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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Neospacian Invasion

Jaden is an alien from Neospace and he’s here to take over. He set his sights on Duel Academy and with the help of the Neospacians and his special Neo Blaster he starts taking over the students 1 Duel at a Time. He takes over the Slifer Dorm and turns it into the Neos Dorm. Mind Break Humil Jaden + Neospacian/Harem

Chapter 1 Greetings From Neospace

Yuki Judai is an alien, his home galaxy was Neospace. He helped battle against the Light, and his skills pushed back the invading force. He was their champion with powerful skills and tactics. He helped bring out the potential of the Neospacians.

The Light was a parasitic life form that took over the minds and bodies of people and monsters. Judai figured out that one could fight mind control with mind control. The Light took over people and made them like a cult, worshiping the Light as Holy. The first people it took over believed the Light to be a holy entity, and welcomed them in. The true horrors came next they invaded other worlds, galaxies, and even dimensions.

Those they took over served as its slaves, and they were the lucky ones, other worlds too difficult to take over were destroyed. Judai and the Neospacians proved difficult in both. Hard to take over and difficult to destroy. Judai even found a way to free people from the Light’s control and make it difficult if not impossible for them to be taken over again. Neospace harnessed the powers of the shadows to battle against the light.

The ones that were saved found a home and love in Neospace. Their worlds ravaged by the light of destruction. In the battle of darkness and light, it was a vicious eat or be eaten situation. Soon the Neospacians became the guardians and protectors.

Then one day...

Earth sent probes scouting the universe for intelligent life, well they found it. Seto Kaiba had sent his probe out as a challenge! The Neospacians found they were crazy! If that’s what they wanted then game on.

Judai was granted an advanced Neospacian deck, and tasked with going to Earth. “Judai, the Earth has challenged us, you must test them and see if they can stand against the Light. If they are not able to, they must join and serve the Neospacians.”

“Yes sir!” Judai went to Earth, in a space pod. Neospace tech was able to hack into the satellites and scan their data through the internet. “Hmm, it seems they also have duels here as well, but for sport instead of life or death combat, but maybe…”

Judai looked deeper and found records about Shadow Games being played. “Ohh, so they do have knowledge of true combat.” Yugi Mutou was the King of Games, and he seemed to be at the center of the Shadow Game stories.

“He might be one capable of fending off the light but are there others?” He sent out probes of his own and discovered, the next generation of Duelists were being trained at Duel Academies.

Duel Academy Central was built by Seto Kaiba, the other schools were built following their example. Each school had their own systems and methods of teaching. None of which was impressing Judai. ‘Such division, such impractical teaching, how can any of these places claim they are teaching the next generation.’ Judai rubbed his temples.

This was so frustrating. The Neospacians comforted their leader. He decided to target Duel Academy Central since it was built by the man who challenged them in the first place. He flew over to Academy Island, and used some probes to gain access to their system. It was quite easy, and Judai began to go over the data.

‘So the school has three official dorms, named after the Egyptian God Cards. Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow, and Slifer Red. The academy has a dorm hierarchy with Blue at the top, Yellow in the middle, and Red at the bottom.’ His probes got pictures of each of the dorms, Obelisk Blue having two dorms one for girls the other for boys. ‘Why is the Red Dorm so sparse?’

He searched through the records. ‘I see, so if student grades slip or their loss record grows too much they can be demoted to the Red Dorm. Such a barbaric teaching method, promoting a restrictive class system, treating failure as world ending experience.’ Red students can claw their way out from the bottom, but the odds are so stacked against them many just drop out.

While Judai could understand pushing someone to do their best, creating a toxic environment will ruin everyone’s growth. ‘This just won’t do!’ This division will allow the light to infest and take over. Standing united was the only way to resist the light. If the light infested the Red Dorm which was fully defenseless, neglected, and hopeless, they could artificially enhance their abilities and wipe out the other dorms.

The light was good at tempting people with what they think they want, but then robbed them of everything they have. ‘How many of these students hold grudges towards the other dorms?’

Judai noticed reports of bullying were ignored and dismissed by a Doctor Crowler. His eyes flashing gold in rage. ‘These idiots!’ he had seen enough. He hacked into their system, and created a human persona for himself, Jaden Yuki!

Through Kaiba’s network his persona was established as a normal human. He left no room for error. He’d be seen as a normal transfer student, all transfer students start in Slifer Red. That was fine by him. He would start at the bottom, learn what he could about humans, and prepare.

He landed the ship on Academy Island. “Hmm, this area is rich in spirit energy…” Jaden smirked. “Come forth!” He called out the Neospacians from his deck.

Aqua Dolphin, Flare Scarab, Glow Moss, Grand Mole, Air Hummingbird, and Dark Panther appeared. “Judai-sama, it is a pleasure to see you!”

“As it is to see you all.” He ran a hand over the ground. “To think such a spirit enriched area would exist.” Normally outside of Neospace Judai could only manifest a one of them at a time, their spirits not withstanding. “Fan out, I wanna see if this place has any other secrets.”

“Yes sir!” The Neospacians dashed off. Jaden guarded the ship, while going over the Duel Academy data.

“Judai, we found something!”

“I’m on my way.” He pressed a button on his ship and it reverted into a card. The Neospacians found the abandoned dorm, but that wasn’t all they found.

“This place reeks of dark magic!” Dark Panther said.

“Someone must have been experimenting with Shadow Magic here.” Jaden scanned the data. “This dorm has been abandoned for awhile, it’s recognized by the school as forbidden coming here is an expel offense.” He saw it as wasteful.

He had the Neospacians look around some more, while he pulled out his Neo Blaster and began scanning the area. He found a picture of a young man with brown hair, it was a wallet of some kind. Jaden made his way down to the basement.

‘This place was used for dark rituals to summon the shadows!’ Jaden’s eyes were a solid gold. Shadow remnants came forth seeking to devour Jaden’s soul. “Sorry, but I’m not so easy!” His blaster charged and he fired Neo Energy, blasting away the shadow spectors.

Jaden spun around shooting a beam from his ray gun, extinguishing the blobs bit by bit. The shadow creatures went after the Neospacians as well. Aqua Dolphin blasted them away with a sonar attack. Flare Scarab extinguished them by flames. Glow Moss blasted them with light beams. Dark Panther tore them apart with fangs and claws. Air Hummingbird blew them away, while Grand Mole went drill mode and barreled through them.

The group really cleaned house, Jaden sealing the deal by dropping a spike. It flooded the area with neo space energy which drew on the shadow power. He cut off the source so the little goblins couldn’t use it to attack anyone. They warped the dorm to suit their needs. This was their home base now.

They were able to make the rooms bigger on the inside. They strengthened the foundation and fixed the place up. They set up tech and devices to keep a lookout for any traces of the Light. “You guys will crash here and keep me posted, while I take on dorm life with the humans.”

There were other irregularities, like a structure underneath the chicken coop, some kind of prison? There was also a mystical vault containing something powerful. ‘This academy certainly has it’s secrets.’ Jaden smirked. That was perfect, it meant they could hide among their secrets and stay hidden.


Jaden reported to Chancellor Shepard’s office first thing in the morning. He was getting the standard greeting and information. “Who is this young man?” Crowler came in, looking testy. “I get a report that we have a new transfer student, this him.”

“Yes, this is Jaden Yuki. I’m sure he will make a fine addition to our school.” Shepard felt something was special about Jaden, though he couldn’t put his finger on it.

“Really, he seems like a slacker to me.” He noticed Jaden’s red uniform. “Don’t we have enough slackers at this school?”

“Well Professor, if you wish to see some merit of my skills how about we have a duel?” Jaden said, giving off a charming smile as he spoke.

“A brilliant idea, you can test the boy yourself Crowler. Grab a test deck and go to the Obelisk Arena.”

“Very well, and should he lose, he’ll have to drop out of the school yes?”

“Jaden?” Shepard looked to him. The smile didn’t fade.

“No trouble at all, but if I win, I’d like to remodel the Red Dorm, I’ll supply the materials and labor.”

“A Test War?!” Crowler gasped, glaring at the punk, before chuckling. “Very well!” Crowler wasn’t planning to lose, after all he was gonna be using his personal deck instead of a silly test one.

The students were gathered for the show, surprised to see a new transfer student. It was big news that the new guy challenged Crowler to a test war of all things. The whole school was buzzing about it, wonder what the new transfer student was like and what cards he had.

Syrus was curious who would be joining the Red Dorm. He heard that the duelist had challenged Crowler to a Test War to make improvements to their dorm. No one had the skills, or balls, to take on the challenge.

Crowler readied his Duel Vest, while Jaden came out with a simple duel disk. Their decks were loaded. “Let’s duel!” Jaden declared.

“Yes, quaint…” He let Jaden go first.

Jaden/Crowler: 4000

The brunette draws. “My move,” he had his Neospacian comrades with him and he was ready. “I summon Neospacian Aqua Dolphin!” The alien appeared on the field.

Aqua Dolphin

3 Star Water Warrior/Effect: Once per turn: Aqua Dolphin can destroy 1 card in your opponent’s hand.

ATK 600 DEF 800

“Next I’ll play Aqua Amplifier!”

Aqua Amplifier (Continuous Spell)

This card doubles the ATK and DEF of Neospacian Aqua Dolphin. All other Neospacians you control gain 200 ATK while you control Aqua Dolphin. You can discard 1 card from your hand to activate Aqua Dolphin’s effect again each turn. If Aqua Dolphin is destroyed by battle or card effect destroy this card instead.

Aqua Dolphin ATK/DEF: 1200/1600

“First I’ll have my Aqua Dolphin destroy a card in your hand!” Jaden picked one of his cards as a target and Aqua Dolphin unleashed a sonar attack.

‘No my Confiscation!’ Crowler thought as his spell was destroyed.

“Next I use Aqua Amplifier to send a card from my hand, and destroy another card in your hand.” He sent Neospacian Scrap Satellite, and Aqua Dolphin blasted another card in Crowler’s hand, destroying his Ancient Gear Soldier.

Suddenly a strange machine appeared in Crowler’s Spell and Trap card zone. “What is this?”

“You see when my Scrap Satellite is sent from my hand to the grave by card effect, it appears on your side of the field, sealing one of your zones as a continuous spell.”

‘No matter my main plan is still possible.’ He thought with a smirk.

“I’ll throw down a face down and call it a turn. Get your game on.”

“Don’t tell me what to do…” he muttered under his breath. He drew.  “First I’ll play two cards face down. Next I’ll activate Heavy Storm! Say Goodbye to your spells and traps.”

“Actually, I think I’ll activate one. Aqua Scrambler!” His trap card flipped. “Since I have Aqua Dolphin on the field, if you try to activate a spell trap or monster effect, I can negate and destroy it.”

Aqua Dolphin blasted Heavy Storm with a sonar attack, causing it to shatter. “What?!” Crowler gasped. He didn’t have a monster to summon now. His plan was to use Heavy Storm to destroy his own traps and summon wicked tokens, and use them as sacrifices to summon his boss monster Ancient Gear Golem! “I end my turn.” He had no other choice.

Jaden draws. “I summon Neospacian Flare Scarab!” Another alien monster appeared.

Flare Scarab

3 Star Fire Insect/Effect: This card gains 400 ATK for each Spell and Trap card on your opponent’s side of the field.


“I’ve never seen such monsters before!” Crowler declared.

“Well this one gains ATK for each spell and trap card you control.” Crowler had 3 thanks to Jaden’s Scrap Satellite.

Flare Scarab: 1700

“And since my Aqua Amplifier and Aqua Dolphin is on thee field he gains 200 more ATK.”

Flare Scarab: 1900

“Aqua Dolphin do your thing!” Aqua Dolphin blasted Crowler’s hand destroying a spell card in his hand. Now all he had was his Ancient Gear Golem. “Alright boys go get him!”

“Sure thing!”

“With pleasure!” Flare Scarab said. The two attacked.

Crowler 900

‘Who is this guy, I’m using my best cards, and he’s completely crushed one of my best plays?’ Crowler began to sweat.

“I’ll set one card down and end my turn.”

“My move!” He played Pot of Greed. “Next I summon my Ancient Gear Soldier!” He set a spell card. “I’ll equip him with this Ancient Gear Sword!” This equip spell gave any ancient gear monster 500 ATK, and it inflicted piercing damage.

Since he added an equip spell, Flare Scarab got another boost.  Flare Scarab 2300

Ancient Gear Soldier 1800

“I activate my Quick Play Spell card, Flare Signal, now for the rest of this turn the only monster you can attack is my Flare Scarab.” He began to emit a strange green flame.

‘Crowler planned to destroy my Aqua Dolphin, shortening my forces and weakening my Flare Scarab.’ Judai wasn’t psychic, he just knew people like Crowler. He underestimated Jaden, and believed every combo was golden. ‘You are used to crushing your students, but my spirit won’t be so easily crushed!’ his eyes flashed gold for only a moment.

Crowler ended his turn. The green flames dispersed.

Jaden draws and set a card face down. “I attack with Flare Scarab!” Scarab blasted him, but his sword burst, and Crowler took no damage, thanks to Ancient Sword’s effect. He was still stronger than Aqua Dolphin, so the turn ended.

“My move!” Crowler drew Monster Reborn and he began to chuckle. “I’ll use monster reborn to bring back, the Ancient Gear Soldier in my grave.” He then sacrificed both of them to summon his Ancient Gear Golem!

“I activate my trap!” Flare Cremation: Continuous Trap. “While my Flare Scarab is on the field your monster loses 400 ATK for every spell and trap on your side of the field!”

His Ancient Gear Golem began to melt. 1800 ATK

“Golem, attack his Aqua Dolphin!” The Golem launched a devastating punch that struck Aqua Dolphin. Boom!

Jaden: 3400

“Huh, check your gear your Aqua Dolphin should be destroyed!” Crowler said.

“Sorry teach, but my Aqua Amplifier can go to the grave instead protecting my Aqua Dolphin’s destruction.”

Flare Scarab: 1700

With Aqua Amplifier gone so went it’s boosts. “So your lame monster stays around what good will that weak thing do.”

Crowler had the nerve to mock Aqua Dolphin. ‘No mercy then!’ He smirked and drew.

Aqua Dolphin: ATK 600

“Next I activate Flare Infestation!”

Flare Infestation (Continuous Spell)

Double’s Flare Scarab’s original ATK while this card is face up on the field. Place two Scarab Shell Tokens in opponent’s spell and trap card zones, these Tokens are treated as Continuous Spell cards. While you control Flare Scarab, all other Neospacians you control gain 200 ATK. If Flare Scarab is destroyed by battle or card effect, destroy this card.

Crowler now had 5 spell and trap cards, which boosted his flare Scarab 2000 points. With his doubled original ATK, he had a whopping 3000 ATK. That wasn’t all, since his trap was still in effect, Ancient Gear Golem lost 2000 ATK.

“Now wait...hold on!”

“Flare Scarab, take him down with Flare Scorcher!”

“You go!” Aqua Dolphin cheered.

Flare Scarab melted Crowler’s Golem and so with him went the rest of Crowler’s life points.

Crowler: 0

“No way...I lost...using my own deck!”

“Gotcha!” Jaden declared with a smirk.

“Whoa, he’s good!” The crowd cheered. Jaden chuckled. This was only the beginning.

To be continued



Cannot wait for more GX mind break