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Digimon parody: Patreon Reward

Warning Dubious Consent this chapter

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Late Night Snack

With their foraging complete the gang decided to rest for the night and make camp and travel in the morning. Candlemon helped them make a camp fire to keep warm. Tai was keeping watch. ‘Why were we brought to this world? Why does Candlemon feel so familiar?’ So many questions went through his mind. “Hey Candlemon?” No response.

“Candlemon?” he checked on his partner and found him sleeping. “Get some rest buddy.” He wasn’t sure about a lot of things right now. Everything just felt so fresh. ‘I knew I had Kari’s support but I can’t believe the guys defend me against Sora.’ He was touched.

He stood up, feeling comfortable, the dress hugged him in all the right places while giving him leg room. Tai twirled around, the flounce fluttering as he moved. He couldn’t help but giggle he was so happy. His smile grew, and his heart continued to flutter. He really liked this dress, the pattern flowed so naturally.

“This is so nice, I wish there was music.” He said, giving one final twirl.

“I can help with that.” Tai yelped, he jumped and spun around, catching Yamato stare at him.

“How...how long have you been there?”

“Not long,” he pulled out his harmonica. “May I?”

Tai blushed and nodded. Yamato began to play and Tai danced to his music. The blonde closed his eyes so Tai could dance like no one was watching, but he did sneak peeks at Tai now and then. ‘Beautiful...’ He blushed and continued to play. It was freeing, it was one of the reasons he like soccer, the freedom. He danced to the music, feeling his heart flutter, the contrast of moonlight and firelight giving him a heavenly glow.

He danced until his legs felt like jelly and his whole body felt tingly. “Waaa, that felt good!” he sat beside Yamato who stopped playing. He was happy, feeling Tai lean on him. “Thanks...” he tried to catch his breath.

“Any time.” Tai was positively glowing.

“No I mean...thanks for everything. You are a really talented musician, but you also stood up for me and defended me. It meant a lot.”

“I’d do it again to. I don’t get Sora’s deal.”

“It’s not her fault, her mom puts a lot of pressure on her...” he could relate to that part at least.

“That’s no excuse for taking it out on you!”

Tai’s stomach grumbled, causing him to blush with embarrassment. “Guess I worked up an appetite.”

Yamato brought out a bag of berries. “How about a midnight snack?”

“Sounds good.” The two dug in, unaware of Sora’s trap.

“Taichi...what happened, can you tell me what happened?”

“I...I always liked wearing dresses, I liked cute things, I loved cooking, and for a time my mom was okay with that, but then Kari was born and well, now she told me she had a “real” daughter so I had to stop dressing up and be a proper big brother.” He swallowed one of the trap berries. “Mom and Dad started fighting a lot more, I tried to do my best, but I still liked what I liked. I enjoyed soccer too, but I still wanted to wear dresses. Kari supported me, she liked my cooking, but that just seemed to make Mom angrier. When dad left things just got worse, Mom blamed me for him leaving, and put more pressure on me to be the man of the house.”

Yamato had one too. “That’s messed up, it’s not your fault you know.”

“I sometimes wonder, if I was normal would they have stayed together.”

“You are normal!” Yamato snapped. “This is your normal. You aren’t hurting anyone by wearing a dress they should respect that.”

“Kari says that to, but I don’t know why Dad left, Mom told me it was my fault.” It was how she blackmailed to keep him under her thumb.

“That’s sick!” They kept popping berries unaware of the effect. “You know my parents split, it divided me and Takeru. My dad has his flaws but he’s a good guy, they just had issues, it shouldn’t have effected us.” Yamato ranted. Tai took hold of his hand, he couldn’t imagine losing Kari and his dad at the same time. “I don’t think your dad is a bad guy, and I don’t think he left because of you. Sometimes parents have issues, and lose sight of how it’ll effect the kids.”

“Do you sometimes hate your parents for splitting up?”

“Can’t say I wasn’t pissed, but as time went on I got to see Takeru and our relationship got patched up at least. We can’t fix our parents but at least we had each other.”

The effects of the berries started to take hold, their hearts starting to race.

“I wish you had told me sooner. It sucks I wasn’t there to help you.” Hearing what happened to Tai made his blood boil.

“You were my friend Yamato, you had your own stuff going on, I could see that.” Tai gave his hand a squeeze. “I wanted to support you, you were going through a lot to.”

“Guess that’s why I thought you were so amazing. You were putting on a brave face to keep my spirits up.”

“You...thought I was amazing?” Tai’s blush grew darker.

“Of course I did, everyone in the neighborhood did. You were always so bold and tough. I remember you cheered up Takeru once with a silly soccer ball dance when he wouldn’t stop crying.”

“It was just me...trying to be manly and a good big brother...that’s all...”

“No, that was you being you!” He returned the squeeze. “I’ve always thought you were pretty great. You wearing a dress doesn’t change that it’s cute, c-u-t-e CUTE!” He gulped. ‘Man I’m feeling really warm, what is this, is it because of Tai?’

Tai’s blush spread from ear to ear. ‘Why is my heart beating so fast?’ He was getting excited.

“Taichi...you are so cute...” he leaned in.

“Yamato...” the two gasp as they slip and fall onto each other with Yamato on top of Taichi. He could feel Yamato’s hardness now, which rivaled his own. “I feel weird...” he whispered.

The blonde leaned down and kissed Tai’s cheek then his neck. “I feel weird too. Mmm you smell so good!”

“Yamato wait...I...I’m not a girl you know!” he gasped. A shiver raced through him as Yamato nuzzled his neck.

“I know that!” Yamato hissed. “I know you aren’t a girl, and I still feel this way.” He cupped Tai’s bulge and guided his hand to his own. “Even at camp, seeing you again made me so happy.”

“We’re both hard!” Taichi gasped.

“I’m sorry if you think I’m disgusting, I wasn’t sure I could tell you.” Yamato’s whole face was red. “The only people I’ve ever told was Takeru and my parents.”

It was getting hard to focus as the ache in their loins was growing hotter, almost painful. ‘It hurts, is Yamato hurting to?’ The blonde was panting. Taichi spotted the fallen berries briefly. ‘Was there something in the berries?’ He couldn’t focus on that as Yamato started freaking out.

“I’m sorry...I ruined this...I shouldn’t think of me best friend like this...I’m disgusting...I...” he was crying and Taichi cupped his cheek, brushing away his tears. ‘He’s so warm.’ Yamato leaned into his touch.

“I’m not disgusted, I’m a little nervous...I’ve been so lost I’m not sure where I’m at.” Tai smiled at him. “Yamato...will you kiss me?”

“Hell yes!” he leaned down and planted a sloppy kiss on Tai’s lips.

Their first kiss was clumsy, raw, and passionate. It lasted for a few minutes before breaking apart for air. ‘I just kissed my best friend.’ was the shared thought between them.

“Yamato, it hurts I am not sure what to do.”

“I know a little, I can help, but we’ll need to take off our clothes...” he gulped.

“O...okay...” they parted to remove their garments. Taichi couldn’t shake the dark thoughts that washed over him. Despite Yamato’s words he feared that taking off this dress it would dispel this illusion and whatever feelings he may or may not have had for him. ‘What am I doing, I feel so weird, but...’ He remembered the pictures in Willis’s magazine.

He’s spent so long being the “manly” guy, the perfect big brother, the man of the house. It was like that life hung around him tightening around his neck like a noose. “Taichi...” Tai jumped, and looked back and saw Yamato fumbling to undo his pants. “I just wanna help us out, do you trust me?”

“Yeah...I do!” Tai took off his dress and the special underwear he was wearing underneath.

“Beautiful...” Yamato said making Tai shiver. The blonde was gazing at him lovingly. He shook off his pants and boxers.

As Tai laid back Yamato crawled on top of him. “I’ve never done this before...but I want to with you...”

‘Yamato is so...manly...so sexy...so cool...’ He brought their cocks together, their hard lengths brushing and rubbing, it was electrifying. Their dicks were leaking like broken faucets.

“I’ve never been so horny.” Yamato panted. “My cock is so hard it hurts!”

“How do you usually take care of this?” Tai was trembling, his own penis felt like it was gonna burst.

Yamato grabbed their slick dicks and gave them a squeeze. “Ahhh!” The two moaned.

He began to stroke their cocks together. “This feels good!” Yamato moans.

“Yeah it does!” Taichi bucked against him, increasing the friction.

Yamato was looking so wild looking, so different than his cool and composed self. ‘Sexy!’

Both boys were so pent up and riled up it didn’t take them long to cum. Their semen shot between each other and painting Tai’s tan skin. They were still hard and hot. “Can I kiss you?”

“Yes!” Tai and Yamato kissed, the brunette kissing back this time.

The blonde kept working their cocks with one hand, playing with one of Tai’s nipples with the other. The double doses of pleasure had Tai spiraling. “Yamato!” he moaned.

“I do this to myself sometimes, you’re sensitive just like me.” he said before kissing his neck.

“This feels really good!”

Another orgasm ripped through them, both their bodies getting messy. It wasn’t enough the berries had the two still hot and bothered. “Oh man...” he groaned. “I...I wanna try something...”

“Okay...” his head was feeling warm and fuzzy.

Yamato released their dicks and began to rock his hips, their balls clapping together. “Ohhh!” The friction between them was intense, Tai bucking against him to give a surprise jolt.

“What is this?”

“Frotting, does it feel good?”

“Yeah!” His hands trailed up and he began to play with Yamato’s nipples.

“Ohhh yeah!” he moaned.

The two kissed again, their kisses getting better. Their dicks twitching and pulsing before their third climax. Tai pinched Yamato’s nipples, helping tip him over the edge. He was a fast learner and was able to give back some pleasure the blonde gave him. They made out as the orgasm rocked them.

Yamato collapsed onto Tai and the two embraced. The lustful fog dissipated, as the releases helped work the berries out of their system. It was quite between them as they came down from their highs. “Tai, do you hate me now?”

“No, of course not. Why would you think that?” Yamato had his face buried in his chest.

“Because my mom did, when I told her, she had this look on her face like I was sick.”

“Yamato...look at me...” he was hesitant, but he did. Taichi didn’t have the same look his mother did. It was warm, loving, and above all understanding. “I trust you. I may have some confusion, but that is clear to me.” He kissed Yamato, soft, gentle, and tender.

They got Candlemon up so they could take a dip and clean up. His digimon found the bad berries and roasted them. He told the boys when they came back. “Not the worst late night snack, if you were trying to get romantic.”

“Tai...I swear I didn’t know!”

“I know, I trust you.” Yamato was just as confused and was just as confused as he was. “Do you regret what happened?”

“No!” he hugged Tai. “I’ll admit it, I’d have played it more cool, because I care about you!” He was kicking himself, he hadn’t kept a close enough eye on the berries.

“There is someone who’d do this.” Tai confessed.

“Sora?” Tai nodded. “Why?”

“Teach me a lesson? It doesn’t matter.” he hugged himself.

“The hell it doesn’t, she drugged us.”

“Please Yamato, for me, can we let this go?” Though they didn’t know what had happened to them neither one regretted this, and Yamato had done what he promised and took care of him. There were moments where Tai was scared or nervous Yamato made him feel safe and calm. Yamato in kind recognized there were things either of them was ready for.

“Fine, for you.” Tai kissed him. Candlemon cheered, happy for his partner. They went through the food, to make sure there was no more surprises. There was not gonna be any secrets, Tai put his dress back on and turned in to rest. Come morning they’d have to tell the others what happened.

To be continued Truth and Travels


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