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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 19  

Chapter 20 Meeting and Alliance?

Souei had body doubles investigating the orcs movements. Rimuru had originally wanted to send Souei straight to the lizard chief but with the shining example that Gabiru left, they had to have a plan. He would serve as a messenger as ordered but they needed to get the facts organized.

Rimuru ordered a meeting, the Goblin Lord, the Goblin Council, the Oni, Kaijin (Kurobee was tending the shop), and Riguru, with some goblins listening in outside. The army was massive, and seemingly growing. The Orc Lord was the only explanation. Rimuru had some concerns that it may have been a Demon Lord behind this. Theories aside, Souei’s report had a terrifying fact.

The orcs were marching from the ogre village towards lizardman territory. “The marshlands will slow them down but not for long.”

“And once they devour the lizardmen, from their path this village will be next.” There were other Goblin villages along the way, no doubt the ones Gabiru had already contacted. Rimuru had absorbed all the other villages into his own.

The goblins wouldn’t stand a chance. Great Sage had told Rimuru before, that goblins would have a hard time surviving, and that was before there was a marching orc army. “So the goblins joined the lizardmen for protection, can’t say I blame them.” Rimuru eyed the map. “What are the orcs after, is it just a hostile take over or something more?” Even if their town wasn’t a target yet it would be sooner or later.

Ogres were considered the strongest fighters in the Forest of Jura, they had been taken out by vast numbers. Lizardmen have numbers known for their strategy and cunning. The lizardmen’s territory had many possibilities for a home field advantage for them. Direwolves were considered the swiftest fighters. Orcs had bulk and durability, stamina to burn to, their only weakness being the lack of intelligence.

They needed to figure out what to do.

“I can create totems to defend our village, but...” Riguru spoke up, but he was hesitant. “If a full army attacks I don’t know if it’ll be enough.”

“No it’s a good idea, the orc army is so vast they have even sent out small hunting parties to try and pick off smaller villages.” Rimuru studied the map. Their main target was the lizardmen, but once they claimed their land they’d be able to spread through the forest. “They might be attempting a pincer attack, attacking from multiple sides.” While also picking off any potential reinforcements and allies any one tribe could muster. “Set up the totems, we don’t want any surprises.”

“Yes sir!” Rigur smiled.

Rimuru was impressed, Rigur’s magic training was showing great improvement. If he had to guess he had surpassed the skills of a Goblin Shaman. Goblin Totems cast wards of protection, often masking one’s presence, resist negative effects and weaken enemies. ‘It’d be like having a security system! If he places them at key points around the village, we can set up a barrier that granted protection to all inside.’

“Rigur, can you set up totems on a battle field?”

“Of course!”

“That might help us if we go to war with the orcs.” The totems could tip the scales. “Kaijin, what’s the status on weapons and armor?”

“Kurobee and I have made enough standard weapons to supply the village for self defense purposes, but they are likely won’t stand up to any superior weapons the orcs may have.” Kaijin laid out plans. “Thanks to the special ore you’ve provided and some special techniques from Kurobee we have several magic weapons we can distribute as needed. Enough for a small tactical force.”

It was sad but true, Rimuru was focused on food, shelter, and clothing, not war. “So the orcs have numbers, armor, weapons, and the Orc Lord backing them.”

Benimaru laid out some scenarios, both if we formed an alliance with the lizardmen and if we didn’t. “What happened to the ogres was wrong, now that I know what’s happening I can’t just let the lizardmen get killed.” He face palmed, he just wasn’t sure about Gabiru.

Souei tensed. “My Lord, someone has reached out to one of my body doubles. They wish to speak with you.” He claimed it was a Dryad, much to everyone’s surprise.

“Very well,” He said, and suddenly a strange power filled the room. Benimaru, Souei, Shion, Ranga, and Rigur moved to a defensive position near Rimuru.

The Dryad Treyni appeared in the room. “Greetings to you “Tamer of monsters” and your followers.” Everyone was in awe, having not seen a Dryad in person, they are known as the guardians of the forests, and cast divine punishment on those who disturb it.

Great Sage was able to analyze her, noting of her vast magical potential. For Rimuru it was a bit intimidating to have such a big shot appear before him. She had the goblins outside gushing over her.

“I have a request for you...please...defeat the Orc Lord!”


Well that sealed it, a dryad’s confirmation that they were dealing with an Orc Lord. Her request was a surprise, and Benimaru was a tad suspicious.

Treyni made it clear. “If the Orc Lord and his army continues to grow in power, we Drayds will not be able to stop them.” She would have reached out to the ogres first, but… “Someone made an effort to remove you from the board.”

As it stood, she came to the strongest recognized monster in the forest. Rimuru Tempest. “You have united the Goblins and Direwolves, gave them names, made unions with the dwarves, and even took in the last surviving ogres. You have done so much, I must thank you!” she bowed her head.

‘So she knows a lot about me, guess it isn’t a surprise.’

How could Rimuru turn down such an offer, but he needed information. Treyni shared all she knew about the Orc Lord and his terrifying skill known as Starved. “It is similar to your Predator, but not as effective, but all under his sway gain the benefits.” It burned away an orcs mighty stamina, leaving them with an unending hunger, if an orcs body gives out they devour their comrade to boost the strength of the whole army.

They had devoured every ogre not leaving a single corpse, the orc army was leaving nothing but ruins in their wake. They would do the same to the lizardmen, the goblins, and every other living creature in the forest. “The Orc Lord seeks stronger and stronger prey, and it will not stop unless it is stopped.”

“Treyni can you tell me, is someone else involved, someone pulling the strings?”

“Yes, some suspicious actions have been occurring, we have tried to pinpoint the source, but they have been evading us.” She explained, things have been set into motion now. These majin were no doubt serving a demon lord, but to what end. “The Orcs will feed on the strong and I fear they won’t stop with that.” Beyond the forest of Jura was human villages, the orcs would march through them and it would be an all you can eat buffet.

“Well, I wasn’t set on running away or hiding in the first place. We have many strong monsters here, Hobgoblins, Goblinas, Tempest Wolves, and even the Oni.”

Benimaru chuckled. “Don’t forget my lord, you’d make the tastiest dish of them all. You are the strongest slime.”

“I suppose you are right.” Rimuru stood up. “This problem can’t be ignored. I’ll defeat the orc lord for you, we must prepare ourselves!”

“Yes Lord!” they cheered.

“To strengthen our numbers and chances, let us make an alliance with the lizardmen.” Rimuru sighed. “I’d like to talk to the current chief.”

“I will parlay for you my lord, just give the order and I will complete this task for you!”

“My what a stud, you are quite full of confidence!” Rimuru praised, making Souei blush slightly. He was so calm and cool, the slime lord was impressed.

Rimuru was formulating a plan, but this would only work if the lizardmen fought with them as equals. Souei left to speak with the chief. Tempest eyes the map cautiously noting the placement of Gabiru’s party on the map. ‘I hope they don’t do anything foolish.’


The Chief sensed Souei’s arrival, many elders and guards going on alert as he approached. His aura radiated, showing off his power and just how dangerous he was. The fact he slipped so deep into Lizardman territory so easily was quite the task.

One of the guards arrived claiming he wished to speak, but that didn’t ease anyone’s minds. “Let him come.” The chief wasn’t a fool, he was able to accurately gauge Souei’s power, not even 100 lizardmen would be able to bring him down.

He entered the room surprising some of the elders. “Is he an ogre?”

“No he’s much more powerful!”

“I am an oni, my name is Souei.” he spoke, and surprised them. The chief stood. He had heard of the oni, a rare evolution of ogres, he couldn’t believe one stood right here before his eyes.

“I’m embarrassed to say I don’t have anything to offer such a guest.”

“That won’t be necessary, I am just an envoy, I come with a message on behalf of my master.” The Chief’s eyes widen, to think someone so strong would serve another.

“Who is this master?”

“I serve under Rimuru Tempest.” He spoke his master’s name with such respect. “He wishes to form an alliance with the lizardmen.”

“Forgive me, but I do not know of your master or of your forces, how can I be sure such an alliance would benefit us?” He wasn’t against this, but such a powerful monster shows up at your doorstep, it raised some questions.

“My master received a request personally from the Dryad Treyni. He has sworn to bring down the Orc Lord!” that was not a declaration one could make easily. “She has confirmed the fact we are dealing with an Orc Lord, and potentially something worse. Do keep that in mind when making your decision.”

“So it’s true, such a monster aims its fangs at our people.” He trembled. One of the younger lizardmen showed his arrogance.

“Hmph, never heard of such a monster. I bet your master is just scared and wants her help. If that’s the case he should be here begging...”

“Enough!” the chief snapped. “Hold your tongue!”

“But chief...” Zing…

His throat was nicked. Souei had steel thread wrapped perfectly around his neck. All he had to do was pull the string and the young warrior’s head would be decapitated. “Hold your tongue before you lose your whole head!” He bowed his head. “I apologize for the young one, please spare him.”

“I did not mean for this to be a threat, I just do not like to hear my master being mocked!” he released the lizard.

The Chief was sure Souei would have killed him had he not spoken up. He believed Souei from the start, but he had to be sure. ‘With the threat of the orc lord, I’d be a fool to not accept help with such a terror.’

“I do have a condition, I’d like to meet with Rimuru first.”

“Very well,” Souei gave all the information they had on the orcs so far. “We are preparing to go to war with the orcs, we’d like to fight with you on equal ground. My master said.” He was able to relay everything via Thought Transmission. “We will arrive to meet and solidify our alliance in a few days, please do not engage the orcs before hand.”

By Rimuru’s calculations so long as the lizardmen waited, the marshlands would slow the orc army down. It would give them time to meet, plan, and prepare for war. Seven days, that was all Rimuru asked for, and asked they not make a move before they met. “My lord has one final message. “Watch your back.”

“I shall, thank you!” Souei left. The chief sat down, breathing a sigh of relief.

“Father are you alright?”

“Yes my dear, I believe, there is light ahead of us after all.” The ogres had survived, and had been granted names, whoever named them was very powerful in his own right. “We will stand our ground and wait for our allies to arrive! I don’t want to lose a single warrior to the orcs!” His people cheered.

To be continued...Gabiru’s Betrayal

Gabiru is met with a majin, who plays off his gullibility. He returns home not liking his fathers decision to wait and defend. He takes over, and plans to go to war with the orcs himself!


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