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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Ash’s Pokemon: Charmander, Pikachu, Pidgey, Spearow

Tracey’s Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Rattata,

Chapter 6 Forest Fun

Ash and Tracey, got some supplies, and along with their pokemon companions left Viridian City, heading to Viridian Forest. Spearow was still a bit miffed over what happened, but Ash believed he’d win the little guy over sooner or later. He had guts, just needed to work on that attitude.

“We can do some battling and work out things.”

“I wonder what kind of Pokemon we can find here?” Tracey asked.

“Let’s see?” Ash pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: The Viridian Forest is full of all kinds of Bug Pokemon. Caterpie and Weedle are the Very Common, Metapod, Kakuna, and Beedrill are Common, Venonat, Butterfree, and Paras are Rare, and Venomoth, Parasect, Pincer, and Scyther, are Ultra Rare in this area.

“Whoa that’s quite a lot of different bug types.” Tracey said.

“These types of Pokemon can be found in forests all over Kanto, but the availability changes. Interesting!” Ash looked over the different functions of his Pokedex. It not only could bring up and register Pokemon data, but Pokemon he catches he can see their moves, power level, and abilities.

Charmander: Blaze- When in a pinch fire type moves are boosted and increases chance of burn. Scratch, Ember, Dragon Breath, and Smoke Screen. Power Level 15

Pikachu: Static- When hit with a physical attack, can paralyze the opponent, boosts damage against paralyzed opponents. Thundershock, Spark, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave. Power Level 13

Pidgey: Keen Eye- Prevents accuracy decreasing moves, and is able to see through evasion producing moves. Tackle, Sand Attack, and Gust. Power Level: 12

Spearow: Sniper- Critical hits deal more damage and is able land critical hits more easily. Peck, Fury Attack, Leer, and Growl. Power Level 15

“Wow no wonder you were the leader, you are a pretty powerful pokemon!” The fight with the Spearow swarm had really raised up their levels. Power Levels weren’t everything of course, strategy, type advantage, and skill usage can turn the tide of battle.

Tracey checked his Pokemon.

Bulbasaur: Overgrow- When in a pinch boosts Grass type moves, increases the effectiveness of spore/powder moves. Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip. Power Level 13

Rattata: Guts- Boosts stats when inflicted with a status condition, has a chance of surviving a finishing blow. Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack. Power Level 7

“I need to do some serious training.” Tracey sighed.

“Let’s go find some new Pokemon!” Ash cheered and his Pokemon agreed.

“Let’s!” Tracey wanted to observe some Bug Type pokemon.

Ash found a Caterpie. “Let’s see…” He pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. Caterpie uses the suction cups on its feet to climb trees and feed on its favorite leaves. To ward off predators, Caterpie can emit a foul smelling aroma from his antennae. It is considered a favorite among new trainers.

“Okay Pidgey, go get him!” Pidgey swooped in and knocked Caterpie down with a Tackle.

He dodged a few String Shots, and finished it up with Gust! “Alright Monster Ball go!” Ash tossed the ball and it hit Caterpie sucking him up.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle Ping!

“We caught a Caterpie!” Ash’s Pokemon cheered with him, except for Spearow. He still had an attitude problem. “Come on Spearow…” the bird huffed.

He called out Caterpie and invited him to hang out with the rest of his Pokemon. The little guy agreed.

Caterpie: Shield Dust- Shields against status effects. Tackle, String Shot. Power Level 6

“Awesome!” Ash petted his head. Caterpie cooed and nuzzled against him.

“Brilliant!” Tracey drew them together.

“Oh wow you are amazing Tracey!” The guy blushed.

“Thanks Ash!”

They kept searching for more bug types. Ash found a Weedle, and he asked Spearow if he wanted to battle, but he refused. So it was up to Pidgey. Weedle was a lot tougher than Caterpie and very dangerous.

Dexter: Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon. It is often found in the forest eating leaves. It’s bright coloring is a warning to most creatures, but it’s huge stinger on its head guarantees to get the point fast, right where it hurts.

“Pidgey use Gust!” He blew back the bug type, and his flight helped avoid Weedle’s Poison Sting. “Alright Monster Ball Go!”

His ball sucked up Weedle. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle Ping!

“We got a Weedle!” His Pokemon cheered. Weedle and Caterpie got to bond with each other. Pidgey was getting stronger from its battles.

The group carried on, they found a pack of resting Metapods, and Tracey drew them. “I’m sure they are close to evolving, we shouldn’t disturb them.” He said.

They tried to camp at a different tree, only for a swarm of Kakuna to drop down. “Oh...hello?”

“KUNA!” they unleashed a barrage of Poison Sting, causing the boys and Pokemon to dodge. Spearow became enraged when his food got ruined.

Spearow charged in, dodging Poison Stings and began attacking the Kakuna with Peck. “Pidgey, help him out!” Pidgey swooped in and used Gust. He learned a new move Quick Attack which allowed him to avoid Poison Stings, and smack down some Kakuna. “Sorry guys but you did attack us first!”

Tracey had picked up some potions in Viridian and he helped treat them. Pidgey offered Spearow some of his food, but he was being edgy still, and refused. “Come on Spearow, we are all friends here!”

Spearow huffed. “Well if you don’t wanna be with the twerp we’ll gladly take you!” Someone called.

“Prepare for trouble!”

“Make it double!”

“Oh no not these guys again…” Ash face palmed.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”

The duo came out and confronted our heroes.



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

Meowth came out. “Meowth! That’s right!”

“Whoa it really is a talking Meowth!” Tracey gasped.

“Who’s this other twerp?” Jessie asked.

“The name is Tracey!”

“He happens to be my boyfriend and companion!”

“Boyfriend!?” James gasped, blushing. Tracey blushed as well but was super happy.

“Didn’t you guys learn your lesson the last time?” Ash crossed his arms. Ash’s pokemon agreed, this would end just like last time.

“Can it twerp, this time we are ready for you!” Jessie said.

“Go Ekans!”

“Go Koffing!”

Spearow was annoyed by the two and he attacked. “Spearow wait!” Ash called.

“Ekans Poison Sting!”

“Koffing Smog!” Ekans spat poison needles, striking Spearow, catching it off guard for the next attack. Koffing hit him with a poisonous gas, it hurt and poisoned him. He turned purple and fell from the sky.

“Spearow!” Ash ran towards Spearow.

“Now I got you!” Meowth attacked Ash, but the centaur jumped, dodging his attack. Ash caught Spearow.

“Are you okay?” He wasn’t, his energy was slipping away due to the poison and damage. “Oh Spearow…” Ash glared at Team Rocket, his flames dancing in his rage.

“Ash, you can find some Pecha Berries nearby. I’ll deal with these guys.”

“Thank you Tracey!” Ash ran off.

“Bulbasaur, I need your assistance!” He called out his grass and poison type.


“Ekans use dig and go after the centaur!” Ekans obeyed.

“Koffing use Poison Gas attack!” Koffing blew across the sky releasing a toxic smoke. The nearby wild pokemon fled, some didn’t get away fast enough.

“Bulbasaur blow it back!” He did, being part poison type such toxic gasses didn’t have as much an effect. “Now use Leech Seed!” He shot a seed and ensnared it, his energy being drained away with each passing second.

“No Koffing!” The battle was being observed by a fuzzy bug type, who had been effected by the Poisonous Gas.

Charmander and Pikachu dealt with Meowth. They kept him from giving chase.


Ash found the Pecha Berries, and was able to get Spearow to eat it. He then used one of Tracey’s potions on him. “Hey Spearow, I know I caught you but you aren’t alone. You have me, Charmander, Pikachu, Pidgey, Caterpie, and Weedle. We all care about you.”

“Pidg/Weed/Cate!” the trio agreed.


“You are a tough battler, and I’d love to help you get stronger. I have a big dream, some goals, and a lot of plans. I’d really like for you to be a part of them. I know we had a rocky meeting, but can we be friends?”

“Ekansssss!” the snake burst from the ground and attacked. Ash shielded Spearow.

“Cater/Weed!” the two protected Ash by spraying duel String Shot on Ekans. The snake got wrapped up tight.

“Ekans no!” Jessie showed up. “You twerp, I’ll teach you!” She had Ekans use Acid, it spat the corrosive liquid and dissolved the strings.


“Here you go Ekans dear!” She tossed a black pill at Ekans, and it super charged Ekans.

“What was that?”

“Just something the techs at the lab cooked up. The R Special!” They took the principles of the X Attack, X Defense, and X Speed, but made something to super charge the Rocket Pokemon even if only for a short time. Not only did it boost attack, defense, speed, accuracy, but also made the moves more effective. “Now Poison Sting!”

“Pidgey blow it away with Gust!” Pidgey tried, but the attack was just too strong, the needles pierced through the gust and struck Pidgey. He became badly poisoned. “Oh no Pidgey!”

“Spearow!” the bird type cried.

“You wanna battle?” Spearow nodded. “Alright Spearow, give em a Fury Attack!” Spearow took off swooping down to attack Ekans again and again. While they were distracted Ash gave Pidgey a Pecha Berry. “You were great Pidgey, get a good rest.” He was returned to the ball.

“Ekans use Acid!” Ekans spat a super powered Acid. Spearow dodged it and Ash blocked it with his flames.

“That’s power...Spearow use Leer!” Spearow glared at Ekans, weakening his defense.

“Ekans use Poison Sting!”

“Spearow dodge it and use Peck!” He obeyed, zipping around the toxic needles, and landing a critical hit on Ekans. It was unable to battle.

“No Ekans return!” Ash’s pokemon glared at Jessie. “You don’t scare me!”

“Weedle, Caterpie, use String Shot!” the two spat string and tied Jessie up. “Maybe now you’ll stay out of trouble.” Ash picked some Pecha Berries and ran back to Tracey.

James had run off once Koffing and Meowth was unable to battle. Tracey was having bigger concerns. “Ash come quick, this guy got caught up in our battle.”

“It’s a Venonat!” Ash handed over some Pecha Berries.

“Sorry about the trouble Venonat.” Tracey said and gave him a brushing.

“Nat nat!” The bug type nuzzled against him.

“I think Venonat likes you Tracey.”

“You do?” The bug type nodded. “Let’s have a battle, what do you say?”

Venonat nodded again and this time Tracey used Rattata. The two clashed a bit, and Tracey threw his Monster Ball. It sucked Venonat up, Jiggle Ping! “Wow, I caught a Venonat!”

“Nice job!” Ash praised, and the two kissed. His pokemon oohed and awed.

“Thanks!” Venonat was a great help, thanks to his Compound Eyes ability, plus his natural sonar detection Tracey was able to find a little Paras. Rattata weakened him down and Tracey added the Paras to his team.

They had a long day, Ash ended it with a heated massage for Tracey and their Pokemon. His Pokemon relaxed and became a lot friendlier towards him, Tracey’s Pokemon enjoyed it, and Tracey got a happy ending. A fun time in the forest indeed!

To be continued Team Rocket Strikes Again, Evolution!


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