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Pocket Monster parody: phone Fic redux

Was on a long trip to doctor office, back with a couple shots some hope, and this story

Pokemon Journey Blue

Recycled from Red, Blue, Yellow Ash. Ash Ketchum has come of age and wants to start his Pokemon Journey. He manages to make it to Oak's lab, and chooses a Squirtle as his first pokemon. His Adventure is just getting started and he can't wait.

Chapter 1 Journey Starts!

Ash has always loved Pokemon, he's wanted to be a trainer for as far back as he can remember. He even took part in Professor Oak's pokemon school. Now that he has come of age he was able to get his trainer's license. 

He was so excited to get his first pokemon from Professor Oak. There was a choice between Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Ash was so excited he didn't know which one he was gonna pick. Ketchum stayed up all night, thinking about which pokemon he was gonna use. 'I wish I could get them all…' he smiled. It was a big world, maybe he would. 

Ash slept in, but thankfully his mom woke him up, after he mistook his alarm clock for a monster ball and threw it. He raced to Oak's lab in his pajamas and bumped into Gary Oak. "Gary?!" He gasped.

"Sleep in again huh Ash?" Gary laughed. "You almost missed out on your first pokemon!"

"Well, but I didn't, right?" Gary shrugged.

"You are hopeless!" 

Ash raced inside. Gary wasn't worried knowing he'd get a better pokemon than Ash anyway. Oak noticed Ash wasn't really dressed for the occasion. "Break your alarm clock again?"

"Yeah…" he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Well you still made it, you may choose a pokemon." Ash smiled. Out of the three starter Pokemon, Ash had racked his brain all night to pick just one.

"I choose you!" He picked up a ball and called out...Squirtle!

"Squirtle squirt!" The pokemon called out. Ash's eyes sparkled. 

"My first Pokemon!" Ash hugged him. "Let's get strong and take on the Pokemon League!" He declared, Squirtle felt his trainer's drive and spirit. It helped form a bond between the two. 

"A water type huh?" Gary stepped forward. "I'll take this one!" He called out a Bulbasaur. "And just like that, I've already surpassed you." 

"Are you kidding me?" Ash snapped. Gary huffed. 

"Even you should know about type advantages, we may be starting out at the same time, but I'm already better." 

"Let's have a battle and find out!" Squirtle agreed. Prof. Oak gave them their Monster Balls and Pokedex's, before leading them to a field they could battle in. 

"Alright Bulbasaur let's make this our first victory!" 

"Bulba!" He stomped on the ground looking ready to charge. Squirtle was ready to fight. Ash used his Pokedex, to check Squirtle and his moves. 

'Tackle, Withdraw, and Bubble...okay…' Ash knew this was gonna be a challenge, but he was ready to face his rival.

"Squirtle I know the typing is against us, but let's do our best!" Squirtle nodded. "This is our first battle, let's do this!" 

"Battle Begin!" Oak acted as the referee. 

"Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!" Bulbasaur launched a twin vine attack.

"Squirtle dodge it and use Bubble." Squirtle dodged the vines and blasted Bulbasaur with a water attack. 

Gary laughed. "Fighting back with a water attack, so lame its not very effective you know?" He had Bulbasaur use Tackle, which Ash had Squirtle use his own Tackle. The two clashed, having equal strength. 

"Squirtle give him another Bubble!" Bulbasaur tanked the hit. 

"Not good enough, Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!" 

"Dodge it Squirtle!" For a turtle pokemon Squirtle was quick on his feet, dodging his Vine Whip again and again. "Keep up the Bubble!" 

Bulbasaur was taking hits while Squirtle was avoiding his attacks. 'It sure is fast!' Gary thought. "Bulbasaur sweep his legs with Vine Whip!" The grass type obeyed and knocked Squirtle off his feet knocking him onto his back. 

Squirtle scrambled as he couldn't get off his back. "On no!" Ash gasped. 

"Alright Bulbasaur, use Tackle!" Bulbasaur charged.

"Squirtle use Withdraw!" Squirtle pulled into his shell, boosting his defense. Tackle hit and Squirtle was launched into the air. He recovered and landed. "Now Tackle!" 

"Dodge it!" Squirtle charged like a bullet, and Gary realized it too late. Squirtle wasn't just fast, his Bulbasaur was slow! 'The Bubbles!' Squirtle hit hard, and knocked Bulbasaur back. 

He struggled to get back up, but he did and his bulb glowed. "Overgrow perfect, use Vine Whip!" Bulbasaur launched one final attack hitting Squirtle hard and sending him flying back into Ash's arms. 

"Squirt...le…" he fainted. 

"Squirtle is unable to battle, Bulbasaur is the winner." Gary and Bulbasaur celebrated. 

Ash hugged Squirtle. "You did great, especially against a type disadvantage." Ash rubbed his back, allowing him to come to. 

"You both battled great, I look forward to seeing how you grow and develop your pokemon." Oak said. While Gary was as confident as ever that he'd beat Ash next time no contest, but this match was close, closer than he expected. 

"We may have lost this time, but next time we'll win." Ash declared. Gary laughed.

"In your dreams loser!" He returned Bulbasaur to his ball and left to get him treated. 

Ash treated Squirtle to a batch of berries, recovering his energy and stamina. Ketchum had learned in Pokemon school that Bubble could lower a Pokemon's speed. 'While the attack itself wasn't super effective, it did slow him down.' His grandson was so over confident he missed the change in the flow of battle. 

It was a good lesson for Ash, he'd have to use a lot more strategy to deal with opponents who have either more experience or advantage. "Pokemon Abilities will also be a factor. I can't believe I forgot about it!" 

"Squirtle also has an ability similar to Overgrow, Torrent boosts a Water Type's moves in a pinch." Oak explained. "The match could have gone either way." He patted Ash's back for support. 

"Thanks Professor!" 

Ash's mom arrived, bringing clothes, shoes, backpack, snacks, and his hat. "Thanks Mom, I really appreciate it." He introduced her to Squirtle.

"My such a cutie!" She patted his head. "Please look after Ash for me."

"Squirtle!" He nodded. 

"Aww mom!" Ash blushed. She hugged him. 

"No matter how much you grow up, you'll always be my son. My little Ash…" he hugged her back.

"I'll do you proud mom!"

'You already have sweetie.' She thinks and wipes away some tears. Ash got changed and he was ready to start his adventure. Ketchum looked at his partner then to his ball. 

"How about you hang with me outside, what do you think?" Squirtle was happy to hang out with Ash, so the two were off entering Route 1. 


Ash looked up the Pokemon that could be found in the area on his Pokedex. "Rattata, Pidgey, and Spearow. If we go fishing we can probably find some Goldeen or Magikarp." In his backpack he had an old collapsible fishing rod.

"Squirtle squirt!" He thought that'd be fun.

The two encountered a Rattata, and Squirtle charged in and attacked him. The Rattata got startled and ran away. Squirtle sulked a bit, but Ash patted his back. "It's okay buddy, we'll keep trying."

Pidgey, and they were able to have a battle. Squirtle knocked Pidgey out with a Bubble. "You did it buddy!" Ash cheered, but Ash forgot to throw a monster ball. Pidgey recovered and was able to escape. "Sorry that was my bad." Squirtle patted his back. 

They kept exploring the route and bumped into a girl at the river. Ash tried to fish when a girl with orange hair burst out. "Hold it!!"

Ash gasped in shock. "Who are you?!"

"The name is Misty, I'm a water Pokemon trainer!" She stated proudly. "Get lost, this is my spot!" She snapped. 

"You don't own the area, this is a public route!" Ash snapped back. 

"Yeah, but I called dibs, so get lost before you start scaring all the Water Pokemon away!" She shouted. Ash sweat dropped.

"You were the one who started yelling." Squirtle agreed. She spotted Squirtle and began to gush, it was a total 180. 

"Oh your Squirtle is so cute, I just love Water Types!" Squirtle sweat dropped. He didn't take her praise too seriously, since she had been so mean just moments before. "How about a battle, I just caught a new pokemon and would love to test him out."

Ash agreed, but made a deal that if he won he'd be allowed to fish in peace. She agreed and called out her Goldeen. The two Water Types battled, it was a bit different since they were fighting mostly in the water. A good lesson for Ash about using one's terrain to your advantage. Goldeen had a bit of an edge, but Squirtle got the edge learning Water Gun and knocking Goldeen out of the water and finished it off with a Tackle attack. 

Goldeen fainted and was unable to battle.

Misty huffed. "Next time you won't be so lucky!" She returned her Pokemon and rode off on her bike. 

"What is with that girl?"

"Squirt?" He had no idea. Still they had won a battle and Squirtle even learned a new move. 

"Let's try to catch a Pokemon!" Ash fished for a bit, but nothing seemed to be biting. "Maybe Misty's screaming did scare off the Pokemon?" 

He decided to give it up, and go try out his new move on some other Pokemon. Squirtle was ready for some action. They found a Pidgey and battled it again, Squirtle knocked him out with Water Gun. 

"Monster Ball go!" Ash threw the ball and it hit. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! Ash's eyes brightened, and he trembled with excitement. "We caught a Pidgey!" 

"Squirtle squirt!" He cheered. 

Ash got his new friend a berry to recover. "Welcome to the team Pidgey!"

"Pi Pidgey!" They were all friends now. 

"How about some training, we can work on Pidgey's speed and evasion while working on Squirtle's accuracy and power." His Pokemon were ready. Pidgey flew around while Squirtle attacked. "Nice, nice, keep it up you two!" 

After a while Ash let Squirtle rest, and he became the target to work on Pidgey's attacks. He took a few hits to gauge the power. "Nice, keep it up dig deep!" Pidgey nodded swooping in and striking Ash. "Now that's strong! Keep it up Pidgey!" He took his Tackles.

"Idge Pidgey!" Pidgey kept this up until he was able to knock Ash back. "Pidg?"

"I'm okay, your tackle is really strong!" Pidgey blushed. "Now let's work on accuracy!" He had Pidgey swooping at him while he dodged. Ash flipped, jumped, ducked, and dodged. "You are really fast Pidgey, why don't you take a rest." 

Pidgey nodded and it was Squirtle's turn. They worked on his Tackle a bit, before switching to Water Gun training. Ash was working hard right along side his Pokemon, earning their respect. 

Ketchum dodged Squirtle's Water Gun, but something behind him didn't. "Spearow!" The cry sent chills down their spines. This Spearow would be the source of their upcoming trouble. 

To be continued


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