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DBZ parody: Phone fic

Last of the phone fics hope you guys enjoy

Yardrat Advanced

Goku landed on Yardrat after his fight with Frieza. There he trained to gain control of his new power as a Super Saiyan. The Yardratians had all kinds of techniques and skills for Goku to learn, and since him and his friends helped their planet by diverting the Ginyu Force and Frieza Forces that had been attacking their world.

Chapter 1 Training

Goku was a saiyan raised on Earth, his original name being Kakarot. He had the power of the saiyans running through his veins, but lacked saiyan training, so he was a wild monster when he transformed into an Ozaru. Because of this his tail was removed so he wouldn’t be a danger for Earth.

He had accepted this fact, but wished he could have his tail back as he always felt stronger with his tail than without. He trained and trained to battle threats against the Earth. From King Piccolo, to his own brother Raditz, and wicked saiyans Nappa and Vegeta. It turns out there were greater threats in the universe.

Frieza and his forces attacked Namek to gain the power of the dragon balls. Mystical orbs when gathered together summon the Eternal Dragon and who is capable of granting a wish within their power. Frieza wanted to use the balls to gain immortality. Goku and his allies came to Namek themselves seeking to undo the pain, death, and suffering caused by Vegeta and Nappa.

Goku, his son Gohan, his friend Krillin, and Vegeta took on the Ginyu Force, some of Frieza’s elite soldiers. Vegeta was the Saiyan Prince, Goku had spared the Prince’s life, hoping like many of his enemies in the past he could be redeemed and saved from his dark path. A revived Piccolo helped join the fray trying to stop the Cold Tyrant.

Frieza was strong, the strongest enemy Goku had ever faced. Even with King Kai’s training, his 100 times gravity on the flight to Namek, even getting a zenkai boost from fighting the Ginyu Force weren’t enough to bring down this monster. Frieza injured Piccolo, killed Krillin and Vegeta, and Goku snapped.

A pure burning rage surged through him, his saiyan genes awakened and he became the Legendary Super Saiyan. His dark hair turned blonde, his black eyes turned blue, as a golden aura cloaked his form. This form turned the tide of battle allowing his son to escape with Piccolo.

In a chain of wishes the Namekians killed by Frieza and his men were revived, and a young Namekian wished all the inhabitants except for Frieza and Goku to Earth. The Super Saiyan clashed with the villainous Frieza as the planet threatened to explode. Goku knew he had to remain behind to keep Frieza from following.

Goku wasn’t the end of Frieza, it was his own pride and arrogance, slicing himself apart with his own attack. Son had given him enough energy to survive, and tried to leave. Frieza took this mercy and tried to blast Goku in the back. Goku easily blasted Frieza believing to have killed the monster once and for all.

He used a ship to escape the planet’s destruction, but he didn’t have time to plot a course for Earth so he set the ship to its last location. The ship blasted off taking some damage from the explosion. What Goku didn’t know is that the Ginyu Force had been tasked with taking over a planet called Yardrat, a place known for its unique fighters and abilities.

When he arrived injured and broken the inhabitants were a bit wary of him. In the end they chose to heal the mysterious man and get some answers. They sensed he was not an evil person, so they hoped for the best.


While Goku recovered things on Earth marched on, the Namekians used their dragon balls to restore the fallen warriors and innocents killed by the Saiyan attack on Earth. However when Parunga was asked to revive Goku…

“It is not within my power to revive him. Son Goku is still alive!” This shocked Gohan and Vegeta, even King Kai who believed that Goku had died in the explosion of Namek. They wanted to bring Goku to Earth, but…

“I’m sorry, but I am not able to do so. Son Goku says he is unable to return. The power he obtained to defeat Frieza is too unstable, he would be a danger to you all.” Parunga’s eyes glow. “He swears he will return once he is safe.” The dragon finished granting the wishes of creating a new planet Namek and taking the Namekians to it along with their specific dragon balls.

The fact Goku was alive was a relief, and hope filled the void that they’d see their friend again. Goku had sacrificed his tail to keep them safe, if he needed time to keep them safe then so be it. They could wait...

Vegeta wasn’t so patient, he stole a ship and went in search of Kakarot himself. He believes that Goku is training and getting stronger, and he wasn’t exactly wrong.

During the first six months of Goku’s arrival on Yardrat he was recovering from his fight with Frieza. His new transformation and the fight itself had taken a heavy toll on him. The last six months Goku was getting control over his new power.

The Yardratians were not the most powerful of beings, but they had a certain set of skills. Spirit Control, advanced ki manipulation. Through spirit control they were able to heal Goku bit by bit and help him gain control of his new power. During the healing process Goku’s tail grew back.

He was gonna cut it off again but the Yardratians stopped him believing they could help him gain control of his Ozaru form as well. It was intense but the Yardratians believed Goku wasn’t completely a mindless monster. The rage of the Super Saiyan and the rage of the Ozaru were different but manageable.

The chance at being whole again, the safety of his people and his planet hung in the balance. So Goku chose to stay, telling Parunga he would not return to Earth, wish or no wish. The people of Yardrat welcomed him, and said he could stay as long as he liked.

Goku was honored by the Yardratian kindness, and chose to stay to learn more about spirit control. He swore to himself one more year. He had to get control of himself by then, anything else would just be a bonus. Instant Transmission was one of the basics Goku learned. His Ki Sensing ability grew, able to sense ki at greater distances.

With time the Saiyan was soon practicing an advanced abilities. One technique was one he had seen on Earth, their Clone ability was similar to the Multi-Form Technique. The clone technique was far superior, as with the multi-form technique cut the user’s power in half to create a clone, and creating another clone would halve the halve and so on.

Not with Spirit Control, one Yardratian was actually able to create up to ten clones of himself without losing any power. Goku practiced this and after two months of training he was able to create a perfect clone. The clone acted as a perfect sparring partner and target for ki training. Goku even figured out that if he absorbed his clone back into him he absorbed the clone’s experience.

He then surprised the Yardratians by having his clone assist with Spirit Control training, with the two working together their ability at using Spirit Control grew. His clone worked on controlling his Ozaru form, while the original worked on controlling Super Saiyan. They were attacking their issues at two ends and it was impressive.

Soon Goku had enough control to create a third clone. He had this one continue to work on the basics. With the help of his clone Goku mastered the Instant Transmission technique, much like with the Kaioken, Goku was able to advance the technique.

His limit was reached upon creating a fourth clone. Pyabara was amazed at Goku’s adaptability. Even with things he struggled with, he came at them another way. He was able to control his new Super Saiyan power, tame his Ozaru form, and use the Spirit Clone technique in a profound way.

There were five Gokus training, meditating, and practicing spirit control; sometimes together otherwise separately. Through this crazy idea Goku was able to learn the Spirit Healing Technique. On Namek they had used up the Senzu Beans and Goku was not able to heal and protect his friends.

He didn’t want that to happen again, so he had two clones working on mastering this technique. One meditating and doing spirit training, while he sparred with another clone. After his spar he had his clones attempt to heal him before he absorbed them. He grasped the Spirit Healing technique.

Sadly, he wasn’t able to grasp Gigantification at all. Pybara believed his Ozaru form filled that role in his spirit, and that by mastering his Ozaru form he had perfected his own unique form of Gigantification.

In the final months Goku and his clones struggled to learn one of the advanced Yardrat Techniques. Forced Spirit Fission, a technique that can separate and manipulate energy from the target. Its said that could reverse fusions, absorbtion, and even free trapped souls.

“It is an Extremely Advanced Technique.” Pybara said.  Pybara claimed Goku had already scratched the surface of this technique via the Spirit Bomb. He could pull energy from life around him to form a pure attack to attack the wicked. If Goku could grasp Forced Spirit Fission, he could take the energy from his opponent and make a spirit bomb that way.

As his time ran out Goku had managed to grasp the technique but not master it. He could perform the technique by striking his target with physical blows, but Pybara was able to perform this at a distance. “You could stay, there is still much we can teach you, Spirit Fusion, Spirit Barrier, Spirit Nullification.”

“Thanks but I have had a lot of time to think, I’ve done a lot a growing since Namek. I want to go home, and see my son, my friends, and someone special.”

“You are a good man Son Goku. You have done a lot of soul searching, I wish you good fortune going forward.”

“Thank you!” With some help from King Kai he was able to put in the right codes to get his ship to go to Earth. Now he just had to wait. ‘I’ll see you soon...’ Goku closed his eyes and smiled.

To be continued


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