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Danny Phantom parody; patreon reward

Chapter 1/2 

Chapter 3 Dash Breaks the Walls

In Dash’s mind there were walls between the popular and the unpopular, walls that kept the two classes divided. What made someone popular varied; money, looks, athletic ability.

He lived by the rules of popularity. The rules his dad drilled into him.

Popular didn’t hang out with unpopular, his dad said that they would drag him down. The popular could use the unpopular as they saw fit, his dad told him they should feel honored to help a superior specimen. There was no socializing with the unpopular, his dad told him he had to date at his level. The unpopular were inferior to the popular, his dad told him he was the man and he had to own it.

Dash had gained his popularity through sports and athletic achievement. He wasn’t just the football star, basketball captain, track and field leader, throw him at any sport and Dash excelled. His father made him give 110% at every physical activity thrown at him. He pushed Dash to being an athlete.

His dad didn’t care about studies or academics, he told Dash that high school would be the best years of his life, all down hill from that. He pushed him to bulk up, can’t be puny, never be puny. Puny guys don’t win games, puny guys get stepped on, puny guys don’t get dates. His twisted logic was drilled into his son.

Because of him Dash lived by these rules, put up these walls and hid a lot of his real interests from the world. His closet was filled with things his dad claimed weren’t manly. “A real man doesn’t collect teddy bears, a real man doesn’t sew, a real man doesn’t play computer games.” He had a lot of nonsense about what did or didn’t make a man. His dad caught him studying once and he literally threw the book away and made Dash watch a game instead.

Dash bullied Danny and Tucker, Fenton being his favorite target for some reason… He used nerds to do his homework for him. He mad fun of people for being puny, weak, or not as athletic as him. If someone was smarter than him and made him feel the least bit inferior he took a barbaric action against them. His mother at least put some form of chivalry into him as he never laid a hand on a girl.

He thought he was happy being the top dog, the All Star, the big man on campus, but was he happy? Obeying Fenton felt so good, so right. He wanted to do it again, and a part of him didn’t care if the other guys walked in and saw him.

The thought made his penis a little harder. ‘What am I doing? What am I thinking?’ He sucked Fenton’s dick and the taste lingered. All day he kept licking his lips, the flavor fueling his lust and desire. In class he gripped his crotch, cursing he wore something with less give.

His aching erection was pestering him, pushing at the fabric of his underwear relentlessly. His cock wanted to stand proud, so it kept pushing, pushing, PUSHING, rubbing at the confines. The friction was making Dash hot under the collar.

He didn’t pay attention in class, he just couldn’t. He even got a bathroom pass to try and jerk off in the bathroom. Dash beat his meat so hard his balls were bouncing, but it wasn’t enough to make him cum. “What is wrong with me?” He had cum from sucking dick and he had jerked off loads of times, but his go to fantasies weren’t doing it for him. His hole kept throbbing and Dash remembered something from a porno he saw once, where a guy had fucked a girl in the ass.

He had thought it weird before, the girl seemed to enjoy getting fucked in the ass. He chalked it up to being too horny in the moment, thinking weird thoughts, as his dad put it. His dad didn’t like him being “weird” always telling him don’t let weird thoughts distract you.

Dash was tempted to play with his ass like he did with Danny. The jock part of his brain didn’t let it happen, he had barely knocked on his back door before he reeled back. ‘What the hell am I thinking!?’

He was even hornier after his failed jerk off session in the bathroom. His dick didn’t like being crammed back into his tight jeans. His focus was broken and he was thinking a lot of “weird” thoughts right now. Dash kept replaying what happened in the locker room over and over again, like his own personal porno.

The jock part of his brain was telling him not to give in, to take charge, that he’d lose his popularity if he gave in. His libido wasn’t giving a fuck, an argued about all the sacrifices he made to be popular and if they were worth it. If Dash passed on Danny’s offer, it’d be his biggest one and the one he’d fully regret.

He was the top dog, the best athlete, he controlled his environment with his popularity and athletic ability, but it was lonely at the top. Dash couldn’t tell anyone, not his bros, not the popular girls, he was fully alone with his thoughts and desires. The desire to get off, to feel that relaxed pleasure again, to be with Danny again...

When he was on his knees sucking Danny’s dick he felt so happy. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed, so good. Dash had kissed plenty of girls, but none of them had made him feel like Danny’s kiss did. Danny was offering him more.

The rest of the school day felt like a blur, when the last bell rang his dick jumped. It was the last down in the game, he cast a look for Danny but the boy was already gone. ‘Is he waiting for me?’ He was so horny, he thought he was gonna cream his pants with every step.

He put his stuff away and he felt his walls closing in. If he left, he’d be Dash Baxter, Mr Popular, the All Star, the big man on campus, but…

If he went to the roof, he’d still be Dash Baxter, but the rest was a mystery. He was scared and it surprised him. ‘I’m not a coward, I can do this!’ he looked to the school exit and ran away from it. He passed by his popular “friends” and no one cared to see if something was wrong with him. He was acting odd all day and no one said a word.

He reached the door to the roof and he pushed it open. He found Danny there getting a blow job from Tucker. Both males were naked, and just doing things he’d only seen in porno. Tucker was sucking Danny’s dick, playing with his cock with one hand, and fingering himself with the other. “Glad you could make it Dash!” The jock blushed as he watched the two nerds go to town.

Dash had seen plenty of porn before, but nothing excited him more than what he was seeing. “Ahh!” Dash had a dry orgasm, his knees buckling. He was so surprised, it was his first one. He gripped his crotch with both hands thinking he had just made a mess.

“Dry orgasm huh?” Danny smiled at him. “You must have been horny all day.” Dash nodded dumbly. It was weird, he thought he’d be pissed, or thinking they had tricked him somehow, playing a joke on him. No, seeing the two together looked so right, so sexy! “I think Dash wants a turn?”

Tucker pulled off his dick, replacing his mouth with his hand, as he looked back at the jock. “Does he, he’s still clothed?” Dash gulped, and began to strip.

“You didn’t tell me Foley was gonna be here...”

“I promised you more didn’t I?” Danny smirked. “Don’t keep us waiting!” Dash shivered at the command. His hard dick slapped his abs and he groaned.

“Oh man he looks ready to explode.” Tucker said.

“Shut it Foley!” Dash snapped.

“Yeah not so scared of you when your dick is ready to blow.”

Dash growled. “I don’t need this!” he turned around and looked ready to leave.

“I wonder about that, isn’t that why you are here, isn’t that why you stripped? You want this.” Dash blushed and his penis wept. “Now be a good boy, come here and show us some respect.”

Dash moaned. He turned back around and came over to the two. Tucker moved and let the jock at the tasty dick he’s been thinking about all day. “Use your hand and jerk Tucker off.” Dash shot a glance at Tucker who stood next to Danny wagging his cock.

He obeyed, taking hold of another man’s cock for the second time today and he began to jerk him off. “Mmm that’s nice.” Tucker’s words oddly made him feel really good. He was breaking his father’s rules, but he was getting so excited and turned on.

Dash was having a blast sucking dick and jerking Tucker off. He was about to blow when Danny stopped him, cupping the back of his head. “You gonna cum from sucking my dick?” He nodded.

“Good!” Danny started fucking Dash’s mouth, the dominance pushing the blonde over and he came on the room.

“Oh man he really did it!” Tucker moaned as his dick was squeezed.

“I believe I promised you more didn’t I?” He nodded again, sliding back and forth on his penis. “Your ass hole feel hot?” Dash nodded. “That’s because it’s lonely, your mouth is enjoying such a tasty treat. It wants a taste.”

Dash pulled off Danny’s cock. “I don’t know...I’ve never...I can’t...”

“Shh, just relax.” Danny’s eyes turned red. “Trust in me, you trust me don’t you Dash.”

“Yes!” he rubbed his cheek against Danny’s penis.

“You made the right choice coming here, we scratched the surface in the locker room. You can forget about the Dash Baxter you used to be, we gonna break you and find the real you and remake you!” He slapped Dash’s face with his penis. “A new Dash Baxter is gonna be born here today, we are gonna accept you, we will love and cherish forever.”

“Doesn’t that sound nice?” Dash got a goofy grin on his face. It did, it really did. “Now you are gonna suck my friend here, show him your love for cock!” Dash obeyed, Tucker sat down and spread his legs and Dash crawled between them. Dash went to town, Tucker moaned in delight as Dash Baxter sucked his dick down to the root. “Your smart mouth is better at this Baxter!” Tucker moaned.

Dash didn’t respond, he had his mouth full, he was really enjoying himself, if his new leaking erection was anything. Tucker had a rich manly musk making Dash’s head spin. It wasn’t just Danny’s cock that had a great flavor and aroma. ‘I really do love cock!’ He held onto Tucker’s hips and sank down, swallowing his penis with all his might.

Danny got behind the blonde. “You have a really nice ass Dash, all those days you’ve been working out, were you trying to shape these glutes?” He groped Dash’s butt, digging his fingers in and earning a muffled moan from the blonde. His hole was throbbing, begging for attention.


Dash moaned, sending pleasurable vibrations through Tucker’s dick. “Yeah moan for us bitch. That’s what you are our jock bitch!” Tucker said and Danny slapped his other cheek. Smack! Dash moaned again and continued to suck Tucker’s fat cock.

His hole parted, and Danny grabbed Dash’s dick, using his penis for some free lube dispensing. With his fingers slicked, he began to play with Dash’s hole. At two fingers Dash came again. “That was pretty fast Dash, but you were always fast weren’t you, fast on the field, fast in bed?” Tucker chuckled.

The jabs at his pride cracked Dash’s walls, finding the truth that lay beneath. Danny smirked, he could see the wheels turning in his head. Dash’s walls were crumbling, the “truths” his father told him didn’t have any standing anymore.

Danny fingered him, and Dash switched from bucking back on Danny’s fingers and gobbling down Tucker’s penis. They were at it for some time, Danny found Dash’s sweet spot and sent him into another orgasm. His brain melting and leaving through his dick. The hybrid gave his sweet spot a rub down, milking him of a few extra spurts. “That’s called milking, you liked getting milked don’t you, well here comes my milk!” Tucker moaned and came into Dash’s mouth.

The taste was different than Danny’s but Dash loved it all the same. Tucker’s all meat diet left him full of testosterone. So he was still gung ho and ready to go. He cupped Dash’s head and dragged his balls over him. Tucker never thought he’d see the day where he’d be t-bagging Dash Baxter, with the oaf enjoying it.

Dash sniffed Tucker’s balls, panting like a bitch in heat. His warm breath tickling Foley’s balls and penis. Danny’s fingers were stretching his hole open. “You are doing so good Dash, your ass is opening up very well. You are a natural!” He took two fingers nicely, his hole getting scissored open.

Two fingers became three, and even four. Danny kept finger fucking Dash. The jock was losing his mind, it only got worse when Danny found his sweet spot. “Oh fuck!” He twisted the fingers and churned up his insides, rubbing his sensitive bundle of nerves.

“This is your prostate, feels good right?”

“Yes so good!” Dash moaned.

“Wait till his dick digs against it!” Tucker said, and something inside Dash snapped. His dick twitched and burst shooting his cum all over the ground. “Looks like he wants it buddy.”

“Do you want my cock Dash?” He slapped his heavy cock against Dash’s ass and the jock shuddered. He knew the itch that’s been plaguing him now and that would scratch it good. The jock part of his brain tried one final time to stop this.

‘If I do this, there’s no going back!’ This opportunity wouldn’t come up again. When Dash Baxter got the ball he never fumbles.

“Please, I want it, fuck me!” Danny and Tucker smirked. He pulled his fingers out, and Dash whined at the loss. The hybrid lined up his cock as Tucker brought his dick to his lips.

The two pushed in together, spitroasting the jock who gave them so much grief. Dash felt the jock part of his brain collapse, his was were being torn down. He made his choice, he broke them, and they weren’t gonna be put up again.

As Danny and Tucker fucked the blonde, showing him dominance, and he kept craving more. Danny’s dick plundered his ass nice and deep, his sweet spot getting pounded and pressed again and again.

Every inch inside, the friction backwards and forwards, the steady clap of skin striking skin, and the sheer power of Danny’s thrusts it was so wild. He thought Danny was weak and puny, but he had this potential...this power and strength inside him.

‘Dad….you were wrong...’ Dash surrendered to the pleasure. Danny and Tucker came inside him as he blew his own load across the ground. He lost count how many times he came, but Tucker was keeping track.

Once when Danny was half way inside, another while soft when Danny buried his length fully. Danny fucked him back to full arousal, and a few jabs to his sweet spot later had Dash blowing again. Danny kept pounding him, no matter how tight he got. That was on top of all the orgasms before.

“That’s it Dash, just relax, give in to the pleasure. You crave submission, and you will submit and serve. We hold the building blocks and we’ll help remake you!”  The last thing Dash saw before everything went black was Danny’s ghostly red eyes.

To be continued


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