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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Merry XXXmas

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Aizen had gathered quite a few arrancar, a handful with the power of a Vasto Lorde. Some were modified, others had unique abilities reaching Captain Level strength. “It is time to test the efforts of Soul Society and see, if one little zanpakuto was enough to break them.”

His first invasion was just Ulquiorra and Yammy, sent to test Ichigo Kurosaki to see if he was deemed usable or trash. Despite severing Yammy’s arm in the fray, Ulquiorra deemed him as trash. Grimmjow didn’t take to kindly to his report and assessment, so he took his fraccion and invaded Karakura Town on his own. He lost his seat as an espada and his arm for his actions.

Yammy had recovered his arm and was ready to go on Aizen’s mission. There was a new Arrancar Wonderweiss. “Ulquiorra, Yammy, proceed with the plan, you may take any arrancar you need with you for this mission.”

“Thank you sir.” Ulquiorra bowed.

Aizen looked to Grimmjow. “Well Grimmjow, would you like to participate?” the blue haired former espada growled.


Ichigo had checked in with the Vizards after coming back. They were amazed at his two zanpakuto and his new ability. With Muramasa’s help they were able to communicate with their zanpakuto and hollow powers, increasing their hollowfication times and even improving their sword skills. Shinji was very smug, and was loving rubbing the fact it was his idea to recruit Ichigo in Hiyori’s face.

She was pissed but if it meant more power to crush Aizen, she’d accept it. Ichigo also got some pointers from Hacchi, he wasn’t good with kido and he wanted to be able to use Muramasa as best he could. Hacchi was a kido master, so he was able to assist.

He would need to test these abilities out of course…

-x- In Soul Society-x-

Ukitake was observing the training between Rukia and Orihime, when Shuuhei approached them. “How is it going?”

“Both have improved. Sode No Shirayuki has returned to Rukia completely now. How is Kazeshini?”

“He’s returned, we had a long talk, and come to a...form of understanding...” Shuuhei blushed.

I’ll stick by you Shuuhei, but do me a favor would you?’

Yeah sure, what is it?’

Stop being such a stuff shirt, go get laid would you?’


Hit up that orange haired hottie, pretty sure he’d show you a good time!’

You can’t be serious...’

Promise me!’Shuuhei sweatdropped.

Okay, okay...’

Since then Kazeshini has been manipulating his dreams, he’s been having random sex dreams between him and Ichigo. Sometimes being a threesome with Kazeshini. It seems Kazeshini was tired of Shuuhei being a virgin. He started getting creative throwing Kira, Renji, and others into the mix. He was taking his repressed desires and turning his dreams into an orgy.‘Can he at least wait till after the war.’ waking up with a sticky fundoshi or an aching erection.

“I figured out the nature of my zanpakuto, I had it wrong all this time.”

“Interesting.” Ukitake sighed. If Koga had realized the truth he could have used his power to help others grow. He wouldn’t havebeenalone in the end. Shuuhei delivered the Newsletter to Ukitake. “You have been working hard.”

“It’s no trouble.”

“All work and no play, as they say.” Ukitake chuckles. “You should relax more. Although if you claim the captain’s seat, you could gain help with a lieutenant.”

“You think too much of me Captain Ukitake.”

“You should enjoy this time while it lasts Shuuhei-kun. Such peace tends to not last forever.” Even though he wished it would.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Captain.” Shuuhei bowed and left.


“Ahhh!” Renji moaned, his skin flushed. He was blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back. Ichigo’s spirit threads were binding his arms tight, some was tied around the base of his cock with threads reaching up and connecting to his nipples. ‘This is so hot!’

Renji was shaking and trembling, riding Ichigo’s dick. If he stilled for too long. Smack! “Ahhh!” he got moving again bouncing up and down, his plump ass jiggling as he moved. His movements made his cock bounce and slap, the spirit threads tugging on his nipples. “Nnn ahh fwuahh ah ah ah fuck!”

Ichigo had one hand controlling and manipulating the spirit threads, keeping him bound tight. “Please Ichigo...let me cum...” he moaned. His balls were itching like crazy, his cock turning an angry shade of red. He was so turned on, even the swats to his ass was making him want to blow.

“You know the deal Renji, make me cum or break the bonds, if you wanna cum.” He chuckled.

Renji groaned. He flared his reiatsu while continuing to ride Ichigo. It was hard to focus with Ichigo’s cock stirring up his insides. The friction was making his concentration melt. What made it worse was that Ichigo’s spirit threads were STRONG, harnessing his overwhelming spiritual power into this technique was impressive.

If he tried to still himself to overwhelm the threads his booty got the smack. This was going on for hours! His concentration broke and he moaned as he had a dry orgasm. “Looks like you just asked for a special guest.”

Ichigo called out Muramasa, his spirit was naked for their current activities. He approached the two and began to face fuck Renji. The red head moaned and began to eagerly suck on the spirit’s cock. Each time he had a dry orgasm Ichigo summoned a different spirit for Renji to suck and if he could guess who it was, he’d get a treat.

So far Renji hadn’t been able to guess correctly, but his lust addled mind wasn’t caring just enjoying getting double teamed. “Mmmm!” If he was more clear headed he’d notice while the spirits were all roughly the same size there were subtle differences, Zangetsu was the thickest, Shiro had a slight curve to him, while Muramasa was half an inch shorter but his balls were massive.

Muramasa came, his thick seed flooding his mouth. Renji gulped it all down. “Is it Zangetsu?”

“Sorry it’s me!” Muramasa playfully slapped his face with his dick.

“Damn it!” he moaned, but judging by the face he was making rather enjoyed the dick slap.

“Worship his balls Renji, and don’t stop moving.” Renji obeyed, lapping at Muramasa’s massive nuts. His musk filling Renji’s senses and increasing his lust high.

“He’s quite into this, Ichigo-sama.” Renji moaned at the praise.

Ichigo watched the show his cock twitching in delight inside Renji. ‘He’s so sexy!’ He rolled his hips making the red head tremble and squirm.  If you’d have told young Ichigo he’d be balls deep inside a man who once tried to kill him he’d have called you crazy.

Once Ichigo felt his release building, he planted his feet firmly on the ground and gave Renji the ride of his life. His large cock stirring up the red head’s insides. As soon as Ichigo came, so did Muramasa stuffing his cock into Renji’s mouth and blowing his load. Renji felt his release wash over him, as he took their seed from both ends.

Their reiatsu poured into him, flooding his body and stimulating his body. His orgasm was far more intense and lasted for several minutes. Muramasa vanished allowing Renji to pant and moan. “Fuck...That was awesome!”

Ichigo released his bindings. “How you feeling Renji?”

“My arms and legs feel like jelly, all tingly!” Ichigo pulled his cock out and helped get Renji into his bed. He then traced his finger around the man’s entrance creating a small barrier, keeping all his seed inside. “Ohh fuck, where’d you learn that?”

“My friend named Hachi, he’s pretty good at making barriers. He taught me a few tricks and Muramasa helps keep my spiritual pressure under control to make it work.”

Renji chuckled and sighed. “Man you are really pulling ahead of me. At this rate you won’t need a guy like me...”

“Don’t say that!” Ichigo snapped. “You’ve helped me a lot, you taught me how to wield my sword better and strengthen my stance.” Ichigo blushed. “And besides, you are strong Renji. I’m always gonna need you.” It was Renji’s turn to blush.

The two shared a kiss, Renji managing to pull Ichigo to him. “What did I do to deserve a guy like you in my life?”

“Tried to kill me twice.”

“Oh yeah….right...” Ichigo chuckled and kissed Renji again.

“The past is the past, we are here in the present, and I’m very much looking forward to our future together.”

Renji chuckled. “Where’d you get that from?”

“It’s something my mom used to say.” his features softened.

“Wise woman your mom.” Renji took Ichigo’s hand and laced their fingers together.

Before the moment could get any cuter, a chilling pressure was felt.

The arrancar were invading…

“Damn it!” Renji tried to move, but he was exhausted.

“Don’t move Renji, I got this!” Ichigo’s spirit body was cleansed, and his shinigami robes materialized on him. “I’ll go!”

“You better not die!”

“Don’t plan on it!” Ichigo smirked at him.

“Give them hell!” Renji gave him a thumbs up.

Ichigo raced off.

‘Oi Zabimaru!’ Renji reached out telepathically.

Yeah we felt it.’ Monkey said.

‘Ichigo is going out to fight, but I’m unable to proceed.’

Yeah we felt that too, Ichigo fucked you good huh!?’ Snake said, making Renji blush.

‘Just get moving and look after him make sure his back is covered.’

Fine, we’ll move out, but he’s moving pretty fast and is far away.’

‘I understand just move.’

You really love him don’t you Renji?’ Snake purred/teased.

‘GET MOVING!’ He snapped.


The arrancar invaded and met with the Shinigami and their Zanpakuto spirits. Grimmjow had slipped away to find his own prey.

To be continued


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