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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Kagome’s Problem

AU: Kagome never had issues with demons, only when they treat her like an object. She wants to study, but the guys around her keep acting like fools. Souta says he has the answer to her problem, no questions asked. The guys get invited over and Souta has a special video for them to watch while they wait for Kagome, who’s not coming but they soon will be cumming.

Chapter 1 Kagome’s Problem

Kagome had a long day, the umpteenth long day she’s had all year. She dropped off her bag and kicked off her shoes before flopping on the couch. “Ugh!”

“What’s wrong sis?” Souta came to see her. He’s never seen her so exhausted. “You sure are home late?”

“A rough day…” She groaned into a pillow.

“Wanna talk about it?” She paused for a moment thinking it over.

Kagome sat up and Souta sat next to her. “It's the guys at my school.” Kagome went to a mixed school, where humans, demons, and half-demons studied and learned together trying to improve future relationships. Kagome had enrolled in the school to work hard, get good grades, and get a good job to support their family.

Socially speaking she wasn’t interested in a boyfriend. Maybe someday, but she had bigger things to worry about. Souta admired that about her, she was a family girl. Wanting a good job to support her and the family. Their mom was a hard worker and who sacrificed a lot for them, so Kagome wanted to make it so she could retire and have some fun.

Her efforts allowed Souta to have time to pursue special exploits. “First there is Inuyasha, he’s a hanyo and the star of the basketball team!” The dog half-demon was, strong, fast, and being one of the school’s all-star jocks certainly gave his ego an unneeded boost. The fact he was good-looking and came from a powerful family didn’t hurt either.

It seems he had a reputation as a player. He had fooled around with a lot of girls on the cheerleader team before he set his sights on Kagome. This was annoying for a few reasons, One: Kagome wasn’t charmed by his looks or his attitude. Two: His latest Ex Kikyo was taking his flirting with her, personally so she was going out of her way to make Kagome miserable. Three: Kagome’s lack of interest in a boyfriend or Inuyasha, made the arrogant jock chase her more.

“And Inuyasha doesn’t think his Ex is a problem. He just says, she’ll get over it eventually.” Kagome rubbed her temples.

“Is one guy giving you such a headache?”

“No...there’s more…” She sighed. “Then there is Kouga.”

Kouga may not have come from a powerful family, but he acted like it. He was a full-blooded wolf demon, captain of the football team, soccer team, and track star. It seems he also had a bad reputation with the ladies. Every year he picks out a girl and tries to woo her and get with her. He stays with them for a season and then moves on.

“Sounds like a jerk.”

“He is, and guess who his target is this year?”

“Oh no…”

“Oh yes…” To make matters worse Kouga and Inuyasha saw her as theirs already, so the two were constantly fighting and arguing over her. “I’m so tired of their dick-measuring contest when I’m not interested in either of them.”

Kouga was more brazen. He publicly declared at lunch that Kagome was his woman. “I just wanted to last the year so he’d just move on. I even tried to tell him I wasn’t interested in a boyfriend, but that just made him think I was dating Inuyasha.”

The two had been at it ever since, never giving Kagome a moment of peace. “Like today I was studying with Jinenji in the library, and Inuyasha came in and scared poor Jinenji away. He said he wanted to help me study, but all he did was hit on me the whole time.”

“Then at lunch, I was trying to eat when Kouga wanted me to eat with him at his table. Inuyasha saw that and came over and demanded I eat at his table. They started to argue, then fight, which turned into a food fight, and my lunch was ruined.”

“Sounds rough.”

“Then Kikyo got involved, and told the teachers the food fight was my fault, so I had to stay after school and help clean up the cafeteria.” She groaned. “Even the human boys cause me trouble!”

Hojo was a very cute boy at school, though he was a very kind individual, but he lacked awareness. He developed a fan club of human and demon girls, and if he showed too much attention to a girl, they raised hell. He was oblivious to how his attention was making things harder on her.

Then there was Miroku, with him there weren’t many ex issues or fangirl issues, he was a well-known flirt, and supposedly a good time in bed but he made it clear he wasn’t in it for a serious relationship. Kagome just didn’t care for his advances on top of all the other craziness going on. “Miroku even told me I didn’t want to have a boyfriend because I was surrounded by childish fools, that he knew how to be a real man!” She made a gagging gesture.

“What is it gonna take for these guys to realize I’m not interested!?”

“Hmm…” Souta thought, the wheels in his head-turning. He smirked. “I think I have a solution to your problem.”

Kagome eyed him. “What is going through your head?”

“A solution to your problem.” He crossed his arms. “I can help you out no questions asked.”

Kagome was hesitant, but her grades were slipping with all the craziness going on. She needed it to stop. “Alright.”

“Sweet, just do what I say, and I’ll take care of everything.”

“What do I have to do?”

“First, invite Inuyasha over on a date.”



Inuyasha was waiting for Kagome. He was hoping to ask her out before school started. Some girls walked by him and he winked at them. The girls giggled, making Inuyasha smirk and flex. “Heh, soon Kagome will fall for my charms,” he said after the girls walked by. “I have something that dumb wolf doesn’t have, my fuzzy ears. Chicks dig the fuzzy ears!” His furry ears flicked.

Kagome arrived, and he was in her face in a minute. “Hey, Kagome!”

“Oh...good morning Inuyasha.” She said.

“You are looking gorgeous today as always!” He winked at her.

“Uhh, thanks…”

“How would you like to go out with me tonight?”


“Now I know you’ve turned me down before...wait what?”

“Yes I’ll go out with you tonight, but I don’t want you bragging about it. If you do it's not happening.”

“Yes, it’s a deal!”

“Come to my house later.”


‘Souta, this better work.’ She thought.

Inuyasha was surprisingly on better behavior today. Didn’t stop the other issues, but her brother had a plan. Inuyasha was pleased with himself, he didn’t even butt heads with Kouga, cause he thought he won. He kept to his word and later that day he got ready for his big date.

Kagome went home. “I did it.”

“Good, just head upstairs and work on homework. I’ll deal with Inuyasha.”

“Okay…” She did, and Souta got ready.

Inuyasha was wearing a red jacket, a jet black undershirt, red slacks, and black shoes. Red was his favorite color, it certainly complimented his silver hair. He knocked on the door. Souta smirked and loaded a special videotape in his player.

Souta answered. He was wearing some black shades. “Is Kagome here?”

“Yeah, my sister is upstairs. She’s getting ready.” Souta said.

“So you're her little brother huh?” He smirked. “Sup little man? Bet your sister told you all about me.”

‘Yeah she did, you have an even bigger ego than I thought.’ Souta kept a good poker face. “Yeah, but she didn’t tell me how hot you were.”

Inuyasha blushed. “Uhh, thanks, man.”

“Come in, and you can wait for her inside.”


“Very cool!” Inuyasha came in and took off his shoes.

He entered the living room and sat down. “Hey man, I think your tv is broken.” He looked at the tv, and weird waves and colors were shifting.

“It’s actually a video I made, I’m testing it out.”

Inuyasha laughed. “It looks weird.”

“Keep watching, it gets better.”

“Sure kid.” He laughed. Souta set his watch for thirty minutes.

At fifteen minutes Inuyasha spoke. “Is your sister ready yet?”

“Not yet, can I get you a drink while you wait?”

“Yeah, sure thanks!” He didn’t take his eyes off the screen. Souta brought him a soda, which he drank.

Another fifteen minutes later. “How’s my video?”

“It’s good, I like it!”

“That’s good, so keep watching.”

“I will!” He stared at the screen watching the shifting colors.

Souta set his watch again. Like clockwork, at 15 minutes. “Is your sister ready yet?”

“Not yet, can I get you a drink while you wait?”

“Yeah, sure thanks!” Souta took his soda. He brought him another.

“How’s my video?”

“It’s great I love it!”

“You wanna keep watching?”

“Yes please!” He kept drinking his soda, not taking his eyes off the screen. His blinking grew slower and slower, soon he was keeping his eyes open for long periods of time just taking in the shifting colors.

Souta set his watch again. At fifteen minutes. “Is your sister ready?” He asked.

“She’ll be ready soon,” Souta smirked. Inuyasha had gotten hard from watching the video. “Do you want a drink?”

“Yes please!” Souta took his soda.

“We out of soda, would you like some milk?”

“Yeah sure…”

Souta left and got an empty glass. He jerked off into the glass, he imagined all the things he was gonna do to the hypnotized hanyo. He had discovered this little kink, he enjoyed the idea of dominating and hypnotizing guys. Now he could help his sister and explore his kink, win-win! “Ohh!” He came and filled the glass up.

He brought Inuyasha his drink. “Here’s your milk.”

“Thanks!” He took the cup and began to drink. He was in a full trance, not even noticing he was drinking semen.

His watch went off. “Are you enjoying my video?”

“Yes!” Inuyasha moaned.

“Why don’t you get more comfortable?”

“Yeah, sounds good!” Inuyasha took off his jacket. He noticed Inuyasha’s bulge, he was even harder now.

Souta set his watch and let Inuyasha continue to watch the video. At 15 minutes he noticed Inuyasha hadn’t said anything, he smirked and checked on him. “Hey sorry for the wait.”

“I’ve been waiting?” Inuyasha asked.

“I guess not, want a drink?”

“Yes, milk please!” He licked his lips.

“With pleasure.” He Inuyasha another helping of man milk. The hanyo drank it with gusto.

“Thank you!” He moaned.

His watch went on and Inuyasha was now hard and leaking, a wet spot forming on the front of his pants. ‘Two hours and he’s already this deep.’ Souta chuckled. “Want me to turn off the video?”

“No, please...I like it…” He drooled.

“Why don’t you get more comfortable?”

“Yeah, sounds good!” Inuyasha began to strip, sitting his clothes aside. He groaned when his cock slapped his abs. Souta whistled.

“Are you feeling good?”

“So good!”

“Keep watching and you’ll feel even better!”

“Yes sir!” He watched more and Souta set his watch, this time for an hour. At thirty minutes Inuyasha spoke up. “Hey, can I get some milk?” Souta check on him.

Inuyasha was beating his meat, his cock overflowing. “Sure can!” Souta took his empty glass. “Just cum!”

“Ahhh!” Inuyasha obeyed, shooting his thick half-demon milk into the glass. It overflowed.

“Wow, you sure came a lot. Here’s your milk!”

“Thank you!” Inuyasha chugged the glass. “Yummy!”

“You like milk don’t you?”

“Yes!” He moaned.

“I’ll get you some more.” Seeing Inuyasha’s naked body had gotten Souta chubbed up.

“Thank you, sir!” Souta didn’t even leave the room, he jerked off right there into the empty glass. Inuyasha never took his eyes off the screen and he kept jerking off. Souta eyed the jock of a hanyo loving his manly muscles.

Seeing such a stud jerk off was helping. He came and put some more milk in the glass. He gave it to Inuyasha who drank it. Inuyasha jerked himself off a little faster. His crotch was drenched in a mix of pre-cum and semen.

He worked his meat so fast his big balls were jiggling. Souta left him to it. When he came back when his watch went off Inuyasha had cum on himself. His eyes were drifting closed. “Are you tired puppy?”

“Yes sir!”

“Do you wanna sleep or do you wanna keep watching my video?”

“I wanna keep watching the video!” He moaned.

“Good boy, keep watching! You don’t need to think about anything else, just keep watching and feeling good.”

“Yes sir!”

“Do you wanna know how to feel even better?”

“Yes sir?”

“Use your free hand and play with your nipple.”

“Yes sir!” He obeyed.

Souta set his watch for another hour. He left the naked horny hanyo, jerking off and pinching one of his nips. Inuyasha didn’t give a peep, he just kept watching and playing with himself.

His watch went off and he checked on the dog boy. His face, neck, chest, abs, crotch, hand, and legs were splattered with cum. “Ohh you spilled so much milk. So wasteful!”

“I’m sorry sir!”

“I’ll forgive you this time puppy, go get cleaned up, get dressed, and fall asleep.”

“Yes sir!” He got up and used their shower. He followed Souta’s orders to a T, as soon as he got dressed and sat down he was out like a light. Souta giggled and turned off the tv. As soon as the video went out Inuyasha bolted upright. “Turn that back on I was watching that...wait what?”

He rubbed his head. He saw the clock. “What the heck, what about my date?” He gasped. It was so late now.

“What are you talking about? You have a date with my sister tomorrow.”

“I do?” Inuyasha’s head was fuzzy. “Oh right, I have a date with her tomorrow!” He believed Souta without a second thought.

“Yep, it was nice meeting you.”

“Yeah, you too!” He said with a smile.

“You’ll be here same time right?”

“Yes sir!” He said on reflex. ‘Sir?’ He shivered.

“Cool, see you then.” Inuyasha left, confused but feeling weirdly relaxed.

Kagome had finished her homework and came down to check on the boys. “Did Inuyasha leave?”

“Yeah, but he’ll be back tomorrow.”

“He will?”

“Yep don’t worry sis, I’m handling it.”

“Okay, what about the other guys?”

“No worries Sis, your problems will be over soon enough. Trust me!”

To be continued



Interesting. 🤔 Certainly a novel direction to take Souta in, and the Inu-Yasha verse in general. 😋