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DBZ parody: Tier 1

Hey guys please enjoy this random update as I work on completing one last kinktober special and Reliable Imp, before i move onto the backlog of projects i got going. Today was interrupted by irl stuff and wasn't able to get my head straight. There's been ups and downs but I appreciate everyone's support, makes some of these downs not feel so bad.

Chapter 1   

Chapter 2 Goku’s Trial Collect the Dragon Balls

Mercenary Tao was hired to retrieve the dragon balls at any cost. Cost it did, 50 million per person, plus expenses. Commander Red agreed to pay it so long as he could deliver the balls. “A small price to pay.”

Many of his generals didn’t approve of this, but Tao Pai Pai’s reputation proceeded him. He once killed a man with his tongue during the World Martial Arts Tournament, he was disqualified, but gained infamy.

He went to the small village beneath Korin’s tower catching Goku’s attention. In his free time he often watched over the village, the small tribe followed the teachings of Korin. H had wanted to meet Korin, as he was an 800 year old martial arts master, but Kami kept him on a short leash.

Korin originated in the Other World and had even helped teach Kami a thing or two. To the world below he was considered the God of Martial Arts. Kami planned to have Korin evaluate Goku sooner or later.

Goku sensed turmoil in the village. Tao Pai Pai was just after the Dragon Ball, but his sinister nature could be sensed by the village chief. Bora refused to hand it over. “I sense evil in your heart, I will not hand this treasure over to you!”

“A pity.” Tao goes and attacks some of the other village warriors. He killed one instantly. “How many deaths will it take till you hand it over?”

The warriors tried to fight him, but they were young and not as strong as the chief. Tao broke their weapons easily and followed up with a killing blow. “Stop it!” Bora charged in and was actually able to fight against him.

“Father be careful!” A young lad called out.

“Is that your boy, how sweet!” he kicked Bora and knocked him into Korin’s Tower. “Perhaps killing him will get you to hand over the ball.” he cracked his knuckles.

“No stop!”

“Then hand over the ball!” Upa wasn’t going down without a fight, he pulled out his bow and arrows and shot at Tao. The Mercenary broke the arrows, not breaking his stride.

Upa ran out of arrows fast. He grabbed an axe, preparing to defend himself to the bitter end. “I won’t let you kill my son!” Bora charged in with his spear.

Tao caught him and sent Bora flying into the air. “Then you can die first!” he shot the spear back and skewered Bora.

“Father!” Upa gasped and cried.

Tao stole the ball. “Now to finish you!”

Goku was shaking in anger, gripping the edge of the lookout, cracking it. Biting his lip so hard he had drawn blood. He wasn’t supposed to interfere, he wasn’t...when he saw Bora die he saw red! Kami told him he observed over everything across the planet, saw many acts of war, violence, and death, but such was the troubles of mortal men caused and created by them. As he put it he could go and save someone across the globe but there would always be someone in need of help. Goku tried to understand, he knew Kami was old and wise and had seen acts of justice and horrors alike, but right here within arms reach there was danger at their doorstep and he couldn't turn away!

When Tao Pai Pai was gonna kill Upa despite getting the ball Goku snapped. He shot towards the ground and his rage was so great even Mercenary Tao paused. “What on Earth?!”

Goku landed hard, he was wearing a blue gi with a black undershirt, with yellow pants, and weighted boots. “Enough!” he snapped, his furry tail uncoiling around his waist, thrashing with his rage. “How can you kill so easily?”

“I happen to be a mercenary killing is my job.”

“You came here for the dragon ball, you could have done so without killing these people!”

“Who are you to question my methods?”

“My name is Goku, I am a Saiyan Warrior!”

“I don’t know what a saiyan is, but a warrior is no match for a true killer!”

Goku looked back at Upa. “I’m sorry, but do not fear...I’m strong!” Tao charged at Goku and the two clashed. The saiyan was able to read Tao’s movements and was able to match his strength.

The murderer was being pushed back. “You fool I am the great mercenary Tao!” He charged up an attack. “Dodon Ray!” He fired a super heated beam from his finger, a technique that usually pierced his enemies burning them alive from the inside out.

Goku didn’t move, instead holding his palm out before him. The ray hit his palm. “Shaaa!” The ki dispersed and was sucked into Goku’s waiting mouth. He drank Tao’s attack down, finding the ki to be quite spicy but not unbearable. “Kaaa!”

He fired a Mouth Blast, taking Tao’s absorbed ki and applying it to his own, creating an impressive blast. It was quite the trick that Goku called Ki Doble. As he could not absorb ki endlessly like Mr. Popo he combined the two techniques, to negate such an issue. Not that he couldn’t absorb quite a bit of ki mind you.

The Ki Doble Mouth Blast was intense. Had Tao not strengthened his body with his ki, it was possible he would have been far far broken. His clothing was destroyed, and his body scorched. “You...you dare try to kill me!?”

“I’m not a monster like you, I don’t kill for fun. Taking your life will not reverse what you have done.” The saiyan warrior picked up the dragon ball. “I’ll take this back, but I will not take your life, now go!” Tao glared at Goku.

“You will regret this!” Using the pillar he road in on Tao fled, naked, injured, and humiliated. Goku knew of the dragon balls and what they could do. Upa ran over to his father and cried over him.

The women of the village came out and began to attend to the dead. Goku’s heart broke, he felt that this shouldn’t have happened. He cast a glance up to the lookout and knew he should return. ‘Kami’s already noticed I’m gone but...’ He looked at the people and to Upa, they had their whole world shaken up by this. Casting his gaze down to the dragon ball in his hand Goku decided. ‘I’m gonna set things right.’

He would bare any punishment Kami had for him, but he had to do this. “Goku...thank you for saving me.” Upa bowed.

“I haven’t finished yet.” Goku showed Upa the Four Star ball. “This is a dragon ball, I will gather the other six and call on the Eternal Dragon’s power to restore your people.”

“You mean it!” He couldn’t believe it. Goku turned to the women of the village.

“Please look after their bodies, there is still a chance they can be saved.” he said with a bow. The other villagers were wary of this stranger, as the Red Ribbon army had been attacking their village for some time now. ‘That’s fine...’ Goku thought. ‘They don’t need to trust me, I’ll help them no matter what.’

Thanks to Kami’s training, Goku was able to sense mystical energies, so he would be able to track the dragon balls down. “Wait please!” Upa stood up and rushed over to Goku. “Let me come with you!”

“Are you sure, it will be dangerous?” Upa nodded.

“I may not be as strong as you, but these are my people if you believe there is a way to help them. I must help!” Goku smiled and nodded.

“Are you able to fly?” He asked, levitating off the ground for emphasis.

“No...I cannot...” Goku wasn’t sure what to do, but received a message from Korin.

“Looks like we have some help.” He scooped up Upa and flew to the top of Korin’s Tower, shocking the young lad.

“My my, I was surprised when Kami’s boy stepped in, but I’m most appreciative.” Korin appeared before them, making Upa gasp and bow.

“Mighty Korin, I am not worthy!” Korin chuckled.

“Now now, these are special circumstances, raise your head, young warrior.” He obeyed. “Goku, you are aware you broke Kami’s rules and intervened in the affairs of mortals.”

“Yes sir.”

“You are prepared to face those consequences, and still wish to aid these people.” Goku nodded. Korin could see the young man had pure and honest eyes. Despite his rage, his focus was to protect Upa. “That fact alone makes you a true hero. Not many have the heart to do what is right even if it’s difficult.”

Goku wanted to help, even if it meant crossing his Grandfather. Upa did feel some guilt but Goku smiled and said it was fine. Korin summoned a Flying Nimbus. “This will help you on your travels.” Upa was a pure-hearted warrior so he was able to ride on the Nimbus.

The yellow cloud was large enough for them both to sit and ride on. “Thank you so much Korin!” Goku bowed.

“Goku if you could do me one small favor in return...” he stroked his whiskers.

“Sure, anything!”

“I’d you to help teach Upa to use his ki.”

“I’ve never taught anyone before, but I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will.” Upa was happy for the chance to get stronger. Goku was excited to train and get stronger with someone more his own age, give or take. The nimbus took them, soaring through the air as Goku searched for the Dragon Balls.


Mr. Popo had noticed Goku’s actions, but couldn’t help but smile. He’s served many guardians in his life time, each one had their own unique views and took their own paths. Goku was growing into his own man, and was excited to see the path he forged for himself.

Kami came out. “Mr. Popo, where is Goku?”

“Oh uh Kami, well you see...”

“HE’S GONE?!” Kami shouted. The elder gaurdian was furious, despite Goku’s noble intentions. Mr. Popo just hoped that things would work out and that Kami would cool down by the time Goku returned.


Little did Kami or Goku know it, someone else was searching for the Dragon Balls as well. She had even developed some technology to locate the balls accurately. This put a target on her back as she quested to have her own wish granted.

To be continued


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