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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Sinnoh Advanced

Ash has learned a lot from his past journey, but he learned from Gary about Sinnoh and he’s excited to go. With Pikachu and Aipom he’s heading to Sinnoh, the Battle Frontier experience convincing Ash that to become a true Pokemon Master he had to master both battles and contests.

Chapter 1

Ash has had quite the Journey since becoming a pokemon trainer. In his Kanto run, he caught a few Pokemon and even evolved them; Pikachu was his starter, he got a Butterfree, a Pidgeot, a Bulbasaur, a Squirtle, a Charizard, a Kingler, a Primeape, a Muk, and thirty Tauros. He didn’t rotate his Pokemon very well and didn’t train them as much as he should have.

His Kanto League loss taught him he needed to be more diligent with his training and work harder to bond with his Pokemon. He gained a win in the Orange League and even caught a Snorlax.

In Johto he worked harder to train his pokemon, he added new Pokemon to his team like and even evolved them. He has a Bayleef, a Heracross, a Cyndaquil, a Totodile, a Shiny Noctowl, and hatched a Phanpy from an egg. He even reconnected with a Lapras he met in the Orange Islands and they became a team again. Though he caught less Pokemon he focused more on training them and connecting with his Pokemon.

His Johto League loss taught him he needed to work on his Pokemon’s moves and abilities. Duplica had even tried to warn him about getting them to learn stronger moves.

In Hoenn he got a small glimpse into Contests, but originally didn’t take much interest believing Gym Battles mattered more. He did work on teaching his Pokemon new moves while catching new ones.  He added Swellow, Grovyle, Corphish, Torkoal, and Snorunt.

His Hoenn League loss, woke him up from his ego and arrogance. He was too hot headed and impatient, he focused too much on one new move when his pokemon could have been learning together. He taught Pikachu Iron Tail, but Tailow could have learned Steel Wing, and he could have taught his Treecko a grass type move for the Rock gym.

It was a mess, but it was a learning experience. He returned to Kanto and took on the Battle Frontier. Here his Phanpy evolved into Donphan, his Grovyle evolved into a Sceptile, and his Snorunt evolved into Glalie. Ash even caught an Aipom. He started taking notice of his companion May’s contests, learning about combinations, move enhancers, (Donphan’s Rollout being powered up if used after he used Defense Curl for example) and even fusion moves.

Tucker was a man who believed in both contests and battles, and created a fusion of the two making his Frontier Symbol hard to obtain. It was also a learning experience, to gain all the Frontier Symbols he had to rely on all of his Pokemon. Ash gained an appreciation for both battles and contests and realized, in order to become a Pokemon Master he’d have to try and master both.

Brock was heading back to Pewter City to check on the gym, May was heading to Johto to tackle the contest run there, and Max was heading back home to gain more experience in Pokemon. Ash returned to Pallet Town, his Frontier Symbols joining his achievements, badges from each region, trophies from the Orange League and other tournaments/competitions.

Ash bumped into Gary again after a long time. He was working towards his dream of becoming a Pokemon Researcher. “Hey Ash!”

“Gary!  It’s been a long time!”

“Too long!” He felt they needed to catch up.

10 Minutes Later…

Their clothes were discarded, and the two were making out while their hard dicks rubbed together. They hadn’t had sex since after the Johto League. “Have you been practicing Ash?” Gary panted. His kissing had gotten a lot better.

“Of course I have, I can tell you have too.” Ash played with his hole, finding the brunette’s ass well used.

“I’ve been studying Pokemon mating habits, first hand!” He moaned as Ash’s fingers dug in and rubbed his sweet spot. “Some Pokemon quite enjoy human seed, and my research shows it gives them quite a boost.” IV growth.

“Good to know,” Some of his Pokemon had shown such interests in him, but he hadn’t gone beyond heavy petting.

“Still...I can never forget my first!” Gary slicked up Ash’s cock and sank down onto it. “Fuck!”

“You are so hot Gary!” He took his dick so well, both males moaned. Ash took hold of Gary’s cock and started playing with it. The younger Oak trembled and panted.

“Wait Ash, I want this to last!” Ash nodded, and put his hands behind his head. Gary rode him with all his might, letting his cock bounce between their toned bodies. Ash had to admit, this was quite the show, seeing the usually cool and collected Gary come undone on his dick.

The first time they did it, Gary had gone doggy style, so Ash didn’t get to see much. His chiseled body moved, shifting and rocking as he brought both of them pleasure. They had both changed so much since they last fucked, both virgins and quick shots before, now they were more experienced.

Gary chased pleasure, the friction of Ash’s cock spreading through him. He moved faster and faster as he neared orgasm. His cock was twitching and throbbing like crazy. “Ash fuck!” Gary came from anal stimulus, shooting all over Ash’s abs and pecs.

Ash followed suit, Gary’s clenching heat, and the sight of his orgasm face pushing him over the edge. He came deep into Gary’s ass, making the brunette tingle. Oak may have thought it was over, but soon found himself on his back, Ash’s still hard dick ready to go inside him. “Looks like you built up some stamina!”

“You know it!” Ash began to move, fucking Gary’s cum stuffed hole. “I’m also not a selfish ass anymore!” He attacked Gary’s perky nipples, sucking and nipping it making Gary moan. The brunette was tapped out, his cock soft yet twitching.

Ash played with his nipples as he fucked Gary, drilling his prostate, making the brunette cum even while soft. “Ohhh fuck!” Gary saw stars, the orgasm overwhelming him. “Where’d you learn that?”

“A guy named Drew, May thought he had just had a crush on her, but he also liked me.” Gary pouted. “Jealous?”

“No...maybe...a little…”

“Should I be jealous of all the Pokemon who got to use this tight ass?” Ash teased, working his cock still in Gary’s clenching heat.

“Ahh no, I know we are on different paths. I just miss you!”

“I miss you too!” the two kissed. “No matter how far apart we are, we still love each other.”

“Idiot!” He hated(loved) it when Ash spoke from the heart. It wasn’t just some sappy line, he really mean it. The two entered a heavy make out sessions as Ash pounded him deeply.

Ash came after some short hard thrusts, his balls clapping against Gary’s plump rear. “Damn, so hot!” the two basked in the after glow, Ash’s spent dick slipping from his well used hole.

“You should head to the Sinnoh region.”

“The what region?” Ash hadn’t heard of this one.

“Sinnoh, there’s all kinds of new pokemon to be found there. I’m sure its right up your alley. They have both Contests and Battle Clubs there, perfect for you Mr. Pokemon Master.”

Ash kissed him. “Thanks Gary, I’ll do it!” Sinnoh sounded awesome. “Oh man I can’t wait!” Gary would give him the details after a much needed cuddle nap.

“Nap now, journey later!” Gary needed a cuddle pillow. Ash grinned and hugged his friend, rival, and lover!


Ash was ready to go to Sinnoh, but his victory over the battle frontier did get him some rewards. He could become a Frontier Brain himself one day, Oak decided to increase his hold limit to 11, allowing Pikachu to remain as his main mon and granting him an 11 to rotate and train with. He can still only use 6 in battle but that was fine.

He already got a volunteer with Aipom. “Alright Aipom, you liked May’s contests right?” Aipom nodded. “I’m gonna have you be in charge of the contest team okay?” Aipom hugged him, he was very happy. Professor Oak arranged for them to travel by ship to Sinnoh. He was packed and ready to go, off on a brand new adventure, his experiences pushing him forward.


Team Rocket was tracking Ash and his Pokemon’s progress. Wanting to steal his pokemon to help build Team Rocket’s army. They weren’t very good at it, as Ash often left them blasting off, wrecking their robots, and giving them the slip.

When Ash gave them the slip they ended up at one of Jame’s rich family’s summer homes. He found not only his Carnavine but his Growlithe there as well. They contacted Giovanni for some new orders and told him they were in Sinnoh. Giovanni wanted to branch out into Sinnoh so he gave them the job, gave them a small bit of start up cash some Pokeballs, and ordered them to expand Team Rocket’s influence in Sinnoh.  James had an idea, Jessie tried twice to break into contests to expand Team Rocket’s influence, she was planning to do it again in Sinnoh.  What better way to do that then become league champion. He decided he’d enter the Sinnoh League!

To be continued


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