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Yugioh GX parody: Tier 1

Chapter 13 

Chapter 14 Centaur Versus Sheep

Jaden and Belowski faced off. “This is gonna be epic a battle between monsters.”  The two shuffled their decks and loaded them into the duel disks.

“A shame my friends can’t see it.” Belowski chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

“Sorry dude, I got so excited meeting another monster I kinda cut loose, normally when I duel my power leaks out making people all warm and cozy. They aren’t in any harm the Sheep Sleep lets one feel rested and fully charged.”

“Well that’s a relief.” He breathed a sigh.

“Do you still want to face me, you might end up like your friends?”

“I never back down from a challenge. Get your game on!”

Jaden/Belowski: 4000

“I’ll start things off sound good?” Belowski said with a smile.  “I’ll summon Red Sheep in attack mode.”

Red Sheep

2 Star Fire Beast/Effect: When this card is normal or special summoned you can add 1 Blue Sheep from your deck or GY to your hand. When this card is destroyed by battle your opponent takes battle damage equal to what you take after the damage step.


“Thanks to my monster’s effect I get to add Blue Sheep to my hand.”

“A sheep monster for a weresheep, he’s cute.”

“Let’s see what you got pony boy. I’ll throw down a face down and call it a turn.” Belowski’s turn ended.

‘Weresheeps have all kinds of tricks, but I won’t know what he has in store if I do nothing, let’s do this!’ Jaden draws.

“I summon Centaur #2 Balla!”

Centaur #2 Balla

4 Stars

A male centaur with red hair and red horse body. He keeps his hair short, and he has dark skin. He wields a bow an arrows.

ATK 1600 DEF 1400

Effect: Each turn he deals 400 points of damage to the opponent. (Each user’s turn. In a tag duel tag partner’s end turn this effect activates)

“A red horse against a red sheep, showdown of the century.” Belowski said with a laugh.

“I bet!” Jaden set down his his equip play spell card Enchanted Ropes. “Alright, Balla attack his Red Sheep!”

Balla fired an arrow at the little red fluff ball. “Not so fast I activate my trap!” The arrow struck a barrier. “This trap is known as Re-Counting Sheep, it’s a trap that goes on and on, and whenever one of my Sheep Buddies go away I can special summon another one from my hand.” The arrow pierced the barrier and struck the sheep.

Belowski: 2900

“Now my Red Sheep’s special ability activates, you take damage equal to the damage I just took.” Red fluff caught fire and rained down on Jaden.

Jaden: 2900

“That’s some ability.”

“Now my trap activates, allowing me to summon Blue Sheep from my hand!”  He was summoned in Attack Mode.

Blue Sheep

2 Star Water Beast/Effect: When this card is normal or special summoned you can add 1 Orange Sheep from your deck or GY to your hand. If this card is destroyed by battle, reduce all battle damage to 0 until the end of the turn.


“Now that he’s been summoned I’ll be able to add Orange Sheep from my deck to my hand.”

“Talk about synergy.” Jaden ruffled his hair. “But my turn is over and Balla’s ability is ready to take fire.” Balla fired a glowing arrow right at Belowski.


Belowski: 2500

“Not bad bro.” Belowski draws. “I’ll set a monster face down. Next I’ll play the spell card Happy Lamb Jumping, this continuous spell gives me a boost of life points by 300 for each face up Sheep/Lamb monster on my side of the field. Let’s count em show we!” He smiled, Blue Sheep jumped up and let out a bah. “One sheep!”

Belowski: 2800

“I’ll throw down a face down and end my turn!” Bang

Balla shot him with a glowing arrow. “My monster’s effect activates on each player’s end phase.”

Belowski: 2400

“Not bad bro!”

“My move!” Jaden Draws. ‘Atonne?’ Now he had his blue haired centaur. “Welp, Lady Luck has a sense of humor this game!” He summoned Atonne, his effect boosting Balla and his ATK by 400.

“Blue Sheep vs Blue Centaur, I wonder how it’ll go this time. Let’s rumble bro!”

‘Is he taunting me?’ Belowski was so laid back it was hard to tell. With his trap card even if he destroyed one of his lambs he’d just get another one from his hand. He still had his face down just in case. ‘In battle one shouldn’t charge blindly, a monster face down and a set card. Still...I can’t help but feel excited!’

“Alright then, let’s go!” He had Atonne charge in and slash at the Blue Sheep. He went poof, and the fluff surrounded Belowski.

“Now my sheep’s effect activates, all battle damage is reduced to 0 this turn.”

“Alright Bala attack his face down monster.”

“Sorry Jaden, not this time I activate draining shield!” His trap flipped and the arrow was absorbed and his life points recovered.

Belowski 4400

Jaden’s turn ended and Bala blasted Belowski with a glowing arrow.

Belowski 4000

Just like that the duel scales were tipping in Belowski’s favor. Then his trap card did it’s thing and Orange Sheep got special summoned to the field. “You know how my Sheep love to gather.”

Orange Sheep

2 Star Earth Beast/Effect: When this card is normal or special summoned you can add 1 Pink Sheep from your deck or GY to your hand. Your opponent takes all battle damage in battles involving this card.


He added Pink Sheep into his hand. “How you feeling bro? Not getting sleepy are you?” Belowski drawed.

“I’m going strong!”

“Cool, you are more fun that a lot of the other guys I’ve dueled.” He flipped up his face down monster. Mystic Sheep!

Mystic Sheep

3 Star Earth Beast/Effect: Flip: Select one monster on the field, that monster cannot attack and has its effects negated for two turns. At the end of the turn this card can flip face down.

ATK 800 DEF 900

“Baaaa!” Mystic Sheep’s effect, put Balla to sleep.

“No Balla!” He was seeping soundly.

“Now your monster can’t attack or use his effects for 2 turns!” Belowski then activated his spell card, his sheep monsters were counted giving a cute little bah.

Belowski: 4600

To Jaden’s shock Mystic Sheep flipped face down. “Well that’s not good!” Belowski ended his turn with a face down.

Jaden draws. He got Armor of the Centaurs, he activated the Equip Spell, equipping it to Attonne. Armor of the Centaurs

Any Centaur equipped with this card, cannot be effected by opponent’s card effects, should the monster equipped with this card be destroyed in battle destroy this card instead. Reduce the battle damage to 0.

Attonne was blessed with silver mythical looking armor that gave him a silvery aura. “Alright Attonne, attack his face down monster!”

“Sorry bud, I activate Wool Guard, this allows my Orange Sheep to take the attack himself.” He took the slash and popped, his horns shooting off and hitting Jaden.

“Why did my life points drop?”

“Orange Sheep sends all my battle damage to you dude!”

“Your sheep are tough!”

Jaden: 1400

“You know it, once we are done, you’ll be sent off to dream land.”

“I don’t think so.” Jaden ended his turn and Belowski’s trap worked its magic and out came Pink Sheep.

Pink Sheep

2 Star Wind Beast/Effect: When this card is normal or special summoned you can add 1 Red Sheep from your deck or GY to your hand. If this card is destroyed by battle, reduce battle damage to 0 and instead increase your life points by the difference between this monster’s ATK and the attacking monster’s ATK.


“This brings back my old friend Red Sheep remember him?” He had two of each of his little sheep bros in his deck.

“What a vicious cycle!” Jaden face palmed.

“Maybe for you, but this is one of the tactics I implement and enjoy!” Belowski draws. He flipped up Mystic Sheep, but the effect didn’t work thanks to Attonne’s armor. “That’s some nice armor dude, but your life points aren’t safe from my sheep.”

He summoned Red Sheep. “You remember this guy’s effect right?” He grinned. Blue Sheep getting added to his hand.

“Yeah I remember.” If Belowski attacked with Red Sheep they’d both take damage, but Jaden didn’t have enough life points to spare.

“Let’s battle!” He sicked the red fluff ball on Jaden’s Attonne.

“I don’t think so, I have my own face down Belowski!” Enchanted Ropes Activated, and bound Belowski’s monsters making it so they couldn’t attack.

“Nice move bro, you Centaur’s sure are a cautious lot. You should relax dude.” It was counting sheep time, and with three sheep monsters Belowski was getting another boost.

Belowski  5500

With the end of his turn, Mystic Sheep flipped face down.

Jaden draws. “I activate Pot of Greed.” He draws two cards. “Sweet!” He got Centaur # 3 Cendrio and Fairy Breath. “Alright time to make my move, first from my hand I activate Golden Arrow!” This card let Jaden destroy a random card in Belowski’s hand. “Depending on what gets destroyed I’ll be able to special summon a monster.”

“Oh man!” Golden Arrow fired and Belowski’s Blue Sheep was wiped out. “Bummer!”

“Now I can special summon Centaur Priest Fauna from my deck!”

Centaur Priest Fauna

A golden haired, hair is long, and he keeps a lay of flowers in his hair, dark skinned centaur, with a yellow horse body. Carries a Staff

4 Stars

ATK 1500 DEF 2000

Effect: Each turn increase life points by 500 points.

Fauna appeared on the field. “Fauna if you would please.” He nodded and healed Jaden’s life points.

Jaden: 1900

“Next I summon Centaur # 3 Cendrio!”

Centaur #3 Cendrio

4 Stars

Greed hair and green body and he is well built strong arms and mighty pecs. He carries a spear.

ATK 1600 DEF 1400

Effect: Should a monster be face down in defense mode, Cendrio can destroy the monster with no effect triggered.

The green haired centaur appeared on the field. Cendrio and Fauna got a boost.

Cendrio: ATK 2100

Fauna: ATK 2000

“Next I activate Fairy Breath!” This negated all of his monster’s effects. “How about we battle now!”

Cendrio attacked his face down, and thanks to Cendrio’s effect Mystic Sheep was destroyed, unable to activate his effect. Fauna charged in and hit Red Sheep like he was playing a game of polo.

Belowski: 4000

Attonne slashed Pink Sheep destroying it.

“Aww man!” His points dropped to 2500. His trap couldn’t activate since he didn’t have any monsters in his hand. ‘Looks like I’ll have to switch to plan G.’ He wasn’t out yet and he could turn all this around.

Jaden ended his turn and Balla woke up. “Alright welcome back buddy!” Jaden said.

Belowski drew. “I activate pot of greed!” He got two more cards. “Next I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Attonne’s armor.” The spell card blasted the armor, causing it to break apart and the pieces blow away into the distance.

“I’ll end my turn!” It was time for Jaden’s effects to activate, Fauna healed Jaden’s life points while Bala blasted Belowski.

Belowski: 2100

Jaden 2400

“My move!” Jaden draws. “Okay guys it’s time to win this!” He switched to battle phase but Belowski was ready.

“Sorry dude, no more fighting for your horse boys.” He activated Gravity Bind, making it so none of his 4 star or higher monsters could attack.

“Well you life points aren’t safe, while mine will be growing.” Bala shot Belowski, while Fauna raised Jaden’s life points.

Jaden: 2900

Belowski: 1700

“My move!” Belowski draws. “Far out, I activate Goblin’s Wok.” By banishing his extra Red and Blue Sheep, his goblin spell card was able to destroy two of Jaden’s monsters and increase his life points equal to half the destroyed monsters. The giant goblin grabbed Fauna and Bala, tossed his monsters with the sheep and they turned to golden particles.

Belowski: 3700

It was Jaden’s turn. He draws, with Gravity Bind his monsters couldn’t attack but he just needed the right card. He didn’t get it this turn, but he set a card face down and ended his turn. On Belowski’s turn he got a spell card known as Imp Bomb. Imps were the counter to fairies.

Imp Bomb negated Attonne’s ability reducing their ATK’s down to normal.

On Jaden’s next turn he got something he needed. “I summon Centaur # 5 Elaine!”

Centaur #5 Elaine

3 Stars

A blonde centaur with a white horse body, carries a shield and a dagger. Thin almost feminine but still male.

ATK 800 DEF 2000

Effect: Can attack directly, at the end of the turn can switch into defense mode.

“He’s a 3 star so Gravity Bind has no effect!” Elaine charged and slashed Belowski.

Belowski 2900

Thanks to Elaine’s effect he switched into defense mode at the end of the turn.

It was Belowski’s turn. “Time to share the love, I activate Pot of Honor!” This card let both players draw 4 cards. “Alright alright!” he grinned. “First I activate Goblin Taunt, this switches Elaine into attack mode!”

“Oh man!”

“Don’t worry bro, monsters effected by Goblin Taunt can’t be destroyed by battle.”

“Next I summon Light Sheep!”

Light Sheep

4 Star Light Beast/Effect: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can special summon Red Sheep, Blue Sheep, Pink Sheep, and Orange Sheep from your GY. While this card is face up on the field all other Sheep monsters except this one and Dark Sheep gain 1000 ATK and DEF.

ATK 1500 DEF 1500

“He brings back the little sheep bros from the graveyard and gives them a power boost radical right?”

Their ATK reached 1500 each, those sheep got super fluffy. Then their individual effects activated allowing Belowski to add the equivalent sheep to his hand.

“You remember my spell card right, now I get a boost from each Sheep monster.” They got counted letting out a bah each time. Sound waves washed over the island, people getting drowsy and falling asleep. Jaden was still gowing strong.

Belowski 4400

Next he activated Trap Restoration, which allowed him to destroy his gravity bind to increase his life points by 1000.

Belowski 5400

“It’s been fun Jaden, but with five 1500 ATK monsters, your life points are over.” Elaine couldn’t be destroyed by battle this turn, which means he could be attacked over and over again. “It’s light out!”

His sheep were ready to charge. “You aren’t the only one with multiples of cards in their deck, remember this one.” Enchanted Ropes was flipped face up, magical roped binding his monsters.

“Not bad!” Belowski grinned. “To end my turn I’m gonna activate my Level Limit Area B, which forces all 4 star and higher monsters into defense mode.” So Light Sheep, Attonne, and Cendrio were forced into defense mode.

‘Man this guy is good, boosts his life points with a heavy hitting trap cost, but then has a spell that still binds my actions.’ Jaden looked at his hand. ‘But still…’

Jaden draws. “I don’t plan on losing.”

Belowski laughed. “You are crazy man!” He was loving it, he’s never had so much fun dueling before.

“First let’s take this to a home field advantage. He activated Centaur’s Forest.” This boosted his monster’s ATK/DEF and made them immune to Belowski’s spell card. So Attonne and Cendrio got switched back to attack mode.

Attonne: 2000

Cendrio: 2100

Elaine: 1200

“Now say hello to my friend Centaur Unicorn!”

“Hello Bellowski waved.”

Centaur Unicorn

White hair, white horse with silver hooves. Wears blue silk over his body, has a long silver horn coming out of his forehead.

4 Stars

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects, when this card declares an attack destroy 1 spell or trap card on opponents side of the field. Once per turn you can send 1 card from your hand to destroy one spell or trap card on the field.

ATK 1900 DEF 2000

Unicorn: 2300

“I’m ready, you know my sheep special abilities and the fence of fluff won’t fall so easily.”

“I’m aware, which is why first I’m activating my Unicorn’s special ability, sending 1 card from my hand to the grave to destroy your continuous trap.” Unicorn’s horn glowed and zapped his trap with blue energy making it explode. “Next I’m afraid I’m going to have to break your fence of fluff.” Using his last card he got from pot of bounty. “Centaur Stampede!”

His Centaurs charged wiping out Belowski’s monsters. Belowski felt a surge of excitement, this was the power of the centaur, he played a good game but he was finished. His Centaurs charged in battle and took down Belowski, dropping his life points to 0. Belowski was left panting on the ground, his dick throbbing between his legs. “Ohh Jaden you are so amazing!”

Jaden checked on his friends, and they were also in a state of arousal. Their Sheep Sleep granting them some erotic dreams. Jaden sighed, he also was quite horny, but he wasn’t gonna wake his boys up for that.

“I can help with that!” Belowski moaned. “I’m a bit excited myself.” His nipples were hard and perky, and his dick was hard and throbbing.

‘He is a fellow monster, that means his body could handle me.’ Jaden smirked.

“I don’t so one night stands, if I mate with you, you're mine!”

“Yes!” Belowski understood and he was ready to serve. He was so lonely in his habitat, he tried to be chill about it but sometimes a werewheep needs some dick! Jaden had quite the monster of a dick too.

To be continued Lustful


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