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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1

Merry XXXmas

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Skills and Body

Yusuke was quite pissed at his state, he had plaid quite a few arcade games in his life, and slimes were the weakest, beginner monsters. “Why am I a weak little slime?! What happened to my sexy human body?!” Yusuke was already missing his tough, punk body. Not only had he spent years honing it into a lethal beast, but he had a sizable dick to boot, the envy of the boy’s locker room.

Now he was in this soft, squishy, possibly adorable body.

Slimes are not weak, in the Demon World they are considered some of the most dangerous monsters in existence. Not only are they durable and resilient, but they are adaptable capable of surviving even the most deadly of terrains in the Demon World.’The mystery voice explained.

“Oh yeah?” He sighed.

Slimes are the ultimate predators, capable of eating anything, dissolving and absorbing demons and gaining their powers and abilities. The older the slime the more dangerous as its had more time to gather any number of skills.’

“Skills? Powers? Abilities? You make this sound like a video game...but I guess I did die and become a monster.” He thought about it and this could actually be kinda fun. “So what kind of skills do I have?”

You have the Predator Skill, it will allow you to eat other demons and monsters, it also grants you a second sub space stomach. Dissolve, allows you to break down everything you eat and absorb it into your body. Analyze, lets you find skills and abilities from the creatures you eat, you can also use it to scan your enemies and objects. Self Regeneration, if you take damage you can regenerate and heal. Shapeshift, as a slime you can shapeshift and even mimic the things you eat. Demon Energy, the energy of monsters and demons, you can harness it and train it for other abilities.’

Yusuke listened to the mysterious voice, and he couldn’t explain why but it was almost like he could see the skills in his mind, ready to be used. Demon Energy was like magic, he’d have to train it up but he could probably do some pretty crazy stuff.

Using your demon energy now; you can use Divide creating a temporary clone. Minimize, you can shrink down. Maximize, you can increase you size growing massive. Last but not least Transparent you can use your demon energy to turn invisible. These skills will help you work your demon energy muscles.’

“That sounds cool, but I do really want my body back.”

There is a way to get it back, a small chance.’

“Just who are you? How do you know all this stuff?”

You’ll find out one day, I only have a small window to help you, and you have only one chance to getting back your original human form.’

Yusuke decided to trust this guy, he hadn’t been steered wrong so far right?

-x-In Spirit World-x-

“What do you mean you lost his spirit?” Koenma shouted.

Botan flinched. “Well I had come to assist Yusuke Urameshi’s soul, but it vanished shortly before I arrived.”

“There is no way a soul could simply vanish!” This was most disturbing. First Yusuke Urameshi died without warning or plan, now his soul had also gone missing. “Botan get back to the living world and find me that soul!”

“Yes sir!”

All of this was very troubling. Koenma hoped that Yusuke may be the perfect candidate for the Spirit Detective position. Now the slot was still empty, and with the threats on the horizon he’d need to choose a new detective soon. ‘There is another with spirit potential.’


As it turns out Yusuke’s body was still in good condition. Because he reincarnated the way he did, all his latent spirit energy was now charging his body. All of his experiences were still inside him, the mystery voice said if Yusuke could devour his body using Predator, he’d gain everything he earned in life and be able to mimic his human appearance.

He practiced his Transparent ability, using his demon energy he was able to turn invisible. He moved about the city heading towards his house. It turns out his mother was holding his funeral.

His body was in his old bed, with a white clothe over his face.  People would be able to come, pay their respects, his body would then be blessed the next day, before taken for burial. He knew his mother didn’t have the money to bury him.

Yusuke’s Pov

It looked like the whole school turned out for this, wasn’t expecting that. Teachers and students alike turned out for this.“Can you believe Urameshi died protecting some kid?”

“Yeah right, he probably was trying to take his lunch money, and the car saved the kid!” They laughed, laughing at a dead man’s funeral those jerks! When I get my body back, I’m gonna kick their asses. I could tell a lot of these people were here only out of obligation, they didn’t care that I was dead.

Mom’s still in shock, I doubt she fully realizes what’s going on. People are talking to her and she’s like a zombie. Maybe that was for the best, so she couldn’t hear what some of these jackasses were saying.

“Well that’s one cockroach down!” Iwamoto that jerk, why did he even bother to come. I knew Iwamoto hated me, but damn. I saved a kid’s life and he still thinks I’m scum, I could probably save the world and he’d still think less of me.

Him and Mr. Akashi were always on my case, they taught me real quick there was no point in trying in their class. For people who think status and reputation are everything deep down they’re just scum. He was always insulting me to my face guess I shouldn’t be surprised he’s talking bad about my back.

Keiko was crying for me at least, her friends were trying to console her. They thought I was a monster before, wait till they saw me now. This squishy body wasn’t so bad I guess. Keiko’s family was always good to me, her old man never charged me for a meal when I was hungry. Her mom always gave Keiko extra to share with me at school. They were decent people at least.

Her parents were trying to console my mother. I wasn’t expecting for Kuwabara to show up, let alone make a scene. He was crying and begging me to come back, his boys were trying to get him under control. “Urameshi...come back...you gotta come back to me. Come back and fight me again...please!”

That big idiot, I’m right here, I’ll be back soon. Then I’ll rock your world again. Kuwabara froze and looked around, did he sense me or something? He’s always been weird, but...whatever it was, the little distraction got his boys all they needed to take Kuwabara away.

Akashi hated Kuwabara as much as Iwamoto hated me. If the two of us had killed each other, they’d both be happy. “Maybe another car will take that one out to.” Thesetwo bastardswere laughing, they’d have pushed me infront of the care themselves,I’m about to bust out some ass kicking on these two.

Turns out I didn’t have to Takenaka smacked them upside the head for me. After chewing them out, he sat with my mother and paid his respects. “He was a good kid, he deserved better treatment. I believed in him and I was right Yusuke died a hero saving a young boy’s life.” He declared, and wow. I didn’t know he cared, I should have noticed.

The kid and his mom turned up, he was a little scratched up but he looked good. “Thanks for making me laugh, I hope we get to play again real soon!” Poor kid, had no idea what I did for him.

His mother and my mother hugged and she broke down crying. It was a nice service, it certainly gave me some perspective. Once it all got quieted down I slipped in and found my body. Hey there stud, we’ll be reunited soon!


My squishy body expanded and covered my body. I didn’t have any taste buds right now, glad for it. My body was dissolved and absorbed into me. “Transform!” Shifting and morphing I was back. “Oh yeah, this is nice!” I exclaimed.

It was nice having muscle again, I flexed and moved,my fat dick swinging between my legs as I moved. I felt different, like my body was lighter than air. Everything looked like it was back in place. Damn it felt good to have my body back and that wasn’t all. I could feel power flowing through me.

Spirit Energy Unlocked, Spirit Gun Skill, Spirit Sense Skill, Dominator Skill, Snatch Skill, Human Mimicry, Heightened Senses Skill, Monster Heart, Demon Strength, Slime Pistol.

They all sounded cool, but I’d have to figure them out later. “How am I gonna explain that I’m alive now?”

I have an answer to that, now that you’ve become complete, you have both spirit and demon energy. You can use a Unique Skill Magic Sense, you can use it to warp the perception around you.’

It sounded like a plan, it would take a week, but this Magic Sense skill could warp the memories of those around me. They’d forget about my death, its just a small change, from death to coma. The voice said spirit world messes with the memories of the living all the time with this technique.

After this power takes hold, I’ll be able to live in my house again. With my new powers I can make some changes even. Till then...I’ll be cruising around the city as a slime!

I couldn’t wait to take my new bod out for a test drive, but if I walked around now, everyone would freak out and think I was a zombie or something. Kuwabara may have a heart attack if I showed up to pound his ass and a dead man showed up at his door. I can wait, it’s just a week, how much trouble could I get in, with just a week? Plus this gave me time to work on my skills.

To be continued Kuwabara’s Troubles


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