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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 26 

Chapter 27 School Duel

“Ladies and gentlemen across the world, we now present Duel Academy’s School Duel! Between Duel Academy Central and North Academy!” The crowd cheered. North Academy cheering for Chazz and Central cheering for Jaden.

Crowler introduced the young men, doing Jaden first. Yuki wasn’t pleased as the teacher talked Jaden up like a hype man, despite his constant issues with him. ‘He’s certainly showing off for the cameras.’ It didn’t really hype Jaden up, considering the man had tried to trick him, expel him, and made several attempts to make his life hell. ‘If he actually cared about the Red Dorm the students might actually like him.’

Chazz decided to introduce himself. “Get off the stage you scrub!”

“Scrub!? How dare you, scrubs do not have PHDs in dueling!” Jaden had enough of Crowler, so using a little lamia mojo, he cause the mike cord to get tangled around his legs, causing him to trip, fall, and roll off the stage.

“I’m the new and improved Chazz Princeton, when I left here, I left my old self behind!” North Academy cheered. “Now the new Chazz is gonna beat you!”

“Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!” North Academy cheered.

“Seems like you made some really nice friends.”

“North Academy gives me the respect I deserve!” Chazz snapped.

“Seems to me, you’ve earned their respect instead of just demanding it like you did here.” Jaden crossed his arms. Chazz glared, as his words rang true.

“Shut it slacker!” he blushed. The two shuffled each other’s decks.

“You do look good Chazz, you’ve matured a lot since you’ve been gone.” His blush grew.

“Shut up and shuffle!” Jaden chuckled.

“I had a feeling you had potential Chazz, now let’s see if your dueling has gotten better.” They took their decks and loaded them into their duel disks.

“No Mercy, Chazz!” North Academy cheered.

“Get him Jaden!” Duel Academy cheered.

“Let’s Duel!”

Jaden/Chazz: 4000

“Let’s see what you got slacker!”

“With pleasure!” Jaden said making Chazz shiver a little.

Chazz won the coin toss so he got to go first. “Take notes slacker!” He draws. “I summon Masked Dragon in Defense mode.” That was it for his turn.

Jaden had a feeling that monster had an effect, summoning a monster with only 1100 Defense and no back row support it was like he was screaming Attack Me. ‘Well let’s see what Chazz has in store for me.’ Jaden draws.

“I summon Lamia Sister # 4!” This Lamia Girl was clad in green with dazzling green scales, and dark green hair, stylized in a serpent way. “I’ll also play two cards face down, now I’ll have my sister attack!”

She smacked the dragon turning it into poisonous goo. The goo splashed Chazz.

Chazz: 2600

“What the heck?!” Chazz gasped.

“When My Lamia Sister # 4 destroys a monster by battle she dishes out damage to your life points equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK.” Jaden explained.

“Well my dragon has an effect to, since you destroyed him I’m able to bring out Armed Dragon Lv 3 from my deck!”

Shepard is shocked to see that monster on the field. “You gave Chazz North Academy’s best cards didn’t you!”

“Of course I did, I intend to win this year!” North Academy began to cheer.

“My attack is over, so I’ll end my turn.”

Chazz draws. “Thanks, now my dragon’s effect activates allowing him to level up!” Chazz special summoned Armed Dragon Lv 5!

North Academy cheered while Foster chuckled.

“Sweet monster Chazz!” Jaden praised.

“You won’t think he’s so sweet when he’s tearing into your life points. First say bye bye to your monster, with Armed Dragon’s effect, I send one monster from my hand to the graveyard, to target and destroy one of yours, so long as the ATK of the monster I discard is higher than the one I destroy!” He sent Spear Dragon to the graveyard and his Armed Dragon destroyed Lamia Sister # 4. His spikes shot off his body like rockets and rained down upon the lamia. “And guess what slacker, I still have my dragon’s attack!”

“I don’t think so Chazz, I have my trap, Scrap Iron Scarecrow!” The trap revealed itself, and it blocked the assault.

“Where did you get a card like that?”

“From a pack?” the trap went back face down.

“Well my turn isn’t done, I activate the spell card Level Restoration, this allows me to send a Level Monster from my deck to the grave, and I can increase my life points by it.” He sent another Level 5 Armed Dragon.

Chazz: 5000

“I’ll play one card face down and end my turn.”

Jaden draws. “I activate Snake Flute, this allows me to special summon two lamia monsters from my hand or deck.” He called out Lamia Sister # 3, A long hair purple haired snake woman who keeps her hair in a braid, she has purple scales and wears a purple top.

She was summoned in defense mode. “Next here comes Lamia Little Sister # 3.” She was able to attack Chazz directly before switching back into Defense mode.

Chazz: 4200

“Next my Lamia Sister’s effect activates.” She spat poison at Chazz, making him loose 300 life points.

Chazz: 3900

“I’ll play 1 card face down and end my turn.”

‘I know that trap card will remain on the field until it’s destroyed, but I also know it can only be used once per turn.’ Chazz draws. “Heh...” he played a spell card. “I activate Level Sync, if I control a level monster on the field, and have a monster of the same level in my grave I can special summon it to my field!” He brought out a second Armed Dragon Lv 5.

“You activated my trap card Chazz, my Venom Mist, since I control a Lamia, and you special summoned a monster. Your monster gets destroyed!” The Lamia Sisters released a poisonous mist that dissolved his new dragon and destroyed it.

“I have a trap of my own slacker, Call of the Haunted!” he brought back the dragon again.

“Not for long!” Jaden activated Mystical Space Typhoon, the spell destroyed his trap, returning his dragon to the graveyard.

“You’ve gotten better slacker.”

“So have you drop out.” Chazz’s eyes widen.

“Hey what the hell, I am not a drop out!” He snapped.

“Well I’m not a slacker, but that’s all you’ve been calling me.” Jaden smirked. “I beat you in a duel before, you should remember my name, or did I beat you so bad you forgot?”

“Grr, It’s Jaden, I remember your name damn it!”

“Good,” Chazz blushed. “Then duel me with honor Chazz, bring it on!” Jaden was giving off a serious aura. “I’ve also been getting better while you were away, come at me with everything you got!”

Chazz felt a shiver race up his spine, his blood was pumping. ‘What the hell is this feeling?’ He played a card face down and ended his turn.

“My draw!” Jaden drew and activated Pot of Greed, getting to draw two more cards.

“I’ll set a monster face down in Defense Mode, and set 1 card face down.” Next he had Lamia Sister # 3 use her effect blasting Chazz with poison.

Chazz: 3600

“Now Little Sister # 3 will be switched into attack mode and attack you directly.” She dove past Chazz’s monster and smacked him with her tail.

Chazz: 2800

“Heh, you activated my trap!” Hell Dragon Cannon, this trap can be activated when you take a direct attack, you can then banish one monster in your graveyard and your opponent takes damage equal to the banished monster. “You remember my Armed Dragon lv 5 right, now you’ll get to feel his power!”

His trap turned Armed Dragon into a bullet and Jaden got blasted by it.

Jaden: 1600

“Glad to see you aren’t pulling any punches.”

“Why would I, I’m the Chazz, I don’t intend to lose!”

Jaden ended his turn. “That’s cool I don’t intend to lose either, but this duel is a lot of fun!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He glares at Jaden. “Take this seriously!”

“I am, can’t you take things seriously and have fun doing it?”

“Ugh I don’t get you!”

“You would if you bothered to get to know me. We could have been friends, perhaps even something more.” Chazz blushed and gulped.

“I end my turn.”


“He’s finally acting like a Princeton.” Slade said.

“That’s true, I just hope he doesn’t win too fast.” Jagger said.


“Hey, the longer they duel and he thrashes this kid, the more we’ll make in commercial revenues.”


Chazz draws. He used Pot of Greed to draw two cards. “Get ready for me to mop, this low-rent Duel Academy Floor with you, Jaden!” He smirked. “It’s time to bring this duel to the next level!” he used the spell card Level Up. “Normally my Armed Dragon Lv 5 has to destroy a monster by battle to level up, but instead I’ll just use this spell to take him to his next level!”

His dragon glowed and transformed, Chazz special summoned Armed Dragon Lv 7. North Academy cheered, their voices booming, only being overwhelmed by the dragon’s mighty roar.

“I activate my face down Gravity Bind!” This prevented any 4 star or higher monster from attacking.

“Your traps won’t save you, not now. I activate Heavy Storm!” a typhoon ripped the field apart blowing away both of Jaden’s traps.


“Hmm, this is odd.” Jagger said.

“What is it?”

“These cards, I don’t think they were in the case we gave to Chazz at all.”

“What?!” Slade glared down at Chass. “What does that runt think he’s doing?”


“Awe what’s wrong Jaden, not so talkative anymore?” he smirked. “Got nothing to say?”

“Sure I do, cool monster Chazz!”

“There has to be something wrong with you, you should be scared of him, not admiring him!”

“How could I not, this duel has been so fun, battling against such a powerful beast it gets my blood pumping. I gotta say thanks Chazz for the awesome duel.”

“Thanks?! That’s just pitiful Jaden!” Chazz began to rant. “You are a joke, a clown, you don’t have what it takes to win. I’ll crush anyone that stands in my way.” Jaden could see the pressure weighing on Chazz’s shoulder’s again. He cast a glance to his brother’s watching the duel.

“But is that really what you want?” Jaden’s words snapped Chazz back.

“What did you just say?” he remembered his dreams, and felt his heart pound a little.

“It’s great to win Chazz but what’s the point if you don’t have fun while doing it?”

“I have fun!”

“But can you have fun even if you’re losing. Win or lose you can always learn and grow from experiences. This world is full of amazing people, places, and things to explore.” Jaden got serious. “I understand the weight of the world Chazz, more than you think. There are times I feel it is crushing me, that I’m not ready for what’s going to come next.” Jaden’s hand tightened into a fist.

“But...I know what I want, I want to have fun with my friends, my loved ones, and I want to protect what we have and we share together. So I’ll keep getting stronger, so know this Chazz, you don’t have to bare the weight alone, and no one should force you either.” Chazz’s eyes widened.

‘How does he...did he hear...no it’s more than that his eyes...what the hell has happened while I’ve been gone?!’ Jaden had matured. Chazz gulped, feeling an intense aura radiating from him.

“What are you doing Chazz?!” Slade shouted. “Finish off this punk.”

“Don’t be a slacker Chazz!” His brothers’ words made Chazz’s blood run cold.

Jaden had enough, he shot them a glare and made them sit down and shut up. “It’s still your move Chazz, let’s continue the duel!”

“Right!” he slapped his cheeks to snap himself out it. “You won’t be smiling for long, I send Despair of the Dark to the graveyard, and my dragon can destroy all face-up monsters you control with equal or fewer attack points.”

His dragon unleashed a barrage of glowing blue disks, and destroyed two of Jaden’s monsters. “Now go crush Jaden now!” Chazz attacked but Jaden still had a monster he played face down. Before the dragon could attack Jaden, a serpent tail whipped out and caught the monster’s claw. “Dang it, almost forgot you had a monster face down!”

“Sure did, if you wanna get to me you gotta get past her.”

“No problem, destroy his face down monster, Armed Dragon!” The card flipped to reveal Lamia Little Sister # 2!

“Too bad for you, she’s a tough little lamia who can’t be destroyed by battle.”

“So what, all I need is a monster with 1400 or more ATK and she’s gone, and you’ll go bye-bye!”

“We’ll see about that, my draw!”

“You never know what can happen Chazz, that’s what makes duels so much fun!” Jaden draws and got Winged Kuriboh. “Hey there buddy.” He summoned the little fluff ball in defense mode and set a card face down.

“What’s that thing gonna do, clean the floors, oh wait it has wings gonna dust the ceiling?” Chazz laughed, making Winged Kuriboh squeak angrily. “Aww did I hurt his feelings?”

‘Wait, did Chazz just understand Winged Kuriboh?’ To Jaden’s surprise out came a duel spirit of Chazz’s own, Ojama Yellow.

“If I wanted your opinion, I’d give it to ya!” he snapped at the spirit who was pestering Chazz.

“Hey Chazz, who’s your new little friend?” Chazz blushed and tried to swat the little guy.

“It’s just a figment of your imagination, yep, no duel spirits here.” He squashed the goon. “On with the duel!” He draws a card and had his dragon attack. He had drawn Ojama Yellow, so it wouldn’t have been in any use anyway.

“My move!” Jaden draws. “Sweet I summon Lamia Shirohebi!” a long haired white lamia girl with scales of pure white, hasred eyes and wearinga white kimono appeared on the field. “In Defense Mode!”

Shirohebi DEF 2500

“Now her effect activates allowing me to being back a lamia monster from my grave, so come on back Lamia Little Sister # 3!”

She was able to attack Chazz directly, and switch into Defense mode. So she gave him a smack with her tail sending him flying back.

Chazz: 2000

The Duel was getting close. While North Academy cheered for Chazz, his brothers were yelling at him.

“What do you think you are doing Chazz!?”

“You have to win!” He struggled to get up.

“Come on Chazz, don’t give up now. Let’s keep dueling together, this is fun right.” Chazz opened his eyes.

‘This is fun...this thrill...this excitement...is this what I’ve been missing?’ he gets up. “This duel isn’t over Jaden!”

“Glad to hear it!”

Chazz draws and gets an Armed Dragon Lv 5. “Looks like our duel will end sooner than I thought with my victory. “First I’ll activate Hand of Sacrifice, I’ll toss two of my cards to destroy the remaining two in your hand.” He tossed Ojama Yellow and Armed Dragon Lv 3. This forced Jaden to discard the last cards in his hand.

“Next I activate Armed Dragon Lv 7’s effect, sending Armed Dragon Lv 5 to the graveyard, to destroy all the monsters on your side of the field!” The Blue energy disks went flying slicing through all of Jaden’s monsters destroying them. “It’s over!”

“Not yet Chazz,” Jaden’s aura began to flare as his trap card revealed itself. “Here is a history lesson, when the Lamia Queen ruled, very few monsters dared to challenge her people, out of fear of her Snake Queen’s Curse they called it. To harm one of her people, she cast a spell making it so they couldn’t harm anyone again.”

“What are you getting at?”

“This is my Trap Chazz, Snake Queen’s Curse, it is said it embodies one of the Lamia Queen’s lost magics.” He smirked. “Since you destroyed one of my lamia’s by card effect now your monster’s ATK is dropped to 0 for three turns.”

“Three turns so what, you don’t have any monsters on the field. I’ll switch my Dragon into defense mode.”

DEF: 1000

“You’ll see, you see the bonds of the lamia run deep, even in death the spirits stay with us!” Jaden touched his shadow charm happily.

“Just go!”

Jaden draws and smiled. “Now for my turn, since you destroyed Lamia Shirohebi by card effect last turn she’s able to return to my side of the field this turn.” She returned to the field this time in ATK mode.

ATK 1600


“You remember her effect don’t you, so come on back Lamia Sister # 4!”

ATK 1500

“For my last move I’ll make a summon, come forth Lamia Sister # 1!” The red scaled snake woman appeared, looking proud and sassy. Her effect boosted the others.

Shirohebi: 2000, and the Sisters got 1900

“No...no way...” he gasped.

Sister 4 attacked first turning the massive dragon into goo, which Chazz got covered with, since his ATK was 0 her effect didn’t change. “Go get him girls!” They gave Chazz a tail spanking, the first hit made him gasp in shock.

Chazz: 100

“Cut the feed cut the feed!”

The second strike made him moan!

Chazz: 0

“That’s game!” Jaden smiled. As the effects of the duel faded, Jaden noticed a tent in Chazz’s pants. ‘And the fun is only beginning.’

To be continued...Prizes and Celebration

Chazz may have lost but he learned a lot from this duel, not that his brothers care. Shepard claims his prize, Chazz gets to re-enroll into Duel Academy, and there’s a party at the red dorm.