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Bleach parody: patreon reward

Chapter 14 

Chapter 15Holy Water and A Lover of Monsters

Ichigo got his party back to the village, noticing the miasma had cleared up. He checked their statuses, Renji and Grimmjow’s names on his status menu were in red. ‘What does this mean, is it because of their wounds?’ Their stats had been afflicted too.

Toshiro and Rose were giving them emergency aid. Rose had shot up another 10 levels from the shared EXP, plus gaining a boost from Ichigo’s Monster Trainer Shield. Rose had reached level 30, gaining the Aromatherapy Skill, Healing Dew Skill, Aloe Creation, Parasite Seed Skill, and Blossom Blizzard Skill.

Rose was trying to keep them comfortable with Aromatherapy, his aloe would have helped normal burns but these burns were different. Toshiro was creating ice to aid, to keep their temp in check.

They got back to the village and received medical treatment. “Oh my, to think a dragon could leave a curse like this.” The chief said. It was like a punch to the gut. The two covered for him saying they touched the dragon’s flesh by mistake.

“Can you help them?” Ichigo snapped. “I’ll pay whatever it costs.” Renji and Grimmjow were touched.

“We have some holy water, but it’s not very potent.” Ichigo bought all they had. “You can buy more potent holy water at the church.”

“Thank you!” Ichigo bowed his head.

“No, thank you, you saved the whole village, it is the least I can do.” Ichigo had to soak bandages in holy water and apply them to the afflicted area. He poured some into his shield.

Blessed Aqua Shield: Holy Water Creation (Small)

Holy Water Shield: Holy Water Potency Boost

With the second shield Ichigo was able to boost the Holy Water to Medium Strength. When the chief checked in on them later he was amazed at the boost in quality. “You really are amazing!” Kurosaki didn’t want such praise right now.

‘This is my fault!’ Purging the curse from their bodies took time, and it was painful. Ichigo noticed that their stats increased after each treatment. “I’m sorry!”

“Ichigo-sama, you don’t have to keep apologizing.” Renji told him.

“Yeah, that zombie fucker was tough. You protected us!” Grimmjow said.

“It’s my fault, I charged in without thinking!” Toshiro hung his head in apology.

“We weren’t ready for that kind of monster!” Sajin said.

“We need to be, what happens if we aren’t ready for the Waves?” Ichigo said, he finished up wrapping Renji. He knew the answer...death!

“Master, this was that Axe Guy’s mess, and you cleaned up that Spear Idiot’s mess too.” Grimmjow huffed. “You’ve been picking up their slack.” Ichigo started on him. The bluenette hissed.

“I’ll help fight!” The plant monster said, flexing his roots, curling his leaves. Ichigo smiled.

“We just don’t want to lose you master!” they said together, sharing a blush at the coincidence.

“I keep thinking about what we could have done differently...” He cared about them, deeply. It showed on his face, the way he moved, and the weight he was carrying with him. “I should have protected you, that’s my job!” He was the Shield Hero!

“If I may speak freely?” Sajin asked, Ichigo nodded. “You are very good at coordinating us, defending us, as you showed in the fight against the poison monsters.” He remembered.

“We survived thanks to you, we live to fight another day because of you. This fight was a failure on all of us, but one we can learn from.”

“You are very wise Komamura.” Ichigo had to admit, it did make him feel better.

“There is still time before the waves, we can recover and prepare in time.” Sajin said.

“You are right, we’ll get stronger and prepare!” Ichigo finished wrapping Grimmjow. He kissed his forehead, and then kissed Renji’s forehead. “Thank you!” He kissed Sajin’s cheek.

“Aww Master, I wanna kiss!” Toshiro pouted.

“You little brat!” Grimmjow growled.

“Honestly!” Renji glared.

Ichigo gave him a hug instead. This loss was shared between them more than he realized. He had been worried about all of them, and blamed himself for the whole thing. That wasn’t gonna happen, they’d carry this burden together. “You care for us, we’ll care for you too!” things turned into a group hug.


Kurosaki made sure the miasma treatments were finished. Toshiro and Komamura took on some straggling monsters. Renji and Grimmjow were helping, but taking it easy. The villagers were impressed that they were up and moving around. “My body feels heavy, but without the miasma the monsters got weaker.”

“Tch,” Grimmjow wasn’t happy. It was like he was missing an arm, it was hard to move. ‘Gotta get stronger.’ he thought.

It was time to hit the road and head back to the main city, it was the only place he knew for sure had a church. He didn’t like it but what choice did they have. While on the road Ichigo examined his shields. Despite absorbing materials from the Zombie Dragon, he couldn’t access any of the shields from the beast. ‘Is it possible I’m not strong enough to unlock these shields, or maybe there’s some kind of other condition?’

Renji and Grimmjow took to studying more magic, with their level cap as it was gaining new spells was their best option. Second Blaze and Second Tornado, the middle tier of the magic they previously learned.

Grimmjow learned Gust Wall, a wind based support magic that created a wall of wind that could attack and defend. Tornado Shot, a concentrated and condensed tornado in a single point launched like a bullet. Air Slicer, a long range wind spell that dishes out a powerful slash.

Renji learned Blast Fist, a powerful fire spell though it had some recoil. Red Slash a fire enchantment, he can infuse flames into his sword for a burning slash attack. All First Blaze, he could unleash some output attacking a larger enemy or a group of them.

Rose was showing off some of his new skills. His Parasite Seed skill could snare monsters and drain them of their energy making them easy targets. While his Blossom Blizzard attack could knock back monsters and do some nice damage. “Master, did I do well?” He asked.

“You did very well!” Ichigo praised making the plant monster beam.

“I promise to protect the party till everyone is able to fight at full strength!” Rose said confidently. He was getting bigger, Ichigo was getting a little worried he’d outgrow anything they had available.

Toshiro was a little jealous, he’s been eating monsters and he hasn’t been awakening skills as fast as Rose. “Maybe you need to eat the right monsters?” Ichigo proposed.

“Like dragons?” Toshiro transformed into his dragon form and licked his lips. Sure enough there was a flock of lesser dragons. “Tasty!” he drooled. “Dinner!”

“Toshiro, are you really gonna eat them?” Ichigo gasped.

“They say lesser dragon meat is delicious and nutritious, taste just like chicken!” Toshiro’s stomach growled.

The lesser dragon’s heard it and sensed the powerful dragon, not wanting to be food they ran off. “Hm?” There was a young man in the middle of the flock of dragons. “Who is that?”

He was dressed in fine clothes. Ichigo could see he was tall and thin and he had long blonde hair that reached just past his shoulders. He had a bow but no arrows. Judging from the fabric and style the young man had to be a royal.

“Master can I chase them and eat them?” Toshiro growled.

“Another time.”

“YOU TALKED!” The blonde rushed over to them. “A dragon that can talk amazing!” He was gushing.

“Am I amazing?” Toshiro asked Ichigo.

“Well you are a Dragon Lord.” The dragon chuckled.

“A dragon lord? You are so lucky.” He searched his satchel and brought out some jerky. “For you!”

Toshiro ate and the blonde got to pet him. “Your scales are so beautiful, you are so cool to the touch, you are like a refreshing breeze on a hot day.”

“Excuse me but who are you?” Ichigo asked.

“Pardon my rudeness, my name is Jugram, Jugram Haschwalth!” he gave a polite bow.

‘Yep definitely a noble.’

“My name is Ichigo, that’s Toshiro, this is Renji, Grimmjow, Komamura, and Rose...”

“Oh wow, you guys are demi humans, your animal features are just divine.” Jugram gushed over them. “You are really a beast man, you are so tall, built, and furry!” His eyes sparkled. “You even have a plant monster!” He gave Rose some jerky as well. “I’m so jealous!”

His cheeks were red, and he looked quite...excited. “You all look so strong, powerful, and beautiful!”

“Master helps us get strong!” Toshiro declared. Jugram gazed at Ichigo with admiration.

“I can’t take all the credit, Sajin here was plenty big and strong when I met him, and everyone else worked really hard!”

“Not only are you a great monster trainer, but you are so modest to!” He took hold of Ichigo’s hands. Kurosaki got a bit on edge, having some issues with nobility.

“He sure is getting flirty, don’t think he can give us a little praise and we’ll let him do whatever he wants.” Grimmjow whispered.

“I don’t think he’s a bad person...though...” Renji sniffed the air. Grimmjow and Komamura could smell it too, Jugram was VERY excited.

“He’s a funny guy!” Toshiro turned back to human form.

“So cool!” Jugram gushed.

Jugram had been traveling with some guards, but when he saw the heard of lesser dragons he got excited and ran off without them. “Well we can’t leave you here by yourself, why don’t we bring you with us.” He was heading to the capital to.

“Ichigo-sama!” Jugram called. “Could I ride on Toshiro’s back?” he asked.

“Ask him yourself.” He brought his hands together and pleaded.

“Can me and Jugram go hunt monsters together?” Ichigo sweat dropped.

“Fine, but don’t go too far, and be back by sundown!”

“Yay!” Toshiro transformed and Jugram got to ride on his back.


Toshiro found some Lesser Dragons to eat, he could tell by the exp that popped up. To Ichigo’s surprise by eating dragon meat Toshiro unlocked some new skills. Ice Dragon Roar, Frost Claw, and Hail Wing. ‘These are probably skills he would have unlocked had he been hunting dragons.’

Rose got up to level 32 while he was away. Ichigo was a bit worried about Toshiro eating other dragons. “It’s perfectly normal, a part of nature, dragon’s instincts and all that.” Sajin explained.

The two came back before sunset, but something followed them. An abnormal slime…

“Ichigo be careful, while lesser slimes are easy enough to deal with, slimes with a magic core are very powerful and resistant to most physical attacks.” Abnormal slimes go around absorbing other slimes to get big and this thing was big.

“Jugram get back we’ll protect you!” Ichigo called out.

“Oh my, such a big slime!” Jugram ran over to hug it, and the slime ate him.

“You idiot!” Ichigo snapped. They tried to get him out, but weren’t having much luck, with each passing minute Jugram’s clothes began to dissolve away. Soon the noble was bare ass naked. “What the heck?!”

The slime was playing with Jugram’s body, pumping his hard dick, thrusting some slime into his ass and mouth. “What is it doing to him?!”

“I heard abnormal slimes play with their food...I wasn’t aware this is what they meant.” Sajin explained.

The party tried to fight the slime but sure enough their attacks and magic weren’t having an effect. Also the slime looked ready to snatch any one else. “This slime is a total pervert!” Grimmjow growled.

“What are we gonna do?” It was a level 30 abnormal slime, plus it was feeding on Jugram’s energy. It made a troublesome enemy.

“Master please help Jugram!” Toshiro cried out.

Ichigo saw the look on the blonde’s face. ‘This idiot is enjoying it!’ Jugram had cum at least twice during the fight. As much as he enjoys it, the slime would eat him completely eventually if nothing was done.

“Ichigo-sama you could try taming the slime.” Komamura found the spell in a book. “This spell allows one to tame monsters, if you tame the slime you can order it to let Jugram go.” It was difficult to learn but somehow Ichigo was able to master the spell easily.

In his world animals really liked Ichigo, this natural talent was what helped Ichigo tame the balloons he used to have fight for him. “O source of my power I ask of the, decipher the laws of nature and tame the monster before. Contract!”

A massive seal formed beneath the abnormal slime. It worked, the creature appearing under Ichigo’s help screen. “Spit him out right now!”

The slime obeyed, Jugram got spat out and Ichigo caught the naked man. “Ichigo-sama you saved me!” he moaned. “I thought I was in real trouble.”

“Why’d you go hug that slime?”

“Well...” he blushed. “I always wanted a pet monster, even a slime!”

“Well then, he’s yours.”

“What...really?!” He blushed.

“Yeah just give him a name.”

Jugram was so excited. “I’ll call you BG9!” the slime used Minimize and jumped into Jugram’s arms.

“Okay BG9, you will serve and obey Jugram, protect him and try to keep him out of trouble.” The slime pulsed. “Now about your clothes...” Ichigo blushed.

“Oh...I don’t mind being naked, it is the natural state of monsters after all.” he trembled. “Plus I don’t mind if you see me naked my savior!” He glomped onto Ichigo.

His party surged with jealousy as the naked noble fully hit on Ichigo. They got naked and and things turned into a dog pile of naked limbs and pressed bodies.

To be continued...

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Blue Shield: +2 Defense

Green Shield: +2 Defense

Purple Shield: + 4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield: ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two-headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.

Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5

Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Small

Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small)

Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2

Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small)

Dragon Scale Shield: +15 Defense, Elemental Resistance (Small)

Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium)

Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze and opponent.

Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small)

White Usapil Shield: DEF + 2

Dark Porcupine Shield: Agility + 12

Amethyst Frog Shield: Jump + 5

Usapil Bone Shield: Stamina Up (Small)

Porcupine Bone Shield: SP Up (Small)

Frog Bone Shield: Compounding Boost (Small)

Toad Oil Shield: Medicine Effect Boost (Medium)

Voice Gengar Shield (Bat): Sound Wave Endurance, Special Equip Skill: Megaphone

Voice Gengar Shield (Rat) Blinding Endurance, Special Equip Skill Megaphone

Nue Shield: Level Locked

Nue Viper Shield: Synthesis Boost

Crystal Ore Shield: Fine Crafting 1

Torrent Shield: Plant Classification 2

Blue Torrent Shield: Intermediate Compounding 2

Black Torrent Shield: Rookie Compounding

Pink Torrent Shield: Sleep Resistance Medium Unique Skill Sweet Scent – Produces a sweet aroma that can attract and calm some monsters, it can bring ease to party members, highly effective on Demi-Humans, Beast Men, and Monsters in your party.

Yellow Torrent Shield: Charm Resistance Medium Unique Skill Honey Production – Can spend stamina to create delicious honey.

Green Torrent Shield: Petrification Resistance Medium Unique Skill Regeneration Small

Gurihosato Shield: Attacks from plant enemies reduced by 5%

Plant Fire Shield: Fire Resistance (Small)

Killer Insect Shield Alpha: Attack from insect enemies reduced by 3 %

Copper Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 1

Iron Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 2

Silver Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Lead Ore Shield: Defense + 3

Gold Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Milking Shield: Charisma + 5 Equip Effect: Milking Touch: Helps partners cum faster and harder.

Milking Shield 2: Charisma + 10 Equip Effect: Milking Touch 2 Equip Skill: Milk Collector At the cost of SP can milk someone for hours, their climax will be collected and stored in the shield.

Bioplant Shield: Plant Reform Equip Effect: Vine Snare

Plantriwe Shield: Intermediate Compounding Recipe 2

Mandragora Shield: Plant Analysis

Antidote Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicine Shield 2: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Medium

Poison Frog Shield: Poison Nullification Medium, Shield Skill: Poison Jab: Shoots tongue out to strike and poison opponent, grants poison element to physical blows when equipped.

Poison Bee Shield: Poison Nullification Small

Poison Fly Shield: Poison Guard (Grants Poison Resistance to the party)

Bee Needle Shield 2: attack boost + 3; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Venom (Poison)

Poison Tree Shield: Poison Absorb, Poison Neutralization

Miasma Shield: Equip Effect: Poison Burst: When activated releases a toxic miasma that poisons and blinds whoever is caught up in it.

Shield of Rage: Equip Effect: Self Burning Curse. Charge Skill: Doom Blast Shield Ability: Iron Maiden Shield Skill: Change Shield (Attack)

Blessed Aqua Shield: Holy Water Creation (Small)

Holy Water Shield: Holy Water Potency Boost

Ichigo: 12 inches, Level 38 Healing/Support Magic

Spells: First Heal (Fast Heal) First Cure (Fast Cure) First Defense Boost (Fast Defense Boost) First Barrier (Fast Barrier), Light Screen, Safeguard

Renji: 8 inches uncut, Level 40* Fire Magic

Spells: Second Blaze, Red Blaze, Red Flame Cannon, First Explosion (Fast Explosion), Blast Fist, Red Slash, All First Blaze

Grimmjow: 7 inches uncut, Level 40* Wind Magic

Spells: Second Tornado (Fast Tornado), Gust Quick (Support), Gust Wall, Tornado Fist, Air Slicer, Tornado Shot,

Komamura: 13 inches cut, Level 85 Light/Dark Magic

Spells: First Light (Fast Light), First Darkness (Fast Darkness), Ropes of Light, Chains of Darkness, Shadow Mirage, First Hiding (Fast Hiding), Shadow Double.

Toshiro: Two dicks 5 Inches, Level 40* Ice Magic
Monster Skills: Frost Breath, Ice Dragon Roar, Frost Claw, Hail Wing, Poison Resistance, Ice Eater

Spells: First Frost (Fast Frost) Icicle Lance, Ice Shell

Rose: Level 32

Monster Skills: Poison Resistance, Poison Eater, Aloe Creation, Healing Dew, Aromatherapy, Acid Spit, Parasite Seed, Blossom Blizzard


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