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DBZ parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Meeting Kami

It was a bit sad for Kakarot, the kai’s planet was his home for some time. Shin was like a father to him, his mentor and guide, while Kibito was like a grumpy uncle. The Kais were his family. Even if it wasn’t goodbye forever, it would be some time before they saw each other again.

Kakarot and Cumber planted the planet seed they helped it grow with their god ki. It would take some time for their planet to bloom. It was the job of the Kai’s to create new worlds, they had the power to even terraform planets. They’d terraform their own planet once it bloomed. “This will be home for us one day.”

“My home is with you!” Cumber said and hugged Kakarot from behind. The smaller saiyan chuckled, their tails coiling together.

“I believe there is a planet nearby with life, we should visit it.” Cumber nodded and the two were off. Kakarot sensed around until he located Earth. The two floated over the planet a bit as Kakarot pulled out a scroll. Scroll of the Universe, many years ago Shin traveled the universe collecting data on various planets across the way. He used this data to pick the location to store Majin Buu. “Let’s see Earth, here we go!”

“Earth is a class 2 planet, it’s mortal level was a bit on the low side, and it’s technology was also near non existent.”

“Sounds kinda boring.”

“Hmm, well it says this planet is full of natural resources.” Something didn’t feel right. Kakarot wasn’t sure if this old data was helpful. Shin hadn’t been to Earth for a very long time. “There is a planet guardian, we can talk to him.”

The two came down to the Look Out. Mr. Popo was the first to great them, as an immortal genie he had the ability to sense divine ki. “Welcome to the Look Out, home of the Guardian of the Earth. I am Mr. Popo at your service.” he bowed. He trained the guardians of Earth for millennium.

“Hello, my name is Kakarot the North Supreme Kai, this is Cumber my lover and attendant.” Cumber gave a polite bow.

“I shall fetch Kami.”

“It is alright Mr. Popo, I felt their presence.” Kakarot was surprised to see a Namekian. When he gazed out at the universe he had seen the Namekian Planet a few times. “I am Kami, the Guardian of Earth.” He could sense God Ki, he knew who they were, and despite their great power he felt there was no ill intent from either of them.

“It’s nice to see the Namekians helping out other worlds.” The word sounded a mixed of foreign and familiar.

“Is that what my people are called. I came to this world very young, I don’t even know where I am from.” Kakarot was able to fill him in. Kami in turned shared his history with the two over some tea and snacks, provided by Mr. Popo. He had come to this world very young, he held no name so took on the name Kami when he became the guardian of the Earth.

Kami had watched over the Earth, learning both the good and evil of this world. He believed to be a true guardian he had to be pure, so he expunged all the evil and wickedness he absorbed creating a clone. While Kami wished to protect and watch over the world, his clone wished to destroy and conquer it. He became known as King Piccolo, he built an army of monsters and nearly destroyed the Earth.

Creating his army took a heavy toll on him, but even with the strain he was a power this world was not ready for. The world’s strongest warriors gathered to try and stop King Piccolo. Kami was ashamed of what his double had done, and accepted that if he died so would he. It was not to be, as King Piccolo was sealed away by the end, his army slain. The war against his monsters had left a scar on the world. “So I created the Dragon Balls, when gathered they can be used to summon the Eternal Dragon to grant the user one wish.” He used them first, undoing the destruction caused by King Piccolo, giving the world a chance to heal.

Kakarot understood, with what happened to Cumber, getting consumed by evil. Shin wanted him to understand the balance of good and evil, too much of either can corrupt someone. Kami tried to become the ultimate good to be the guardian, and thus created a counterpart of evil. “Do you think there is a chance the two of you can become one again?”

“I doubt he’d go for it, the only reason he doesn’t kill me is because we are linked, my death would mean his own.”

“Hmm.” It didn’t sit right with Kakarot. He hoped he’d be able to help them settle their differences. Kakarot explained their situation, about the planet seed and how they’d be neighbors soon enough. Kakarot was in charge of this sector of the universe, and he wanted to try and be hands on and help people.

Kami meanwhile believed these kai could help bring an end to King Piccolo. “You are welcome to stay here until your planet is ready.”

“We appreciate your hospitality!” Kakarot said and Cumber grunted in response.

“Your companion is a man of few words.” Even his mind was still it was like the center of a great storm of power.

“He’s more a man of action.” Speaking of actions Kakarot began to talk to Kami about his plans for the universe. He’d like to get started on raising the mortal level of the universe. He wanted to be more hands on and help. Once their planet was set, he’d like to explore worlds, and help them become more habitable. Solid goals even Kami was impressed.

“This planet has some martial artists on this planet, I’m sure there is much you can show them.” Sounded promising, he’d like to cultivate those with potential, but even help those without the talent to be better. Kami had trained a hero or two in his day, but time bested the best of them eventually, even him.

Kakarot finished off the snacks. “We’ll do our best to stay out of trouble.”

“I would appreciate it yes.” He pointed them in the direction of a big city.

The two flew off to explore the world below.


“Shin-sama really should update his records!” Cumber nodded. Population and technology had advanced since Shin had visited. The two flew around the city a bit, but that was attracting too much attention so they decided to walk. Humans were truly amazing creatures, full of creativity and potential. What humans could do with food alone had the two saiyans drooling. They followed their noses to a vendor.

“You boys aren’t from around here.” A shopkeeper told them, he had an assortment of kabobs, with meat spiced and covered in sauce.

“We are from the Divine Planet of the Kai’s.” The man just chuckled.

“That’s nice.” Their stomachs growled. “You hungry, you can have some 3 kabobs for 10 Zenni.”

“10 Zenni?” The two shared a look.

“Come come, 10 Zenni for 3 kabobs is a very fair price.”

“Kami didn’t tell us about this.”

“You weirdly dressed men don’t know about money or currency.”

“I’m afraid not, if we don’t have money we can’t eat?”

“Well do you have any gold, silver, precious jewels, I’m a simple man so I suppose I can make a trade.” Kakarot had an idea. He used Magic Materialization to create a bag of gold coins and a bag of silver coins. Creating minerals and metals was easy for a kai.

“Will this do?” He gave the man 10 gold coins, the equivalent 10 thousand zenni.

“Oh my goodness!” He checked the coins as Kakarot and Cumber were given some kabobs.

“Mmm Delicious!” Cumber gasped.

“This staff is so tasty!” Kakarot moaned, licking some of sauce off his lips. The two started walking off with their kabobs.

“Sirs wait, you paid too much.”

Cumber growled at him. “We paid for your food we keep meat!”

“Easy big guy!” Kakarot patted his back. The man just chuckled and backed off, he gave them his stock for the day and went to cash in the gold. It was more than he made in a month. “Hmm, we’ll need to learn more about this currency stuff.”

“Saiyans traded for services, we’ll get the hang of it.” The two ate kabobs while taking in the sights. There were buildings that reached high into the sky, people were riding around in mini space ships, there were all kinds of strange sights, sounds, and smells. They tried food from different vendors, burgers, hotdogs, corn dogs, rice balls, and even ice cream. He tried paying with silver, which was like buying ice cream with a hundred bucks.

Kakarot unaware he was doing something called flashing the cash. Word was getting around, that two tall dudes with tails were walking around with bags of gold and silver. Some less wholesome people started tracking them down.

It was nice spending time together. Cumber felt relaxed even with so many people around. Human food had so many unique flavors and combinations. The stuff called ice cream had apparently 32 flavors and he wanted to try them all. Kakarot thought it best they pace themselves. They found a nice bench to sit on and relax, watching the hustle and bustle of the city. “Hey Cumber!”

“Hmm?” Kakarot kissed him on the lips. “Mmm!”

The kiss lasted a bit before Kakarot broke it to lean against him. “What was that for?”

“It’s just that...I’m glad you are here with me.”

“I’m happy to be here with you too!” The two were being so lovey dovey even the passersby found it adorable.


“There they are boss, they even have tails like the rumors say.”

“The big guy looks like trouble, but the smaller one shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“They might be nobles from some foreign land.”

“Well then let’s give them the royal treatment, and we’ll take em for everything they got!” A local gang had targeted the two thinking they were just some abnormal humans. Arms with guns they hatched a plan to take their money even if by force.

To be continued...Rumble in the City


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