duck right into the castle. Whampire zipped out and flew around. “Nobody move!”

“You are under arrest!” Scout came out shooting.

“Get them!” Ghost Freak snapped.

Whampire whistled and Viktor, Crujo, and Kuphulu seemingly under Ben’s control came out and they began to rumble.

Scout rumbled with Rook. “I am sorry...I can not... control...myself…”

“I know, forgive me too!” He kicked Rook away.

Viktor was keeping Ghost Freak busy, sending out electric shocks. Rad took on Crujo, the little duck alien was positively terrifying. Kuphulu was taking on Hobble, who was hard to grab because of his unique skin.

“We need to destroy the pods!” Scout called out.

“On it!” Whampire said but he was grabbed by Transyl. Whampire was able to fend him off for a bit, Transyl maybe experienced but Ben was young and strong. He thought he had the old vamp pinned, but... “Oh crap!” Transyl flipped him off of himself.

“You are not a true Vladat, a mere cheap imitation.” Transyl grabbed Ben by the shoulders. “You are only fit to serve as my slave!” His purple eyes began to swirl.

Whampire tried not to look, but he had been caught by his gaze and soon Whampire’s eyes were swirling. “Your...slave…” The fighting stopped for a moment.

Ghost Freak laughed. “It’s over!”

“You must be hungry, go drink your love until he dies!” He made Rook come forward.

“A delicious idea Lord Transyl!”

The hypnotized Whampire approached Rook, salivating with hunger. “Ben...please...don’t…” He used a contraction out of fear. Whampire grabbed him and dipped him, hissing and Rook yelped.

“YES!” Ghost Freak cheered.


“Huh!?” Instead of biting Rook, he destroyed his corruptura. “But how!?”

“Yeah...sorry but Nah, you didn’t control me!” Whampire chuckled. Rook hugged him, he was so happy to be free.

“Ben winked at me, and I knew. So I played along!” He faked the yelp.

“No...it is not possible. No one is immune to my power. Your hunger, you should be starving!”

“I gave Scout a blow job on the way here.” Whampire licked his lips. “So tasty!” Scout blushed.

“Hisssss!” He wasn’t pleased. “Your will is strong, but I am stronger!”

“You are a fool if you thought I’d hurt my beta.” He pulled Rook in and kissed him. “Though I’ll admit this body gives me ideas!” He ground his hard on against Rook making the furry male yelp.

“Ben...later!” He shivered.

Whampire chuckled. The watch timed out and a green flash burst out. Ben returned to his human form. His corruptura broke and Ghost Freak thought he still outnumbered Ben. “Get him, end this runt’s life!”

Rook readied to defend Ben, but the boy tapped his shoulder. “Nah we good.” Crujo broke Rad’s corruptura and Viktor gave Hobble a zap bringing him back to his senses.

“How is this possible?!”

“We heard everything!” Crujo growled.

“You planned to enslave us and let the Vladats use us as food.” Kuphulu snapped.

“You...how did...my friends you must be confused.”

“Nope, I remotely activated Rook’s plumber badge, we heard everything over the radio.” Ben smiled and Rook smirked.

“Do something!” Ghost Freak shouted, and Transyl hissed at him. This was all an excellent distraction.

Scout conjured a storm cloud. “A deal is a deal!”

“No no no!”

“The Vladatians must never be allowed to rule again!” He provided the lightning, and wham, several bolts erupted from the cloud destroying all the pods and the vladatian corpses inside. The lightning kept raining down trapping Ghost Freak and Transyl.

Ben activated the omnitrix. Transyl grabbed him and took him up above the cloud. “I will feast on your energy!”

“Not today!” He slapped the watched, creating another flash making Transyl hiss in pain. Ben transformed into Atomix. “Try a little fusion cuisine!”

“HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA-HA!" He created a miniature sun with his energy. It dispelled Scout’s storm cloud, using the residual energy to grow larger.

Ghost Freak cried out in horror as the mini sun turned him to dust. Transyl cried out in terror as his body was burned but not destroyed. Atomix knew this wouldn’t kill Ghost Freak forever, but the sun would last a few decades, so it’d keep him out of their hair for awhile.

As for Transyl Viktor had special plans for him. He was placed in an unbreakable glass coffin and pushed out into space, he would be kept contained under one of their system’s brightest stars.

It was their victory, with hugs and kisses for Ben’s betas. “You would be proud, Ben was very worried about you.” Scout told him.

“You were?”

“Nah, I knew you’d be fine.”

“If they lay a hand on my Blonko, I will end them!” Scout imitated, making Ben blush.

“Ohh Ben!” Rook hugged him, nuzzling him and purring.

“I blame that DNA!” Rook and Scout laughed.

“We love you Ben!” They say in unison.

To be continued


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