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DBZ parody: Phone Fic

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Return

Frieza’s death had more ramifications than Goku knew. King Cold came out of retirement and sought revenge for the murder of his son. One of his probes located Vegeta and tracked his ship all the way back to Earth.

Vegeta was exhausted, he had searched all over for Kakarot and came up empty. ‘That bastard, where is he, when he gets back I’m gonna teach him a lesson!’ He had witnessed Kakarot’s Super Saiyan form, it was breath taking. Vegeta wanted to obtain the power for his own, and what way to become a Super Saiyan than to fight one. This is what he told himself, but his drive to find Kakarot had deeper meaning.

Bulma had invited him to stay at her place while the ship received repairs. He was able to shower, eat, and rest. “You sure are impatient, Goku said he’d be back in a year.”

“You believe that?” he scoffed. “Kakarot’s been training for two years, he’ll be much stronger.”

“Sounds to me like you admire him.”

“That third class clown?!” Vegeta roared. “Never!” he huffed. “How could I admire someone who throws away his saiyan pride?!”

“Technically he hasn’t.”

“What?!” he growled. Bulma made some tea and sat down.

“Goku’s been raised on Earth, how can he throw away his saiyan pride when he doesn’t know anything about his people or history?” Vegeta was surprised at that, he hated to admit it she had a point. “Maybe once Goku comes home, maybe you should talk to him, give him some history. I’d like to know more about the saiyans myself.”

Vegeta recalled Raditz’s conversation with Kakarot when they met, he certainly hadn’t won his little brother over, threatening his home, his family, his friends, of course he’d fight back. They hadn’t made any better impression when they came either.

Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta had come to Earth with less than honorable goals. ‘If I had done things differently could we have survived, if I had looked at Kakarot and Raditz as more than third class trash could we have grown stronger together.’ He was their prince, and his actions had caused the saiyans small numbers to dwindle even more. In many ways he and Frieza were a lot alike, he didn’t have to throw away his pride but he could stand to lose some of his arrogance.

He decided to stay on Earth, and was surprised when Kakarot’s son came to visit him. He thanked him for helping them on Namek, even if it was for his own personal gain. Gohan actually reminded him a lot of his brother Tarble. ‘The saiyans have been scattered and lost, as the prince I should be the one uniting them.’ He had failed in that.

Vegeta looked at Gohan. ‘Yet another saiyan who won’t know the ways of his people.’ He had much of the saiyan history inside him, the saiyan race wasn’t gone, but could he continue to watch it fade away. ‘I’ve thought of only myself, I chastised Raditz for getting soft, but I had become lax as well.’ His father had been a proud man, but allowed his arrogance to bring their whole world to ruin. ‘What am I gonna do?!’ He felt wound up and on edge.

The prince knew nothing of Kakarot and his time on Earth so he made a trade with Bulma, giving her some Saiyan history lessons and she gave him stories about Goku. This meant Bulma and Vegeta spent more time together, much to Yamcha’s displeasure. To Vegeta’s surprise Gohan kept sneaking over for these Saiyan lessons, much to his mother’s displeasure. Vegeta wondered if he was just finding distractions for himself.

He wanted to obtain the power of Super Saiyan, he wanted to fight Kakarot again, and he wanted to restore the saiyan name to glory! More and more seemed to be piling up as the day of Kakarot’s return drew closer. To bad, someone else was coming sooner.

A chilling power level was felt by the Z Warriors as a large space ship came towards them. “No...not him...why is he here?!” King Cold, Frieza’s father a man said to be even stronger than Frieza.

He had a massive force with him, they may not have been of the power of the Ginyu Force, but their numbers were serious.  Vegeta’s armor was being repaired, so he had to settle for some Earth clothes Bulma had around. Vegeta and the Z warriors moved towards where the ship was landing.

Piccolo used his super hearing to hear what the king was wanting. “Fan out and find Vegeta, I want him captured alive, you may kill anyone else you find. Vegeta was there when my son was killed, I’ll get answers out of him even if I have to torture him day and night!”

“Looks like he’s here for revenge.” Piccolo smirked at Vegeta. “Aren’t you popular?”

“You think if he finds a Namekian he’ll let you live, he plans to kill us all.” He growled.

“My dad killed Frieza, this was bound to happen.” Gohan said, but the question was how did King Cold find them?

“We aren’t just gonna sit back and let them kill us!” Krillin said. Before the group could charge in, a new power level was felt. The enemy scouters reacted before exploding.

“This...this can’t be...” Vegeta shuddered.

“It’s my dad!” Goku’s ship landed hard and fast.

“Who might this be?” King Cold stated, his men aimed their weapons at him. The ship opened up and out came Goku clad in Yardratian attire, with his tail swishing. “Who are you?”

“My name is Goku, I’m a saiyan who was raised here on Earth!” He said. “Who are you?”

“You are a saiyan? You do look familiar, you must be the son of Bardock.” He chuckled. “I am King Cold, father of Frieza. My precious son was killed on the Planet Namek, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about it would you?”

“I’m sorry, I fought him and even tried to save him, but in the end he died.” He bowed his head.

“So you are the one who killed him. Men! Bring me his head!” His men opened fire, but the energy blasts from their weapons were child’s play. Goku was able to blast them back with ease.

“Haaa!” this force alone caused their weapons to explode. “I give you this warning, leave now and never return!” He was serious.

“You must be joking!” King Cold laughed. “No lowly saiyan monkey is gonna give me orders!”

“You are just like your son, and that arrogance will be your down fall!” Goku charged, tearing through his soldiers like they were paper. One of the men tried to grab his tail, and got an elbow to the back of the head for his action. “That should teach you, I learned to train my tail long ago!”

King Cold had no choice, he transformed into his kind’s true form. He was larger than Frieza, and his natural armor spots were blue instead of purple. His power shook the planet, he was a lot stronger than his son, he had age and experience on his side. While the others began to sweat, Goku was cool and calm. Cold fired his death beam, it was thicker than his son’s but the piercing effect was still true, but instead of a small hole drilled through a vital spot, King Cold could blast a hole through someone.

Goku didn’t dodge, instead he fired a ki blast, just a simple ki blast. It overwhelmed King Cold’s Death Beam, tore through his arm, and blew up the ship behind him. King Cold screamed in agony, while everyone looked on in shock. “I gave you a chance, what happens now is on your head!” He turned Super Saiyan, shocking the tyrant king.

“So the legends were true, you are real. The Super Saiyan!” He chuckled weakly. “Well Super Saiyan, you can die with the rest of this world!” King Cold try to blow up the planet, but before he could Goku was on him, kicking him into the air, and following up with heavy blows and kicks.

The tyrant didn’t know what hit him. Goku wasn’t giving him a chance to build up the ki to destroy his home. “No please...mercy...” King Cold choked out.

“How many…?”

“How many what?”

“How many innocents asked for mercy only to be wiped out!”  Goku’s fury shook the air.

“I...don’t know...” he built up a small death ball. “Why don’t you ask them in hell!”

“Kame...” Goku charged a Kamehameha, “Hame...” it was amazing, “Ha!” it blew away the Death Ball and King Cold in one shot. None of the Z warriors had seen such a powerful attack, even Vegeta could tell it was stronger than when he combined it with Kaoiken Times Four.

King Cold was taken out, and Goku powered down. The Z warriors were in awe of Goku’s new power. It was Vegeta who approached first. “Kakarot, where the hell have you been? How did you get so strong? How did you regrow your tail so quickly?” A string of questions came from Vegeta’s mouth.

Goku ignored all his questions and instead hugged the Saiyan Prince. “Kakarot! What are you doing?” he gasped, a blush spreading on his cheeks.

“I missed you, Vegeta!” Goku purred. The noise sent shivers up and down the prince’s spine.

“What are you saying clown?!” It was getting hard to focus, not with Kakarot’s manly scent washing over him, his body’s natural warmth pulling him in.

“I wanted to see you again, I felt you from Yardrat, you were searching for me weren’t you?”

“I WAS NOT!” he snapped, it was an obvious lie and it made Goku chuckle.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about things, about you, about me, about the saiyans.” He released Vegeta from his hug. “We need to talk very soon.” He whispered into his ear, his tone made Vegeta’s heart skip a beat.

His friends and family came over, and it was a joyous reunion. Yamcha was certainly happy to see Goku, hoping he’d get rid of Vegeta. Krillin was happy to see his oldest friend again. Gohan was overjoyed to see his father once more. Tien and Piccolo were more reserved, but still happy.

“Goku how did you get so strong? Is it because you’re a Super Saiyan now?” Krillin asked.

“That transformation does give a boost, but I’ve been learning Spirit Control from the Yardratians.” He said with a smile. “I’ve picked up quite a few tricks.”

Goku went over to Gohan and channeled his ki. “Spirit Healing!” Gohan gasped as his tail grew back.

“Goku, is it safe for you and Gohan to have those...” Yamcha spoke up. “What happens during a full moon?”

“A saiyan tail is a natural part of our body, how about I cut off one of your limbs?” Vegeta snarled, Yamcha flinched and backed away.

“It’s fine guys, I learned how to control my Ozaru form, and I’m sure with Vegeta’s help Gohan can learn to control this form too.”

“I can tell you’ve gotten a lot stronger Goku.” Piccolo points out. “What are some of these new tricks you have?”

“Well I wasn’t able to master some of the more advanced techniques, but I can help teach the basics. I’d like us all to get stronger.” He showed off Instant Transmission, and explained how Spirit Control helped bring out the most in his ki attacks.

“That explains how you handled King Cold so easily.” Vegeta said. “Seems you are not as soft as I thought you were.”

“I didn’t want to kill him, but I knew if I didn’t he’d keep killing, he’d destroy this planet and everyone I hold dear on it.” Killing King Cold and Frieza had a deeper effect on Goku than Vegeta and the others realized. Goku didn’t like killing, but sometimes he had to.

“Goku, destruction and creation are two powers that keep the universe moving, too much of either would bring chaos. You have been able to turn enemies into allies, and have showed mercy on those who may not have even deserved it.” Piccolo shot a glance at Vegeta. “Myself included, you are still a good man, and a true warrior.”

“Thanks Piccolo.” With the threat neutralized, and Goku safely back home, things started to wind down a bit. Gohan was excited to bring his dad back.

“I bet mom will be really happy to see you.” Goku chuckled.

“Maybe, but before that I need to talk to Vegeta. Why don’t you go home and let your mother know I’m back.” Goku was more reserved about seeing Chichi again.

“Okay, don’t be too long.” Gohan flew off, and the other Z warriors headed off. They weren’t worried about leaving Goku alone with Vegeta as, the man was clearly strong enough to handle the prince on his own.

Once everyone was out of sight, Goku looked to Vegeta. “Well Kakarot what do you want?”

“You!” Goku said, confidently and proudly. Vegeta’s eyes widened as the Earth raised saiyan kissed him. The prince was shocked, and couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his lips. Kakarot was an amazing kisser, surprising the prince of all saiyans.

His hands slipped behind Vegeta, holding him close and searching for a certain spot on his back. He was glad Vegeta was wearing human clothes it made this easier. He found his tail spot and gave it a rub, electric-like sensations surged through the saiyan prince. Vegeta broke the kiss to moan. “Kakarotto!”

“Spirit Healing!” He activated his healing ki, and Vegeta moaned as his tail grew back. “I’m sorry for taking your tail before.” It wasn’t his hand but he lost it in their fight.

Vegeta swung at him. Goku dodged out of the way, and caught Vegeta from behind. “You third class fool, you dare steal a kiss from me!” He growled.

“I’m sorry, I’ve dreamed about doing that for over a year.” He chuckled. “That and so much more.” Vegeta blushed, feeling Kakarot’s hardness against him. “Tell me Vegeta, is what I feel for you wrong?”

He wanted to say yes, but it was a lie. “No, saiyan males often mate with each other.” Goku’s tail curled around his fresh one, it had Vegeta melting. He was so hard. “Are you gonna take me Kakarot?” He growled. “I won’t be dominated so easily!”

“I’m sure there is some merit in that, the battle for dominance, sounds thrilling. I want something else right now.” Vegeta gasped as his pants were undone, there was another Kakarot in front of him. “Spirit Clone, do you like? If not you soon will.”

Goku slipped his hands under Vegeta’s shirt, and began massaging his thick pecs. His clone pulled Vegeta’s pants down causing Vegeta’s dick to spring up and slap him in the face. Vegeta couldn’t believe it, he’s faced clone techniques before, he could always spot the double, but in this situation he felt sandwiched between two very real Kakarots.

The clone started licking his dick as Kakarot began to play with his nipples. The two powerful sensations clashed with each other, in a battle that had Vegeta’s heart pounding in his chest. He bucked and shifted, groaning as Kakarot’s bulge pressed between his cheeks so he could grind directly on his ass.

Vegeta moaned and trembled, but Kakarot supported him, kissing his neck and nuzzling him. He didn’t hate this, that little ball of arrogance inside him wanted him too, trying to get his pride to turn on Kakarot and reject his feelings and attention. He may have been a prince, an elite, but he deserved pleasure too.

Kakarot’s actions were staying close to the line but not crossing it. His focus was on Vegeta’s pleasure. He may have been playing with his prince, but it was a game they both were enjoying. The clone took his cock into his mouth and began to suck on him. “Ohh fuck Kakarot...fuck ahh ahh ohh!”

Vegeta could take a punch, but he couldn’t take the barrage of pleasure the two Kakarots were dishing out to him. His clone was just as eager, deep throating the prince and nuzzling his pubes. He slurped and sucked him, while the source played with his nipples, pinching them and tugging them, adding a pinch of pain that only made the pleasure sweeter.

The fact he neglected his own needs made it worse. His big balls churning and boiling. Vegeta let out a roar as his orgasm erupted and his cum shot down the clone’s mouth and throat. True to his word Goku ended their little session, fixing Vegeta’s pants up. “I want to mate with you Vegeta, but I want you to want me as much as I want you. My prince, will you let me love you.”

Vegeta’s head was burning with questions, one after another was piling up. He shuddered and sighed. “Do what you want.”

“Thanks!” Goku kissed him, turning Vegeta’s legs to jelly again. “I’d like us to train together, get stronger together, there is so much I want to know.”

Among the mountain of questions, Vegeta picked one at random. “Did you learn how to kiss from your “wife”?” he asked.

“No, Chichi didn’t really kiss me. I had seen it in Master Roshi’s books but I didn’t really understand it.” Vegeta raised a brow at him and Goku scratched his head sheepishly. “I uh practiced with...” Goku looked to his clone and Vegeta blushed.

The image of the two Goku experimenting and kissing appeared in his mind and it made him hard all over again. “I do need to talk to Chichi about things, but know this my prince. I married her to honor a promise I didn’t understand, my feelings for her aren’t the same as what I feel for you.”

“I am not jealous of some Earth woman Kakarot!” he huffed.

“Oh? If you say so,” he kissed Vegeta’s cheek. “I’ll see you soon my prince.” He absorbed his clone and flew off. Vegeta felt a true feeling of happiness swell through him. Little did he know their little encounter was witnessed by someone.

To be continued


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